Re: NTS next steps

2019-02-05 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> 2. Put together client-side NTS support.  This mainly means filling in
>ntpd/nts.c, as I have already written required the hooks into the
>protocol machine.

We need code to generate cookies.  And test code to pack, encrypt, decrypt, 
and unpack.  (No byte swapping - we get back what we send.)

We need code to pack/unpack/byte swap extension fields, and authenticate 
requests and check authentication and decrypt responses.

I will go look at your hooks to see if the API looks reasonable.

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Re: Going forward with NTS

2019-02-05 Thread Hal Murray via devel said:
> Don't you think it makes sense to very our client code against a known-good
> implementation first, though?

Maybe.  Maybe not.

If we had a known-good server and somebody who was sitting next to me knew all 
about it and was prepared to help debug, sure that would be a good way to go.

But I don't agree with your "first".  I think we know enough about what we 
need to do that the risk of wasting a lot of effort because we got a bogus 
program structure is low so I don't see the need to do that testing early.

Devil's advocate hat on.  We should debug as much as possible independently 
and then see if they inter-operate.  If not, we should figure out why.  If the 
people reading the specs got different answers, there is probably a section 
that needs tweaking to avoid an ambiguity.

Here is an alternative sequence...
  Write hack program to call NTS-KE-server, send request, get answer, decode 
and print answer.
  Debug that program on existing remote server.
  Use it to debug our server.

That program would probably be handy for debugging so maybe we should write it 

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Re: Going forward with NTS

2019-02-05 Thread Hal Murray via devel said:
> I think we'd best completely avoid writing an NTS-KE server until we have
> tested our client side against one of the two existing server
> implementations. 

Then we have to learn how to drive the existing implementations, and learn 
enough about how they operate so we can insert printfs for debugging.  I think 
I'd be happier working with code and people I'm familiar with.

We can bring our client and server up in steps.
  Dummy KE client and server - just do handshake
  cookies - pack and unpack via tests
  KE server returns cookies
  KE client returns cookies to NTP client
  NTP client sends cookies to NTP server.
  NTP server decodes/processes cookies.
  NTP server sends back new cookies.

We can get a layer of parallelism by using dummy cookies.


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Re: Going forward with NTS

2019-02-05 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> Please open an issue.  It's not something I can give priority to at the
> moment. 


> In fact, it's not strictly speeking something we need to fix until we're
> worrieed about using a C library other than glibc. It does some weird things
> under the hood to make stdio operations thread-safe. 

msyslog is mostly not stdio so that won't help much.

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Re: Going forward with NTS

2019-02-05 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Please make sure this gets on your list.  Do you have a list for NTS or should 
I make an issue for it?

I haven't looked at the code recently.  This seems like a good opportunity for 
a review and cleanup and/or the addition of a good comment discussing the 
thread area.

I think the current code writes the date and payload as separate chunks.  
Maybe the "ntpd[9149]:" is another chunk.

Each line can go to several places:
  log file
I think the current code doesn't support syslog and log file but I'd like to 
fix that.

syslog adds date and prog[pid].
We want the date on the console, but the prog[pid] would just be clutter
We want data and prog[pid] in the log file.

If we don't need to skip over the prog[pid] for the console, we could just 
make one string with everything and skip over the front stuff for syslog.  If 
we want to skip prog[pid], we can use writev().

Do we want to include the thread ID if not the master thread?

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Re: Going forward with NTS

2019-02-05 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> I plan to post a detailed analysis and task list later today.  I'm working on
> that now. 

I have hack code that makes a TLS connection and verifies certificates.

If/when things calm down, I'll start folding it in.

ntpd/ntpd.c has a main() in it.

Is the plan to have NTS-KE-server packaged as a separate program?  Why not a 
separate thread in ntpd?  That seems like it would be simpler to admin for the 
common case.

More optional parameters:
  how many KE-server threads do we want?
  how long should a server thread wait for data?

There is the standard DoS attack problem on any system using TCP.  Is there a 
good writeup on that we can point to?

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Re: Going forward with NTS

2019-02-05 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> I plan to post a detailed analysis and task list later today.  I'm working on
> that now. 

One thing that would be very nice is for msyslog to be thread safe.

If we use a lock, we need to be able to recover in case we crash within 
msyslog while the lock is held.

I'm not enough of a Unix file system wizard.  Are there any guarantees about 
multi-threaded writes to the same file not getting scrambled?  Will it work if 
we buffer everything into a big buffer and do a single write?

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Re: Amusing implications

2019-02-04 Thread Hal Murray via devel
> Now, if it doesn't meet our accuracy thresholds, that's another story.

Do we have any accuracy standards?

Given the screwups that can happen with bufferbloat, I'll bet it works much 
better than some network connections.

It would be interesting to measure the delays on dial up lines.  I wonder if 
they are symmetric or if they get converted to VoIP with typical who-knows 
type routing.

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Re: Should two-digit years be fatal to a refclock?

2019-02-04 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> My instinct in situations like this is to try to find a way to reduce the
> combinatorial complexity of the problem.  Which is why I'm attracted to
> disqualifying any time source that truncates years. 

What's wrong with just adding 2000 to 2 digit years?  We are in the 2000s now 
so we don't have to consider the 1900 case any more.  I'd be happy to 
reconsider dropping support for 2-digit drivers in another 30 years.

There is another roll-over consideration we should add to the list.  That's 
the GPS 1024 week tangle.

Where should that list live?
  2 digit years
  32 bit time_t
  1024 week GPS

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Re: Docs we will need

2019-02-04 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Richard said:
> That said, on a Pi, if you write the time to a file on shutdown, then you
> will be accurate enough for certificate checks to pass on reboots and outages
> shorter than a couple months. 

Eric said:
> Thanks, it's important to know the order of magnitude of the slack there.

At shutdown probably isn't good enough.  You don't get clean shutdowns on a 
site wide power loss.  Maybe shutdown and a weekly/monthly cron job.

Are there other files we can use?  log files?  They are all based on normal 
activity using the system clock so if the clock is off, they all get polluted. 
 Maybe the ntpd drift file?

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Re: Docs we will need

2019-02-04 Thread Hal Murray via devel
Another complication with getting started after a building/site wide power 
loss is that getting time needs DNS and the local caching DNS server may be 
waiting for valid time.

We may need a local cache - /etc/hosts?  and a cron job to keep it up to date.

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Re: Should two-digit years be fatal to a refclock?

2019-02-04 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> (I thought the RasPi stored a timestamp on a clean shutdown, then reads it
> back at boot time, so time is usually not actually zeroed. But I don't know
> that, and no such fallback is mentioned aty that link.) 

You can check that by looking at your syslog and/or ntp log files.

The details may depend on the OS/Distro.

>From a clean reboot on Fedora, Pi 3.
 2 Feb 17:46:14 ntpd[489]: PROTO: unlink local addr 
 2 Feb 17:46:14 ntpd[489]: PROTO: 001d 0d kern kernel time sync 
11 Jan 03:41:06 ntpd[498]: CLOCK: leapsecond file ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-se
conds.list'): stat failed: No such file or directory
11 Jan 03:41:06 ntpd[498]: INIT: Using SO_TIMESTAMPNS
11 Jan 03:42:20 ntpd[498]: PROTO: b01a 8a sys_peer
11 Jan 03:42:20 ntpd[498]: PROTO: c01c 0c clock_step +1951552.134334 s
 2 Feb 17:48:12 ntpd[498]: CLOCK: time stepped by 1951552.134334
 2 Feb 17:48:12 ntpd[498]: CLOCK: time changed from 2019-01-11 to 2019-02-02
 2 Feb 17:48:12 ntpd[498]: PROTO: c015 05 clock_sync
 2 Feb 17:48:17 ntpd[498]: PROTO: c018 08 no_sys_peer

Looks like it's off by almost a month.

> If the zero date was in the last century and your local refclock only ships a
> two-digit date, you have a problem. NTP will cheerfully "correct" the time
> into the last century.  This is a real problem case with RasPis or
> BeagleBones using a vanilla NMEA GPS.  So much for standalone operation,
> which we now advertise as an NTPsec feature. 

Didn't we discuss this a year or 3 ago?  I thought the solution is to pivot 
around the build date of ntpd.  There is a ntpcal_get_build_date() in 

It's called by refclock_trimble, refclock_nmea, and libntp/systime.

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Docs we will need

2019-02-03 Thread Hal Murray via devel

We'll need documentation to help people setup things to use NTS.  I think the 
client side will be simple, a sentence or two.

The server side is more complicated.  I think we'll want HOWTO level docs.  
Probably one using Lets Encrypt and maybe others for when you already have a 
certificate infrastructure and maybe one for self signed.


There is a corner case that doesn't get a lot of publicity - how to get off 
the ground.  That's going to get more complicated with certificates.

Here is an example that I've encountered.  Suppose you have 6 servers with 
minsane set to 3 all using each other.  When recovering from a power failure 
everybody ends up waiting for everybody else to get started.


Years ago, I worked for DEC in Palo Alto.  Power in our corner of the city was 
"interesting".  During the summer, our admin guys got a lot of practice in 
getting everything going after a power failure.  There was a sheet in the 
machine room with an ordered list of steps.

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Re: mintls, maxtls, enclair, and cipher.

2019-02-03 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> The 
> "enclair"
> option is intended to disable crypto negotiation so certificates are not
> required and traffic in sent en clair. 

Please verify with a TLS wizard that you can do what you are describing with 
OpenSSL.  I've poked around a bit and don't know how to do that.

I think you get an error if client/server can't find a matching crypto 
algorithm.  I don't know how to say no-crypto.  It sounds like the sort of 
operational bug-attractor that you would like to stamp out.

It's easy to setup a junk self-signed certificate for the server.  We could 
ship one to enable testing -- or waf could generate one on the fly.  I don't 
know if the server can run without a certificate.  Seems like a reasonable 
request, but a quick search found several questions without any answer.

It's easy for the client to not check the certificate.

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Re: C2S/S2C lifetime

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> The whole point is that the client knows the C2S and S2C.  Otherwise he can
> not key a session to the NTPD server.  That is the plaintext. And he has the
> cookie, with the algorithm use to make it.  That is the ciphertext. 

So if the client knows the C2S and S2C, what is he trying to learn by 

He already knows his C2S and S2C so there is no point in attacking those.  
Knowing them doesn't help him attack somebody else's C2S/S2C.  The server's K 
does get rotated so we don't need a way to force that.

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C2S/S2C lifetime

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> Nothing says that a single cookie could not be used by a farm of clients to
> push the cookies per second into the thousands.

> Then add that this is millions of know plaintext and known ciphertext pairs
> That is not what the key reuse calculations assume. 

I'm missing a step.  How are you getting known plaintext/cyphertext pairs?

If an idiot gets a C2S/S2C pair and then sends zillions of packets, he exposes 
lots of traffic for his keys.  Don't do that.

If an attacker captures a cookie by spying on the wire, what can he do with 
it?  He doesn't know the C2S so he can't use that cookie in new packets.  He 
can replay the whole packet.  That will generate new cookies/cyphertext but 
doesn't get any plaintext.

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Are we thrashing?

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

If so, how can we improve things?

The signal to noise on the mailing list has been pretty low recently.  In 
hindsight, I'm sure I've contributed more noise than I would like.

Note that even Eric is pushing code with warnings.


One thing that I find helpful is to scan the rest of my inbox before replying. 
 And maybe wait a few minutes to see if somebody else will clarify things.

Another thing that might help is to keep the time scale in mind.  What do we 
need for first ship?  What can wait?  How much do we need to think about 
issues that can wait to make sure we don't paint ourselves into a corner?

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Cypher sets

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> Remember, the cipher sets are runtime dynamic.  They can change under you in
> an instant.  So replace startup time with runtime. 

How does that work?  Once a program is running, it's linked to a specific 
libsss and libcrypto.  You can update the installed versions on disk but the 
program keeps using the version it started with.

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Rekeying C2S and S2C is not necessary

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> Really?  So unlimmited numbers of packets with identical C2S, S2S and master
> key, differing only int ehnonce is not a problem?

> Pretty much every crypto algorithm I know of has a recommended maximum number
> of uses.  Allowing these two to be used unlimited times is violating absic
> crypto principles goint back to well before how Enigma, and other ciphers,
> were broken. 


But they picked an algorithm with a large recommended max.  If you do the 
math, it's conservatively longer than a client will stay up.

>From mail last night:
The per client-server pair of keys, C2S and S2C don't roll over as long as the 
connection works reasonably well.  I asked about key lifetime on the NTP list 
and Daniel said we don't have to worry about it.

> The recommendation for AES-SIV is to encrypt no more than 2**48
> messages under the same key. At one message per second that's almost 9
> million years. If you (unwisely) use AES-GCM instead, where the
> recommended limit is 2**32 messages, that's still 136 years.

9 million years isn't the heat death of the universe, but it's long enough 
that we don't need to worry about it.

Eric said:
>>> What you almost need is a cookie extension to trigger a rekeying
>>> periodically.
>> Yes.  Sad the Proposed RFC is silent on the subject.  Seems a gaping
>> hole to me.
> Would you please add this to the nts.adoc list of issues we need to bring up
> at the WG meeting. 


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Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

James Browning said:
> IIRC the previous key is kept for a rotation. Unless you are using something
> like poll 14+ it shouldn't be a problem. 

Correct.  That's for K, the key the server uses to encrypt/decrypt part of a 
cookie.  The client doesn't know anything about that key.

But there is another pair of keys: C2S and S2C.  They are used to authenticate 
and encrypt traffic between client and server.  There is no explicit mechanism 
to roll them over - nor is there a need for one.

In order to avoid tracking, cookies are not reused.  Normally, the client has 
8 cookies.  For each NTP request-response exchange, the client sends a cookie 
and gets back a new one.  If a packet gets lost, the client only has 7 unused 
cookies.  On the next request, it says "PS: please send me an extra cookie."  
If 8 packets in a row are lost, the client will be out of unused cookies.  At 
that point, it can either reuse cookies or go through NTS-KE again to get new 
cookies.  NTS-KE will also refresh C2S and S2C.

But if no packets are lost, C2S and S2C will be used forever.

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Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> Yes, you'd need implausible to impossible lifetimes of the client/server
> pairing for these to ever become a problem.  But again, when key rollover
> gets implemented as indicated in the RFC, those will stop being useful on the
> second rollover.

What stops being useful when K rolls over is old cookies.

C2S and S2C are used to authenticate the packets and also to encrypt new 
replacement cookies from server to client.  There is no roll over mechanism 
for C2S or S2C.  They get refreshed if you go through NTS-KE again, but that 
doesn't happen during normal operations.  You need to do something like drop 8 
packets in a row.

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Re: tlsport & ntpport

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel
> *tlsport XXX* Contact the NTS-KE server on TCP port XXX.
> *ntpport YYY* Request an NTPD server on UDP port YYY.
> Can anyone explain to me a case in which these are not equivalent to expcit
> port prefixes on a server, ask, re require address? 

We've survived for a long time without being able to specify the NTP port 

It might be handy for testing.  Doesn't seem worthwhile to me.

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Re: Implementing NTS options

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> I'm not seeing anything in that 'graph which would ever *require* you to
> disable down-version TLS.  The last normative is a MAY, not a MUST. 

It starts with:
> Implementations MUST NOT negotiate TLS versions earlier than 1.2,
so we have to do something.

>> I assume the default would be no for TLS 1.2 and yes for TLS 1.3
>> Should we be specifying min version rather than allowing various versions?

>From several messages ago:
  Since Gary was suspicious of 1.3, I poked a bit.  1.3 is not widely 
available yet.
(Available enough to test.)

I think we should specify a min version of 1.2
Another item for the review occasionally list.

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Re: Implementing NTS options

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> So tell me: can we conform by *discovering* the cipher set at startup time
> and shipping that list to NTS-KE?  Because if the RFCs don't for some insane
> reason *forbid* that behavior, it's clearly the right thing. 

I don't know how to do that with a clean/simple API.  I'm far from a wizard, 
but I have poked around a bit in that area and would have added it to 
digest-find if I had noticed anything like that.

We might be able to brute force scan a few thousand slots.

I think there are command line tools or man pages that list them all.  We 
could look at the source for the command line tool - or ask on their mailing 

My straw man would be to pick a small handful of good ones and check that they 
are supported.  That gets us off the ground.  The list needs to be reviewed 
occasionally or we need to fix that code sometime.

$ openssl ciphers

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Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> I think this discussion really needs to take into account that the NTS-KE
> communication happens inside a TLS session, which is a layered communication
> channel w/ internal state.  Possible solutions can be implemented at several
> of these layers.  Taken at face value the current RFC would imply a full TLS
> session teardown and reconnect.  I think that you could do the same
> "reconnect" while keeping the TLS session open (thus avoiding all the
> certificate checks and cipher negotiation) and just re-key.  Last but not
> least I _think_ it is possible to have several virtual connections inside the
> same TLS session (that would only work for NTS if they can at least have
> different IV), so that would be another route to ask for multiple servers
> within one TLS handshake. 

Good sugestions, thanks, but it's all an implementation of get a batch of 
answers from one NTS-KE server.  I think it would be simpler to fix the NTS-KE 
protocol and probably a good idea to stay away from non-mainline uses of TLS.

I think we should put pool stuff on the back burner.

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Re: What's up with our MAC support?

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel
># 1, the packet is a crypto-NAK; if 3, the packet is
># authenticated with DES; if 5, the packet is authenticated

The DES stuff is news to me.

NTP classic had stand alone code for MD5 and SHA1.  We carried that along 
until we decided to require libcrypto.

> I don't know how that relates to the set of MAC lengths implied by
> libcrypto's support list. I didn;t find good search hits for that.

If you pick an algorithm with a digest length bigger than 20 bytes, it gets 

I'm not sure what happens if you pick one with a digest length less than 16 

attic/digest-find is your friend for things like this.  I should add DES and 

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Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

>> If you ever do that, don't forget to merge in the fudge stuff.
> Sorry, I didn't understand that. 

Your description of server/refclock/pool skipped over a wart.  The grammar for 
setting up refclocks has a side door for more options, the fudge command.

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Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> Can we toss out these cipher config options in favor of a mechanism that
> *discovers* what the available cipher are and does the right thing? 

I believe that
  server nts
should work in many/most cases.

We'll have to provide sensible defaults for all of the options.

We need to setup a mechanism to review the defaults occasionally.  Maybe with 
each release.  Maybe on Mark's birthday.  The idea is to track progress in the 
crypto community.  If the default today is to allow TLS 1.2, sometime we 
should bump the min up to 1.3.  Yes, that means breaking backwards 
compatibility.  Lots of warning...

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Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> Sorry, this is plain nonsense.  You will not create enough messages for this
> to ever be a problem even on a terabit link.  And the RFC already asks you to
> do a key rollover on a ~day timescale, so you have even less chance to
> produce so many messages. 

Different keys.  The rollover covers K, the server key used to encrypt part of 
the contents of cookies.

The per client-server pair of keys, C2S and S2C don't roll over as long as the 
connection works reasonably well.  I asked about key lifetime on the NTP list 
and Daniel said we don't have to worry about it.

> The recommendation for AES-SIV is to encrypt no more than 2**48
> messages under the same key. At one message per second that's almost 9
> million years. If you (unwisely) use AES-GCM instead, where the
> recommended limit is 2**32 messages, that's still 136 years.

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Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> As a practical matter, in the current world where TLS 1.3 does not really
> exist, a max of 1.2 makes sense.  Gonna be a long time before 1.3 works. 

I assume that "max" is a typo for min.

1.3 is available in the latest versions of Fedora and FreeBSD.  It's not in 
the previous versions.

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Re: What's up with our MAC support?

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> The docs still talk about MD5 and SHA-1, but the comments in ntpkeygen
> reference something called AES-128 which doesn't seem to be referenced at all
> in the docs or the NTP RFCs. 

AES-128 is the replacement for SHA1.  If there isn't an RFC, there is a 
ready-to-publish draft.  It's mentioned in NEWS for 1.1.2 which says:
  Support AES-128-CMAC for authentication

I "fixed" ntpkeygen to generate AES-128 keys rather than the mix of MD5 and 
SHA1 it used to make.  Apologies if I didn't fix the documentation.

> Have we broken compatibility with other NTPv4 implementations using MD5 and
> SHA-1 MACs?


The actual code will use any algorithm your libcrypto supports.

Your distro may drop support for old crufty algorithms, but MD5 and SHA1 are 
so widely used that I'd be surprised if anybody drops them.

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Re: Implementing NTS options

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel
>>*tls1.2* Allow TLS1.2 connection.
>>*tls1.3* Allow TLS1.3 connection.
> Second, why would you ever want one of these allow bits off?  I want to hear
> a good story here not just to convince me that they're worth the complexity
> but so it can go in the documentation. 

>From the draft:

Implementations MUST NOT negotiate TLS versions earlier than 1.2,
SHOULD negotiate TLS 1.3 [RFC8446] or later when possible, and MAY
refuse to negotiate any TLS version which has been superseded by a
later supported version.

I assume the default would be no for TLS 1.2 and yes for TLS 1.3

Should we be specifying min version rather than allowing various versions?

Do we need a way to test 1.2?  Maybe we can wait until we find a box that 
doesn't support 1.3 yet.


> Again. The barrier to entry for these is higher because they would need a
> non-trivial grammar modification

Does the grammar support quoted strings?

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Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> The only way to avoid this would be for me to go out of my way to create
> distinct grammar branches for *each declaration type*. 

If you ever do that, don't forget to merge in the fudge stuff.

[Specifying nonsense options, like refid for a server.]
> Considering that we're talking a quarter century of road miles...well, I'm
> going to want to actually *see* a bug report like that before I incur the
> complexity cost to prevent it. 

We could fix that by checking for silly options at your fancy copy-over stage.

>> My gut feel is that 'nts' can not be part of
>> the 'pool' as then a casual attacker can break the system.
> You might be right, but I'm not going to design on the assumption that you
> are because the payoff matrix is too asymmetrical. 

Just because the current pool is untrustworthy doesn't mean that somebody 
couldn't run a trusted pool.

Keep in mind that pool+nts isn't well specified yet.  Do we want to get the 
info for several servers with one NTS-KE connection, or do we want to do the a 
DNS lookup to get several IP Addresses and then use separate NTS-KE 
connections with each of those addresses?

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devel mailing list

Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
>>> *tls1.3* Allow TLS1.3 connection.
>> This does not feel scalable as new versions of TLS get created.
> Yeah.  You prolly guessed I stole of lot of the options from elsewhere. This
> one also bugged me. 

The API for SSL has way to set the min protocol version.
  SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ctx, TLS1_3_VERSION);

>> Please call this "ciphersuites" to match OpenSSL and other
>> applications.
> I can not find that in the OpenSSL doc: 

I've seen it.  I'm not sure where.  Maybe in a whats-new with 1.3 section.

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Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-02 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> I have added a note about MD-5 and SHA-1 being rather broken at this point,
> and a warning that MAC authentication may be removed in a future release.

What's wrong with MAC authentication when used with a good algorithm?  Is the 
security any worse than NTS?

I think we should support it, loud and clear.  It's a good backup in case 
anybody finds problems with TLS or an admin doesn't want the clutter of a 
NTS-KE server and certificates.

Actually, we should move it to an extension so we can phase out the old mode.

I'd be happy to reject MD5 and SHA1.  The current code supports any algorithm 
that libcrypto supports.  attic/digest-find will list a bunch of them.

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Do certificates for IP Addresses work?

2019-02-01 Thread Hal Murray via devel

If I start with a name, translate that to an IP Address, make a TLS connection 
to that system, I expect to get a certificate that matches the name.  But that 
translation step adds another layer of security considerations.

Is it practical to bypass the DNS lookup and use a certificate for the IP 

Is there an option I can give to something like getaddrinfo() that says 
require DNSSEC?  What fraction of the world is using DNSSEC and/or pays 
attention if somebody else uses it?

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devel mailing list

Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-01 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> *ask [address]...
> *require [address]...
> More to come, but I'd rather not get too far ahead, as what I had thought was
> consensus has disappeared. 


Those are all interesting, but I was more interested in the 
  nts foo
  server foo nts
part of the discussion.

Which one is preferable and why?

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devel mailing list

Re: NTS client configuration support has landed

2019-02-01 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> No.  There are at least 5 new options for the nts.
> Worse, some of the options mean different things for server and nts. 

Would you please write up a summary in a new thread.  There has been a lot of 
discussion in this area and I haven't seen anything that makes it obvious that 
there is anything better than "server foo nts".

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devel mailing list

Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-02-01 Thread Hal Murray via devel
Gary said:
> But then how do I say I want 2 from this pool and 2 from that pool?

With the current code, you can't.

I don't think we should tangle that discussion with NTS.

>> If you need more, it does another DNS lookup.
> And, of course, that DNS thing is problematic with NTS... 

I think there is a reasonable parallel between get another server via DNS and 
get another server via NTS-KE.

There are (at least) two ways to interpret:
  pool nts

1) It could do a NTS-KE connection to and get back several IP 
Addresses and associated cookies.  The protocol doesn't support that yet, but 
seems reasonable to extend.

2) It could do a DNS lookup on, get back several IP 
addresses, then do a NTS-KE dance with each address.

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devel mailing list

Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-02-01 Thread Hal Murray via devel
Gary said:
> Maybe expanded to ask for 3 pool servers:
> nts pool 3

The current pool code doesn't work that way.  Maybe it should, but it doesn't. 
 There is no way to specify how many servers you get.

There is a global variable specifying how many servers to get,  Individual 
servers via "server" count.  If you have more than one pool statement they 
both/all contribute.  If a pool server stops responding, it is discarded.  If 
you need more, it does another DNS lookup.

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devel mailing list

Re: Python module mismatch

2019-01-31 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> To refresh your memory, the python module version checks are new.
> That broke casual multiple python side-by-side installs. 

It also exposed a potential bug.  If you change the API to a module and forget 
to install the other version you can get confusion.

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devel mailing list

Re: NTP - big picture

2019-01-31 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> Not really.  If you have a fixed public hostname, then Lets Encrypt is easy
> and quick.  If you do not have a fixed public hostname, then game over.

Let's encrypt says you need a domain rather than just a public hostname.
> In order to get a certificate for your website's domain from Let's
> Encrypt, you have to demonstrate control over the domain.

Thanks, but I'm looking for a way to test without a domain.  Lots of people 
have more than one box at home.  They should be able to test and experiment 
without getting a domain.

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devel mailing list

Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-01-31 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> If there's another revision in process, I want to object to the binary
> request format.  Raises endianness issues for no good reason.  Better to use
> something like Motorola S-records for this. 

I don't see how hex encoding helps anything.  You still have the problem of 
are integers sent big-endian or little-endian.

I was expecting you to suggest JSON.  A lot of IETF work uses ASN1.

I'm not convinced your switch-to-text is appropriate for this problem.  The 
key idea is that the basic NTP packet is small and fixed format.  Converting 
to text either adds another dependency with a complicated API because it's 
designed to handle complicated cases or we have to maintain another module to 
do the marshalling/unmarshalling.

I'm probably biased.  I've been working with byte swapping for ages.

Adding extensions (which are necessary for NTS) complicates things.  I'm hoping 
that you would come up with a clean structure.

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devel mailing list

Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-01-31 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> No, re-keyed -- you specifically want to avoid the TLS renegotiation or even
> worse, reconnection.  The session itself stays open.  You could conceivably
> just open another connection inside the same session as far as TLS is
> concerned.  I don't know which of the two options is more efficient. 

I think we would want to tweak the protocol to handle the pool case.

The current pool code does a DNS lookup, for each answer, it skips ones that 
are already active and takes new ones.  If it wants more, it tries again in a 
while.  That will work if there is only one answer.

That does depend on the server not returning the same answer every time.

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devel mailing list

Re: NTP - big picture

2019-01-31 Thread Hal Murray via devel
> Are there any big chunks I didn't mention?

Getting libaes_siv to build on NetBSD.

Eric: Please be sure this gets on your list as must-happen-before you add code 
that uses it.  (An alternative is to add a build time option for NTS.)

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ENABLE_MSSNTP - is anybody testing it?

2019-01-31 Thread Hal Murray via devel
Or does anybody know if that path has been tested?  If so, when?

In case you don't recognize the term, it's when you get with --enable-mssntp
ntpd calls out to a Microsoft server to authenticate a response packet.

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Byte swapping

2019-01-31 Thread Hal Murray via devel
The Internet is big endian.  Intel is little endian.  When I say byte swap 
below, I'm assuming they turn into no-ops on a big endian system.

We have to byte swap integers and floats.  We don't swap arrays of bytes -- 
text or binary blobs like cookies.

On transmit, we have to do the byte swapping before the 
On receive, we have to do the authentication/decryption before the byte 

The RefID is the only ugly case I know about.  If you define it as a string, 
we don't swap it near the wire but we have to swap IP Addresses (integers) as 
we store into that slot or load from it.  If you define it as an integer, we 
swap it near the wire, you can load/store IP Addresses directly, but you have 
to swap text when you load/store them.

Crypto gets interesting.  I think what's going on is that the implementation 
has to understand byte swapping.  If the RFC for the algorithm is described in 
bytes, the obvious implementation just works.  If the algorithm is described 
in words but the API uses bytes, then the implementation has to think in byte 
swapped terms.  For example,  if the algorithm is xor data words with 
0x11223344, the actual implementation would xor with byte-swap(0x11223344).


I think a cleaned up version of the above should be captured someplace -- 
after people check it.

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NTP - big picture

2019-01-30 Thread Hal Murray via devel

I think we should step back and look at the big picture.

Eric started working on the bits but got sidetracked on some cleanups.

I think we need to think hard about how/where/when we do the byte swapping.  
More in another message.  This isn't specific to NTS, but NTS is the first 
time we have used extensions and they are tangled up with byte swapping.

There is discussion going on about the changes to ntp.conf.

The other large area I can see is TLS and certificates.  We are going to need 
good documentation to guide a server operator through setting up certificates. 
 (Pointers to other documentation are fine.)

We are also going to need documentation for how to setup self-signed 
certificates for testing.  I poked around a bit but didn't find what I needed 
before I shifted to something else.

If anybody is familiar with TLS, I think it would be wonderful if we had some 
throw-away code that was a TLS server and client that we could use for testing 

Are there any big chunks I didn't mention?

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devel mailing list

Re: Python module mismatch

2019-01-30 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> The ntpsec ebuild for Gentoo installs multiple python modules.  I wonder if
> this recent change broke that?

I don't remember any recent changes in the install area.

The change was to add version checking.  It has pointed out a real problem 
with separate locations for python2 and python3 imports.  If you made a change 
in a module API, installed the python2 version but forgot to install the 
python3 version, you could get obscure errors.

I don't know anything about Gentoo.

Fedora, Debian, NetBSD, and FreeBSD all install several python modules and the 
corresponding binaries.  I think the same list of files get installed for both 
python 2 and 3.  The python versions are the same, the binaries may be 
different.  We treat them as a bag of bits.

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devel mailing list

Re: Python module mismatch

2019-01-30 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> I installed for Python 2.7, then I installed for Python 3.6.  Then I ran with
> python3.6, but my PYTHONPAATH was still for 2.7. 

Do typical installations run mixed python 2 and 3 like that, or is that only 
used for testing?


I think the mixed case can be made to work with something like:

WHEN=`date +%s`
puthon2 ./waf configure --build-epoch=$WHEN build install
puthon3 ./waf configure --build-epoch=$WHEN build install


Can we make waf smart enough to install both flavors?  I'm thinking of 
something like call out to the other python to find out where to install the 
python libraries and make the binaries.

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devel mailing list

Re: Python module mismatch.

2019-01-30 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> Great, the python library mismatch code works:
> Library/Binary version mismatch
> Binary: ntpsec-1.1.3+ 2019-01-30T21:25:37Z (git rev ab0ea27cf)
> Library: ntpsec-1.1.3+ 2019-01-30T21:20:27Z (git rev ab0ea27cf) 

What did you do to get that?

The version strings come from waf configure.  Right?  So you did something 
more complicated than a simple edit/build/test, or edit/build/install/test.

Maybe you are trying to switch between python2 and python3 when running 
installed code?  I think that takes separate configures to make the libraries 
which means only one will pass the version check.

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devel mailing list

Re: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

2019-01-30 Thread Hal Murray via devel
>> Also, Python 3.6.7 on FreeBSD
> Context?  Is that a pass or a fail?

Fail.  Somebody was looking for a test case.

It (and the previous one on NetBSD) both work from my normal script which 
tee-s the output to a log file.  Both fail when ssh-ed to that box and run 
./waf without the tee.

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devel mailing list

Re: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel
Also, Python 3.6.7 on FreeBSD

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devel mailing list

Re: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> Btw, I tried to reproduce this failure with 3.5.6, 3.6.7, and 3.7.1, without
> success.  Do you have any tips for reproducing? Input/output redirection?
> Environment variables? 

I can get it on NetBSD 8.0 with a simple ./waf configure build
That's over ssh
Python 3.7.0 (default, Sep 26 2018, 00:09:08) 

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devel mailing list

leap smear broken

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Would some CI wizard please add running tests/
on the most convenient OS/distro.  Or maybe once per OS.


[64/93] Compiling ntpd/ntp_proto.c
../../ntpd/ntp_proto.c: In function ‘fast_xmit’:
../../ntpd/ntp_proto.c:2267:15: error: assignment to expression with array type
xpkt.refid = convertLFPToRefID(leap_smear.offset);
In file included from ../../include/ntp_stdlib.h:16:0,
 from ../../include/ntp.h:15,
 from ../../include/ntpd.h:13,
 from ../../ntpd/ntp_proto.c:7:
../../ntpd/ntp_proto.c:2269:11: warning: passing argument 1 of 
‘__bswap_32’ makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]
../../include/ntp_debug.h:27:12: note: in definition of macro ‘DPRINT’
mprintf arg;   \
In file included from /usr/include/endian.h:60:0,
 from /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/sys/types.h:216,
 from /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/sys/uio.h:23,
 from /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/sys/socket.h:26,
 from /usr/include/netinet/in.h:23,
 from /usr/include/arpa/inet.h:22,
 from ../../include/ntp_fp.h:8,
 from ../../include/ntp.h:12,
 from ../../include/ntpd.h:13,
 from ../../ntpd/ntp_proto.c:7:
/usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/byteswap.h:44:1: note: expected 
‘unsigned int’ but argument is of type ‘unsigned char *’
 __bswap_32 (unsigned int __bsx)

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

devel mailing list

Re: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> That is NOT the link I sent!  Someone's email is messing with links!
> Why would something called "secure-web" be doing non-secure things??? 

It's not uncommon for malware/spam filters to do things like that.  They don't 
touch the links unless/until you try to open them.

It gets around various problems that happen if you try to inspect links when 
the mail arrives.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

devel mailing list

Re: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> Update:
> Works: 2.7, 3.7
> Fails: 3.5, 3.6 

It was working a week or two ago.

Did we change anything?  (I don't think so.)

Did something in Python change?

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devel mailing list

Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
>> How about:
>>server nts
>> or
>>server nts

> Why do we need at all?  Aren't we supposed to use the NTPD
> server returned from 

The intent was to do the NTS-KE dance with
and use or as the NTP server.


As an aside, could return multiple IP Addresses.

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devel mailing list

Re: ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> I'd suggest using a new keyword for that and leaving the existing ones
> behijnd for NTP w/o encryption.

Then we'll need 2 new keywords.  We want NTS to work on pool sites too.

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devel mailing list

Re: First NTS code

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel said:
>> Your "empty cookie string as a sentinel" doesn't work unless you allocate 
>> space for the extra slot.
> Eh? We know what the maximum number of cookies is. I think all we have to do
> is notice which cookies are empty (have initial NUL).  But I might be wrong
> about that; I'm not wedded to that representation, it's an inside-NTS thing
> that belongs to whoever writes the cookie extraction code. 

Initial NUL doesn't work.  Cookies are binary blobs.  0 is a valid data byte.

I'm not sure what you mean by "sentinel".

The array of cookies is a FIFO.  If you have 2 indexes for read+write, you have 
to decide if equal means empty or full.  If you make the array one bigger the 
full-equal case never happens.  You have to make sure you never insert too many.

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devel mailing list

Re: vc Digest, Vol 41, Issue 53

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel
> +#define NTS_COOKIELEN128 /* placeholder - see RFC 6 */

Again, that should be MAX, and we need lengths.
Our client talking to another server implementation may get a different length.

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ntp.conf changes for NTS

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel

How should we tell the system we want to use NTS when talking to a server?

The catch is that we potentially need two names/addresses.

I think the simple case is just:
  server nts
That will do a NTS-KE exchange with the system at and use the 
IP Address it returns.

The complicated case is when we want to specify the IP Address.  How about:
  server nts
  server nts

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devel mailing list

Re: First NTS code

2019-01-29 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
>> They are mostly binary blobs: cookies, keys, nonces, ...
>> It might be worth packaging blob and length into a struct.
> OK.  That's inside-NTS work - do as you like there. I need to concentrate
> elsewhere for a bit. 

How about packaging the blob of bits with a 4 byte header: 2 bytes of length 
and 2 bytes of tag/type/whatever?  The idea is to match NTP extensions and 

We have to byte swap the header word.  I think the other stuff is a stream of 
bytes and doesn't get swapped.  I think things like crypto code have to work 
in byte swapped mode when do word operations on a little endian system.

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devel mailing list

Re: ntpmon oddness

2019-01-28 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> Something odd with ntmn today.  See attached.  I expec this cut/paste gets
> mangled in email: 

How recent is your git pull?  Eric was working on refids recently.

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devel mailing list

Re: Should we get a waf?

2019-01-28 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> Are there any features in waf 2.x that you were looking forward to?  Or do
> you just want us to avoid getting too far behind? 

Just trying to avoid getting too far behind.

If nothing else, I'd like their online documentation to correspond to the 
version I'm trying to debug.


I still don't understand how libraries work and haven't found the place that 
explains it.  I see things like this in ntpd/wscript:
  use="libntpd_obj ntp M parse RT CAP SECCOMP PTHREAD NTPD "
Is there anything magic in the capitalization?
It seems to not complain on non-Linux systems that don't have libseccomp so 
I'm guessing that they are ignored unless you have checked to verify that 
library exists.

Mostly, I'm trying to understand how Eric gets -python when I don't.

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devel mailing list

Re: First NTS code

2019-01-28 Thread Hal Murray via devel said:
>> Do we want to store cookies and passwords and such in a fixed max-size 
>> or as heap allocated blobs?  In any case, we need to remember the lengths.

> Depends - if they're textual we can assume a '\0' sentinel.  I'd prefer to do
> that if possible, it would minimize the amount of data items to manage and
> thus potential defects. 

They are mostly binary blobs: cookies, keys, nonces, ...
It might be worth packaging blob and length into a struct.

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devel mailing list

Re: Pipeline failed: MacOs, strlcat

2019-01-27 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Matt: Thanks.

Eric: That was an example of why we might want an option for NTS work.

Did the CI pipeline work for you?  Or did you overlook the failed message or 
were you away from email, or ...

If so, how did my pthread change trigger this problem?

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devel mailing list

Re: First NTS code

2019-01-27 Thread Hal Murray via devel
You have a couple of trailing spaces.

We should start collecting max/min/required lengths and references to where 
that number comes from.

Do we want to store cookies and passwords and such in a fixed max-size array 
or as heap allocated blobs?  In any case, we need to remember the lengths.

There are lots of places where we will be passing around c2s and s2c.  Maybe 
we need a struct for them (and lengths).


You should probably add a section for global variables for the server side.  
I'd call them nts_K and nts_I, using the names from RFC section 6
and nts_old_K and nts_old_I

Maybe the cookie stuff should be in a separate module.

We'll also need the AEAD algorithms we support and their crypto pointers.

#define NTS_COOKIES 8   /* RFC 4.1.6 */
I'd call that MAX_COOKIES

The client side needs:
  c2s and s2c, and lengths
  array of bools for which cookies are valid and another for unused.
  an array of cookie lengths.
  the AEAD algorithim we are using.  Probably 2 of them, the IETF number and 
the pointer to the crypto stuff.

The struct info needs to move from nts.c to nts.h
We need one per server, in the peer struct.

Your "empty cookie string as a sentinel" doesn't work unless you allocate 
space for the extra slot.



Those are poor names considering what you have them doing in the comments.
I would have picked nts_ke_client and nts_ke_server.

Actually, what you want at this level is nts_ke_server_start.  The actual 
per-client server processing is internal to the server.  It calls out to 
nts_new_cookie (8 times)


The descriptions for nts_validate and nts_decorate seem fishy.  I think we 
need separate routines for client and server.
(that is 4 total)

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devel mailing list

What does NTS mean?

2019-01-27 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Does NTS refer to an NTP system that supports the new draft, thus leaving NTP 
to refer to old NTP systems that don't support it?  Or does NTS refer to just 
the new draft and we can assume (from context) that NTP refers to either the 
old pre-draft systems or the new post-draft systems that do include NTS 

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Pipeline failed: MacOs, strlcat

2019-01-27 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Can somebody give me some help with this.  This is after my pthread cleanup, 
but I don't think I changed that area which probably means that I'm missing 
something interesting.

[54/87] Compiling ntpd/ntp_io.c
In file included from ../../ntpd/nts.c:15:
In file included from ../../include/ntp.h:15:
../../include/ntp_stdlib.h:142:15: error: expected parameter declarator
extern  size_t  strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz);
SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk/usr/include/secure/_string.h:108:47: note: expanded from 
macro 'strlcpy'
__builtin___strlcpy_chk (dest, __VA_ARGS__, __darwin_obsz 
SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk/usr/include/secure/_common.h:39:62: note: expanded from 
macro '__darwin_obsz'
#define __darwin_obsz(object) __builtin_object_size (object, 
_USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 1 ? 1 : 0)
SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk/usr/include/secure/_common.h:30:32: note: expanded from 

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devel mailing list

Should we get a waf?

2019-01-27 Thread Hal Murray via devel
It's up to version 2.0.14, Dev 2018, about a year since the version we are 

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libraries, pthread cleanup, remove libthr support

2019-01-26 Thread Hal Murray via devel

I'd like to get rid of wafhelpers/

There may have been some PTHREAD conditionals in our code ages ago, but they 
are all gone.

The main thing check_pthread is doing is setting up to use libthr rather than 

FreeBSD uses rather than  But it has links, so asking 
for -libpthread works but ldd will show

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  10 Dec  6 20:12 /usr/lib/libpthread_p.a -> 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   9 Dec  6 20:12 /usr/lib/ ->
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   8 Dec  6 20:12 /usr/lib/libpthread.a -> libthr.a

So FreeBSD works without anything special.

The other interesting case that I can test locally is musl on Alpine Linux.  It 
doesn't have, but does have 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 8 Jun 19  2018 /usr/lib/libpthread.a
alp:~$ cat /usr/lib/libpthread.a

I assume that is a flag for some magic, but I haven't tracked it down.  Linking 
with -lpthread seems to get folded into musl:
alp:~$ ldd /usr/local/sbin/ntpd
/lib/ (0x7957db6bc000) => /lib/ (0x7957db051000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7957dae4c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7957dac3a000) => /lib/ (0x7957db6bc000) => /lib/ (0x7957daa23000)

In hindsight, it seems reasonable to expect -lpthread and friends (eg -lm and 
-lrt) to work, one way or the other.  Not having that would be a huge pain in 
the ass when porting code.

Their man pages are normal Linux pages.

Any reason not to push this?

Why is -lrt optional?
ctx.check_cc(lib="rt", mandatory=False, comment="realtime library")

We need it for timers: timer_create, timer_settime, and timer_gettime.

Do POSIX specs include the library?

Even if the actual code is in libc, I'd expect most system would have a dummy 
librt just to help portability.


What's the advantage of checking for a library via pkg-config?  waf 
ctx.check_cfg vs ctx.check_cc?

We use it for libcrypto and libseccomp, with a fallback to the simple version.

This doesn't solve the -pthread vs -lpthread tangle.

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devel mailing list

Re: Are we going to have a no-NTS-KE build option?

2019-01-26 Thread Hal Murray via devel said:
> I do.  But I'm not worried that introducing NTS code will destablized non-NTS
> code, either. 

It wouldn't surprise me if we used a routine that wasn't in older versions of 

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devel mailing list

Re: Are we going to have a no-NTS-KE build option?

2019-01-26 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> What would a build option gain us?  Is there some specific prerequisite
> you're worried about? 

It seemed like good insurance.  If we want to fix a bug, you seem to prefer to 
release the current git head rather than making a branch.

There is a specific example.  Daniel's libaes_siv doesn't build on NetBSD.

/home/murray/ntpsec/libaes_siv/aes_siv.c:114:24: error: expected declaration 
specifiers or '...' before '__builtin_constant_p'
 static inline uint64_t bswap64(uint64_t x) { return __builtin_bswap64(x); }

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Re: Are we going to have a no-NTS-KE build option?

2019-01-26 Thread Hal Murray via devel

To answer the question in the subject...

I think we will want it in the short term in order to keep builds working on 
all current platforms until we get things sorted out.

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Re: Various cleanups: threads, STA_NANO

2019-01-24 Thread Hal Murray via devel
> I think we covered this in

I think that's a different issue.  OpenBSD doesn't support that API at all.  
The STA_NANO case I'm interested in is several ifdef-s in ntp_loopcontrol  No 
big deal, just some clutter we might be able to remove.

The question is: Do any of the systems we want to support have an old version 
of ntp_adjtime, old enough that it doesn't know about STA_NANO.  If so, I'd 
like to collect a list.

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Re: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

2019-01-23 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> That one failure is on Gentoo stable.  Oddly I have many other Gentoo stable
> that do not show the same problm. 

That's consistent with what I'm seeing.

> I'm guessing it is more an environment setting than distro dependent. 

Could be, but I can't think of anything I've changed in that area recently.

I think there was an update to ssh.  ???

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Re: lockclock runtime option

2019-01-23 Thread Hal Murray via devel said:
>> Perhaps we should review this area.  What will we want to see
>> when NTS is  deployed.
> You and Achim are probably the best judges of that we have.  So write a
> strawman and put it in nts.adoc. 

I don't plan to put anything related to this into nts.adoc

ntp_control is a mess, and I don't want that to get tangled up with NTS

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Re: lockclock runtime option

2019-01-23 Thread Hal Murray via devel
> So, lockclock is not known as a system variable of course.

I just pushed a fix for that.

$ ntpq
ntpq> rv 0 lockclock

ntp_control really needs a big cleanup.  There are several tables that must be 
kept in sync by hand.  I added issue #539 for that.  (It may be a duplicate, 
but I didn't see an old one.)

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Re: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

2019-01-23 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Gary said:
> I'm getting an odd build error on one of my hosts. Ideas? 

I asked about the same quirk yesterday evening.  No responses.

What OS/Distro are you using?

I've seen it on NetBSD and FreeBSD.  I thought I had one on Linux, but didn't 
have an example handy when I typed things in.

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Re: Are we going to have a no-NTS-KE build option?

2019-01-23 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> James, you are correct.  Privileged ntpq functions require the crypto.

Not quite.

Privileged operations require a password, but it is sent in the clear.  There 
is no crypto on that path.  The packet format doesn't support it.  We could 
fix that at the cost of breaking compatibility.

The crypto is used for making cookies.  They are used to prevent DDoS 

> Hal, I don't see requiring libcrypto/lssl as a problem.  At this point I'm
> more interested in reducing our range of build variants than I am in snipping
> off dependencies towards a (rather theoretical) crypto-less build. 

Should I remove --disable-dns-lookup?

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devel mailing list

Re: lockclock runtime option

2019-01-23 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Achim said:
> Well, it turns out ntpq has regressed from classic and doesn't understand at
> least some of that syntax anymore: 

> NTPsec~> ntpq -c 'rv 0 offset'
> server=0 status=0415 leap_none, sync_uhf_radio, 1 event, clock_sync,
> version="ntpd ntpsec-1.1.3+ 2019-01-21T16:51:20Z (git rev 6c029ef4c)", 

Works for me.  Anything interesting about your setup?

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devel mailing list

Are we going to have a no-NTS-KE build option?

2019-01-23 Thread Hal Murray via devel

I'm thinking of updating INSTALL and/or devel/hacking.adoc to say something 
about pthreads and OpenSSL.

If we did away with shared key authentication, we could potentially do away 
with needing libcrypto.  Aside from authentication, we also use RAND_bytes() 
so we would need to substitute something for that.

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devel mailing list

Re: Various cleanups: threads, STA_NANO

2019-01-23 Thread Hal Murray via devel said:
> In particular, some of our targets (some BSDs, I don't remember which) have
> only microsecond, not nanosecond resolution in the clock-adjustment calls. 

NetBSD and FreeBSD have NANO.

Matthew Selsky suggested Solaris.  Can anybody confirm that?
Anybody know of others?

> No, actually, we *don't* need to make that effort.  I've already solved this
> problem. 

Yes.  But there are enough NANO ifdefs left in ntp_loopfilter to attract my 
attention.  The combination of new enough to have clock_gettime yet old enough 
to have ntp_adjtime without STA_NANO seems unlikely.

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devel mailing list

Re: Various cleanups: threads, STA_NANO

2019-01-22 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> The C code has no #ifdefs for HAVE_PTHREAD or HAVE_PTHREAD_H, so we're only
> talking about cleaning up some waf python code, correct?

Yes, or eliminating it.

Simplifying "little" things like this often allows simplification in some 
other area.

> libthr is a FreeBSD thing...


On a FreeBSD system, I just commented out these two lines:
#ctx.check_cc(lib="thr", mandatory=False,
# comment="thr library, required by some operating systems.")
And it still builds and ends up using libthr.

The man page says:
 POSIX Threads Library (libpthread, -lpthread)
I assume there is magic in there to translate -lpthhead to -lthr, but maybe 
it's just getting it from libcrypto.

But this is all tangled up with -pthread vs -lpthread and that discussion 
suggests out of date documentation, so who knows what is going on.

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devel mailing list

AttributeError: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

2019-01-22 Thread Hal Murray via devel
Anybody recognize this?  I've seen it on NetBSD and FreeBSD

I haven't figure out what I'm doing to make it happen.

Waf: Leaving directory `/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/build/main'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 122, in waf_entry_point
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 183, in run_commands
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 174, in run_command
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 377, in execute
return execute_method(self)
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 88, in execute
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 129, in recurse
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/wscript", line 931, in init_handler
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 377, in execute
return execute_method(self)
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 104, in execute
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 123, in execute_build
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/.waf3-1.9.15-7481b2b5d90177d4bb747dbff06bef90/w
aflib/", line 280, in post_build
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/wscript", line 888, in bin_test
from wafhelpers.bin_test import cmd_bin_test
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/wafhelpers/", line 10, in 
import ntp.poly
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/build/main/tests/pylib/ntp/", line 111, 
sys.stderr = make_std_wrapper(sys.stderr)
  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/foo/build/main/tests/pylib/ntp/", line 102, 
in make_std_wrapper
return io.TextIOWrapper(stream.buffer, encoding="utf-8",
AttributeError: 'AnsiTerm' object has no attribute 'buffer'

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devel mailing list

Various cleanups: threads, STA_NANO

2019-01-22 Thread Hal Murray via devel

We have various cruft associated with threads.  Can we add POSIX threads to 
our list of requirements?  Or is it already included in POSIX.1-2001 and 
ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (C99)?

The idea is to remove HAVE_PTHREAD_H and HAVE_PTHREAD from config.h and remove 
most of wafhelpers/

wafhelpers/ says:
ctx.check_cc(lib="thr", mandatory=False,
 comment="thr library, required by some operating systems.")
Is that (still?) correct?  If so, which systems?

There is probably cruft in this area that I added to try to avoid libpthread 
for the no-DNS case.  That doesn't work now since libcrypto needs pthread_once 
and is less likely to work as we get NTS-KE working.


We have various ifdefs for STA_NANO.  We depend on clock_gettime which uses 
timespec so all the systems we run on know about nanoseconds.  Can we upgrade 
our requirement for ntp_adjtime to be requires ntp_adjtime with STA_NANO?

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devel mailing list

Re: lockclock runtime option

2019-01-22 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> It's never been an an *ntpq* "system variable" that can be queried through
> that interface, I meant. 

It's easy to add new variables.  Old ntpq may not show them in any of its 
packaged printout like peers or kerninfo, but you can get them by asking 

There are also 2 ways to see a batch of variables.  ntpq can ask for each 
variable it wants to see, or ntpd can return a batch that it thinks are 


Perhaps we should review this area.  What will we want to see when NTS is 

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devel mailing list

Re: lockclock runtime option

2019-01-22 Thread Hal Murray via devel
> Alas, it's not a system variable.

Looks like it  is:
include/ntpd.h:extern bool  lockclock;  /* lock to the system 
clock? */

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devel mailing list

Re: ntpq change in behaviour

2019-01-22 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> Before I forget: I really don't care about when I've configured the project.
> Can that date please be the date of the corresponding commit (if it's there
> at all) and the version string something that git describe puts out, like
> NTPsec_1_1_3-35-g6c029ef4c (which is way more helpful to me in figuring out
> which code I run at which server).  ALso, please find a way to update the
> version string without requiring to re-configure the whole tree. 

I think there are 2 cases for the version string I'd like.

If I have made local edits, I want the build date.  That's the best summary of 
the edits I've made.

If I have a clean clone I want the git tag.  If I have a tarball, I want 
whatever the tarball provides.

If you hang out with geeks in this area, they want to know everything: the 
version of the compiler, the compiler flags, ... the OS the compiler is 
running on...  as well as the parameters to configure.  That ends up with the 
version string being a tag for a slot in a database.

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devel mailing list

Re: ntpq change in behaviour

2019-01-20 Thread Hal Murray via devel

ntpq gets pll offset via ntp_control using CS_K_OFFSET which gets it from 

ntx comes from ntp_adjtime which is only updated if a big conditional which is 
all local and looks good.  But check for MODE6 errors in the log file.

There is nothing lockclock in that local area.

So my guess is that the normal path isn't putting the right stuff into the 
kernel.  We are missing a call to ntp_adjtime


What's going on here is that ntpq -c kernel is reading a bunch of stuff from 
the kernel.  Normally, it gets put there via ntpd but in the LOCKCLOCK case, 
it gets put there via whatever other program is disciplining the clock.

The background for that is the mode where a PLL in the kernel tracks a PPS.  
It's not available on most kernels so we don't talk about it much.  ntpd sets 
a bit which basically hands off timekeeping to the kernel - similar to 

A likely candidate is a call to loop_config()

This looks fishy to me:

if (clock_ctl.mode_ntpdate)

   if (!lockclock || clock_ctl.mode_ntpdate)

I just pushed a fix - removing the !.
Untested so far.  I'm about to start serious testing.

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devel mailing list

Re: ntpq change in behaviour

2019-01-20 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> Therefore...would you please take a hard look at the change and see if you
> can repair it?  I hate to slough off my mistakes on anybody, but the fix
> needs to be applied by somebody who can test it. 

Alternatively, this is a good opportunity for you to learn more about how ntpd 

Maybe Achim can give you the recipe and you can reproduce a test case and 
graph some of the statistics and see the difference.

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Re: devel/nts.adoc edits

2019-01-20 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Looks good on a modern browser.  The diagram doesn't render on a very old 
browser which can show the stand-alone diagram.  Is there something tricky 
about the include-it recipe?

I think we should keep the plain text version around for a while.  How 
complicated is the conversion process?

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devel mailing list

More work on devel/nts.adoc

2019-01-20 Thread Hal Murray via devel

I moved the comments about configuration away from the packet processing area 
to a new block on configuration.  There are probably rough edges.

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Re: Key lifetime: C2S and S2C

2019-01-19 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> So enforcing key rollover isn't a concern. The recommended server key
> rotation is primarily about forward secrecy then, I presume. 

Draft says:
 Erasing old keys provides for forward
secrecy, limiting the scope of what old information can be stolen if
a master key is somehow compromised.

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Re: The key-manahement argument

2019-01-19 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> My thought about how to enable NTS for the pool would involve requiring a SRV
> record lookup for NTS-KE

That SRV lookup could return multiple names.  Each would point to a separate 
NTS-KE server.

An alternative approach would be to extend the NTS-KE protocol to support 
multiple answers.

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devel mailing list

Re: The key-manahement argument

2019-01-19 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> Imagine a server that uses the suggested cookie approach and simply never
> rolls over K. As long as the client daemon is running, its cookies will be
> valid and keep getting renewed. C2S and S2C will never get rolled over.
> Should the client track an expiration limit in memory, and when that limit is
> hit, re-run NTS-KE? 

Note that the client keeps using the same C2S and S2C even if the server does 
roll over K.


> But there is a middle ground: opportunistic NTS.

The downside of opportunistic X is that it appears to be working but may stop 
working without any warning.  I think we should avoid it.

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Re: The key-manahement argument

2019-01-19 Thread Hal Murray via devel

> The NTS-KE servers would have to share NTS master keys (and cookie formats!)
> with volunteer NTP servers.

If you are interested in security, sharing a master key with many servers 
seems like a bad idea - too many opportunities for a leak.  With something 
like the pool where anybody can join (and thus get the key), security is no 
longer possible.

There are actually two parts to TLS security.  One is the technical side.  Can 
the crypto be broken?  Has the secret key leaked?  The other is trust.  Do you 
trust the name you are using?  The name you used could be a malicious clone of 
a legitimate name: F00 vs FOO.  Or the correct company could be untrustworthy.

The pool might be a good way to test NTS code.  I don't see how to get a 
serious level of trust with volunteer effort.


We can avoid sharing the master key with many NTP servers if the NTS-KE server 
contacts the selected NTP server to get the initial cookies.  That requires 
secrecy on that connection.  That could be TLS and hence another certificate 
or a shared key.

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devel mailing list

Re: The key-manahement argument

2019-01-19 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Richard Laager said:
> * Is NTPsec going to use the suggested cookie format?
Sure, but it isn't a detailed spec.

>* Is NTPsec going to force C2S/S2C key rollover (e.g. by adding an
>   expiration time to its cookie format) or leave expiration to clients?
Maybe, but not initially.  We need a crypto geek to tell us how much we can 
safely encrypt and/or authenticate so we can translate that back to packets.

> * How is NTPsec going to handle key expiration when it is the client?
I assume you are talking about K, the server master key.
The normal case is easy.  The client doesn't have to do anything because the 
server supports both the current K and the previous 1 (or 2?).

For something like a laptop that goes to sleep for a week, the server will 
send a KoD and the client will rekey via NTS-KE.

> * What configuration options will be provided for each piece?
The server needs a file name for the master keys and maybe a flag to start the 
NTS-KE server.
The client needs a new option on the server line.

> * Is NTPsec going to initiate NTS by default? 
Probably not.  That would break backward compatibility.

> I've taken a stab at a bunch of edits:

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devel mailing list

Re: The key-manahement argument

2019-01-18 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Eric said:
> I alsop haven't seen anything yet that that relieves my worries about our
> draft-conformant NTS failing to interop with someone else's draft-conformant
> BTS due to varting cooke formats.

Not a problem.

The cookie format is private.  Neither client box needs to know anything about 
the contents.

One corner case is the initial cookies.  There are 2 options.

Case 1:  NTS-KE server generates the initial cookies.  In this case, it would 
need to know the NTP server's master key and the recipe for making cookies.

Case 2: When the NTS-KE server wants new cookies, it asks the NTP server.  In 
this mode, the NTS-KE server doesn't know anything about the structure of 
cookies or the master key.  The downside is extra network traffic.

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