
The software contains bug fixes and new features related to  
partitioning of data for multiple resellers. You must read and apply  
the change log carefully to migrate from an older version, in  
particular the changes from setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql


cdrtool (6.8.0) unstable; urgency=low

   * Added reseller fields to all database tables to allow different  
     accounts to access their own data based on the account  
impersonate field
   * Allow import of CSV files from subdirectories (read updated 'Data
     partitioning for multiple resellers' section from RATING.txt)
   * Added prepaid_history table to rating table web management
   * Added increment and min_duration for each rate entry
   * Removed gateway, domain and subscriber columns from  
billing_profiles table
   * Removed gateway, domain and subscriber columns from billing_rates  
   * Removed gateway, domain and subscriber columns from  
billing_rates_history table
   * Updated CSV format for all rating tables to support the above  
     see setup/csv for updated examples of CSV files or export your  
live data
     from CDRTool rating tables page to see the new fields
   * Removed obsolete prepaid.call_lock and prepaid.call_in_progress  
   * Removed obsolete customers.country_code column
   * Removed obsolete tables ratesNGN and profilesNGN
   * Renamed colummn prepaid_history.number with  
   * Show SIP trace also in text only format
   * Do not log zero priced calls in prepaid_history table
   * Improved SIP prepaid provisioning screens
   * Skip math calculation for some rating tables
   * Added export balance history from SIP prepaid page
   * Updated ngnpro client to work with server version 4.1.1
   * Make stronger random passwords for SIP accounts
   * Improved NGNPro LCR functionality
   * Added scripts/OpenSIPS/notifyLastSessions.php to send email
     notifications containing the last sessions recived in the last 24  
     You must set notifyLastSessions per data source to tru to enable  
     feature and put the susbcriber into missed_calls group
   * You must apply the changes from setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql
   * You must add an integer `reseller_id` column to opensips.trusted  
     opensips.domain tables
   * Changed column prepaid_cards.value to decimal
   * Droped unused columns from prepaid table
   * Added a script to test the speed of the rating engine

The software can be downloaded from:


For people running Debian testing there is an official public  
repository. To use it, add
these lines in /etc/apt/sources.list

# AG Projects software
deb     http://ag-projects.com/debian unstable main
deb-src http://ag-projects.com/debian unstable main

Install the AG Projects debian software signing key:

wget http://download.ag-projects.com/agp-debian-gpg.key
apt-key add agp-debian-gpg.key

After that, run:

apt-get update
apt-get install cdrtool


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