Using XO 1.0 battery to feed external circuit board

2011-10-09 Thread Matías Poloni
Is there any possibility to use the battery of the XO 1.0 to feed an
external circuit with 12V?

Matías Poloni
+598 98867573
Devel mailing list

XO won`t suspend sometimes

2011-04-26 Thread Matías Poloni
I'm working with the XO 1.0 with the 802 image (i've found this image the
most accurate one for my project). I need to suspend (and resume) many times
per day the XO with the *pm-suspend* command due to my project, but
sometimes it doesn't goes to sleep.
I know that the process is running because when I do *top *in the console I
see the *pm-suspend *process.
I've been trying to solve this problem for some time without success. I've
read that in some cases something is locking pm-suspend and you can do sudo
rm -rf /var/run/pm-utils/locks/. to solve this but is not my case (no file
appears in that path).
It's very important for this project that the XO goes to sleep without any
problem because it will be working for a long time (almost a month or even
more) without user intervention. And it's important to use pm-suspend
because I use the pm-utils hooks to run some scripts after resume.
Do you have any idea what it could be that is preventing the XO from
suspend? (in the pm-suspend.log there isn't a clue).
I'll be very pleased if I could solve this issue.

Matías Poloni
+598 98867573
Devel mailing list

Power Mangement XO 1.0

2011-04-03 Thread Matías Poloni
I'm trying to reduce power consumption of the XO 1.0. I've notice in this power
it is possible to power off some devices when suspended or running (like the
DCON with the command echo 1  /sys/devices/platform/dcon/sleep). But I
couldn't find more information related with this issue.
I would like to know weather is possible to reduce power significantly,
turning off things I do not need like keyboard, touchpad, webcam, audio
amp, etc.

Matías Poloni
+598 98867573
Devel mailing list

Re: Power down USB when suspending

2010-10-10 Thread Matías Poloni
Dear John,

We are working with biologists in our grade thesis. They need to take
pictures of wild animals in a protected native area so our goal is to make
the equipment for this. In addition, there is an ONG involved working with
people who live near this protected area, in particular children (there are
two schools in the area). So the idea is to make an equipment controlled by
the XO and teach the children and teachers how to use it.
Mariana, one of the biologists, alrready worked with commercial tramping
photo equipment and she said that the most crucial issue is the time delay
(time between the animal is detected and the photo is taken).
As you guess we suspend the XO to save power (so we can have a small battery
and small solar panels), but we have a long delay in the first picture.
We thought about taking the first picture with the built-in XO-1 camera but
first we wanted to consider other possibilities. Another idea that we came
up with was to use an infrared sensor (or two if needed) with a very wide
sensed area (wider than the camera itself) to have more possibilities
to caught the animal passing by.
With the information that you give us we can decide how to go on, so thank
you very much for your time.


PD: any idea will be very welcome.

2010/10/5 John Gilmore

 It would be better if you could explain WHY you need to take a photo
 quickly after resuming.  Is the idea that the laptop will save power?
 It could remain suspended for a long time, wake and take a picture,
 then suspend again until the next picture is needed.  In that case,
 you can wake it a bit early, and it can still take the picture on
 time.  If suspend in the OS was working properly, you could just
 sleep() as long as you require, and the OS would automatically suspend
 and resume at the right times.  (Though if you have a USB peripheral
 plugged in, it shouldn't be suspending at all, since that cuts the power
 to the peripheral, which might not be able to deal with that.)

 Is there some other reason why you need the laptop to suspend?

 (Even if it could power the USB bus during suspend -- or if you use
 an external USB hub with power -- the camera will burn power constantly
 rather than saving power while suspended.)

 The built-in XO-1 camera is not connected via USB, so it should be
 available more quickly after resuming from a suspend, if you can use it
 instead of a USB webcam.


Matías Poloni
+598 98867573
Devel mailing list

Power down USB when suspending

2010-10-04 Thread Matías Poloni
We are engineer students from Uruguay and we are working on our grade thesis
with a XO-1 olpc laptop. We need to take a photo after resume with a usb
webcam as quick as possible. We already know that the usb is powered down
when suspending and this leads to excesive delay taking a picture after
resume. We can`t find any documentation explaining why it is not possible
not to power down the usb. We`ll be very grateful if you help us with
information related with this issue because we need it for the documentation
of our thesis.

Is there any tip to power up the usb sooner when resuming? Or something to
have a smaller delay?


Matías Poloni
+598 98867573
Devel mailing list

Wake on USB

2010-03-11 Thread Matías Poloni
I am working on a project for an ONG in Uruguay and we are working with
children who have their XO. Is because of this that the XO takes part in our
I would  like to know if there is any chance of wake lapto XO1 up on a USB
event. I've read that de XO power down the USB bus when suspending, but I
could't find information about how not to power down de USB bus.
I'll be very grateful whether you could give me any information about
resuming the XO trough a USB event.
Is very important you know that, as we are working with Plan Ceibal, we have
an XO with security disable.

Matías Poloni
+598 98867573
Devel mailing list