
Thanks to everyone who responded on

Here's the invitation/agenda for tomorrow's meeting:

Date: 21 May 2015
Time: 15:30 UTC, for your local time: http://bit.ly/1FDavki
Duration: 40 minutes
Chair: Iekku Pylkkä (iekku)
Location: #mer-meeting on Freenode IRC

Those without an IRC client can access it here:

Current proposed topics:
* Intro (5 min)
* Opensourcing and allowing to use jolla qml components - coderus (15 min)
* General discussions - everyone (10 min)
* Wrap up and next meeting (10 min)

Please familiarize yourself with the topics before the meeting, as well
as the common Meetbot commands https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot (it's
used for meeting management and logging)

Thanks and see you today!


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