Rant (was Re: ATI Drivers.)

2003-07-18 Thread Mike A. Harris
On 17 Jul 2003, William Suetholz wrote:

  When are the various different patches out there for ATI cards going
to be integrated into XFree86 and DRI?  I know of at least two different
projects that are modifying these drivers. 

I'm not sure what specific patches you're refering to, but 
if you're refering to the DRI project and GATOS project, they're 
not patches.  They are projects.  The DRI code gets merged into 
XFree86 2-3 times a year or more depending on various factors, 
and happens as XFree86 development proceeds.

The GATOS code is something which requires integrating both into 
the DRI project as it has DRI/DRM modifications that are required 
and which there are compatibility issues that need to be 
addressed, and it needs to be merged into XFree86 as well, and 
there are massive integration issues involved in order to do that 
as well.  I believe the GATOS maintainer would like to see this 
happen, and I believe the DRI project and XFree86 project would 
also like to see it happen.  It's not a simple 10 minute job 
however as I have investigated just how much work would need to 
be done to merge this everywhere and it is non-trivial.

The XFree86 project, the DRI project, and the GATOS project are 
ran by volunteers with limited amount of spare time to work on 
things.  The code for GATOS has largely not been merged into 
XFree86 because nobody has had the time to devote to doing it.

So the answer to your first question is essentially This will 
get merged into XFree86 and DRI, etc. when an unpaid volunteer 
decides that it is interesting work to work on, and has time to 
devote to doing so, and other things going on at the time in 
development wont interfere.  In short When someone has time.

What's the deal with ATI's drivers?

The binary ones, or the open source ones?  Either way, your 
question isn't very clear.  What's the deal doesn't mean a lot.

Why couldn't they just help out with the existing drivers
instead of reinventing the wheel?

They do.  The majority of the code that is contributed to the 
XFree86 open source 2D drivers for Radeon is contributed by ATI, 
and most of it written by Hui Yu at ATI.  Other code 
contributions come from the DRI project, Michel Daenzer, myself, 
Kevin Martin, and numerous others.  ATI generally contributes the 
code to support 2D on all new chipsets that come out, as well as 
providing various bug fixes in their patch sets.  Since 4.3.0 was 
released, ATI has contributed approximately 18 major patches to 
the XFree86 project for the Radeon driver in the last 4 months 
approximately, of which support was added for 3D on Radeon 9200, 
and 2D support was added for Radeon 9200/9600/9800 and the Radeon 
IGP mobile chipsets, and others.  You may wish to check the 
XFree86 CHANGELOG document which shows when these changes were 
checked into CVS by Kevin Martin along with some patches for 
Radeon by other devleopers.

As for your statement reinventing the wheel and it's associated 
implication about why ATI has produced proprietary drivers and 
made them available for download, here is a clue for you.

The binary drivers which were available on ATI's website were
originally designed for high end workstation FireGL video
hardware.  These drivers have been available for a very long time
for this high end hardware.  Due to increasing demands from users
to add support to their binary drivers for Radeon 8500, since the
chip is essentially identical programmatically to the FireGL 8800
chips, ATI eventually made some changes to the driver to allow
them to be used for the Radeon 8500 as well, however the drivers
are unsupported - just like any company's drivers are unsupported
on any OS platform.  (Try calling any video hardware vendor on
the telephone for *any* operating system, including Microsoft
Windows and tell them your video card is crashing and you think
it is a driver bug.  Watch how fast every vendor out there will
tell you that they do not provide end user support.)

These drivers were provided more or less as-is to people in hopes
that people find them useful, which is the same reason any other
video hardware company who provides proprietary drivers to users 
in the community.

The drivers are an alternative provided which in the cases of ATI 
and Nvidia at least, are based on their Windows driver code.  
From what I understand, the OpenGL code in both ATI and Nvidia's 
drivers is shared with their Windows/Mac and whatever other OS's 
they support.  It's cross platform code they maintain for all 
OS's they choose to provide drivers for.  The 2D driver is 
aparently not shared code, which makes sense as Windows and X 
driver models differ greatly.  The kernel code would be custom 
code written for the given operating systems involved, and almost 
certainly written for high end high paying customers in the 
scientific and other high end 3D customers in the marketplace.

In short, these drivers weren't written for gamers, or home 
users. They were 

Re: Rant (was Re: ATI Drivers.)

2003-07-18 Thread Sven Luther
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 05:57:50AM -0400, Mike A. Harris wrote:
 What's the deal with ATI's drivers?
 The binary ones, or the open source ones?  Either way, your 
 question isn't very clear.  What's the deal doesn't mean a lot.

I think you are exagerating, it was perfectly clear what he did mean, at
least from the rest of the context.

 The drivers are an alternative provided which in the cases of ATI 
 and Nvidia at least, are based on their Windows driver code.  
 From what I understand, the OpenGL code in both ATI and Nvidia's 
 drivers is shared with their Windows/Mac and whatever other OS's 
 they support.  It's cross platform code they maintain for all 
 OS's they choose to provide drivers for.  The 2D driver is 
 aparently not shared code, which makes sense as Windows and X 
 driver models differ greatly.  The kernel code would be custom 
 code written for the given operating systems involved, and almost 
 certainly written for high end high paying customers in the 
 scientific and other high end 3D customers in the marketplace.

Maybe they could have the whole X driver and kernel module in open
source, and only keep the opengl library as proprietary stuff. I more or
less doubt they have any IP involved in these part, at least some really
meaningfull stuff. This would it make much easier for user installations
too, i think.

 In short, these drivers weren't written for gamers, or home 
 users. They were written for high end customers out there and 
 merely provided for download by mortals as a convenience in hopes 
 that people find them useful and benefit from them being there.
 Both ATI, Nvidia and any other company providing such drivers to 
 the communtiy, could just very well stop doing it, and instead 
 only include them in their high end workstation graphics hardware 
 CDROMS for those scientific customers.
 Why do these companies not open source their complete drivers?  
 Because they have intellectual property in their drivers that 

As if their concurent where not capable of reverse engineering the

 they don't want all of their competitors to just scoop up and use 
 in their own drivers for free.  They also likely have various 
 pieces of code in their drivers that they did not write and do 
 not own, but have licensed from a 3rd party.  In short, they most 
 likely have legal agreements on parts of their code that they can 
 NOT release under open source licenses.
 By these companies contributing to open source drivers however 
 (ATI contributes heavily to the radeon driver, and Nvidia to the 
 nv driver), they are still contributing to the open source 
 community, and they are providing users with an alternative to 
 use that is outside of any legally binding agreements that code 
 might contain in their own full proprietary drivers.

I have no problem for them to go proprietary, but i would very much like
a powerpc version of said drivers. Since both of them also release
drivers for MacOSX, i guess this would not be very expensive to just
rebuild powerpc versions of them. Or for other arches too. I think this
is the cost the graphic companies have to pay for not releasing the
source code.

 After all their drivers don't support XV at all, so you can't
 use the multimedia capabilities of some of their integrated
 cards like the AIW-PRO and 8500DV.  I realize that in the past
 they have provided some information to XFree86, and eventually
 after having their multimedia stuff reverse engineered to the
 group that was working on that.  They have, however, never
 provided complete information!
 They've got the right to do that if they wish.  Suffice it to say 

I am not sure this is the case all over the world, and in any case it is
hardly fair. If i buy a product, i also buy the right to use it fully. I
am no lawyer, but i guess that if you where going to resort to legal
action, the judge may well see it that way in at least some of the
countries where graphic cards are used.

 that ATI has provided more documentation for their video hardware 
 than all other vendors combined, at least the docs that I have 
 had access to from all vendors.  With people like you bitching 
 about it however, I don't see how that is intended to get anyone 
 to release any documentation or specifications that haven't been 
 released.  They could theoretically release all documentation to 
 everything, open source their proprietary drivers, sell their 
 company and donate the money to the XFree86 project, and people 
 would still find something to bitch thanklessly about and 
 complain about some bug they find.

No, there you are exagerating. I hardly doubt that they would go broke
or whatever if they released open source drivers. If anything, they
would sell more boards.

   I really can't see the problem with these chip designers releasing
 information so there could be drivers written that can take advantage of
 ALL the features for the chips, and boards they produce!
 I'd love nothing 

Re: Rant (was Re: ATI Drivers.)

2003-07-18 Thread Peter \Firefly\ Lund
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Sven Luther wrote:

  Why do these companies not open source their complete drivers?
  Because they have intellectual property in their drivers that

 As if their concurent where not capable of reverse engineering the

somehow English chose another Latin word than the other Germanic languages
-- the weirdness and hodge-podge nature of English strikes again :/

(this is not to spite Sven - merely to rant about English and at the same
time increase the chances that an English-only speaker will understand)

Devel mailing list

Re: Rant (was Re: ATI Drivers.)

2003-07-18 Thread Sven Luther
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 12:44:46PM +0200, Peter Firefly Lund wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Sven Luther wrote:
   Why do these companies not open source their complete drivers?
   Because they have intellectual property in their drivers that
  As if their concurent where not capable of reverse engineering the

A, i have been searching for this word a few times already this last
week, thanks.

 somehow English chose another Latin word than the other Germanic languages
 -- the weirdness and hodge-podge nature of English strikes again :/
 (this is not to spite Sven - merely to rant about English and at the same
 time increase the chances that an English-only speaker will understand)

Well, it would also be nice if the english only speaker would maybe be a
bit more open when encountering non native english with a few problems
in the text.


Sven Luther
Devel mailing list

Re: Rant (was Re: ATI Drivers.)

2003-07-18 Thread Tim Roberts
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 12:25:16 +0200, Sven Luther wrote:

Maybe they could have the whole X driver and kernel module in open
source, and only keep the opengl library as proprietary stuff. I more or
less doubt they have any IP involved in these part, at least some really
meaningfull stuff.

Unfortunately, interesting and meaningful are NOT among the criteria used 
by the US Patent and Trademark Office in awarding patents.  The fact is most 
chip companies DO hold patents on some peculiar aspect of their chips, and 
they have to pretend to protect them in order to maintain their usefulness.

Most people don't realize how much the patent business has turned from being 
an invention protector into one big Pokemon game.  Company A decides to 
attack Company B.  They lay down three of their patents in the Pokemon arena 
and say, AHA!, you violate these patents, please pay me a million a year or 
I'll sue.

Company B goes back to their Pokedex, chooses three likely candidates from 
THEIR patent portfolio, and responsd AHA!, you are violating OUR patents!  
Sign this cross-licensing agreement or my Charizard's flame thrower attack 
will turn you to ashes.

The two companies sign the agreement in order to avoid the court system, put 
their patents back into their Pokeballs, and life goes on.  They have to have 
patents in order to make their Pokemon card deck strong enough to survive 
battles like that.

Of course, this is all anathema to the open source and free software 

This e-mail also demonstrates that my children have spent WAY too much time 
with Pokemon.

- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Devel mailing list

how to set geometry for a window (from other program)?

2003-07-18 Thread Andriy Rysin
I use twm and have to put initial window of mozilla into 0,0 position. 
But there's a bug in mozilla - it ignores geometry setting - this bug is 
filed but still not fixed.
I did not find any means to set x,y in twm, so the question is whether 
there is a way to set geometry of window with some command? Or could 
somebody please paste a code which I can use to write my own to set it.

Thanks, in advance,
Devel mailing list

Re: Rant (was Re: ATI Drivers.)

2003-07-18 Thread William Suetholz
  Thank you all on the list for your responses..  It has been
  Mr. Harris, yes I am one of Those people who want a device to work
in my chosen operating system, and have been frustrated that while
things have gotten a bit better than they were in 1998, the OS and users
that use it are still considered second class by the device
manufactureres despite some very quiet lip service on the manufacturers
part.  Part of my attitude is from being involved in (mostly on the
sidelines) in the initial project that grew into Gatos, and the
stonewalling that was done at that time.
  Since that time ATI has donated hardware, and provided some
documentation for the area that I am most interested in.  Multimedia in
case you hadn't guessed :-)  I still am not able to use the DVD playback
acceleration features, because the chopped that out of the docs.

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 04:57, Mike A. Harris wrote:
 On 17 Jul 2003, William Suetholz wrote:
   When are the various different patches out there for ATI cards going
 to be integrated into XFree86 and DRI?  I know of at least two different
 projects that are modifying these drivers. 
 I'm not sure what specific patches you're refering to, but 
 if you're refering to the DRI project and GATOS project, they're 
 not patches.  They are projects.  The DRI code gets merged into 
 XFree86 2-3 times a year or more depending on various factors, 
 and happens as XFree86 development proceeds.

In my paragraph above I did call them projects.  I was not really
thinking about DRI, however I was thinking of Gatos, and the TV-Out

 What's the deal with ATI's drivers?
 The binary ones, or the open source ones?  Either way, your 
 question isn't very clear.  What's the deal doesn't mean a lot.
I am not aware of any open source drivers directly available from ATI.

 As for your statement reinventing the wheel and it's associated 
 implication about why ATI has produced proprietary drivers and 
 made them available for download, here is a clue for you.
-NASTY-  I'm not totally stupid.


 however the drivers
 are unsupported - just like any company's drivers are unsupported
 on any OS platform.  (Try calling any video hardware vendor on
 the telephone for *any* operating system, including Microsoft
 Windows and tell them your video card is crashing and you think
 it is a driver bug.  Watch how fast every vendor out there will
 tell you that they do not provide end user support.)
Not entirely true.. I have gotten support from ATI in getting their
stuff to work under NT and other MS systems.


 After all their drivers don't support XV at all, so you can't
 use the multimedia capabilities of some of their integrated
 cards like the AIW-PRO and 8500DV.  I realize that in the past
 they have provided some information to XFree86, and eventually
 after having their multimedia stuff reverse engineered to the
 group that was working on that.  They have, however, never
 provided complete information!
 They've got the right to do that if they wish.  Suffice it to say 
 that ATI has provided more documentation for their video hardware 
 than all other vendors combined, at least the docs that I have 
 had access to from all vendors.  With people like you bitching 
 about it however, I don't see how that is intended to get anyone 
 to release any documentation or specifications that haven't been 
 released.  They could theoretically release all documentation to 
 everything, open source their proprietary drivers, sell their 
 company and donate the money to the XFree86 project, and people 
 would still find something to bitch thanklessly about and 
 complain about some bug they find.
On the other hand..  If more people who didn't want to have to run
another OS to access features that are not well supported because of
lack of knowledge on how to support them would comment/complain 
(oh alright -BITCH-) maybe the hardware vendors would realize that there
is a viable market for their devices to be used on the second class OS's

And, I'm sure that ATI has a file on me :-)  I've been commenting on
this directly to them for some time.


 If I sound like the devil's advocate, I assure you I'm not.  I'm 
 just tired of hearing random people bitch and beak off about this 
 type of crap who don't put any sort of thought whatsoever into 
 the business, legal, copyright/trademark/patent, or engineering 
 costs and other factors that affect these types of decisions in 
 companies out there.  Try to look at things from the angle of the 
 given company out there for once.  
Yes I am a random person, and, I'm a nobody who must be a pretty
terrible person to want to use something other than a MS supported
product to utilize the features that the card was purchased for.
And, I must never (in the 5-7 years I've been asking for this) have
thought about the business side of things.

I would actually be satisfied with Binary only drivers that 

Re: Rant (was Re: ATI Drivers.)

2003-07-18 Thread Havoc Pennington
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 06:09:44PM -0700, Mark Vojkovich wrote: 
Ironically, the Linux desktop community doesn't target the
 only potential business case there is.  It's often at odds with
 it.  Workstation users like a platform that doesn't change and anything
 that risks damaging OpenGL behavior (like RandR support or alpha
 blended cursors) is generally not well accepted.

I guess this thread is getting offtopic, but fwiw, from what I can see
of customers and other data this battle is already won. Linux is
definitively cheaper and meets the technical need for just about
everyone, where UNIX workstations are hanging on it's by inertia and
due to certain ISVs. There are not a lot of additional features needed
to win these customers, other than continuous performance gains.

For the 3D performance gains everyone is basically 100% dependent on
nvidia and ATI; if you guys make the improvements they're there,
otherwise they aren't. Nobody else has the ability to address this
issue that I know of.

People are looking beyond this market, because the workstation market
simply is not the largest in the scheme of things, and isolated by
itself has little reason other than a body of in-house and ISV apps to
be Linux-based rather than Windows- or Mac-based. The historical
reason it was UNIX-based was the high end hardware; that reason is

This paper has some good points:


There is substantial interest in the world today in Linux as a
desktop, and enough of that interest is among potentially paying
customers who understand the technical realities. For now, granted,
we're talking primarily about highly managed and locked-down desktops
with a restricted application set.  But for whatever reason,
empirically many people want to use Linux for anything it's capable of
doing, as soon as it's capable of doing it.

If the X-based platform is to be capable enough for the current
interest in managed desktops, and the few-years-out interest in more
general desktops, we have to be making progress intelligently and
continuously. That's how we're getting there on the server, it's how
we got the workstation market, and it's how we'll get future markets.

There isn't a business case here yet for nvidia, or for desktop ISVs.
However, for the organizations looking at Linux desktops today, those
things aren't essential; which gives a possible way out of the
chicken-and-egg/bootstrap problem. There is already a business case
for many operating system vendors and hardware OEMs, judging by their
publicly-announced actions over the last year.

Nobody can predict the future, of course. Many things can happen.

I don't believe there is a fundamental tradeoff between what all these
various customers want to do, from a technical standpoint.  However,
to properly balance all the competing requirements, looking at the
client-side GUI platform as a whole rather than as any single unit
(window system, desktop shell, toolkits, applications) will be
important. Fluidity and adaptation are essential, properly balanced
with regular ABI-stable releases.


Devel mailing list

Re: Rant (was Re: ATI Drivers.)

2003-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
TR Unfortunately, interesting and meaningful are NOT among the
TR criteria used by the US Patent and Trademark Office in awarding
TR patents.

The European Parliament intends to discuss in September Arlene
McCarthy's bill that aims to put European patent law in step with its
American counterpart.

If you agree with Tim and happen to live in the EU, please do write a
friendly note to your Euro-MP before September.

General page on software patents in the EU (including calendar):


An article by McCarthy:


RMS' rebuttal:


Sorry for the offtopic post.

Devel mailing list