Patch to make bin_test work without pylib

2024-04-25 Thread James Browning via devel
The clients needing it are still beinginstalled. I have another patch for that later.-30-

Description: Binary data
devel mailing list

Re: Removing md5 usage from ntpsec

2024-04-17 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 04/16/2024 2:34 AM PDT Shreenidhi Shedi via devel  wrote:
> Hi All,
> Currently ntpsec systemd service doesn't start if openssl fips is enabled.
> The same issue was there in ntp as well.
> Looks like ntp is ready with the fix. More info at:
> It would be great if ntpsec can provide a fix as well; many mainstream 
> distros are already providing the ntpsec package, so it's better to have it 
> working in fips mode.

They appear to be using a modified version of the in tree copy of
MD5 they already have. We could drag the one we inherited out of
mothballs, but we have chosen not to do so at this time.

devel mailing list

Re: Hack for monitoring NTP servers

2024-04-15 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 04/11/2024 12:39 PM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> If somebody feels like hacking, something like this should be fun.
> The idea is to setup a ntpd server watching the servers you want to monitor.  
> (noselect on the server line does that)
> The new code is a program that watches that server to see if the servers to 
> be 
> monitored are responding correctly and sends you email if they aren't.

If you were thinking of adding way too many servers you might want to
replace the bubble sort around lines 1709-1728 of ntp_proto.c

I would not write such a thing as it would get me banned from Google.
devel mailing list

Re: CI is broken

2024-04-15 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 04/15/2024 9:15 AM PDT Matt Selsky via devel  wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 01:30:47AM -0700, Hal Murray via devel wrote:
> > I just pushed some code.  The CI stuff sent me a Failed pipeline message.
> > 
> > 
> > [0K[31;1mERROR: Job failed: failed to pull image 
> > "
> > g/gitlab-runner/gitlab-runner-helper:x86_64-v16.11.0" with specified 
> > policies 
> > [always]: Error response from daemon: manifest for 
> >
> > .0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown (manager.go:250:0s)
> > 
> >
> > 
> > There are 9 copies that looked the same to me.
> Hi Hal,
> I don't see anything on GitLab's status history page at 
> but I expect 
> there's nothing for us to do and we can just wait for GitLab to fix the 
> underlying issue (assuming it hasn't been resolved already).

It is resolved already. I assume from briefly looking at the logs that it was a 
new release of the gitlab runner helper that broke it.
devel mailing list

Re: What next?

2024-03-18 Thread James Browning via devel
On 03/17/2024 at 2:00 PM PDT, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> Is anybody thinking about what we should be doing?
> Here is my list:
> Port to Windows
> Does anybody know anything about Windows?
> Is there a decent POSIX environment?
> How well does waf work on Windows?
> We can get the magic code from ntp-classic.

I have forgotten almost everything about MS Windows. It claims to
have a POSIX environment, but it is not.

IIRC waf works on MS Windows; our main configuration does not so

The portability shim should still be available at the
git-conversion tag, fitting it in will be annoying.

> I think we should split ntpd into several independant programs.
> More in another message.

I gave up on that notion; I lacked the patience to do it.

> I think we need a good SNTP client. Something like the old ntpdate.
> I'm looking for a clean example.
> This would be a good opportunity to experiment with Go and/or Rust.
> Getting off the ground.
> There is a chicken-egg problem with getting started when using NTS. TLS
> needs the time to check certificates. I think we can do something like skip
> the date part of certificate checking, then come back and see if the
> certificates pass the date-check after we have a candidate date.

Dusting all the corners would be irritating.

> Alternate port for use with NTS.
> There is a lot of blocking/filtering on port 123. NTS-KE includes
> specifying the port to use. We should be able to listen on another port too.
> I haven't looked carefully. This feels like medium complexity.

Yeah, the IETF NTP WG shot down the notion of NTP alternative port.


> We should test the config file stuff to see that all the options at least get 
> past the parser.  Better would be to actually run the code.

I think somewhere in the middle might be a program that takes config
files and dumps them into some format that is easy to eyeball and
machine parse.

> We should check FIPS mode.  Do any of the CI options include FIPS?
> I got half way there by building OpenSSL to include FIPS mode but I haven't 
> made the config file to use it.

None of the CI runners support FIPS140-2 at the moment.
I don't know how to make them either.

> I'd like a script that checks the certificates.  When do they expire?

That sounds like a simple wrapper around 'openssl x509' would work. 

If OpenSSL does not work, you are probably looking at something much
heavier in the front.

> I'd like a script that finds out who signed a certificate and pokes around in 
> my local certificate collection and tells me a filename so I can add that to 
> a 
> server line in the config file.  The idea is to make sure that we are using 
> the right root-cert rather than one from a CA that was arm twisted by your 
> local repressive govt or broken into by the KBG or NSA.

Perhaps we could call it cert-sweep and also dump the hash, notAfter
and other data from the certificates to standard out as well.
devel mailing list

RE: Addressing the Python 2, AsciiDoc classic, and AsciiDoc 3 tangle

2024-01-11 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 01/10/2024 7:49 PM PST Matt Selsky via devel  wrote:
> Does anyone have links handy to statements from the various projects
> on their long-term support status?

Not as such.

Hitting I find no Python:2.6* images, Python:2.7*
last pushed 21 April 2020, and Centos last pushed 15 September 2021.

Checking,, and for AsciiDoc and Python I find only
Debian Buster has AsciiDoc classic, while Debian Buster, Debian
Bullseye, Fedora 38, Fedora 39, Fedora Rawhide, Ubuntu Focal, and
Ubuntu Jammy claim support of Python 2.7.

A modest google search suggests no distro builds packages for
devel mailing list

Addressing the Python 2, AsciiDoc classic, and AsciiDoc 3 tangle

2024-01-07 Thread James Browning via devel
I suggest that Asciidoc3 should be dropped as it is not
well-supported anywhere else and incurs additional maintenance

To address the support of AsciiDoc classic, we can use a Debian
Bullseye image until around July/August 2024, as it has AsciiDoc
classic. The current Debian Bookworm, which will replace
Bullseye, does not support AsciiDoc classic.

The image maintainer last updated the Bookworm and Bullseye
images in mid-December, while the Centos 6/7 and Python 2 image
maintainers last updated them a few years ago.

Fred is the only reliable support for Python 2.6, and we should
look for a maintained image that has Python 2.6, in case he is

We should consider dropping support for AsciiDoc3 and move the
Python 2.7 and AsciiDoc classic checks to Debian Bullseye. Also,
it has been proposed that we should drop support for Asciidoc
classic and Python 2 in August 2024 and 2025, respectively.
devel mailing list

Re: Release

2023-12-18 Thread James Browning via devel

> On 12/17/2023 9:49 PM PST Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> Fred Wright said:


> > There are also a bunch of warnings with some compilers, which might be  
> > worth
> > looking at.  They're often fairly easy to fix, and sometimes indicate actual
> > problems. 
> Which compilers?  Or rather which OS/distros?
> Can we set things up so that the gitlab CI stuff tells us about warnings?
> James suggested adding the compiler flag that turns warnings into errors.  
> That won't work on the old old version of Bison that has a missing default or 
> something like that.

I also would be interested in seeing these errors for myself.

there is also 'clang -Weverything' and some weblinks

I am also attaching a file derived from the output of clang.
A previous attempt to send a more complete listing had issues.-Weverything (x86_64 Linux Clang 16)
1889 -Wunsafe-buffer-usage
1382 -Wpadded
 375 -Wextra-semi-stmt
 167 -Wdouble-promotion
 103 -Wsign-conversion
  81 -Wshorten-64-to-32
  65 -Wimplicit-int-conversion
  58 -Wmissing-variable-declarations
  56 -Wdeclaration-after-statement
  53 -Wunused-macros
  52 -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion
  32 -Wcovered-switch-default
  23 -Wimplicit-float-conversion
  20 -Wdisabled-macro-expansion
  17 -Wformat-nonliteral
  16 -Wunreachable-code-break
  14 -Wunreachable-code
  12 -Wfloat-conversion
  10 -Wcast-align
   8 -Wimplicit-fallthrough
   5 -Wcast-function-type-strict
   5 -Wbad-function-cast
   4 -Wused-but-marked-unused
   4 -Wreserved-identifier
   2 -Wextra-semi
   2 -Wconditional-uninitialized
   2 -Wcomma
   1 -Wunreachable-code-return
   1 -Wstring-conversion
   1 -Wreserved-macro-identifier

-Weverything (arm64 macOS clang 15)
1310 -Wpadded
 404 -Wunused-macros
 158 -Wpoison-system-directories
  99 -Wsign-conversion
  82 -Wshorten-64-to-32
  57 -Wmissing-variable-declarations
  54 -Wdeclaration-after-statement
  52 -Wimplicit-int-conversion
  28 -Wcovered-switch-default
  22 -Wcast-align
  17 -Wformat-nonliteral
  16 -Wunreachable-code
  13 -Wunreachable-code-break
   8 -Wimplicit-float-conversion
   6 -Wdouble-promotion
   5 -Wbad-function-cast
   4 -Wused-but-marked-unused
   3 -Wfloat-conversion
   2 -Wextra-semi
   2 -Wdisabled-macro-expansion
   2 -Wconditional-uninitialized
   1 -Wunreachable-code-return
   1 -Wstring-conversion
devel mailing list

Re: Missing clockwork

2023-12-18 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/17/2023 11:49 PM PST Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> Anybody recognize this?  I've seen a missing file once before.  I think it 
> was 
> clockwork.??
> It works if I try it again.

It sounds like a race condition in our wscript files or waf.
How willing are you to sink time into this, I think it's a
losing proposition.
devel mailing list

Re: What does gitlab's "Successful pipeline" mean?

2023-12-06 Thread James Browning via devel
On Dec 5, 2023 23:45, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

Does that mean no warnings?

No errors slipped past any nets in their way.If not, how are we expected to learn about code that generates warnings on 

obscure systems?Maybe we should add -Werror or such to CFLAGS. The most obscure system tested is FreeBSD. All compilers are clang or gcc.All the world really are Linux boxen.

devel mailing list

Re: How does the parser work?

2023-12-04 Thread James Browning via devel
On Dec 4, 2023 13:49, James Browning  wrote:The host phase of Waf build generates tablegen which in turn generates keywords.h IIRC. I have no idea how the internals work. I seem to recall that tablegen.c was badly scored by Codacy.Oops, keyword-gen and a rated; I need to get my memory replaced.___
devel mailing list

Re: How does the parser work?

2023-12-04 Thread James Browning via devel
On Dec 3, 2023 23:45, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

ntp_parser.y contqains:

%token     T_Tinker

%token     T_Tlsciphers

%token     T_Tlsciphersuites

I'd expect those tokens to come from the keywords header file.

But tlsciphers isn't in the keyword list.

tlscipehrswuites is in the list.The host phase of Waf build generates tablegen which in turn generates keywords.h IIRC. I have no idea how the internals work. I seem to recall that tablegen.c was badly scored by Codacy.

devel mailing list

Re: Asciidoc question

2023-12-03 Thread James Browning via devel
On Dec 3, 2023 18:49, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:What does the $$ after the +aga+ do?

|+year+    |One generation file element is generated per year.

    The filename  suffix consists of a dot and a 4 digit year number.

|+age+$$   |This type of file generation sets changes to a new element 


    the file set every 24 hours of server operation. The filenameIt appears it inserts it in the default font after 'age' which seems to be monospaced.

devel mailing list

Re: Release

2023-12-02 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/02/2023 8:09 PM PST Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> I think you should release what we have as soon as it is convenient.
> There are many more things I would like to include but we aren't making much 
> progress so it's time to do it.

Referring to the first four items on the release checklist.

1. It is approximately time for a release.

4. The buildbots are not reporting any unplanned regressions; there
are always issues to be addressed.

2a. An early warning has been sent to the devel list. The NEWS and
devel/TODO files are not up to date.

2b. There have been 144 commits since 1.2.2; 53 are from Hal Murray,
47 are from Matt Selsky, 31 are from James Browning, and everyone
else totals 13.

3. I think we should nix the devel/TODO* files and update the NEWS
file before cutting a release, but I do not see any other major blockers to a 
soon(ish) release.
devel mailing list

Re: I/we need a lesson in git and/or gitlab and/or merge requests

2023-11-11 Thread James Browning via devel
Hal Murray wrote:
> Merge requests seem reasonable if all goes well.  My work flow is roughly:
>   download the patch  (URL plus ".patch")
>   scan it
>   maybe apply and test
>   approve and merge

Ah, my work turbulence is incompatible with your workflow.

> But things go downhill if I don't like something.  What I get from James is 
> an 
> update to the MR, a patch to the patch.  That makes reading/checking the 
> patch 
> harder and clutters up the git log.
> What if I don't like the description of a patch?
> Merge has an option to reduce all the patches to one.  But often that isn't 
> appropriate.

"git rebase -i" allows you to selectively drop, reorder, squash,
and/or amend commits.  At least, that is what I have heard.  I use
GUI tools.

> git works so well for most things.  I think I/we are missing something in the 
> workflow.

Reasonable communication, etiquette, and politics on my part?

> Should we be throwing away merges and making new ones rather than patching 
> them?

Yes, if it works better than my work-turbulence not working with
your workflow.  We will not run out of integers.

> How do I backup a bunch of commits that turned into a MR so I can make them 
> better and try again?
> I'm on a list or two where patches are distributed via email.  git has 
> several 
> commands for that.  Iterations usually have a v1 v2 ... as part of the 
> Subject.  Often individual parts will be approved.  It's a lof of clutter in 
> the email stream but the discussion gets archived in email rather than hidden 
> over in a MR.
> Is there a way in gitlab to approve only one of the patches rather than all 
> of 
> them?  I think I could do that by downloading the patch which is several 
> email 
> messages, editing out the one I want...  Again, if that was the right thing 
> to 
> be doing, I'd expect git to support it which it probably does if you use 
> their 
> email mode.

I am unaware of many things, including any potential means of
cherry-picking any particular commits via GitLab.  Offline, I might
try the following.

$ git checkout origin/master
$ git am ${path_to_mr_patches}
$ git format-patch ${number_of_commits}
$ git checkout origin/master
$ $EDITOR ${specific_patch_file}
$ git am ${specific_patch_file}

Should I return to throwing patches at people and see what gets
picked up?

devel mailing list

Re: Time for a release?

2023-11-05 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 10/31/2023 2:56 AM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> Is updating PIVOT.h on your checklist and/or should I update it now while 
> I/we 
> think of it?

I do not see a reply on list; I will now bleat pointlessly.

Updating PIVOT.h is not as far as I can tell mentioned anywhere in
the release process documentation. Yes, PIVOT.h probably should be
updated. I had a scheme for when to update the pivot time; It does
not matter what it was.
devel mailing list

Re: Time for a release?

2023-10-31 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 10/31/2023 2:28 AM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> > Here are the open issues the caught my eye:
> >
> I think we should fix that.  Or at least try.  It sounds like a bug in 
> ntp_control.  I just tried rv xxx for some xxx that was a reasonable assid.  
> It didn't print any garbage.  Anybody got a handy test case?
> Looking at the code...
> It fills a buffer with 8 " %.2f", then calls the routine that prints that as 
> name=value.
> That won't work with spaces in there -- well, maybe it will, but it depends 
> on 
> what the parser in ntpq does.  I'd expect it to call the routine that prints 
> it as name="value".  But I don't know what ntpq is doing...  We should print 
> that stuff in a nice table.

It was an issue in 1.2.1 and 1.2.2, Hal solved it already. A slightly
longer overview is in #806. The short version is I forgot to
initialize the first byte of storage and whatever cruft was in there
up to the first NUL got in.
devel mailing list

Re: Time for a release?

2023-10-30 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 10/29/2023 10:50 PM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> The last time this was suggested, I encouraged waiting until we fixed mssntp. 
>  Well, I think we have it fixed but we haven't found anybody to test it.
> So I think it's time to get ready for a release.
> Time for lots of testing.  And documentation checking/cleanup.
> Does anybody have any features that should or must go in or bugs we should 
> fix?
> (I haven't looked through issues yet.)

Highest priority MRs I have are 1331 and 1344. Bringing in some of
the others would be nice. I want to rework 1341 though and now is not
the time. Some of my other merge requests address issues that have
been reported.

> What is the policy on ntpq documentation?  We have tuned the code for use 
> with our version of ntpd, but it still mostly(?) talks to the old 
> Mills/classic version.  I noticed lots of references to multicast and 
> broadcast in the man page.  We removed the code that supported that stuff 
> ages ago.  The *cast references are now clutter if you are interested in our 
> code, but might be relevant if you are looking at an old old system.  Should 
> we leave the *cast documentation in or clean it out?

Huh, I'd have thought it would be in devel/hacking.adoc, maybe not. I
suggest something like the following boilerplate...

# Due to insecurabablility and dubious timing issue non unicat modes
# are not supported in NTPsec, ntpq still supports reporting non-
# unicast clocks to support legacy software.

> I have 3 hacks that were used to debug talking to Samba.  Is a subdir under 
> attic a reasonable place for them?

I would have stuck them in contrib/. I don't think people consider me

I would've like to see !1173 and !1174 merged, but I think that time
has passed.
devel mailing list

Re: Too many merge requests

2023-10-15 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 10/14/2023 7:16 PM PDT Hal Murray  wrote:
> James said:
> > MR 1333 should address the issue where every response in an 
> > mssntp-restricted
> > subnet gets lost in ntp_signd.
> Is there any reason to approve it now when we don't know if it works yet?

I have tested it a bit; It prevents non-MSSNTP traffic from getting
sucked into ntp_signd and vanishing. Errors in ntp_singd generate an
error message or two. Hopefully, anyone tripping over this in the
future will help us debug it rather than just looking at the Samba
Wiki crapping on us and leaving.

> Are all the changes inside an #ifdef?  (and thus unlikely to break normal 
> operations)

Yes, #ifdefs contain all of it except for maybe_log() and struct
do_we_log, which I see as having potential uses besides ntp_signd.

> > MR 1331 addresses several issues with ntpdig and MAC handling. 
> I hate big python programs.  It would be nice if somebody else took a look at 
> that one.

I asked Matt Selsky to merge it in early August and am still waiting
to hear back.

> > MR 1325 holds lost patches.
> What does "lost patches" mean.? If they are useful, it will be much easier to 
> approve them if they are split up -- one problem will hold up the whole 
> collection.

Ah, let me rephrase: I have almost given up on them ever being
merged. MR 1325 has 48 patches in /patchsets. 11 are standalone
patches, and the rest are in 9 patch chains.
devel mailing list

Too many merge requests

2023-10-14 Thread James Browning via devel
I currently have eight merge requests open; I would like other people 
to merge two. MR 1333 should address the issue where every response
in an mssntp-restricted subnet gets lost in ntp_signd. MR 1331
addresses several issues with ntpdig and MAC handling. OTOH, I am
still preparing MRs 1340, 1337, 1336, 1330, and 1282, while MR 1325
holds lost patches.

In detail, MR 1333 restores the removed MS-SNTP bypass logic (fixing 
the MACless, typical symmetric, and NTS cases). It then adds a
rate-limited logging mechanism, then it adds logging to ntp_signd
where none pre-existed and finally cleans up the code a little.

A look at MR 1331 reveals: First, it tightens the timing by an 
insignificant amount while resolving an obscure issue. Then, it
addresses another more elusive issue. Later, it Fixes an issue with
(previously) untruncated long MACs. Finally, it improves the timing
of subsequent packets insignificantly while ensuring they do not get
additional MACs.

You can stop reading here.

The worst of the not ready is 1325, which has too many patches in the 

MR 1340 would drop Asciidoc3, Ascioidoc-py2 and Asciidoc-py3 (<9.0.0) 
support from NTPsec. I need to think more about MR 1282. It's been
years since anyone cared about NTPsec docker images, so MR 1330 can

Running bin_test against the installed files should be necessary, but 
no one cares for MR 1336. Consistent docs and code regarding the
Address/Protocol Family must be essential to resurrect MR 1337.
devel mailing list

Re: mssntp option breaking time service: tester(s) wanted

2023-10-04 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 10/04/2023 3:41 PM PDT Hal Murray  wrote:
> Does anybody have details on how MSSNTP signing works?
> If we can find that, we can write some POSIX code to test things.

I have test tools that should push the right buttons IF I can get
the correct magic number in the key ID. After running it with a
rainbow table, it did not work.

1) The client does client things I should not have to care about
2) The client sends an NTP request with a magic key ID
   and 16-byte NUL MAC
3) after correctness checks, the server forms a reply and then
   sends it like this.
   a) ntpsec connects to Samba (works)
   b) ntpsec sends a length (tested/seems to work)
   c) ntpsec sends serialized struct samb_key_in.
   d) samba responds with a length (always 12 IIRC)
   e) samba continues with serialized struct samba_key_out
4) ntpsec reads that and concludes that the packet is not
   correctly signed and tries to throw a couple of new error

> There is a link in ntpd/ntp_signd.c
> But I didn't find anything interesting there. (Maybe my browser was filtering
> something.)

I see walls of text that I do not want to read.

> We still need to test with real Windows at least once to make sure our test
> code does the right thing.

Yes, I probably should.

devel mailing list

mssntp option breaking time service: tester(s) wanted

2023-10-04 Thread James Browning via devel
James Browning wrote:
I have a patch series for ntpsec, which fixes time service for unauthed NTP 
It should also work on NTS. I have yet to test it there, though.
I do not have a test rig for MS-SNTP.
I would appreciate it if anyone could test it against MS-SNTP.
Attaching a pcap (packet capture) file of the UDP traffic on port 123 (NTP)
for the duration would also be nice.
recentish git head and patch series at
in the branch 23H14-ms-sntp-frob; I do not develop in the default branch.
For those with GitLab accounts, the merge request and Issue are at: and
devel mailing list

Re: I just pushed ntsstats and ntskestats

2023-09-27 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 09/26/2023 10:09 PM PDT Hal Murray  wrote:
> > After glancing at the tops and bottoms fo some of the HTML docs, I think I
> > have some issues to correct.
> I think the last line of the man pages used to have the version number.  I'm 
> not seeing that now.
> Is that because I'm doing something special to get the date in the version 
> string ( --build-desc=xxx to waf) or did that fall throug the cracks somehow? 
> (Or was it my imagination?)

I would love to say "I think it's your imagination;" how I think it
slipped thought the cracks at some point. It would appear I failed to
heed my own advice.

+// Be very careful about changing things here.
+// Everything is included in HTML doc forming.
+// Borrow a second set of eyes. -- JamesB192

I will work a bit on tracking down why it is gone.
devel mailing list

Re: I just pushed ntsstats and ntskestats

2023-09-26 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 09/24/2023 6:09 PM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> There was a request for ntpviz to show NTS traffic.  We now have the log 
> files 
> to make that possible.

That's good, I had some ntpviz glue that works with a different way
of doing that. I'll check if I can graft it to work with yours.

> Please look at the indentation around the info for the *stats options in both 
> the man page for ntp.conf and the html pages for ntp_conf and monopt.

I think the entire section need to be reformatted, but I'm not sure
how yet.

> The web pages have a box around the sample lines for the log file.  That's 
> missing from the man pages.

Ah, I misread that earlier; you'd probably have to stick the samples
in a table for that to show in man.

After glancing at the tops and bottoms fo some of the HTML docs, I
think I have some issues to correct. As previously mentioned ntp_conf 
has a Mills reference that might go away.

The horizontal rules at the bottom of decode, driver_howto,
driver_trimble and kernpps are not consistent with the rest of the
HTML docs. The driver_* pages seem to be inconsistently formatted.

rate seems to have a duplicated footnote. dirver_howto and rollover
are the only docs with images at the end, and sitmap has seemingly
inconsistent 'links to top' and many missing links.
devel mailing list

Re: I just pushed ntsstats and ntskestats

2023-09-25 Thread James Browning via devel
On Sep 24, 2023, 18:09, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

There was a request for ntpviz to show NTS traffic.  We now have the log files 

to make that possible.

Any documentation wizards?I am willing to break out some instant expert credentials on this until someone better shows up.Please look at the indentation around the info for the *stats options in both 

the man page for ntp.conf and the html pages for ntp_conf and monopt.I will get on that.
The web pages have a box around the sample lines for the log file.  That's 

missing from the man pages.I will take a look at it. Would you like a single or double-line 'box' for the tables?

devel mailing list

Re: Tangle with -4 and -6

2023-09-19 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 09/17/2023 at 10:36 PM PDT, Hal Murray wrote:
> -4 and -6 work on the server line in ntp.conf but are not documented

The closest I can see to an implementation is in ntpd/ntp_parser.y
lines 390-395. I infer this to mean that it sets the Address Family
of peer->srcaddr to a matching value. Which I could draft a document of.

> -4/ipv4 and -6/ipv6 "work" on the command line, but they don't do what the
> documentation says.  The man page says:
>Force DNS resolution of following host names on the command line to
>the IPv4 namespace.
> What they do is turn off setting up sockets for the other protocol.

I could write some code to do both and update the doc to reflect
that but not merge it.

> I'm not sure what the NTS server does if, say, the system doesn't support 
> IPv6 
> when it tries to listen on an IPv6 address.

A couple of possible cases here: First if a host truly doesn't support
IPv6, it will probably generate a failure at some point that gets
logged> OTOH a host that has disconnected IPv6 will probably set up a
peer entry that will persist unless something removes it.

> The network side sets up two flags: ipv4_works and ipv6_works
> The command line -4 and -6 flags turn off the other _works flag.

There are variables in ntpd.c for whether to try choosing a particular
AF or go with the default. After checking which AFs work, there is
the following code...

if (ipv4_works && ipv6_works) {
if (opt_ipv4)
ipv6_works = false;
else if (opt_ipv6)
ipv4_works = false;
} else if (!ipv4_works && !ipv6_works) {
msyslog(LOG_ERR, "INIT: Neither IPv4 nor IPv6 networking 
detected, fatal.");
} else if (opt_ipv4 && !ipv4_works)
msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "INIT: -4/--ipv4 ignored, IPv4 networking 
not found.");
else if (opt_ipv6 && !ipv6_works)
msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "INIT: -6/--ipv6 ignored, IPv6 networking 
not found.");

Replace with something more like the following.

if (metal_af == AF_NONE) {
msyslog(LOG_ALERT, "INIT: The Network does not work.");
} else if ((metal_af == argv_af) || (metal_af == AF_UNSPEC)) {
sys_af = argv_af;
} else if (peer_af == AF_UNSPEC) {
sys_af = metal_af;
} else {
msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "INIT: Ignoring requested family %d", argv_af);

> I wrote the DNS code for both server/pool and NTS.  I don't remember how the 
> -4/-6 options work (and a quick look didn't refresh my memory).  I don't 
> remember ever checking the above flags or thinking about doing it.

It uses the AF of peer->srcaddr, AFAICT the command line doesn't
affect it even indirectly.

> Note that there are 2 DNS lookups on the NTS path, one for the NTS-KE server 
> and another if the server returns a name/address rather than using the 
> default 
> of the same address as was used for the NTS-KE lookup.

I was going to try to write something relevant here, but I decided
not to.

> I'm pretty sure the command line processing doesn't do any DNS lookups.
> It roughly adds a server line, and does a DNS lookup with the constant-only 
> (no net traffic) flag so that slot won't get delayed behing a real DNS lookup 
> that is skow.
> --
> I think we should clean up this area.  That includes:

I would also suggest cleaning up libntp/{initnetwork,isc_net}.c to
remove isc_result as we only seem to care if we succeed and not the
why of failures.

> Making sure DNS lookups don't use an address for a disabled protocol.

A minor patch in ntp_dns.c may help with that.

if ((sys_af == AF_UNSPEC) || (sys_af = peer_af)) { = peer_af;
} else if (peer_af = AF_UNSPEC) { = sys_af;
} else {
msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "DNS: Requested supported family %d", peer_af);

> Add enable/disable -4/ipv4 -6/ipv6 to ntp.conf
> Note that these will have a backwards meaning from the -4 on the command line.
>   -4 on the command line <=> disable -6
> Does this make sense?
> Am I missing anything?

A corner case and minor details, perhaps.

> This will take a lot of testing.

Ah, yes, the other reason why I can't get anything merged.

> We should move the command line code in config_peers to that checks for a 
> numeric address to the main processing loop.

We should do it before the main loop starts; the
check is probably affordable.
static bool is_sane_resolved_address()
in ntp_cconfig.c is written for that.

It seems that -4 and -6 also apply to the interface commands in the
config file and via mode 6.
devel mailing list

Re: Is python2 dead?

2023-09-12 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 09/12/2023 12:00 AM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> Gary said:
> > Please, no.  Go is a garbage collected language.  Just what NTPsec does not
> > need, random, unpredictable delays. 

It would appear there is a way to turn off GC under runtime/,
Given this, it might be reasonable to schedule run a light GC
at an odd corner of every minute and a heavier one less often.

> I was thinking of the Python code in ntpclients/ and pylib/
> Is there anything in there that is time sensitive?

Maybe ntpdig with time sitting or the SNMP agent? I
think the premise there is everything is human speed.

> There are lots of ways to inject timing bumps before we get to garbage 
> collecting.  cache, scheduler, interrupts, CPU speed, ...
> Do you have any data on Go GC times?

It is probably somewhere in the previous
considerable discussion back in June/July 2021.
devel mailing list

Re: Is python2 dead?

2023-09-04 Thread James Browning via devel
On Sep 4, 2023 14:46, Matthew Selsky via devel  wrote:On Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 02:25:46PM -0700, Gary E. Miller via devel wrote:

> From RHEL:


> "The RHEL 8 AppStream Lifecycle Page puts the end date of RHEL 8's

> Python 2.7 package at June 2024."



Hi Gary,

Is the implication that we can safely drop python2 support after June 2024?  Are there any other distributions that ship python2 that we want to maintain support for?

How much does it cost us to maintain python2 support in our own code?By dropping 2.6 support we would eliminate the need to check for argparse in a few place, glue to replace ordereddict?, be able to use with for resource allocatoion, and the need to pretend to test on 2.6. 

By dropping 2.7 we could probably assume secrets which simplifies ntpkeygen, simplify ntp.poly, be able to drop the now oldoldstable? runner testing for asciidoc on python 2 support, and also have the option of adding type hinting.I am probably missing a whole bunch of stuff though.___
devel mailing list

Re: nts and ntske log files

2023-08-28 Thread James Browning via devel
On Aug 28, 2023 18:10, James Browning  wrote:On Aug 28, 2023 17:10, Hal Murray  wrote:

James Browning said:

> The NTP solution would be to convert the mess to l_fp which

> will work for a bit less than 13 years. 

Thanks.  l_fp is the right answer.

How did you get 13 years?  I get 136.  Did you drop/typo the 6?Expires February 2036 minus the current dateis about 12 years and 5 months maybe ish...Oh, wait I am supposed to use rollover funcs tocompensate for throwing away more than halfof the epoch at the beginning.
> My joke would be to have it as a long long of micro-seconds which would be

> good for hundreds of thousands of years.  

l_fp has 32 bits of fraction.  micro takes 20 bits.  So using micro seconds 

would gain 12 bits.  So that would be 557xxx years.My revised guess would've been around 54400.___
devel mailing list

Re: nts and ntske log files

2023-08-28 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 08/28/2023 3:08 PM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> I just pushed the first cut.
> No documentation yet.
> Like sysstats and usestats, ntsstats and ntskestats get logged every hour.
> If you look at the output from ntpq -c nts, the counters fall into two 
> clumps, 
> one for NTS and one for NTS-KE.  All the counters get logged in the same 
> order.
> Should we add counters for IPv4 and IPv6?
> I think I'll merge the CPU usage.  (getrusage provides separate user and 
> system CPU slots)
> There are 3 cases for the server side of NTS-KE:
>   OK: Worked
>   Failed: SSL got started but something didn't work (http?)
>   NoSSL: SSL didn't get started (telnet?)
> I think I'll add wall/CPU counters for the no-SSL case.
> Should we split things client/server rather than NTS/NTS-KE?  With the 
> current 
> split, you can't get NTS packets per NTS-KE without looking in two separate 
> files.
> What's the right type/units for wall time and CPU time?  The current code is 
> double and seconds.  That won't ever overflow, but some day in the far future 
> a very busy KE server might drop low bits.  We could solve that by using 
> timespec.  Should I switch to timespec now so we never have to think about 
> this again?  Can ntpq handle timespecs as elapsed times rather than time of 
> day?  ...

It probably should be at the point where a double is inadequate to
represent current time as a double due to leaking nanoseconds. The
NTP solution would be to convert the mess to l_fp which will work
for a bit less than 13 years. My joke would be to have it as a long
long of micro-seconds which would be good for hundreds of thousands
of years. 

> I'd like ntpq to display both the total and recent counters like sysstats 
> does.
> The code that does hourly logging has to remember the totals when it prints 
> things so it can subtract them off from the new totals next time.  It's easy 
> for me to return the old values but slightly inconvenient to do the subtract. 
> How hard is it to do the subtract in ntpq?

I didn't do it in ntpq. I wrote a macro that builds a couple of
getters per attribute (in ntpd/ntp_proto.c), and abused it. Then
a wrapper abusing the getters was added in 'ntpd/ntp_control.c'.
devel mailing list

Re: Release, project sleeping, and running down the clock.

2023-08-22 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 08/22/2023 3:29 AM PDT Hal Murray  wrote:
> James Browning said:
> > If the project is sleeping, then you may as
> >well cut the new release now.
> I think we should do a normal release.  That includes scanning the issues and 
> merge requests.  And lots of testing.
> I'm working on making a couple of new stats files for NTP packets using NTS 
> and NTS-KE.  That should enable fixing #795 (ntpviz) and provide data for 
> thinking about #797 (TLS server priority bit).
> I think we should fix the mssntp hack or decide to rip it out.

Some people will accuse us of throwing away perfectly good code
either way. I am getting bogged down in the weeds working on an
asynchronous implementation of the MS-SNTP shim. 

> > I would
> >appreciate it if people commented on my merge
> >requests 1331, 1333, and 1335.
> 1335:
> sysstats are not resetting hourly when not logged to a file
> ntp.poly.polychr() is broken on Python 2 (incorrectly reported as Python 
> 3 
> on the ML)
> ./waf requires Python development headers when building no ntp.ntpc or 
> Python w/ FFI ntp.ntpc
> Minor text fixups in many Python files
> 9 tests/libntp/*y do not have pyshebang headers
> 6 test files, two wscript files, and ntp.agentx all lack SPDX 
> licenses 
> declarations
> 9 pylib files and 8 test files lack license attribution
> wscript files in tests and pylib lack UTF-8 coding lines
> That looks like 4 unrelated things in one MR.  There is only one "approve" 
> button.
> I'm interested in the first one, but not interested enough to try to dig it 
> out from all the other stuff.

I can and will drop the other commits quickly enough.

> 1333:
> 2403ed08 - 1 commit from branch NTPsec:master
> 18336fa1 - ms-sntp: works up to trying to connect to the socket.
> 5535c882 - ms-sntp: Add excessive logging.
> Do we have a test setup yet?  There was a lot of discussion a few weeks ago, 
> but I don't remember seeing a recipe for one.

I have one that seems to need fixing. It keeps returning 4+12
octet messages that Samba wouldn't/couldn't sign the return

> Again, There is only one "approve" button and I'm not going to approve 
> anything that says "excessive logging".
> If you need more info for debugging...  There are several approaches.
> 1) Use the normal msyslog, but make sure it doesn't turn into a self-DoS.  
> You can add some rate limiting.  

I am using msyslog, but I did not add rate limiting. It logs once
per packet failure condition, and it is single elimination.
I need to look at rete limiting.

> 2) You can use the DEBUG stuff.  I've never been happy with that -- too much 
> other printout to wade through.
> 3) You can add the msyslog stuff with an ifdef or if (0) that defaults to 
> off.  You edit the file and rebuild to turn on your extra printout.  This 
> seems to work well if you are likely to want the same printout in the future. 
>  You change a (0) to (1) rather than typing in the whole long line again.
> 1331:
> ntpdig appends a new mac after each host dug
> ntpdig can try to take the trusted attribute of a byte string.
> the authenticator bits in ntp.packet do not truncate digests
> I can't quite figure out what that means.  Does it print something stupid?  
> Crash?
> How would I test it?

The first commit addresses running authenticated ntpdig against a
hostname with multiple addresses adds an authenticator before
getting time from each IP. So the second address gets two, the
third three, and so on, causing ntpd to drop them as invalid.

The second commit addresses coding errors in ntpdig. It tries to
get access to two attributes from a string (think  uint8_t[]) the
neither has nor can have them.

for the third commit if ntpq/ntpdig authenticates with a long hash
(possibly sha2/sha3/blake) the authenticator is not truncated
at 4+20 bytes causing ntpd to drop the packet as invalid.

> My head doesn't like python.  I'd be happier if somebody else tested/approved 
> this.
devel mailing list

Re: What does bison do with undefined tokens?

2023-08-22 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 08/22/2023 12:09 AM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> ntpd/ntp_parser.y has this line:
> %token   T_Timingstats
> T_Timingstats is never defined.  All the other similar tokens are defined in 
> ntpd/keyword-gen.c

I think that is a stub definition. It gets written into the
resulting c and h files with a number. Additionally line 658
seems to ensure it get added as a stub option for 'stats'.

Properly the lines should probably be filled out or removed.
devel mailing list

Release, project sleeping, and running down the clock.

2023-08-21 Thread James Browning via devel
If the project is sleeping, then you may aswell cut the new release now. Otherwise I wouldappreciate it if people commented on my mergerequests 1331, 1333, and 1335. My other mergerequests 1335, 1330, and 1324 can wait a while.It is coming up on 8 months since 1.2.2 wasreleased.___
devel mailing list

outstadning? (non-)issues

2023-08-14 Thread James Browning via devel
- ms-sntp is broken
- turning ms-sntp on breaks all time service
- ms-sntp is blocking on every packet
- IPv6 address to refid is broken with FIPS 140-2
- byte strings lack .hostname and .trusted in ntpdig
- in ntp.packet, many hashes are not truncated to 20 bytes
- when running ntpdig against a name with multiple
  addresses each address adds a MAC
- 6 Python files lack shebang lines, two coding lack encoding lines,
  9 lack SPDX statements, and 17 lack copyrights at an earlier check
- ntploggps used/uses count_used_satellites before definition
- protostats do not reset hourly unless login to a file
- polychr() was/is broken on Python 3
devel mailing list

Re: NTPsec 1.2.2a released

2023-08-04 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 08/04/2023 6:35 PM PDT Fred Wright via devel  wrote:
> I notice that the two commits for that don't seem to be in any branch. 
> Having commits only "owned" by a tag and not a branch seems fragile.

I do not think it is particularly fragile; I mean the garbage
collector is that aggressive, is it?

> In the process of investigating this, I noticed that only the master 
> branch is visible in the WebGUI, even though there are actually 25 
> branches in the repo.

I also only see the branch master. Then again I am not expecting to
see 26 branches because we have 25 tags and master. BTW master at one 
point or another contained all of those tags.

> Having a separate branch for each patch release could get somewhat 
> cluttered, but it's straightfoward to use a single branch for all patch 
> releases, as long as folks aren't allergic to merge commits.
> Fred Wright

If it bothers you, I could add a merge request to add a 1.2.2 branch.
I have a few CI changes to backport. I am not going to create another
merge request unless I can get confirmation someone besides me wants
devel mailing list

Re: [Git][NTPsec/ntpsec][master] 3 commits: Minor cleanups to restrict

2023-07-06 Thread James Browning via devel
On Jul 5, 2023 22:36, Matthew Selsky via devel  wrote:Has this fix been submitted upstream to has now.
devel mailing list

CI oops in the option testers

2023-06-22 Thread James Browning via devel
The Alpine Linux and Gentoo weekly option testers are not
correctly failing on missing Python 2. Also, the CentOS
and Fedora runners seem to be missing pkg-config packages.
I have a possible partial workaround as !1327___
devel mailing list

Re: Warnings from unity

2023-06-21 Thread James Browning via devel
On Jun 21, 2023, 12:54, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:> That usually means there is no "default:" case in a switch.

OK, but where did the unity code come from and/or have we cloned it or are we 

tracking what they do?  Or ...I think it occasionally gets updated from GitHub [1].[1]
devel mailing list

Re: master broken on macos

2023-04-13 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 04/13/2023 11:57 AM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> I merged James' latest version for printing out the OpenSSL version during
> configure.
> It barfs on macos.
> The log file says:
> Checking for OpenSSL != 1.1.1a : yes
> OpenSSL version : The
> configuration failed
> (complete log in /Users/gitlab/builds/NTPsec/ntpsec/build/config.log)
> Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:00
> ERROR: Job failed (system failure): exit status 2
> How do I get to the "complete log"?

A couple of possibilities: one is to append '||cat build/config.log' to lines 
386 and 402 (ish) of .gitlab-ci.yml; the other would involve adding something 
not quite wholly unlike the following to those YAML branches

  - build/config.log

They can be combined, and I need to think of the right questions earlier. The 
former dumps it in the CI log, and the latter should be in a downloadable 
devel mailing list

Re: Updated to-do list?

2023-04-09 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 04/08/2023 2:45 PM PDT Hal Murray  wrote:
> > Given that the things I have been turning in are not in the direction
> > we are headed, what should I be working on? Other than trying to do a
> > Golang port by myself, or revisiting the more than a-year-old list?
> MR 1307 and/or 1309 is high on my list. I was hoping somebody else would be
> interested.

Grab a shovel and a Philosopher's Stone.

> What's on your year old list?
TLDR back in June 2021, I kicked off the previous to-do list by revisiting the 
in-tree devel/TODO.adoc file [1] and randomly commenting on the points. [2]

This led to ESR kicking off the provisional new list with the sole item of 
porting NTPsec (probably) to Golang [3]. I kicked in my tuppence[4].

* check on the state of C to Rust/Golang transpilers (They sucked)
* Archipelligo model but with threads rather than discrete processes to enable 
per thread seccomp.
* Implement a toy that hits all of the (sys)calls used by NTPsec quickly (for 
seccomp again)
* try to break up sizeable opaque code blocks (maybe enabling things like 
refclockd and testframe)
* Testing
** compilers other than GCC/Clang
** kernels other than Linux (token FreeBSD/Darwin)
** other libC implementations, file Hierarchies
* Update the docker runners to be better
* sort out my miscellaneous merge requests
(whatever frippery I think up)

with the result primarily being [5]

* Port away from C

with minor diversions to

* Resolve CVEs
* close issues to have less than 20 open
* More extensive unit-tests
* Releases






> For a small project, I think we should make mode6/ntpq require the cookie on
> everything but getting the cookie, and we should make sure that there is no
> amplification when getting the cookie.

That would break compatibility with ntpq from classic NTP.

> How much do you know about Go? Can you write a multi-threaded echo server?
> I have a collection of hacks for measuring performance of NTP servers. Down
> hill and with a tailwind, I can get 1,000,000 packets per second. I have C
> and Rust versions. It would be neat to try a Go version.

I can manage to do that.
devel mailing list

Updated to-do list?

2023-04-07 Thread James Browning via devel
Given that the things I have been turning in are not in the direction we are headed, what should I be working on? Other than trying to do a Golang port by myself, or revisiting the more than a-year-old list?___
devel mailing list

Re: MR 1307 and/or 1309

2023-04-01 Thread James Browning via devel
On Mar 31, 2023, 17:27, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

Has anybody tried them?Probably only me; I am a perennial screw-up and everything I touch cracks.1307 is my implementation of the socket refclock and 1309 contains an alternative to ntpshmmon from gods and another similar script working on chrony socks.Gpsd should start after and stop before ntpsocklist, otherwise gpsd will not send to the socket or gripe that the listener is dead.___
devel mailing list

Re: I've broken something

2023-03-23 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 03/23/2023 4:55 PM PDT Hal Murray  wrote:
> James Browning said:
> >> Where/how do I get ubuntu-latest?
> > I would suggest `docker push`, but it seems
> > that it rarely is acceptable, or go to the Ubuntu website and download 
> > Jammy.
> Are you sure about Jammy?  Where did that come from?

I am reasonably sure about it. Jammy
comes from [1] which come after looking at
./dockerfiles/ubuntu-latest to get ubuntu:latest

> I found a download page for Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
> But 22.04 is almost a year old which doesn't match my expectations for 
> "latest".
> It is the latest for their LTS.
> I have 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu)
> It works.
> I have 20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa), but that's running on a Raspberry Pi rather 
> than a PC.
> It works.
> I guess I'll settup Jammy on a PC.


Seriously though, docker works great for this,
and you don't need to glass wipe a machine.
devel mailing list

Re: I've broken something

2023-03-23 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 03/23/2023 12:46 AM PDT Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> The pipeline fails on:
> Name: ubuntu-latest-basic
> Name: ubuntu-latest-refclocks
> Name: macos-basic
> Name: macos-refclocks
> All 4 get the same clump of errors:
> This code area isn't wonderful. It leaves a lot of stuff in global variables
> so it can decrypt stuff it just encrypted. The code works on all my test
> cases.
> Anybody know what version of OpenSSL macos or ubuntu-latest are using? There
> was a new version released recently: 3.0 => 3.1, I think. None of the other
> distros I test with are using 3.1 yet.

ubuntu-latest runs 3.0.2 [1], and my Ubuntu box with 3.0.8 passes.

> Where/how do I get ubuntu-latest?

I would suggest `docker push`,
but it seems that it rarely is acceptable, or go to the Ubuntu
website and download Jammy.

> We should patch the configure stuff to print out the version of OpenSSL that
> it finds.

I have a branch that does that badly. [2]


devel mailing list

Be very quiet, the project is dozing off.

2023-03-22 Thread James Browning via devel
This is the second post this month, and it's three weeks after my dropped 
patches on the first.___
devel mailing list

Here are a couple of patches related to seccomp,

2023-03-02 Thread James Browning via devel
I wrote and tested these on a bleeding-edge Ubuntu box. I have yet to
try this on other Linux flavors. First is a patch to make the secomp
trap handler on Linux more helpfully verbose. Then a patch that can
incrementally tighten the syscall filter to calls listed in a text

The patch in the previous mail had the arguments backward for the
syscall resolving functionFrom 8b99fd609647ff0567c83d0d05991c874ce8278e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Browning 
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 16:30:51 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Attempt to make seccomp errors useful not Lassie

 ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c | 7 +--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c b/ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c
index 369602357..8d82c8edd 100644
--- a/ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c
+++ b/ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c
@@ -568,8 +568,11 @@ static void catchTrap(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *u)
 	UNUSED_ARG(u);	/* unused ucontext_t */
 	msyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERR: SIGSYS: got a trap.\n");
 	if ( si->si_syscall ) {
-	msyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERR: SIGSYS/seccomp bad syscall %d/%#x\n",
-		si->si_syscall, si->si_arch);
+	char *call = seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(
+		si->si_arch, si->si_syscall);
+	msyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERR: SIGSYS/seccomp bad syscall %d(%s)/%#x\n",
+		si->si_syscall, call, si->si_arch);
+	free(call);

From 187249e022aee2ad9ea0d3a2a88c6873d84f8d12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Browning 
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 10:39:29 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Remove seccomp code from sandbox(), parsing a fixed text

 devel/seccomp-list.txt | 162 +
 etc/seccomp.list   | 106 +
 include/ntpd.h |   1 +
 ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c | 262 ++---
 ntpd/ntpd.c|  10 ++
 5 files changed, 341 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 devel/seccomp-list.txt
 create mode 100644 etc/seccomp.list

diff --git a/devel/seccomp-list.txt b/devel/seccomp-list.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0..60b5d074f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/seccomp-list.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+	SCMP_SYS(adjtimex),
+	SCMP_SYS(bind),
+	SCMP_SYS(brk),
+	SCMP_SYS(chdir),
+	SCMP_SYS(clock_adjtime),
+	SCMP_SYS(clock_gettime),
+	SCMP_SYS(clock_settime),
+	SCMP_SYS(close),
+	SCMP_SYS(connect),
+	SCMP_SYS(exit),
+	SCMP_SYS(exit_group),
+	SCMP_SYS(fcntl),
+	SCMP_SYS(fstat),
+	SCMP_SYS(fsync),
+	SCMP_SYS(futex),	/* sem_xxx, used by threads */
+	SCMP_SYS(getdents),	/* Scanning /etc/ntp.d/ */
+	SCMP_SYS(getegid),	/* Needed on Alpine */
+	SCMP_SYS(getgid),	/* Needed on Alpine */
+	SCMP_SYS(getdents64),
+#ifdef __NR_getrandom
+	SCMP_SYS(getrandom),	/* Added in 3.17 kernel */
+#ifdef __NR_ugetrlimit
+	SCMP_SYS(ugetrlimit),	/* sysconf */
+#ifdef __NR_getrlimit
+	SCMP_SYS(getrlimit),	/* sysconf */
+	SCMP_SYS(setrlimit),
+	SCMP_SYS(getrusage),
+	SCMP_SYS(getsockname),
+	SCMP_SYS(getsockopt),
+	SCMP_SYS(gettimeofday),	/* mkstemp */
+	SCMP_SYS(getuid),	/* Needed on Alpine */
+	SCMP_SYS(ioctl),
+	SCMP_SYS(link),
+	SCMP_SYS(listen),
+	SCMP_SYS(lseek),
+	SCMP_SYS(membarrier),	/* Needed on Alpine 3.11.3 */
+	SCMP_SYS(munmap),
+	SCMP_SYS(newfstatat),
+	SCMP_SYS(open),
+#ifdef __NR_openat
+	SCMP_SYS(openat),	/* SUSE */
+	SCMP_SYS(poll),
+	SCMP_SYS(pselect6),
+	SCMP_SYS(read),
+	SCMP_SYS(readv),	/* nscd getaddrinfo() provider */
+	SCMP_SYS(recvfrom),/* Comment this out for testing.
+* It will die on the first reply.
+* (Or maybe sooner if a request arrives.)
+	SCMP_SYS(recvmsg),
+	SCMP_SYS(rename),
+	SCMP_SYS(rt_sigaction),
+	SCMP_SYS(rt_sigprocmask),
+	SCMP_SYS(rt_sigreturn),
+#ifdef __NR_rseq
+	SCMP_SYS(rseq),		/* needed by glibc-2.35+ for resumable sequences */
+	SCMP_SYS(sigaction),
+	SCMP_SYS(sigprocmask),
+	SCMP_SYS(sigreturn),
+#ifdef __NR_select
+	SCMP_SYS(select),	/* not in ARM */
+	SCMP_SYS(sendto),
+	SCMP_SYS(setsid),
+#ifdef __NR_setsockopt
+	SCMP_SYS(setsockopt),	/* not in old kernels */
+	SCMP_SYS(socket),
+	SCMP_SYS(socketcall),	/* old kernels */
+	SCMP_SYS(stat),
+	SCMP_SYS(statfs64),	/* from getaddrinfo after lid open */
+#ifdef __NR_time
+	SCMP_SYS(time),		/* not in ARM */
+	SCMP_SYS(sysinfo),
+	SCMP_SYS(timer_create),
+	SCMP_SYS(timer_gettime),
+	SCMP_SYS(timer_settime),
+	SCMP_SYS(getitimer),
+	SCMP_SYS(setitimer),
+	SCMP_SYS(write),
+	SCMP_SYS(writev),	/* Needed on Alpine 3.11.3 */
+	SCMP_SYS(unlink),
+/* Don't comment out this block for testing.
+ * pthread_create blocks signals so it will crash
+ * rather than generate a trap.
+ */
+	SCMP_SYS(clone),	/* threads */
+	SCMP_SYS(clone3),
+	SCMP_SYS(kill),		/* generate signal */
+	SCMP_SYS(madvise),
+	SCMP_SYS(mprotect),
+	SCMP_SYS(set_robust_list),
+	SCMP_SYS(sendmmsg),	/* DNS lookup */
+	SCMP_SYS(socketpair),
+	SCMP_SYS(statfs),
+	SCMP_SYS(uname),

Here is a patch to make the secomp trap handler on Linux more helpfully verbose.

2023-02-28 Thread James Browning via devel
I wrote and tested this on a bleeding-edge Ubuntu box. I have yet to
try this on other Linux flavors.

I also have a patch that can incrementally tighten the syscall filter
to calls listed in a text file. I will work on that one a bit more
first, however. The code for both is also at 8b99fd609647ff0567c83d0d05991c874ce8278e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Browning 
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 16:30:51 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Attempt to make seccomp errors useful not Lassie

 ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c | 7 +--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c b/ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c
index 369602357..8d82c8edd 100644
--- a/ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c
+++ b/ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c
@@ -568,8 +568,11 @@ static void catchTrap(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *u)
 	UNUSED_ARG(u);	/* unused ucontext_t */
 	msyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERR: SIGSYS: got a trap.\n");
 	if ( si->si_syscall ) {
-	msyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERR: SIGSYS/seccomp bad syscall %d/%#x\n",
-		si->si_syscall, si->si_arch);
+	char *call = seccomp_syscall_resolve_num_arch(
+		si->si_arch, si->si_syscall);
+	msyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERR: SIGSYS/seccomp bad syscall %d(%s)/%#x\n",
+		si->si_syscall, call, si->si_arch);
+	free(call);

devel mailing list

Re: New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for ntpsec

2023-02-07 Thread James Browning via devel
On Feb 7, 2023 18:23, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

Thanks. said:
> No. We run the Coverity CI job weekly via a schedule, ...

> I'll work on running Coverity post-merge.

I agree that running it every merge is overkill.

A button that says run-now would be nice if we are working on fixing Coverity 


Can you poke it by hand?

Not as such, no. But it is easy for an authorized user to trigger a scheduled run at GitLab. It's under ci > schedules on the left sidebar.How does Coverity fit into the release procedure?"Check with the buildbot reports, assure that there are no unplanned regressions on the supported platforms."Along with flawfinder and semgrep presumably.Should we schedule releases after a Coverity run?

I think it probably should be.___
devel mailing list

Re: issue blocking input_handler

2023-02-04 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 02/03/2023 11:35 PM PST Hal Murray  wrote:
> James Browning said:
> >> How about fixing the bug at ithe source rather than patching around it?
> > I tried and failed then I came up with that. 
> Did you get O_NONBLOCK turned on?
> Something like this:
> err = fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);

I did not, but it is now. Working, and HTML page source added.
devel mailing list

Re: issue blocking input_handler

2023-02-03 Thread James Browning via devel

> On 02/03/2023 2:51 PM PST Hal Murray  wrote:
> James Browning said:
> > I found a problem with input_handler(). If a reference clock passes a
> > blocking file descriptor, input_handler can block forever.
> Who did that? Which driver?

I ran across it working on a chrony socket refclock. The scrap
is in merge request !1307. I have a suspicion about the gpsd
JSON driver as well.

> How about fixing the bug at ithe source rather than patching around it?

I tried and failed then I came up with that.
devel mailing list

issue blocking input_handler

2023-02-03 Thread James Browning via devel
I found a problem with input_handler(). If a reference clock
passes a blocking file descriptor, input_handler can block
forever. Symptoms include but are not limited to UDP sockets not
working, several signal types being ignored, and the main loop
stopping in its' tracks. I've included a patch to handle it for
you, but there has to be a better way.From 2da42fec2b314fa9dd60ab4190b6b686f7eeeca0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Browning 
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023 11:14:54 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Fix a small issue in input_handler with excessive glue.

 ntpd/ntp_io.c | 23 ---
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ntpd/ntp_io.c b/ntpd/ntp_io.c
index 0b00cd1c9..d1abe3071 100644
--- a/ntpd/ntp_io.c
+++ b/ntpd/ntp_io.c
@@ -2355,9 +2355,26 @@ input_handler(
 			maintain_activefds(fd, true);
 		} else {
 			/* drain any remaining refclock input */
-			do {
-buflen = read_refclock_packet(fd, rp);
-			} while (buflen > 0);
+			do
+			{
+fd_set rfds;
+struct timespec no = {0, 0};
+FD_SET(fd, );
+if(1 == pselect(
+	fd + 1, , NULL, NULL,
+	, NULL
+	))
+	buflen = read_refclock_packet(
+	fd, rp
+	);
+	buflen = 0;
+			} while(buflen > 0);
 #endif /* REFCLOCK */

devel mailing list

Re: First step on ntp_control cleanup

2023-02-02 Thread James Browning via devel
On 02/02/2023 1:13 AM PST Hal Murray wrote:
> ntp_control is the code in ntpd that processes mode6 requests from ntpq.
> There are 3 types of variables you can read:
> global variables (rv 0)
> peer (server) variables
> refclock variables
> I've fixed up the first type. It is now easy to add new global variables.
> Most will be a 1 line edit.
> There is still lots of ugliness to clean up.
> Please test, I may have broken a few obscure cases. I fixed a few.

Clock variables seem not to be working. Also
sys_var_list outputs the daemon_version variable.

> I tweaked a few cases of the ntpq printout to indent a few clumps of counters
> that are a subset of the slot above the indented ones. It seems natural to
> me. Feedback?
> I'm scheming to cleanup sysstats. Is there anything you have wanted to know
> that it doesn't show?
devel mailing list

Re: New SHM layout from gpsd

2023-01-20 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 01/20/2023 2:11 AM PST Hal Murray  wrote:
> The 31 bit idea seems strange/ugly to me. How did you decide to do it that
> way?

It is either Richard's fault or, more likely, mine. I proposed
replacing the current SHM, and I need to communicate better. My
alternate had a shared half-era counter instead of the upper 32
bits for each time stamp. It is the sort of EEish
micro-optimization that some people would fawn over. It was also
going to use POSIX shared memory which is out.

> Why is it better than 32 unsigned bits? Is there some case that works with 31
> bits that breaks with 32?

No benefit you would consider worth the downsides.

> I think there is a case that works for 32 unsigned that doesn't work for 31.
> Consider code that gets updated to use 64 bit time_t but they forget to update
> the SHM interface. That will pick up the 32nd bit and do the right think for
> another 68 years.

NTP-associated time beginnings... (skip this probably)
1968-01-20T03:14:08 - second half of NTP era 0
1970-01-01T00:00:00 - POSIX era 0
1980-01-01T00:00:00 - GPS week 0
1999-08-17T00:00:00 - GPS week 1024
2019-04-08T00:00:00 - GPS week 2048
2036-02-07T06:28:16 - first half of NTP era 1
2038-01-19T03:14:08 - second half of POSIX era 0
2038-11-16T00:00:00 - GPS week 3072
2058-07-02T00:00:00 - GPS week 4096
2078-02-15T00:00:00 - GPS week 5120
2097-10-01T00:00:00 - GPS week 6144
2104-02-26T09:42:24 - second half of NTP era 1
2106-02-07T06:28:16 - first half of POSIX era 1
2117-50-18T00:00:00 - GPS week 7168
2137-01-01T00:00:00 - GPS week 8192

> An alternative would be to make the new high-bit slots into 64 bits and make
> the rule use-them, ignore the old slot. That would eat 2 more dummy words.

I would prefer we kill it and put something a little better
specified in its' place. Not the thing I originally specced
because sockets are the new awesome.
devel mailing list

I am bidding for power and have yet more branches for consideration.

2023-01-19 Thread James Browning via devel
If I were a maintainer of the NTPsec group, I could merge the 
following branches on my own. If only a developer, I could still
approve other people's merge requests.
!1304 - Enable debugging symbols by default, with an option to 
!disable them.
!1305 - Update the NEWS.adoc file with things that should be in 
!it that have not made it there.
!1272 - Adds a preempt option for clocks, making them act as if 
!the pool option added them.
!1299 - Change the shared memory refclock to be compatible with 
!the latest gpsd.
!1290 - Use the ntp.poly module, check it, and fix polychr() 
!when it does not behave correctly.
devel mailing list

Re: ✘64-bit time_t on glibc 2.34 and up

2023-01-13 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 01/13/2023 1:06 PM PST Hal Murray  wrote:
> If we make any changes to SHM, we should switch to a setup where the memory is
> read only. The idea is to allow multiple readers.
> The trick to implementing that is to have 2 counters.
> X and Y are initialized to the same value.
> The writer bumps X, updates the data, then bumps Y.
> The reader grabs Y, grabs the data, then grabs X.
> If X and Y are the same the data is valid. If not, try again.

I've heard you mention this before, and I specced it
by calling them bookends instead and sticking them at
opposite ends of a 4KiB page-sized struct.
devel mailing list

My ignorance was Re: ✘64-bit time_t on glibc 2.34 and up

2023-01-13 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 01/12/2023 5:10 PM PST Gary E. Miller  wrote:
> Yo All!
> Cross-posted to gpsd-dev and
> Recent glibc (2.34 and up) and recent Linux kernels, allow 64 bit
> time_t on 32-bit Linux without much work.
> But...
> How to get that 2038 compatible time to ntpd and chronyd?  That is a
> much bigger problem.
> Extracted from include/ntpshm.h:
> struct shmTime
> {
> int mode;
> volatile int count;
> time_t clockTimeStampSec;
> int clockTimeStampUSec;
> time_t receiveTimeStampSec;
> int receiveTimeStampUSec;
> int leap;   // not leapsecond offset, a notification code
> int precision;  // log(2) of source jitter
> int nsamples;   // not used
> volatile int valid;
> unsignedclockTimeStampNSec; // Unsigned ns timestamps
> unsignedreceiveTimeStampNSec;   // Unsigned ns timestamps
> int dummy[8];
> };
> Note the struct size depends on the size of an int, and the size of time_t.
> This is no problem for newer musl on 32-bits. An int is 32-bits and
> time_t is 64.  Assuming all clients use the same version musl.
> This is a problem for glibc on 32 bits. And int is 32-bits, but time_t
> is a compile time option (32 or 64 bits).
> How does ntpd know what size time_t to use? And thus know the size of
> shmTime?  How do we know portably, preserving backwards and forwards
> compatibility?
> In hindsight, maybe shmTime should have started with a 1 char version
> field,or magic field.  But, no such luck.
> Options (for 32-bit only):
> 1.  Do nothing, stick with 32-bit time_t. Fail in 2038.
> 2.  Allow 64-bit time_t and let incompatible ntpd fail.
> 3.  Add run time options to gpsd and ntpd to specify time_t size.
> 4.  gpsd and ntpd always use 64-bit time_t going forward.  Admin needs
> to mix and match.
> 5.  1st process to open SHM(0) wins, the other process checks the size
> to know the contents.
> 6.  Create a new way to pass time from gpsd to ntpd and chronyd.
> Also note, chrony sockets have a similar problem:
> #define SOCK_MAGIC 0x534f434b
> struct sock_sample {
> struct timeval tv;
> double offset;
> int pulse;
> int leap;   // notify that a leap second is upcoming
> int _pad;
> int magic;  // must be SOCK_MAGIC
> };
> Where timeval is:
> struct timeval {
> time_t  tv_sec;
> suseconds_t tv_usec;
> };
> ```
> Since the sample has a magic value, maybe that can be used to detect versions.
> This makes my head hurt...

IIRC there are a few users of those interfaces; linuxptp, gpsd, 
classic NTP, NTPsec, and chrony. I would jokingly suggest
something like the following as a replacement. Purely based on
the misassumption that SHM internally works on page-sized blocks
and probably via POSIX shared memory which would allow names.
Also, the mode should be 640, and the root user should not be
remotely involved.

typedef struct {
uint32_t left_book;
uint32_t mode; // modes 4-7 match this
uint32_t half_epoch; /* number of 2^31 seconds since
1900-01-01T00:00:00Z */
uint32_t c_seconds;  /* coarse time from string mangling
probably */
uint32_t c_nseconds;
uint32_t f_seconds;  /* fine time probably from a pulse 
per second */
uint32_t f_nseconds;
signed int32_t leap;
signed int32_t precision;
uint32_t padding[1013]; // I think it should be 1014
uint32_t right_book;
} pshm_t;

The low two bits of mode could be the validity of coarse and 
fine time, respectively. Anyone needing microsecond or NTP
partial seconds can math it.

Posted to gpsd issue #152 earlier, gpsd-dev, and NTPsec devel.

- JamesB192
I'm supposed to put a signature here...
devel mailing list

I want to suggest four prioritized merge requests for inclusion.

2023-01-12 Thread James Browning via devel
I suggest that four of my merge requests be evaluated for

1298 is the highest priority. It fixes a zero-day issue where
the CI runner for Python coverage fails because the underlying
distribution has shifted.

After that would be 1290, which changes the ntpclients to use
ntp.poly more tests ntp.poly, and revises it when there is
undesirable behavior.

1272 adds the preempt option for clock sources, allowing clocks
from sources other than the pool to be automatically removed if
they fail to meet quality standards.

Merge request 1258 includes a copy of the fudge option language from classic
NTP and then changes it.

If any feature of these isn't good, I would appreciate a
heads-up to drop them from consideration.

Also, I am temporarily shelving the other. Check again next week though.
devel mailing list

Three infrastucture CI builds for consideration.

2023-01-04 Thread James Browning via devel
I suggest that three of my merge requests be evaluated for 

1253 has a script and documentation, which should greatly 
simplify the release process for next time (estimated to be late
June/ early July) with documentation for it. Also, it adds an
update package repo feature to buildprep (except for zypper).

1256 should update the build version code and support dist and 
distcheck features in the same. Also, it adds the HTML
documentation to the tarball (if available) under ./html while
sticking the man pages (again, if available) under ./man .

1292 should ix the builder and runner to test cross-building 
targeting armhf.

If any feature of these isn't good, I would appreciate a
heads-up to drop them from consideration.
devel mailing list

Re: clockmaker

2022-12-23 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/23/2022 7:51 AM PST NTPfiend via users  wrote:
> My instance of ntpsec gave up after just over a year uptime, so I went for a 
> re-installation (later R Pi, now 64 bit). Today (23 Dec) I attempted to run 
> clockmaker but it did not get far:
> [Line 210]
> SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean 
> print("Configuring locale...")?
> I made the suggested mod, which looks like a Python2 to Python3 thing, and 
> the same happened 2 lines later, and for a number of other lines. "Fixing" 
> the lot, clockmaker is now running and doing what it should do. No smoke 
> (yet) as a result of my hack.
> I'm a user not a coder, hence the posting here. It's entirely possible I've 
> misunderstood something.

No one has tried to update clockmaker, and has stuck around
long enough for it to take.

Merge requests have been pushed to NTPsec/www to see if
they adhere.

Ignore the evil crossposting.
devel mailing list

Re: We need to test leap smearing :)

2022-12-22 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/22/2022 7:49 PM PST Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> Fred Wright said:
> > If you make it 24 hours, there's the question of whether that means 86400
> > seconds or 86401. :-)
> That ones easy. It's 86400 smeared seconds and 86401 real seconds.
> That's the whole point of smearing. :)

Stretching 86399 seconds need not apply.

Also, planning for no leap seconds is probably premature.
Could you check back when the race of mortal men is no
more or the sun has burned out? Maybe not even then.
devel mailing list

Re: tests/option-tester is broken

2022-12-20 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/20/2022 12:24 AM PST Hal Murray  wrote:
> > Bumping waf (2.0.23 tested) resolves this, and it only happens for the
> > extension because, for some raisin, waf is outputting to the wrong file name
> > of ntpc rather than , go figure.
> > The default of the FFI library + ctypes is unaffected.
> Interesting. Thanks.
> waf 2.0.23 doesn't fix it for me. Maybe I didn't do it right.
> Do I just download it and raname it to waf? Or do I have to do some magic to 
> install it?
> One of the options being tested by test-all is --enable-pylib=ext
> What does that do?
> test-classic does --enable-pylib=ffi
> That seems to work.

`curl -o waf` The link on the page 
said 2.0.23 .

There are two methods atm to provide ntp.ntpc the first is a
Python extension that goes in the same directory as the rest
of the NTP module, and the newer is a C library that can be
used by using and Foreign Function Interface wrapper (on
Python that's ctypes). The latter is the default, and the same
pure Python module can be used for multiple Python versions.
devel mailing list

Re: tests/option-tester is broken

2022-12-19 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/19/2022 4:19 PM PST Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> Anybody remember this area?
> With a fresh clone on Fedora which uses
> Python 3.11.0
> test-all/test.log:Trouble with test-all
> Looking in test-all/test.log
> The build looks clean. It dies in the checking that all the programs run well
> enough to print their version info:
> running: main/ntpd/ntpd --version FAILED
> Expected: ntpd
> Got (stdout): ntpd ntpsec-1.2.1+135-g62cb02f74
> The Got looks good to me so the tester is broken?
> Then the python stuff
> running: main/ntpclients/ntpdig --version FAILED
> Expected: ntpdig
> Got (stderr): ntpdig: can't find Python NTP library -- check PYTHONPATH.
> No module named 'ntp.ntpc'
> I've forgotten how this stuff works. I think the "." in there is really a
> slash. Python is looking for ntp/
> I see ./test-minimal/main/pylib/ in all the others but not in test-all
> Same for
> The log file shows:
> [ 96/137] Linking test-all/main/pylib/ntpc
> with no errors.
> I get the same results after I chop off my 2 recent commits.

Bumping waf (2.0.23 tested) resolves this, and it only happens 
for the extension because, for some raisin, waf is outputting
to the wrong file name of ntpc rather than , go figure.

The default of the FFI library + ctypes is unaffected.
devel mailing list

Re: More cookie keys

2022-12-19 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/18/2022 6:02 PM PST Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> > The commit message for that is lacking the blank line after the summary
> > line. This means that some git tools treat the entire commit message as the
> > summary, creating obnoxiously long lines in their output. It's too late to
> > fix the existing commit message without a forced update, but it would be
> > good to avoid that in the future.
> Thanks for the heads-up.
> This seems like a bug in git. Is there a reason they haven't added a check
> for this?

I think it should go in a hook that gets called before the
commit happens.

> What is a forced update?
> Is there any way to delete commits from gitlab? If it were local, I could
> just nuke the top two and resubmit.

Well, no, but actually, yes. It involves locking, 
unprotecting, and forced pushing, followed by re-protecting
and unlocking the 'master' branch of the remote repository.
Quite possibly with a side of garbage collecting
housekeeping/maintenance commands. IIRC.
devel mailing list

Re: Release coming, take 2

2022-12-18 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/15/2022 1:21 PM PST Matthew Selsky via devel  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I plan to cut a release on Thu 12/22/2022.  I'm sorry about the delays in 
> getting this release out the door.
> If there's anything that absolutely must be in this release and can't wait 
> until the next release, please let me know.  Otherwise, I plan to tidy up the 
> NEWS file as needed and then ship what we have.

The first commit of !1294 must be in place when the release
happens, some variant of the second should be in place, and
the third could but can probably wait until afterword. They
make devel/make-tarball (but only w/ git), update the NEWS
file, and add a make-tarball testing runner.

All my other cra^d^d^d stuff can wait.

> Going forward, I'll try to make sure that I'm doing releases more regularly, 
> maybe 6 months or so?
> Thanks everyone for your patience.
devel mailing list

Re: devel/make-tarball broken

2022-12-14 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 12/14/2022 3:05 PM PST Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> Thanks for testing and fixing.
> I'm not familiar with that corner of tar/sed.  What does the extra S do?  
> Where is that documented?
> tar --transform="s:^:ntpsec-${V}/:" ...
> tar --transform="s:^:ntpsec-${V}/:S" ...

'Do not apply transform to symbolic link targets' [1] Which I
got from googling 'gnu tar transform' IIRC. It is also a
gnuism, but I do not see a portable transform type option as
tar on macOS uses -s and some BSDs seem to lack even that.

> I added PIVOT.h last Jan 29, so this has been broken for almost a year.
> Is gitlab running option-tester weekly or monthly?   Can it test make-tarball 
> too?

I don't think we need a bunch of runners testing devel/make-tarball,
one should be sufficient. 

> Matt:
>   I have updated PIVOT.h
>   Is testing make-tarball on Mark's list?
> (before doing the mechanics of the release)

despite not being Matt...
no, but it's called in devel/release before any repo changes
are made.

devel mailing list

devel/make-tarball broken

2022-12-13 Thread James Browning via devel
[178/315] Compiling libntp/clockwork.c
../../libntp/ntp_calendar.c:18:10: fatal error: PIVOT.h: No such file or 
  18 | #include "PIVOT.h"
 |  ^
compilation terminated.

Default verbosity log and minimal solving patch attached. I
also think merge requests !1256, !1253, and !1237 should be
merged, and that !1292, !1290, and others should be evaluated
(although probably later).
 + basename /home/jamesb/ntpsec/devel
+ [ devel != devel ]
+ set -e
+ [  !=  ]
+ cat ../VERSION
+ V=1.2.1
+ echo version is 1.2.1
version is 1.2.1
+ rm -fr .tmp
+ cd ..
+ git ls-files
+ find build -print
+ grep \.[0-9]$
+ cd ..
+ tar --transform=s:^:ntpsec-1.2.1/: -T devel/MANIFEST -czf ntpsec-1.2.1.tar.gz
+ mv ../ntpsec-1.2.1.tar.gz .
+ set -e
+ mkdir .tmp
+ cd .tmp
+ tar -xzf ../ntpsec-1.2.1.tar.gz
+ cd ntpsec-1.2.1
+ ./waf configure --refclock=all --enable-doc
Setting top to   : /home/jamesb/ntpsec/devel/.tmp/ntpsec-1.2.1 
Setting out to   : /home/jamesb/ntpsec/devel/.tmp/ntpsec-1.2.1/build 
Checking for program 'asciidoctor'   : /usr/bin/asciidoctor 
Checking for asciidoctor version >= 1.5.8 : 2.0.16 
--- Configuring host --- 
Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)   : /usr/bin/gcc 
Checking compiler version : 12.2.0 
Checking for program 'ldconfig'   : /usr/sbin/ldconfig 
Checking for program 'm4' : /usr/bin/m4 
Checking for program 'bison'  : /usr/bin/bison 
Checking for program 'awk': /usr/bin/awk 
Checking for program 'sh' : /usr/bin/sh 
Checking for program 'pkg-config' : /usr/bin/pkg-config 
Checking for systemd  : yes 
systemd unit directory:   : /lib/systemd/system 
--- Configuring main --- 
Checking for endianness   : little 
Checking for library m: yes 
Checking for library rt   : yes 
Checking for library pthread  : yes 
Checking for library execinfo : not found 
Checking for library bsd  : not found 
Checking for library ssp  : not found 
Checking for library ssp_nonshared: yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -fstack-protector-all : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -fPIC : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -pie -fPIE: yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Qunused-arguments: no 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wcast-qual   : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wdisabled-optimization : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wfloat-equal   : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wformat: yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wformat-security   : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wformat-signedness : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wimplicit-function-declaration : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Winit-self : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Winvalid-pch   : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wmissing-declarations  : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wmultichar : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wpacked: yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wpointer-arith : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wshadow: yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn: yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -Wwrite-strings : yes 
Checking if C compiler supports -flto   : yes 
Checking if linker supports -Wl,-z,now  : yes 
Checking if linker supports -Wl,--strip-all : yes 
Checking if linker supports -Wl,-z,relro: yes 
Checking for type struct if_laddrconf   : no 
Checking for type struct if_laddrreq: no 
Checking for type struct timex  : yes 
Checking for type struct ntptimeval : yes 
Checking for field time_tick in struct timex: no 
Checking for field modes in struct timex: yes 
Checking for field time.tv_nsec in struct ntptimeval: no 
Checking for field tai in struct ntptimeval : yes 
Checking sizeof long: 8 
Checking sizeof time_t (time.h) : 8 
Checking for OpenSSL/libssl (via pkg-config): yes 
Checking for OpenSSL/libcrypto (via pkg-config) : yes 
Checking for function _Unwind_Backtrace : yes 
Checking for function adjtimex  : yes 
Checking for function backtrace_symbols_fd  : yes 
Checking for function ntp_adjtime   : yes 
Checking for 

Re: build on Python 2.6 broken and strongly suggested minimum version

2022-12-08 Thread James Browning via devel
On Dec 8, 2022, 13:22, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

> I also think that we should drop all Python versions before 3.7 from

> first-tier support and only continue supporting them if it is not

> inconvenient or there is sufficient proven demand. 

Older but still supported versions of Debian and CentOS are still using Python 

2, but it's 2.7 rather than 2.6.

I think we should keep supporting 2.7.  But I don't do much work with Python.  

How much of a pain is supporting Python 2?
It is not currently much of a pain to support Python 2. I was trying to phrase it so that if no one is (provably) using it or it became a hassle, we would have an out.> Given the lack of complaints, I suspect no one uses 2.6 anymore, which can be

> dropped.

Is there a supported distro that is still using 2.6?2.4- OS4Depot2.5- Maemo Fremantle2.6- Centos 6- Rosa Server 6.92.7- AIX- BlackArch- Slackware 14.2Everything else has Python 3 as an option.___
devel mailing list

build on Python 2.6 broken and strongly suggested minimum version

2022-12-08 Thread James Browning via devel
Selsky broke the build[1] back in May 2020 when switching the
python_scripts variable in /wscript to a set when Python 2.6
does not support sets. Given the lack of complaints, I suspect
no one uses 2.6 anymore, which can be dropped.

I also think that we should drop all Python versions before
3.7 from first-tier support and only continue supporting them
if it is not inconvenient or there is sufficient proven

[1] 574d871ed 2020-05-01 "Use a set instead of a list for
python_scripts so we don't have duplicates"___
devel mailing list

Re: getargspec gone in Python 3.11?

2022-12-08 Thread James Browning via devel
On Dec 8, 2022, 01:05, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

I have a system using Python 3.11

It says:


ERROR: test_packetize (__main__.NtpqRvInfoStats.test_packetize)

Test ntp.util.packetize by coqtavoric gavage and scatology.


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/play/ntp4/main/tests/pylib/", line 

1346, in test_packetize

    shot_test(self, ntp.util.packetize, cases)

  File "/home/murray/ntpsec/play/ntp4/main/tests/pylib/", line 

1364, in shot_test

    if "msg" in inspect.getargspec(classy.assertEqual).args:


AttributeError: module 'inspect' has no attribute 'getargspec'


It worked with Python 3.10

Google found this:


DeprecationWarning: inspect.getargspec() is deprecated since Python 3.0My bad. I have a workaround in !1291 until they deprecate unittest.TestCase.subtest or hasattr or some such.

devel mailing list

Fork this was Re: Fixing the dang CI pipelines, release

2022-12-01 Thread James Browning via devel
> On 11/27/2022 7:42 AM PST James Browning via devel  wrote:
> Around July 10, 2022, I authored several commits to improve the success rate 
> of the CI pipelines. At the time, I was too daft to realize that some changes 
> I made broke two of the on-push Debian stable builders. In the time since the 
> on-push macOS builders have broken. There are seven merge requests not 
> authored by me at the moment, and the only way to merge them is to override 
> the usual merge request process. Someone should merge request 1281, which I 
> authored to disable the offending feature in the two builders. I will add 
> another merge request to allow the failure of the on-push macOS runners.
> Also, the last merge into the tree was in mid-August; Enough time has passed 
> that a release can be made.
Given the general lack of commits to fix the CI pipeline for not quite five 
months, apparent lack of work on whatever queues there are to join the group 
and project, releases, etc. I am temporarily forking NTPsec until at least one, 
and hopefully, all of those issues will be resolved. (plus any I've missed).
Content will probably be posted to with the name (at least) 
partially changed to 'gallus ntp' with appropriate asset changes (but not 
today). This missive is crossposted to the users and devel lists at; 
please remove the other list unless replies are relevant to both lists.
devel mailing list

Fixing the dang CI pipelines, release

2022-11-27 Thread James Browning via devel
Around July 10, 2022, I authored several commits to improve the success rate of 
the CI pipelines. At the time, I was too daft to realize that some changes I 
made broke two of the on-push Debian stable builders. In the time since the 
on-push macOS builders have broken. There are seven merge requests not authored 
by me at the moment, and the only way to merge them is to override the usual 
merge request process. Someone should merge request 1281, which I authored to 
disable the offending feature in the two builders. I will add another merge 
request to allow the failure of the on-push macOS runners.
Also, the last merge into the tree was in mid-August; Enough time has passed 
that a release can be made.___
devel mailing list

CI and things

2022-06-13 Thread James Browning via devel
I quit the project a while back and have yet to be allowed to join the group 
(greater scope). I am more useless than usual for the duration, as I can't tag 
my work or bless other peoples' work. I had forgotten that I could not merge my 
work for 6-10months before that (fun).
I have a branch 2022f03-ci-patch that solves/works around some periodic CI 
runners' issues.
Was there going to be a release soonish? If so, my merge request can wait. 
Otherwise, the project should be woken up but not stunned.
Also, the mailing list seems laggy. Is there anything that anyone can do to 
reduce the lateness?___
devel mailing list

re: Authentication in ntpq

2022-05-25 Thread James Browning via devel
Hal Murray  wrote:
> Some commands in ntpq require authentication.
> I just tried it, and it wants an MD5 password. MD5 is way old. Is there a way 
> to switch to AES?
The default is set to MD5 in ntpq:69 and; might I suggest 
updating it to 'AES-256' or "SHA{,3-}512"? They would get truncated until 
(presumably) NTPv5 comes in and replace the authentication trailer with an 
The keytype command(?) is also available via ntpq -c "keytype AES-256" and the 
'keyid' command to go with it. Help is in the usual places.___
devel mailing list

Fwd: ntpsec | A list of everything I've worked on, can find, and hasn't been merged recently. (#739)

2022-05-23 Thread James Browning via devel
> Subject: ntpsec | A list of everything I've worked on recently, can find, and 
> hasn't been merged. (#739)
> James Browning ( created an issue: #739 
> (

commits, lines changed, merge request number, distorted branch name
| 1 |   8 | !1233 | [1] 21f04-trifecta
| 4 |  80 | !1237 | 21f09-pylib-mode6-auth
| 2 | 658 | !1253 | 2022b07-release
| 4 | 304 | !1255 | 2022b15-fast-ntpq
| 4 |  70 | !1256 | 2022b15-fast-waf-distcheck
| 1 |  15 | !1258 | [1] 2022c14-doxxing
| 4 | 535 | !1259 | 2022c17-bug-hunt
| 5 | 110 | !1260 | 2022c15-ntpviz-splat
| 1 |  40 | !1271 | 2022e18-lfp-abs
| 1 |  15 | !1272 | 2022e21-preempt
| 1 |   9 | !1273 | 2022e10-no-polychr
| 1 |   9 | !1274 | 2022e10-ntpheat
| 1 |   6 | !1275 | 2022e22-suse
| 1 |  14 |   | 2022c22-pthread-1

>   1. Used to be longer...
>   2. Fail to clear up failing OpenSUSE runners re libaessiv tests

With the expected delay, this should drop onto the NTPsec devel mailing
list ridiculously early Monday morning in UTC-7. People not on GitLab
should comment on the list.
devel mailing list

Re: Release, wildcards, etc

2022-05-10 Thread James Browning via devel
On Apr 20, 2022 07:30, Matt Selsky via devel  wrote:Hi Hal,

I'd like to get merged and then do the release.

Is there anything else that we want in the release?Yes, but in the interest of helping get it out on this calendar the rest of my merge requests can wait. Joining the NTPsec group at GitLab would be nice.___
devel mailing list

Re: Getting ready for a release, wildcards

2022-04-21 Thread James Browning via devel
On Apr 20, 2022 7:50 AM, Matt Selsky via devel  wrote:Hi Hal,

I don't think we should have a knob for disabling wildcards. This is not the sort of knob that operators expect (what other software provides such a knob?) and we're just adding another code path to test.

Are there any other release blockers?  If not, I'll update the NEWS for the user-facing/high impact changes and cut a release candidate.Inconsistent output formatting for 'ntpq sysstats'? Bytes output of test data in 'waf check -v'? Potentual mac truncation in Python 3? Nah.___
devel mailing list

Re: NTPsec on Windows ??

2022-02-17 Thread James Browning via devel
Hey Achim,On Feb 16, 2022 9:43 AM, Achim Gratz via devel  wrote:Hal Murray via devel writes:

> Can you run it again with -k?  That might find some more.

That doesn't change anything for the configure phase.Could you go through an remove all the mandatory=True instances and equivalent from configure. Then would you run build verbosified and get the arguments of a compile and maybe a couple links?


I'm sure there are dash style arguments specific to libaes_siv, I don't think it would get built for Windows though.___
devel mailing list

Re: waf: --disable-attic

2022-02-15 Thread James Browning via devel
On Feb 15, 2022 1:16 PM, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

I have a simple patch that will turn off building things in attic/

Should we make off be the default and change that to --enable-attic?Probably, tomorrow never comes. How's it going with dropping Python 2.6, oh we aren't.___
devel mailing list

Re: Time for a release??

2022-02-15 Thread James Browning via devel
On Feb 15, 2022 1:05 PM, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:> How about a release at the end of February to give people time to wrap things up?

The group that started this would like it by the 24th.No, but there's always the next one. I do have lists though. I am not in a position to push my stuff past a certain point. 
A RC (Release Candidate) would be a placeholder.  Have we ever done one?.Never as such, essentially though this would be a stretch to release. We've done those, this time just has an early tarball.

devel mailing list

Re: NTPsec on Windows ??

2022-02-14 Thread James Browning via devel
On Feb 14, 2022 1:08 AM, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:Does anybody have a POSIX c environment on Windows and/or have a friend who 

does?I'd have to blow off the dust, also not strictly Posix even if using WSL2..
I'd like to know how close we are to being able to run on Windows.

I expect several low level routines may be missing.  ntp_adjtime is a good example.  I'd like too get a list.Not close. There should still be adapters in the history. It's not that simple due to wrong flags.
It should be a simple as

  mkdir xxx

  cd xxx

  download using tar


    tar -xzf ntpsec-1.2.1.tar.gz

    cd ntpsec-1.2.1

  or using git

    git clone

    cd ntpsec


  ./waf configure -k

  ./waf build -k

-k  tells waf to keep going rather than bail on the first fatal error.

waf needs Python (2 or 3)

We need bison

We expect OpenSSL libraries (but see below)

We need what Linux/BSD calls a python development environment.

If Windows doesn't have the equivalent, we should be able to build ntpd without it.  It's only needed by utilities like ntpq and friends.  But that will take a small amount of work to add an option to configure.Which built python on windows? The one from cl, mingw/cygwin, or wsl(2?) (Rhetorical)
This will drop the need for libssl

  ./waf configure --disable-nts

but we still need libcryptoTls stuff look like it's listed in the "Security and Identity" section.
There may be other optional requirements that I can't think of right now.

This may provide info:

  ./waf configure --help

The source of buildprep may be helpful 


Of course, I don't know anything about Windows.  So, it may be much more complicated than that.  If so, I'd like to get a high level view of what it would take to get far enough to learn what low level APIs are missing.Iirc our wscript files force the wrong kind of command line arguments for cl and possibly also clang on windows.I'd happily donate a pitcher of beer (or the local equivalent) to the project if we can arrange the logistics.

devel mailing list

Re: Time for a release??

2022-02-14 Thread James Browning via devel
On Feb 13, 2022 10:42 PM, Hal Murray via devel  wrote:> How about a release at the end of February to give people time to wrap things up?

Sounds good to me.

Who has what that needs wraping up?I have some stuff I think needs to be in:- simplified release machinery !1253 #603- mode 6 client side auth fixes !1237Also a lot of stuff I want in:- move keygone out of contrib/- libaes_sev test fix !1238- some bugfixes !1241, !1233,And other stuff that can probably wait for 1.2.3 or 1.3...
Richard is working on the Trimble driver.

I need to take another look at the NMEA driver.


>> It's been almost a year since 1.2.1

I scrambled reading some dates.  It's only 6 months.

Eh, it's blursday again.___
devel mailing list

Re: ntpq version troubles

2021-07-10 Thread James Browning via devel
On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 4:15 PM Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> When I start ntpq, I get this message:
> ntp.ntpc wrong version '1.2.1+17-gbc270426b-dirty 2021-07-09/11:45:21' !=
> '1.2.1'

It's probably a result of me trying to be clever. IIRC it's comparing
the version of the ntp python module (left) with the version of the
FFI stub (right). Neither the source nor the build system seems to
have changed in the interval. It's looking at the from a
tarball built
 package and the python module built from git.

> It works OK.
> That's built with
> --build-desc=xxx on the configure line to waf
> on a system using git with some local edits.
> It works with the same command line on a system without git.
> ./waf check is happy.
>   running: main/ntpclients/ntpq --version  OK
> It works when run by hand out of $build.
>   $ ./hgm/main/ntpclients/ntpq --version
>   ntpq ntpsec-1.2.1+17-gbc270426b-dirty 2021-07-09/11:45:21
>   $
> Is this a problem with my setup?  Maybe getting the wrong library?
> Or a bug in the version check and/or install code?

Not a problem for you/your installs specifically. Getting the packaged
library which should be the same save for the version string.
Certainly an issue with the version check code. Should only be
happening for developers.
devel mailing list

Re: Support for i386

2021-06-30 Thread James Browning via devel
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021, at 11:59 AM Hal Murray  wrote:
> > The build epoch has been replaced with a hardcoded timestamp which will be
> > manually updated every nine years or so (approx 512w).  This makes the
> > binaries reproducible by default.
> What source file holds that timestamp?

libntp/ntp_calendar.c in ntpcal_get_build_date

> Where is it used?
> One place is the version string.  Where else?

Not used in the version string by default.

step_systime in libntp/systtime.c
wrapdate_init in ntpd/ntp_wrapdate.c
trimble_start in ntpd/refclock_trimble.c

I seem to have misplaced my call graph generator. I will not be
digging deeper than that.
devel mailing list

Re: Support for i386

2021-06-30 Thread James Browning via devel
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021, at 5:17 AM Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> said:
> > The remaining blocker is that the NTP packet format would need to be
> > redesigned.
> No, we just have to play the wrap around game when converting from network
> time to unix time.  If the network time is before the build time add 1<<32
> seconds.  And drop the high bits when going in the other direction.
> Pick your favorite constant if you don't like build time.  But then you have
> to remember to update it occasionally.

Too late, I already changed it that way at the end of December (!1197
I think) f76af8b7, I messed up again.

Remove --build-epoch and replace it with arbitrary --build-desc text.

Passing '--build-desc=$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%Sz)' restores the previous
default extended version.

The build epoch has been replaced with a hardcoded timestamp which will be
manually updated every nine years or so (approx 512w).  This makes the
binaries reproducible by default.
devel mailing list

Re: Work plan prpoosal for the next year

2021-06-25 Thread James Browning via devel
I do not consider myself an expert C developer.

I think the proposed schedule is overly serial. ntpkeygen and keygone
for example have no dependency on pylib/ IIRC. Also none of the other
ntpclients/ depend on ntpq. This would (in theory) pull CLIENTS up to
month 5 (late November/December)

I think the open 'issue' count would be lower if people actually
tended to close issues.
devel mailing list

Re: Objectives for the next year

2021-06-18 Thread James Browning via devel
Are there any C to golang or rust transpilers that work
reasonably well? The last time I checked the best rust
transpiler generated rs files that were just shallow glosses
and the golang transpiler was somewhat inadequate and

An early-started long-lived tread for each of DNS, clock-
manipulation, and client I/O. Probably with several for
refclocks and server functionality. Linux seccomp can work per
thread but only subtractively.

It would be great if we had a sandbox test tool that hits
everything NTPsec uses in a few minutes. Then we could update
the sandboxing so that downstream would not have to.

Maybe break up some of the less testable code blocks into more
manageable pieces and have tests for them.

Tests deeper than just getting the version string. Tests on
platforms that are not GNU/Linux w/ GCC. Tests on other

see if there is a way to update docker for the runners. re:
Gentoo and recent Ubuntu failures.

sort out everything in my scrap piles and get the good bits
devel mailing list

Re: Objectives for the next year

2021-06-18 Thread James Browning via devel
On Fri, Jun 18, 2021, at 6:08 AM Hal Murray via devel  wrote:
> As long as we are in blue sky mode...
> What was the name for your attempt to get a GPSD style replay of old data?
> Did we ever figure out why that didn't work?

It was called testframe IIRC...

> The GPSD code is one way: Input => output.  There is no back and forth, no
> request => response which changes internal state.  Does that pattern make
> things too complicated?  If we plan ahead, could we do something that would
> help?  ...

Maybe there are some huge opaque blocks of code that do not act reliably.
devel mailing list

Re: visiting the todo list

2021-06-08 Thread James Browning via devel
On Tue, Jun 8, 2021, at 5:09 AM Hal Murray  wrote:
> said:
> > IIRC gpsd has a read-only monitor program. I'm not sure how much of the code
> > could be applied to revise ntpd/refclock_shm.c, but I think that quite a bit
> > of it could. Which with it hopefully being read-only addresses a couple of
> > bullet points. I also seem to remember that some PTP software can export via
> > the same SHM struct which would drag in a third.
> gpsmon uses a TCP connection to gpsd.  There is no shared memory involved.

cgps will use shared memory if "shared memory" is passed on the
command line. gpsmon is a bit like ntpd/ntp_signd.c ignored except for
getting backhanded every time warnings pop up.

> What sort of monitor do you have in mind?
> With only a little hacking, we could make NMEA sentences available.

Probably something a lot like a clone of ntpshmmon (from the gpsd
tree), which does read that shared memory mapping NTPsec uses. JSON is
not the subject of those bullet points.

> > I had a foolish notion for a revised SHM driver but it just dropped off the
> > list.
> There is a way for the client/reader to be read only.  Fixing this has been on
> my list for years.
> The idea is to use two counters.  Call them X and Y.  The writer does:
>   Bump X
>   update data
>   Y = X
> The reader does
>   grab Y
>   grab data
>   grab X
> if grabbed X and Y are equal, data is valid.
> The key is that the reader references X and Y in the opposite order from how
> the writer updates them.  If the reader and writer are accessing the data at
> the same time, the reader gets the old Y and new X.

I was thinking something more JSON-like parseable, with unlimited
extensibility and distinct edges.
devel mailing list

Re: ntpleapfetch regression.

2021-06-07 Thread James Browning via devel
On Mon, Jun 7, 2021, at 8:44 AM Mike Simpson via devel  wrote:
> Hi folks.
> Ntpleapfetch was coping with the leap-seconds.list file from the ietf for a 
> bit then it regressed back to being confused by the formatting of the 
> signature again.

I see it. potential patch attached later. TLDR the spacing did it
six-month mess with the downstream dance adding a space. macOS,
Solaris and 15 BSD variants will probably break.

> Also, we are still trying to use /var/NTP for I believe NTS related logging. 
> Can this be moved to /var/log/something as SELinux really doesn’t like it. 
> nts or ntp/nts?

I'll have to pencil in a reminder to submit a change to the default
value of NTP_VAR which is only used for 'statsdir', from there it
branches a bit.

> Speaking of SELinux, I can send a patch to their ML to allow creation and use 
> of the NTS tcp port now that it’s all iana assigned as I have the necessary 
> custom module to let fedora and centos work.

Above my paygrade probably. I would say submit it there as well as our
repository for packaging/.
diff --git a/ntpclients/ntpleapfetch b/ntpclients/ntpleapfetch
index 5e8500b..039b8a6 100755
--- a/ntpclients/ntpleapfetch
+++ b/ntpclients/ntpleapfetch
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ verifySHA1() {
 # or maybe a space and a tab.  remove the tab, wherever it may be.  Add some 0x
 # so it can be run through printf to restore missing leading zeros.
-local FSHA1="`grep '^#h' $1 | tr -d '[:cntrl:]' | sed -e's/^#h/0x/' -e's/ / 0x/g'`"
+local FSHA1="`grep '^#h' $1 | tr -d '[:cntrl:]' | sed -e's/^#h[ \t]*/0x/' -e's/ / 0x/g'`"
 FSHA1=`printf '%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x' $FSHA1`
 if [ -n "$FSHA1" -a \( "$FSHA1" = "$DSHA1" \) ]; then
devel mailing list

visiting the todo list

2021-06-07 Thread James Browning via devel
IIRC gpsd has a read-only monitor program. I'm not sure how much of
the code could be applied to revise ntpd/refclock_shm.c, but I think
that quite a bit of it could. Which with it hopefully being read-only
addresses a couple of bullet points. I also seem to remember that some
PTP software can export via the same SHM struct which would drag in a

I had a foolish notion for a revised SHM driver but it just dropped
off the list.

I am reasonably sure that the pool association code needs to be
revisited later. I seem to recall it over replaces a dropped server
and then culls.  Maybe a mechanism to limit the number of ephemeral
remote cocks per source.

Replacing IPv4 and IPv6 only sockets could probably work unless it hit
a hypothetical misrouted multihomed server. Then it would not know
where to send packets from a bit like my 'twinsock' reduction.

snprintb looks incredibly useful, I agree, it should get used more,
quite possibly even with the proposed ntpshark helper the bulk of
which I think should part of pylib and accessible to ntpq and ntpdig.

I'm sure that file capabilities would help reduce the need for initial
root and drop root as mentioned. I proposed to break ntpd into
separate processes (rant redacted).

Replacing the once per second timer would be nice for power saving.
How about an unbalanced binary tree for event tracking. I think it'd
be O(n) memory and O(log n) to O(n) insert/lookup/delete times. I'd
also suggest removing the uptime counter in favor of a monotonic start
time variable.

I probably messed up the chance of adding reconfiguration needed
detection and possibly the version string cleanup. Also, the
implementation now does not like (semi-)shallow git clones.

Are the changes to the documentation and the conformant SNMP subagent done?
devel mailing list

release probably today

2021-06-01 Thread James Browning via devel
My vote is to release, and I suspect other developers will mostly pass.

It would probably be nice if some developers could wander back.

huh, I have more commits recently than everyone else combined.
 56 James Browning
 15 Richard Laager
 12 Matt Selsky
  8 Hal Murray
  3 Mark Atwood
  3 Miroslav Lichvar
  2 Brendan Bank
  1 Eric S. Raymond
  1 Sami Farin
devel mailing list

Re: get ready for 1.2.1 on 2021-06-01

2021-05-27 Thread James Browning via devel
On Thu, May 27, 2021, at 10:08 AM Mark Atwood via devel
> Hi!
> Please get ready for 1.2.1 on 2021-06-01
> Major contributors, please chime in, and merge your work that you think is 
> ready.
> Please update the …/NEWS and the …/devel/TODO files with descriptions of your 
> work.
> This will be the least release cranked out by myself. Matt Selsky will be the 
> release manager henceforth.

I think quite strongly that !1229 should be fixed & merged or
66ed781a -- `ntpq: Display dual column protocol stats ...`
reverted. Currently ntpq in git head is incompatible with
NTP classic and ntpsec prior e8b59ad4 two commits before.

!1228 will probably get merged Saturday and only change CI
runner config. Stop reading now.

I have several branches that are not/might never be ready.

- bonjour registration for macOS w/o CFLAGS+=" -ldns_sd"

- a rewrite of the OpenSSL helper that does not work on
  macOS atm

- A branch to reduce the number of UDPx sockets to 2 that
  will never get tested properly.

- a branch to add aes_siv tests that breaks on OpenSUSE

- an alternate vision of the SHM driver I can't imagine

- apparently an attempt to get the clients working on MS

And other stuff I have long forgotten.
devel mailing list

Re: ntpq: user variables, anybody use them?

2021-03-11 Thread James Browning via devel
On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 2:16 PM Hal Murray  wrote:

> >> The server side of ntpq supports writing and reading things of the form
> >> "foo=bar". >
> >> I'm slightly surprised Eric hasn't riped that out by now. >
> >> Does anybody use it?  How/why?  ,,,
> > No, I don't. I had this foolish notion though (or it might've been
> Achim) not
> > long after (during?) the rainbow control debacle about prepending a
> modifier
> > character (say @ or such) to a variable which is a list of variables and
> it
> > would return all of the variables in that list.
> The current code has some slots marked DEF (default).   I think it is only
> used by ntpq sysinfo.  The implementation is "rv 0" or just "rv" with an
> empty
> list of names that it wants to retrieve.

 DEF is also implemented for 'cv #' and 'rv #', IIRC.

> My plan was to add more flags.  I'm happy with your @ suggestion.
> Please start collecting a list of things you would like to retrieve this
> way.
> The 2 that I use often are the NTS statistics and the MRU statistics:
> ntsinfo
> and monstats.

That does not seem to be how sysinfo works. There probably should
be a request for peoples' lists on the users, devel, and maybe
announce lists. The hopefully complete list (from ntpq) is as follows.










I have two separate lists for sysstats atm because I have them processed
through different handlers. which would get worse if I did packets/s

More likely I could add another merge request to get ignored
for the duration. Also the list id for a recent git version.
1.2.0 lacks the *_r variables from sysstats.
devel mailing list

Five column output and old compatibility in branch 21C11-stat-quad branch please test.

2021-03-11 Thread James Browning via devel
This is mostly what it says in the title. It prints out ??? in columns
where data is unavailable. This only mostly works for sysstats at the
moment, as a couple of fields are included from elsewhere and not dualized
in the daemon. Please, test this and tell me what it looks like broken and
devel mailing list

Re: ntpq meets log files

2021-03-10 Thread James Browning via devel
On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 4:51 AM Hal Murray via devel 

> James Browning said:
> >> We need to keep in mind how to make this work in a multi threaded
> >> environment.
> > I think you would need to deglobalize some variables first.
> What do you have in mind?

I tend to overfocus on early optimizations and other trivial
things. Neither of the arguments passed to read_clockstatus
from the converted mockup is used, instead, the variable
res_associd is pulled from being global.

> I think there is an Atomic "library" that is mostly the compiler being
> smart
> enough to recognize a few special cases.  I'm pretty sure the Intel
> hardware
> directly supports
>   foo += xx
> and hence
>   foo++
> if you use the right instructions.  So we have to use the right macros but
> we
> don't need locks.
> There are a few places where it might be nice to update a set of counters
> at
> the same time.  For example, the number of packets received and the number
> processed or dropped or ...  I'm willing to live with that fuzz on a busy
> system.

IIRC, I saw that was mentioned as a C11, feature and not C99.

> >> There is a slight complication.  We need the name that comes back with a
> >> variable to be a meaningful description.
> > So, drop the Millsian object notation (or whatever it is called) for
> > something closer to JSON? Protobuf need not apply.
> I'm not interested in JSON.
> We could add a pretty name to the table and a way for ntpq to ask for the
> pretty name.

You lost me put up a mockup, please.

> > For example, after butchering all the following it occurred to me that
> one
> > could just ad a CB (callback) or HOOK value. I mean it is not like there
> is a
> > sudden lack of space for them.
> I wouldn't have called it "callback".  There is no back part.
> My straw man is that each slot in the table has a name (that ntpq asks
> for),
> flags, type tag, pointer to variable, and print routine.  My print routine
> is
> probably your callback.  I'm expecting that we will need a half dozen or
> so
> print routines for the common cases (int, long int, unsigned long...,
> float,
> double...) and a half dozed or so slots that need a dedicated print
> routine.

Unless you make the handlers smarter I think there will be
more than 6 corner cases that need extra help. It would
probably be best to separate the low easy corners from the
more difficult.

ctl_putdata and ctl_putunqstr are probably lower-level
implementations than you intend.

ctl_putuint is common, ctl_putint less so. ctl_putts,
ctl_putadr, ctl_putrefid, ctl_putarray, and ctl_putstr are
also already there.
devel mailing list

Re: More on ntp_control cleanup

2021-03-10 Thread James Browning via devel
On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 4:15 AM Hal Murray via devel 

> How do I compute at compile time the offset of a field into a struct?
> The context is putting it into a table.

]offsetof(struct, field)[ wrapped in macros. I pulled that from the
include/json.h file of gpsd

> I know about structs and unions.  Unions are type-unsafe.  Is there a
> type-safe way to handle a struct that needs several variations?
> The struct will have a type field to tell me which variation it is.  I
> will
> have a macro to build each variation.There is only one place that
> looks at
> the variations.  It will do a select on the type field with a few lines of
> code for each variation.  So all in all, it's pretty clean.  I'm just
> looking
> for a way to do better.

I typed in ]c tagged union[ after getting curious a while back, my bulimic
parrot level instant expert credentials for it are long expired. I remember
though that I just hit the first SO post[1] on the topic.

devel mailing list

Re: ntpq: user variables, anybody use them?

2021-03-10 Thread James Browning via devel
On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 10:17 PM Hal Murray via devel 

> The server side of ntpq supports writing and reading things of the form
> "foo=bar".
> I'm slightly surprised Eric hasn't riped that out by now.
> Does anybody use it?  How/why?  ,,,

No, I don't. I had this foolish notion though (or it might've been Achim)
not long after (during?) the rainbow control debacle about prepending a
modifier character (say @ or such) to a variable which is a list of
variables and it would return all of the variables in that list.
devel mailing list

Re: ntpq meets log files

2021-03-09 Thread James Browning via devel
On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 2:28 PM Hal Murray via devel 

> I'm poking around in ntp_control because I want to add the CPU time that
> ntpd
> has used for some tests I'm trying to run.
> We have our share of crufty code, but this is the stuff that annoys me the
> most.  What should be simple turns into a pain in the ass.
> -
> We have several log files that record statistics hourly.  After they write
> out
> a line, they clear the counters.  ntpq can't ask for the totals since
> restart
> - the data is gone.
> James has recently fixed part of that.  ntpq sysstats now prints 2 columns.
> I'd like to open this area up for discussion.
> I'd like the counters behind all log files to keep the totals too.  There
> are
> 2 ways to implement that.  One is for the active counters to be the
> totals.
> The hourly logic would maintain a second copy that holds the value to be
> subtracted from the totals to get the this-hour values.  The other is for
> the
> active counters to hold the this-hour values.  To get the totals you would
> add
> the values from the second copy.  I think I prefer the active counters to
> hold
> the totals but I have not strong preferences.
> We need to keep in mind how to make this work in a multi threaded
> environment.

I think you would need to deglobalize some variables first.

> It would be neat to have 2 more columns - packets per second.  I don't
> know if
> that will fit.
> I'd like to have a ntpq command for each log file.  I like the 2 column
> approach.  Currently, the slots in each column have a separate name.  We
> could
> compress that by returning something like:
>   foo=23,45678
> that is 2 values for one name.

Not until the ramp to 2.0, That screams here lie incompatible changes.

> ntpq could save a copy of the data so it could print the since-xxx values.
> We could get last-day values by saving 24 copies of the last hour data.
> There is at least one comment in saying, roughy, this table should
> be
> in ntpd so that we don't have to edit here too when something changes.
> "rv 0"
> returns a subset of a big table marked "default".  We could easily add
> more
> flags, one for each log file.
> There is a slight complication.  We need the name that comes back with a
> variable to be a meaningful description.

So, drop the Millsian object notation (or whatever it is called) for
something closer to JSON? Protobuf need not apply.

> What's the best way to clean up this mess?  We discussed this before, but
> I
> don't remember any consensus, or anybody stepping up to do their favorite
> way.

I messed up a little which is where the CV_NAME and CASE_ macros came from.

> The current approach needs 3 (I think) tables.  One to define a set of
> tags,
> one to translate the name of each variable to a tag, and the 3rd to print
> out
> the data for that tag.

4+ tables, at least 3 long lists of preprocessor macros, and too much
copy/paste code.

> I propose we dump the tags and put everything for each slot into struct.
> What does it need?
>   name that ntpq uses to ask for this slot
>   flags
>   pointer to value to be printed
>   routine to print it
> We can setup macros to build the struct.
> Does that make sense?

Not really, but I am not very effective. I would like to be able to
implement something like the following, but it is probably too fussy...

For example, after butchering all the following it occurred to me that one
could just ad a CB (callback) or HOOK value. I mean it is not like there is
a sudden lack of space for them.

clock_var_e = {
'name': { RO|DEF|QSTR, 'clockname' },
'timecode': { RO|DEF|QSTR, 'p_lastcode' },
'poll': { RO|DEF|UINT, 'polls' },
'noreply': { RO|DEF|UINT, 'noresponse' },
'badformat': { RO|DEF|UINT, 'badformat' },
'baddata': { RO|DEF|UINT, 'baddata' },
'flags': { RO|DEF|UINT, 'flags' },

clock_var_h = {
'fudgetime1': { RO|DEF, clock_do_fudgetime1 },
'fudgetime2': { RO|DEF, clock_do_fudgetime2 },
'stratum': { RO|DEF, clock_do_stratum },
'refid': { RO|DEF, clock_do_refid },
'device': { RO|DEF, clock_do_device },
'clock_var_list': { RO, clock_do_varlist },

def read_clockstatus(buffer, statusmask):
if not (REFCLOCK)

if res_id == 0:
peer = findpeerbyassoc(res_associd);
if sys_vars.sys_peer and
peer = sys_vars.sys_peer;
for (peer = peer_list; peer; peer = peer->p_link):
if (FLAG_REFCLOCK & peer->cfg.flags)
if not (peer and peer.flags_REFCLOCK)
refclock_control(>srcadr, NULL, );

qset = set()
gotvar = False
iset = set(qstr.split(','))
for key in iset:
if key in clock_var_e or key in clock_var_h:
qset = qset.add(key)

Re: What is the purpose of devel/ifdex-ignores?

2021-03-06 Thread James Browning via devel
On Sat, Mar 6, 2021, 3:33 PM Hal Murray via devel  wrote:

> From ./devel/ifdex-ignores
> USE_SCM_BINTIME # to grab timestamp for recv packet
> None of those symbols are used by our code.
> Should I just delete them?
> What is the idea for USE_xxx?  Is there some interesting history I've
> forgotten?

They seem to have moved there around 11efdf9fa35bfcfc4adeabe168a4f35f2e0c5f2c
2015 Sep 30 from HAVE_*, dunno my instant expert credentials expired.
Probably to indicate intent to use not just presence.

devel mailing list

Re: We need to capture data on corner cases

2021-02-05 Thread James Browning via devel
On Fri, Feb 5, 2021, at 3:20 PM Hal Murray via devel 

> [Context is retrying DNS lookups when an interface appears.]
> James Browning said:
> > When combined with some other code in the DNS path it is wrong-headed.
> "let's
> > retry DNS every 5 minutes or whenever someone acts on the netlink
> socket, and
> > pack on extra pool servers until we have twenty." It will probably come
> back
> > in a diminished form later. If you absolutely must dns_try_again
> periodically
> > it a couple of single line fixes to ntp_io:837 and ntp_io:325, switching
> to
> > true and maybe a new period respectively.
> Our code is full of quirks/hacks that catch obscure real-world cases.
> Most of
> the time, the code is just clutter.  On the other hand, if your
> environment
> triggers that case, that small chunk of code is wonderful.
> I think we need a structured way of collecting and documenting this sort
> of
> thing.
> Should we put a big comment in the code?  With a stylized tag so we can
> find
> them all.  If you are working on other stuff, that's just adding to the
> clutter.

I read on the Internet that comments are useless. I occasionally notice
them despite the fade to gray tendency. Yeah, I ripped out the following.
It was essentially invisible in my not-an-ide and the rat brain is fallible.
-   /*
-   ** Classic Bug 2672: Some OSes (MacOSX, Linux) don't block spoofed
-   */

> Should we collect the descriptions in another file and add pointers both
> ways?

Possibly. If it happens I would like to start the name suggestions with
'codescars' after [1] and something I thought I had read on an
Internet site but can no longer find there.

devel mailing list

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