A previous post on configuration reminded me that I've noticed that some of the included "Modeline" lines result in really ugly displays, which can be tricky to fix with xvidtune.

Could the X server include a provision for autocalculating certain "Modeline" parameters? Perhaps a utility to do this? (I'm working on a colorful version right now I call vidfix. You can increase/decrease the four h and v timings and the pixclock atomically, and autocalc values (h refresh and v refresh) can be adjusted, causing the core data to change (sort of like changing HSV and having the RGB automatically update). Don't get your hopes up yet, it's still in alpha, I haven't even studied the XVidMode extension and I'm having trouble with the widgets)

For example:

Modeline "1024x768" Auto 1024 auto auto auto 768 auto auto auto

could be filled in by the X server by autocalc-ing the auto values, taking into account the monitor type, sync freq constrains, and timing criteria. The X server seems to be pretty good about picking the best mode from many choices, so some of the code may already exist.

This may help to reduce or even eliminate messy XF86Config modification. Let me know what you guys think about this. I'm just a newbie so don't bash me; I will, however, welcome constructive criticism; just don't cuss or flame.

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