Re: [SailfishDevel] Command line arguments and DBus integration for QML/Python apps

2018-12-10 Thread rinigus
Martin and Martin, thank you!

Re libcontentaction: maybe. I will have to look into it. There are no docs
regarding it, right? Looks like it supports QML via plugin, now just would
have to make sense of it. From a brief look into the source, it may cover
the needed geo: handling quite well.

Re sailfish-qml & comand line arguments: I tested reading fom Python and
QML. Python didn't work (sys.argv), QML worked well. So, it seems to be
well hooked on QML side.

Re python launcher: From reading your reply, if libcontentaction will not
work, I've got an idea that we could also make shell scripts
(harbour-pure-maps, harbour-modrana) that would use dbus-send command and
bash magic to figure out whether to communicate via dbus or exec new
instance. It maybe even Jolla Harbour compatible, not sure whether they
test for what's in executable (although its none of my problem by being
outside of the store).

Re delay: (assuming that libcontentaction is not helping us) starting
script could be avoided when using the launcher by having the same launcher
as we have now. That way all the boosting will stay the same and additional
delay (if any) will be visible only when started from some other



On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 10:07 AM Martin Kampas 

> Hi Rinigus,
> libcontentaction might be what you are looking for
> BR,
> Martin
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Command line arguments and DBus integration for QML/Python apps

2018-12-10 Thread Martin Kampas
Hi Rinigus,

libcontentaction might be what you are looking for https://

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Command line arguments and DBus integration for QML/Python apps

2018-12-09 Thread Martin Kolman

Sun, 9 Dec 2018 14:40:30 +0200 Rinigus:


I would like to add geo: handling into Pure Maps. While command line 
arguments can be used through Qt.application.arguments in QML, its not 
very clear how to take into account already running instance. Namely, 
we are expected to have only one instance of application running and 
as a result, if some other application calls geo: handler, it is 
expected that the map application will become active and show 
corresponding location.

Yep, that's how I would expect it to work on Sailfish OS as well.

For the record proper support for CLI arguments with the QML interface 
on Sailfish OS is also on my TODO list for modRana and it sounds like it 
might be a good idea to bump it up to keep functional parity with Poor 
Maps in this regard. :)

If I would have full control over application start, as in C++ 
applications, I would probably made:

* DBus interface
* on start checked whether such interface is active/available.
* If active DBus interface is there, would have called corresponding 
DBus method and exited

* If not, started full application

QML/Python apps, such as Pure Maps, are started using sailfish-qml. 
This arrangement, as far as I can see, prevents such handling.

I wonder if maybe some non-graphical QML code could be executed before 
sailfish-qml shows the window. Then potentially the QML coude could 
check via the QML DBUS bindings if the application is already running 
and forward it the command line arguments and then exit. Or start is as 
normal if no instance is already running.

Alternatively, this could be something that could be built into the 
sailfish-qml utility itself - the system has some accounting of what's 
already running so that you will get the already running instance if 
there is one or a new one gets started. Possibly something similar could 
be used to check if an instance is already running & forwarding the argv 
to it via say well known DBUS API or equivalent. In any case source for 
sailfish-qml seems to be here:

It looks to me that I should write some kind of launcher (Python 
probably) that could be used to either communicate with the main 
application via DBus or start the full application.

Yep, that should work & is a solution that does not need immediate help 
from Jolla developers while still could be shared between insterested 
community projects. DBUS should be easy to use from Python on Sailfish 
OS via Pydbus:

The case where the application is already running is IMHO simple - check 
for the DBUS API being up and forward either the full CLI arguments or 
potentially even individual actions (I think it should be much easier to 
parse the arguments in Python than in plain QML) to the API, then exit.

In case the application is *not* running at the time I'm not 100% sure - 
I guess the Python code would run sailfish-qml to start the application 
as usual, forwarding the CLI arguments ? A couple things are unclear to 
me at the moment:

- Can sailfish-qml actually forward CLI arguments in a way the 
application can access them from either QML or Python ?

- What will happen with the Python instance used for the launcher ? I 
wonder if it might lead to slightly increased memory usage if it 
continues running due to sailfish-qml running being it's child process & 
if it is possible to execute sailfish-qml in such a way that the Python 
process can exit.

- What we be the delay of a Python process starting first, followed by 
sailfish-qml vs sailfish-qml starting directly ? This would likely be 
insignificant but could still be a good idea to measure just in case. 
Also I guess (based on my *very* limited understanding of this) all the 
re-loading/boosting machinery used by Sailfish OS should hopefully be 
unaffected as long as the QML code is launched via sailfish-qml or other 
libsailfishapp based launcher.

Or am I wrong? Maybe there is some better idea for implementation of 
such functionality?



Best Wishes

Martin Kolman

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[SailfishDevel] Command line arguments and DBus integration for QML/Python apps

2018-12-09 Thread rinigus

I would like to add geo: handling into Pure Maps. While command line
arguments can be used through Qt.application.arguments in QML, its not very
clear how to take into account already running instance. Namely, we are
expected to have only one instance of application running and as a result,
if some other application calls geo: handler, it is expected that the map
application will become active and show corresponding location.

If I would have full control over application start, as in C++
applications, I would probably made:
* DBus interface
* on start checked whether such interface is active/available.
* If active DBus interface is there, would have called corresponding DBus
method and exited
* If not, started full application

QML/Python apps, such as Pure Maps, are started using sailfish-qml. This
arrangement, as far as I can see, prevents such handling. It looks to me
that I should write some kind of launcher (Python probably) that could be
used to either communicate with the main application via DBus or start the
full application. Or am I wrong? Maybe there is some better idea for
implementation of such functionality?


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