...I see Nathan raising his hand...


Is there a way we can get opal_output / OPAL_OUTPUT to give us some help when 
this happens?  E.g., output a warning that it's been given an invalid stream 
ID?  I know we declare -1 as a valid output (effectively to the bitbucket); is 
there a unique way to identify these not-updated streams vs. legitimately--1 
(i.e., disabled) streams?

On Apr 29, 2013, at 10:33 PM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:

> Hi folks
> I've been encountering problems where setting "verbosity" values doesn't 
> result in any output. I finally tracked it down the not-too-recent overhaul 
> of the MCA parameter system. At that time, the mca_component_open function 
> was replaced with a framework_open function, and the "verbose_output" 
> parameter was removed in favor of a default framework_output variable that 
> exists in the framework object itself.
> Unfortunately, when the change was made, the original verbose output 
> variables (in many places) were not removed. Thus, everything compiles - but 
> the verbosity parameter for that framework has no effect. I've now 
> found/fixed four frameworks where this occurred - after wasting a ton of time 
> and frustration :-(
> So if you are trying to get debug output in a debug build, and setting a 
> verbosity yields no output, check the opal_output_verbose and 
> OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE calls to ensure they are looking at the framework_output 
> channel and not the old one. Quite likely, it wasn't updated.
> Meantime, I'm hoping to enlist help in slowly trolling thru all the 
> frameworks and components to correct the situation. Volunteers are 
> appreciated as this is going to take some time to fix.
> Ralph
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Jeff Squyres
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