FYI. We are organizing a code sprint on this software for the upcoming
PyCon in Chicago.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alan Dechert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Feb 7, 2008 2:14 PM
Subject: [OVC-discuss] New version of demo software
To: Open Voting Consortium discussion list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to Jan, again.

Here is the latest .iso for the OVC demo.

This uses Ping's voter interface and prints a ballot with 2-d
barcode on the edge.

As before, this is a live boot disk (Ubuntu) and should run on any PC with
384s meg of ram.

I don't have a 2-d barcode reader yet, so I wasn't able to check that.  I
plan to get one soon -- maybe someone else here can try it too.

The barcode printed out to about 1.5 inches in length.  I did notice that if
you write-in many candidates to the full length of chars allowed, it
increases the barcode length noticeably.  This makes me wonder if we should
even try to encode the write-in values.  I will be meeting with some
election officials soon and I'll see what they think.

We are just learning how Ping constructs the ballot definition files so we
can have anything on the ballot we want.

Alan D.

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