Someone posted this message, and I'm concerned about questionable language.

I use an HTML-based e-mail retrieval via Internet Explorer, but system settings may cause IE to block inappropriate "web-pages" (ones that contain cuss words), and as I get my e-mail via the www, a company with strict settings on the internet machines may prevent me from reading some of the postings.

Apart from that, it may offend some people. This is a public mailing list, after all.

Could we keep the profanity down please? It's a bit rude and may also cause problems with paranoid browsers.

From: mark kandianis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dealing with images
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2003 19:13:54 -0500

On Sun, 07 Dec 2003 14:52:50 -0800, Alan Coopersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

mark kandianis wrote:
that's shit.  I really think that's got the cart in front of the horse.
I don't see the market leader(s) doing that, to make something saddled
to a standards group is a reminder of why LINUX beat FreeBSD.

Standards are what allow Linux to have had even a chance to be here in the first place.

this from the company that has brought us solaris. (cheap shot but I like it)

and as for pOSIX and linux, linux is not limited by the pOSIX standard,
it makes the standard by doing it making it happen. i've seen LINUX move beyond
and do things that posix has yet to endorse but does so it can be LINUX aware.

making something a standard doesn't mean that anyone willl use it? tech is wrecked
with lots of 'standards' that went no where. yeah the internet took off. darpa
made it happen. lots of govt money can make anything happen.


If it wasn't for open standards, the Internet wouldn't
exist in it's current form - all we'd have is AOL & Compuserve with their
proprietary formats, and anyone wanting to compete would have to be
constantly reverse engineering to be able to interoperate at all (as you
can see in the word processor market, where Microsoft changes its file
formats every release, and everyone else wastes a ton of effort reverse
engineering in order to be compatible).

hey wanna buy a standard cheap? i'll sell in on ebay. goes to highest bidder ;-)
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