*Threats from Thomas*

So first of all look at Thomas tweets:

I don't know if it was about me, because there isn't an exact person mentioned (maybe it was about someone else) and I haven't been sending threats to Thomas (if it was the case I think Thomas should have reported that and _still_ can to the Austrian or Polish police). I won't comment threat (to whoever it was) of publishing someones all _private_ emails and how it aligns with ethics. You can all read about that in countless articles on the Internet and everyone can make their own opinion.

Few months earlier I've received threat from Thomas about discrediting me before Austrian Python community (in which, on the sidenote he later succedded). As in Poland there is 2 years data retention for telecommunication operators, police can examine that and I still have that evidence on my phone.

*The most probable reason why Thomas made me the whole hell*

Read carefully all the tweets from this thread:

Do you remember when the apkenv was made avaliable for download for the first time on Thomas Perl's website (thp.io)? Yes it wasn't open source yet at that time, so Thomas provided a binary on his website, but at that time there wasn't any notice/licenses of the parts he used (some people might remember that, I do). Because Thomas was basing his solution on bionic C library from Android Open Source Project he was *obliged* to provide the appropriate notice. I've spotted that license violation and contacted Thomas privately (I didn't want to do a big buzz about that, just to help him fix this simple issue). Guess what was Thomas reaction to that and what he wrote me on IM? The only thing I can say about that is I believe that Thomas was in fury, because someone dared to show him his mistake. Moreover I've discussed the issue at that time with one more person, who can probably be a witness if the whole thing will end at a courthouse, which I would say is now very probable scenario.

I would recommend to everyone reading the lines 10-13 if anyone has doubts:

Thomas will you deny this facts about apkenv and our conversation? I still have it on my computer.

*Relationship with Thomas Perl*

There was a nice story in Carsten's post, but does it have much in common with the truth and the facts? Before Thomas started his weird behavior towards me we were normal colleagues (I don't know how else I can call that relationship, feel free to correct me Thomas) from international Python community. It lasted something like ~2 years or a bit less (before the nightmare in 2013/2014). That included Thomas visits in Poland and my single visit (with my old friend Peter) in Vienna in May 2012. During the whole time I've also received various gifts and experienced other friendly gestures from Thomas and I was trying to do the same in exchange. Thomas even helped me a bit with the first SmartDevCon, also mentored one BSc thesis of one of my students. Of course we also had some misunderstandings from time to time, like it happens in every healthy relationship.

Just to show you all a few examples of (let's call it) good times:

Kielce/Mąchocice, Kraków, Katowice:

Berlin, Katowice:

Thomas, feel free to delete this (probably now embarassing) photos from 2011 and 2012 or better leave them as evidence if you have courage. Sorry, that I had to write it all here, but it seems you have completely lost your common sense (similar like your company, not believing that you might be the source of the problem). I hope there is someone close with you right now or your family knows what is happening, because I'm seriously scared that you might even self-harm yourself in the worst scenario. Remember, there is always some way out and I believe there are plenty of people in Austria and outside it, who know you from your bright side, that would be willing to help you. Anyway I feel that professional help from psychologist/psychotherapist would be the best solution, but for it to make sense, you need to first acknowledge your problem, be sure and feel that you want that, otherwise it probably won't work (forced psychotheraphy usually doesn't work).


PS. Yes I have tried many times to solve the whole thing with Thomas amicably, but it was hard to do it, especially that Thomas never really told me *what exactly has happened* that he started to act like this. I agree I was too sensitive when it comes to rejection (which is not a problem anymore) and the whole case of his hostile and abusive behavior at some point overgrown me but I've never crossed the border - no threats, no insults, no visits at his Vienna address (despite I had it all the time), neither bombarding him with countless e-mails/smses/IRC day by day, week by week like stalkers usually do. Yes there were some messages to him, especially quite a lot at the beginning, but their frequency never went into something we could call sick.
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