Dear everyone,

I've worked on the power management for the atmega platform at the RIOT
While creating PRs for the different parts, I stopped at a critial point
I would like to discuss here:

Several functions are used for the power management and stubs are
provided in drivers/periph_common/pm.c. However as mentioned in one
issue, the weak implementation did *not* work correctly.
Therefore we agreed on removing weak definitions for the module and use
some #ifdefs instead:

#if !defined( MODULE_PM_LAYERED )
void pm_set_lowest(void) { }

Unfortunately, this does not work because some platforms and especially
the stm32_common/kinetis_common/cortexm_common platforms define these
functions all over the place!

My first question is there for, is there a good system to
implementations for a module such as the PM module at different levels?

E.g. the CPU should always have the possibility to implement specific
pm_* functions. A fallback could be provided in the common CPU.
Additionally, the pm_layered module uses some of these CPU functions.
And finally, the fallback functions in pm.c should be used, if none exist.
Is it ok to use #define / #ifdef constructs for these? Any opinions?
I think we need a very fine-granular system here. I started to add
special features to handle this case:


DEFAULT_FEATURES += periph_pm periph_pm_off periph_pm_set_lowest

FEATURES_PROVIDED += periph_pm_set_lowest

I thought that maybe features can be used to describe which functions
are provided. Later on based on include/compile order, missing functions
can be added if needed. Any opinions on this?

Best Regards,

Robert Hartung, M.Sc.

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund
Mühlenpfordtstr. 23, Raum 115
38106 Braunschweig

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