Re: Difference in behaviour of "telepathy-gabble", when ejabberd is used with CentOS and Debian-6

2013-01-20 Thread Ajay Garg
Any ideas, please?  :)

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Ajay Garg  wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have been trying to get buddies visible in the neighborhood-view, when
> XOs are communicating via ejabberd-server (via telepathy-gabble).
> Following are the two cases ::
> i)
> Client  :: Sugar (Fedora-18 based)
> Server :: ejabberd on CentOS (XS-0.7)
> In this case, I am able to register the users on the server; and receive
> the  "members changed signals" (as per the attached
> PASS_telepathy_gabble.log).
> Of course, the buddies are able to see each other too :)
> ii)
> Client  :: Sugar (Fedora-18 based)
> Server :: ejabberd on Debian-6
> In this case, I am able to register the users on the server; but DO NOT
> receive the "members changed signals" (as per the attached
> FAIL_telepathy_gabble.log).
> Hence, buddies are not able to see each other.
> Some additional notes ::
> ==
> a)
> Both servers are running with the same  "ejabberd.cfg" file, as attached.
> b)
> On CentOS, following are effective, before starting ejabberd ::
>setenforce 0
>service iptables stop
>service ip6tables stop
> On Debian-6, following are effective, before starting ejabberd ::
>setenforce 0
>iptables -F
>iptables -X
>iptables -t nat -F
>iptables -t nat -X
>iptables -t mangle -F
>iptables -t mangle -X
>ip6tables -F
>ip6tables -X
>ip6tables -t mangle -F
>ip6tables -t mangle -X
> c)
> Both servers are running the same ejabberd codebase (the patched version
> of 2.1.10), containing all the patches in
> (Thanks again Jerry).
> More  importantly, the issue of
> is fixed via the
> "persist-all-pubsub.patch" (Thanks Daniel Drake).
> The buddy-properties are persisted, as seen via "ejabberdctl dump db.txt"
> (as seen on both CentOS and Debian).
> However, very surprisingly, the "__get_members_ready_cb" still receives
> NOTHING in the failure-debian case  (see FAIL-shell.log),
>   but receives the buddy-properties in pass-CentOScase (see
> PASS-shell.log).
> #
> d)
> Most importantly, on both the servers, the "Send XML Stream" log is seen
> in "/var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log"; however, the members-changed signal is
> seen only in the CentOS-ejabberd case, but not in Debian-6-ejabberd case.
> For brevity, I am also pasting the  "Send XML Stream" message (which
> happens to be the same on both the  servers) ::
> ==
> =INFO REPORT 2013-01-17 23:46:45 ===
> D(<0.360.0>:ejabberd_c2s:1561) : Send XML on stream = <<" type='headline'> node=''> id='54E6D08D69C42'> type='str'>#00A0FF,#9A5200 type='bytes'>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 xmlns=''>>
> >">>
> It seems that on Debian, the server is sending messages that SHOULD
> trigger the "__get_members_ready_cb" signal (with non-empty arguments), but
> somehow this doesn't happen (in Debian case, that is). :(
> So. has anyone tried ejabberd on Debian, and faced similar issues?
> Is it that some additional configuration is needed on Debian; or ejabberd
> tru

Re: Science Friday: power from gravity, deciwatt

2013-01-20 Thread

On 01/19/2013 02:39 AM, Hal Murray wrote:

Their target is light in Africa.   They are only getting 30 mW to 1/2 W so
the name is appropriate.  That's enough for illumination from LEDs.

It's not likely to be useful for OLPC any time soon.  It might be something
to keep an eye on.

The crowd sourcing link was posted on in the IRC devel channel a few 
months ago and we were debating how much power you could really extract 
out of it.  We came up with some really low numbers.  Low enough that I 
was questioning the usefulness but it seems that we were right on.  Just 
enough to light a low power LED.  Which he said was possible due to 
todays really efficient LEDs.

The 1/2W upper end required an adjustment in the descend rate for a much 
faster drop and he didn't give the time or weight used so difficult to 
make a guess at the actual energy available.

I think the most interesting thing was said just at the end of the 
interview where they were going to use some of the money they raised to 
research a very low power satellite receiver coupled with some sort of 
low power display to try and be able do download a wikipedia page.

Richard A. Smith
Devel mailing list

Re: Science Friday: power from gravity, deciwatt

2013-01-20 Thread scott

Hi All,

If light is the goal, they can accomplish this with an earth battery. 
This is essentially a chunk of magnesium ( I use thermite ribbon, wound as 
a coil on a wood former, but commercial fire starter blocks will work too) 
buried in the ground, with a chunk of copper or carbon buried north of the 
magnesium.  The potential difference between the metals is created due to 
telluric currents.. about 1.2V or so with current delivery being 
proportional to surface area of your electrodes.  I know, not much juice, 
but enough to trigger a silicon NPN bipolar transistor.  What good is 
that?  In a blocking oscillator circuit, you can use that low potential to 
charge and abruptly shut off an inductor, which gives you  higher 
potential transients at relativley high frequencies.  These transients are 
collected off the coil into the LED(s) to deliver light.


On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, wrote:

On 01/19/2013 02:39 AM, Hal Murray wrote:

Their target is light in Africa.   They are only getting 30 mW to 1/2 W so
the name is appropriate.  That's enough for illumination from LEDs.

It's not likely to be useful for OLPC any time soon.  It might be something
to keep an eye on.

The crowd sourcing link was posted on in the IRC devel channel a few months 
ago and we were debating how much power you could really extract out of it. 
We came up with some really low numbers.  Low enough that I was questioning 
the usefulness but it seems that we were right on.  Just enough to light a 
low power LED.  Which he said was possible due to todays really efficient 

The 1/2W upper end required an adjustment in the descend rate for a much 
faster drop and he didn't give the time or weight used so difficult to make a 
guess at the actual energy available.

I think the most interesting thing was said just at the end of the interview 
where they were going to use some of the money they raised to research a very 
low power satellite receiver coupled with some sort of low power display to 
try and be able do download a wikipedia page.

Richard A. Smith
Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: Difference in behaviour of "telepathy-gabble", when ejabberd is used with CentOS and Debian-6

2013-01-20 Thread Jerry Vonau
On Sun, 2013-01-20 at 13:44 +0530, Ajay Garg wrote:
> Any ideas, please?  :)

Ok, how about a couple of questions. What version of erlang is
installed? Did you create the *online* group?


> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Ajay Garg 
> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have been trying to get buddies visible in the
> neighborhood-view, when XOs are communicating via
> ejabberd-server (via telepathy-gabble).
> Following are the two cases ::
> i)
> Client  :: Sugar (Fedora-18 based) 
> Server :: ejabberd on CentOS (XS-0.7)
> In this case, I am able to register the users on the server;
> and receive the  "members changed signals" (as per the
> attached PASS_telepathy_gabble.log).
> Of course, the buddies are able to see each other too :)
> ii)
> Client  :: Sugar (Fedora-18 based) 
> Server :: ejabberd on Debian-6
> In this case, I am able to register the users on the server;
> but DO NOT receive the "members changed signals" (as per the
> attached FAIL_telepathy_gabble.log).
> Hence, buddies are not able to see each other.
> Some additional notes ::
> ==
> a)
> Both servers are running with the same  "ejabberd.cfg" file,
> as attached.
> b)
> On CentOS, following are effective, before starting
> ejabberd ::
>setenforce 0
>service iptables
> stop
>service ip6tables
> stop
> On Debian-6, following are effective, before starting
> ejabberd ::
>setenforce 0
>iptables -F
>iptables -X
>iptables -t nat -F
>iptables -t nat
> -X   
>iptables -t mangle
> -F
>iptables -t mangle
> -X
>ip6tables -F
>ip6tables -X
>ip6tables -t mangle
> -F
>ip6tables -t mangle
> -X
> c)
> Both servers are running the same ejabberd codebase (the
> patched version of 2.1.10), containing all the patches in
>   (Thanks again Jerry).
> More  importantly, the issue of
> is fixed via
> the "persist-all-pubsub.patch" (Thanks Daniel Drake). 
> The buddy-properties are persisted, as seen via "ejabberdctl
> dump db.txt" (as seen on both CentOS and Debian).
> However, very surprisingly, the "__get_members_ready_cb" still
> receives NOTHING in the failure-debian case  (see
> FAIL-shell.log),
> but receives the buddy-properties in pass-CentOScase (see
> PASS-shell.log).
> #
> d)
> Most importantly, on both the servers, the "Send XML Stream"
> log is seen in "/var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log"; however, the
> members-changed signal is seen only in the CentOS-ejabberd
> case, but not in Debian-6-ejabberd case.
> For brevity, I am also pasting the  "Send XML Stream" message
> (which happens to be the same on both the  servers) ::
> ==
> =INFO REPORT 2013-01-17 23:46:45 ===
> D(<0.360.0>:ejabberd_c2s:1561) : Send XML on stream =
> <<" 
> from='' 
> to='' 
> type='headline'> node=''> id='54E6D08D69C42'> xmlns='

Re: Difference in behaviour of "telepathy-gabble", when ejabberd is used with CentOS and Debian-6

2013-01-20 Thread Jerry Vonau
On Sun, 2013-01-20 at 12:41 -0600, Jerry Vonau wrote:
> On Sun, 2013-01-20 at 13:44 +0530, Ajay Garg wrote:
> > Any ideas, please?  :)
> > 
> > 
> Ok, how about a couple of questions. What version of erlang is
> installed? Did you create the *online* group?
> Jerry

If I'm reading [1] correctly the underling erlang version is R15, this
might be related to a bug that I filed in Fedora [2].



> > On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Ajay Garg 
> > wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > 
> > I have been trying to get buddies visible in the
> > neighborhood-view, when XOs are communicating via
> > ejabberd-server (via telepathy-gabble).
> > Following are the two cases ::
> > 
> > 
> > i)
> > Client  :: Sugar (Fedora-18 based) 
> > Server :: ejabberd on CentOS (XS-0.7)
> > 
> > In this case, I am able to register the users on the server;
> > and receive the  "members changed signals" (as per the
> > attached PASS_telepathy_gabble.log).
> > Of course, the buddies are able to see each other too :)
> > 
> > 
> > ii)
> > Client  :: Sugar (Fedora-18 based) 
> > Server :: ejabberd on Debian-6
> > 
> > In this case, I am able to register the users on the server;
> > but DO NOT receive the "members changed signals" (as per the
> > attached FAIL_telepathy_gabble.log).
> > Hence, buddies are not able to see each other.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Some additional notes ::
> > ==
> > 
> > a)
> > Both servers are running with the same  "ejabberd.cfg" file,
> > as attached.
> > 
> > 
> > b)
> > On CentOS, following are effective, before starting
> > ejabberd ::
> >  
> >setenforce 0
> >service iptables
> > stop
> >service ip6tables
> > stop
> > 
> > 
> > On Debian-6, following are effective, before starting
> > ejabberd ::
> > 
> >setenforce 0
> >iptables -F
> >iptables -X
> >iptables -t nat -F
> >iptables -t nat
> > -X   
> >iptables -t mangle
> > -F
> >iptables -t mangle
> > -X
> >ip6tables -F
> >ip6tables -X
> >ip6tables -t mangle
> > -F
> >ip6tables -t mangle
> > -X
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > c)
> > Both servers are running the same ejabberd codebase (the
> > patched version of 2.1.10), containing all the patches in
> > 
> >
> >   (Thanks again Jerry).
> > 
> > More  importantly, the issue of
> > is fixed via
> > the "persist-all-pubsub.patch" (Thanks Daniel Drake). 
> > The buddy-properties are persisted, as seen via "ejabberdctl
> > dump db.txt" (as seen on both CentOS and Debian).
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > However, very surprisingly, the "__get_members_ready_cb" still
> > receives NOTHING in the failure-debian case  (see
> > FAIL-shell.log),
> > 
> > but receives the buddy-properties in pass-CentOScase (see
> > PASS-shell.log).
> > 
> > #
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > d)
> > Most importantly, on both the servers, the "Send XML Stream"
> > log is seen in "/var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log"; however, the
> > members-changed signal is seen only in the CentOS-ejabberd
> > case, but not in Debian-6-ejabberd case.
> > 
> > 
> > For brevity, I am also pasting the  "Send XML Stream" message
> > (which happens to be the same on both the  servers) ::

Re: Difference in behaviour of "telepathy-gabble", when ejabberd is used with CentOS and Debian-6

2013-01-20 Thread Ajay Garg
On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 12:11 AM, Jerry Vonau  wrote:

> On Sun, 2013-01-20 at 13:44 +0530, Ajay Garg wrote:
> > Any ideas, please?  :)
> >
> >
> Ok, how about a couple of questions. What version of erlang is
> installed? Did you create the *online* group?

Oops... that was it !! :)

Creating the group did it :) :)

Thanks (yet again) Jerry !!! :) :)

> Jerry
> > On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Ajay Garg 
> > wrote:
> > Hi all.
> >
> > I have been trying to get buddies visible in the
> > neighborhood-view, when XOs are communicating via
> > ejabberd-server (via telepathy-gabble).
> > Following are the two cases ::
> >
> >
> > i)
> > Client  :: Sugar (Fedora-18 based)
> > Server :: ejabberd on CentOS (XS-0.7)
> >
> > In this case, I am able to register the users on the server;
> > and receive the  "members changed signals" (as per the
> > attached PASS_telepathy_gabble.log).
> > Of course, the buddies are able to see each other too :)
> >
> >
> > ii)
> > Client  :: Sugar (Fedora-18 based)
> > Server :: ejabberd on Debian-6
> >
> > In this case, I am able to register the users on the server;
> > but DO NOT receive the "members changed signals" (as per the
> > attached FAIL_telepathy_gabble.log).
> > Hence, buddies are not able to see each other.
> >
> >
> >
> > Some additional notes ::
> > ==
> >
> > a)
> > Both servers are running with the same  "ejabberd.cfg" file,
> > as attached.
> >
> >
> > b)
> > On CentOS, following are effective, before starting
> > ejabberd ::
> >
> >setenforce 0
> >service iptables
> > stop
> >service ip6tables
> > stop
> >
> >
> > On Debian-6, following are effective, before starting
> > ejabberd ::
> >
> >setenforce 0
> >iptables -F
> >iptables -X
> >iptables -t nat -F
> >iptables -t nat
> > -X
> >iptables -t mangle
> > -F
> >iptables -t mangle
> > -X
> >ip6tables -F
> >ip6tables -X
> >ip6tables -t mangle
> > -F
> >ip6tables -t mangle
> > -X
> >
> >
> >
> > c)
> > Both servers are running the same ejabberd codebase (the
> > patched version of 2.1.10), containing all the patches in
> >
>  (Thanks again Jerry).
> >
> > More  importantly, the issue of
> > is fixed via
> > the "persist-all-pubsub.patch" (Thanks Daniel Drake).
> > The buddy-properties are persisted, as seen via "ejabberdctl
> > dump db.txt" (as seen on both CentOS and Debian).
> >
> >
> >
> > However, very surprisingly, the "__get_members_ready_cb" still
> > receives NOTHING in the failure-debian case  (see
> > FAIL-shell.log),
> >
> > but receives the buddy-properties in pass-CentOScase (see
> > PASS-shell.log).
> >
> #
> >
> >
> >
> > d)
> > Most importantly, on both the servers, the "Send XML Stream"
> > log is seen in "/var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log"; however, the
> > members-changed signal is seen only in the CentOS-ejabberd
> > case, but not in Debian-6-ejabberd case.
> >
> >
> > For brevity, I am also pasting the  "Send XML Stream" message
> > (which happens to be the same on both the  servers) ::
> >
> ==
> >
> >
> > =INFO REPORT 2013-01-17 23:46:45 ===
> > D(<0.360.0>:ejabberd_c2s:1561) : Send XML on stream =
> > <<" > from='
>' to='
> type='headline'> node=''> id=