Re: Cyberpro 20x0 driver?

2003-01-27 Thread John Dennis
At at previous job I was responsible for XFree86 Cyberpro drivers. Tvia
( had supplied us with source code for their XFree86 4.x
Cyberpro driver that worked reasonably well. I did have to make a few
fixes and we did add some enhancements.

The point of this is that Tvia does develop and maintain XFree86 drivers
for their Cyberpro series. Why these are not available at least as
binary downloads from their web site eludes me. Tvia does try to earn
extra income from selling their SDK's. As of a year ago when I working
on this the SDK's did not include the XFree86 driver sources, we had to
obtain that separately. I suspect the reason Tvia has not open sourced
their driver is a function of their wanting to derive income from the
sale of their SDK's. My personal opion of their SDK's and their doc was
it was not worth the price they were asking. However, having said that,
I did find it essential to have the SDK's in order to work on the driver
because the SDK's provided example code to perform certain functions
which at the time were not part of the driver.

I think Tvia suffers the same type of myopia that many small vendors
suffer from. They would generate more income via increased hardware
sales by opening up their source pool then the amount of income they
generate by selling their marginal SDK's to a handful of partners. Maybe
it would be worthwhile for someone to press them on this issue.


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Re: Cyberpro 20x0 driver?

2003-01-23 Thread Bernd Ernesti
On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 10:01:00AM -0500, Andrew E. Mileski wrote:
 You can still get the original code from CVS if you go back
 far enough.  It was from the DEC DNARD project for BSD, so you
 can still get it from:

 You can't get the docs for the chips, unless you have a corporate
 account.  The SDK's cost about $25k for the complete set.  Some
 of the docs are on the net (not the SDK's) if you search hard
 enough (like look in my bookmarks), but it is only a register
 description and I'm unsure of it's legal status.

Hmm, are you talking about this pdf:

434886 Sep 15  1997 2010Spgf.PDF

which was possible to get it from above url.


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