F39 Change Proposal: Enable fwupd-refresh.timer by default on IoT, CoreOS & Server Editions (Self-Contained)

2023-07-21 Thread Aoife Moloney

This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

== Summary ==
fwupd-refresh systemd service unit & timer are designed to regularly
refresh the fwupd metadata and update the MOTD when new firmware
updates can be applied on a system. We want to enable the
fwupd-refresh.timer by default on IoT, CoreOS & Server editions so
that users get reminded about firmware updates.

On desktops, firmware updates are generally coordinated by graphical
applications such as GNOME Software or Plasma Discover so we will not
enable it on those editions.

== Owner ==
* Name:[[User:Siosm| Timothée Ravier]], [[User:ravanelli| Renata Ravanelli]]
* Email: trav...@redhat.com, rrava...@redhat.com

== Detailed Description ==

Firmware for hardware devices can have bugs and firmware updates
generally help address those. Firmware updates might however need
manual interaction, a reboot or device unplug/re-plug so we can not
enable firmware update by default.

This change thus only enable notifying about new firmware updates, not
installing them.

With this change, Fedora installations will contact the Linux Vendor
Firmware Service CDN (LVFS, https://cdn.fwupd.org/) to get the updated
metadata but will not send any information about the hardware without
user interaction.

See the LVFS privacy policy at

== Feedback ==

Discussion for each impacted edition:

* CoreOS: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1512 (Accepted)
* IoT: https://pagure.io/fedora-iot/issue/52 (Accepted)
* Server: https://pagure.io/fedora-server/issue/115 (Accepted)

== Benefit to Fedora ==
Knowing when firmware updates can be applied on a system would make
systems more reliable.

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners: Do the change required to enable
fwupd-refresh.timer by default

* Other developers: N/A

* Release engineering: N/A [https://pagure.io/releng/issues #Releng
issue number]

* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Alignment with Community Initiatives: N/A

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
No impact, it is just a refresh to check about new firmware updates.
It will be enabled for existing and new systems.

== How To Test ==
Install a system on hardware that has an old firmware and check if you
get a notification about a new firmware update on login in the MOTD.

== User Experience ==
User will still have to manually update their firmware.

== Dependencies ==
There are no dependencies

== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: Continue to ship things the way we ship them today
* Contingency deadline: N/A
* Blocks release? N/A

== Documentation ==

N/A (not a System Wide Change)

== Release Notes ==

Aoife Moloney

Product Owner

Community Platform Engineering Team

Red Hat EMEA

Communications House

Cork Road

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F39 Change Proposal: Haskell GHC 9.4 and Stackage LTS 21 (Self-Contained)

2023-07-21 Thread Aoife Moloney

This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

== Summary ==
Update the GHC Haskell compiler from major version 9.2 to 9.4, and
Haskell packages will be updated from Stackage LTS 20 to LTS 21

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:Petersen| Jens Petersen]]

* Email: 

== Detailed Description ==
For Fedora 39, the [https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ GHC] Haskell compiler
will be updated from version
[https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_9_2_6.html 9.2.6] to the
latest stable [https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_9_4_5.html
9.4.5] release (rebasing from the
[https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_9_4_5.html ghc9.4] package).
Along with this, Haskell packages in [https://www.stackage.org
Stackage] (the stable Haskell source package distribution) will be
updated from the versions in [https://www.stackage.org/lts-20 LTS 20]
to latest [https://www.stackage.org/lts-21 LTS 21] release.
Haskell packages not in Stackage will be updated to the latest
appropriate version in the upstream [https://hackage.haskell.org
Hackage] package repository.

== Feedback ==

== Benefit to Fedora ==
Fedora users will have the latest stable Haskell compiler release,
package tools, and current Haskell packages from Stackage LTS.

GHC 9.4.5 is the current recommended version of GHC with various
enhancements and fixes (see the release notes linked in the
Documentation section for more details).

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
** update ghc9.2 is build against itself
** rebase ghc to 9.4.5
** finalize ghc-rpm-macros for F39
** (refresh packagings with the latest cabal-rpm release if needed)
** update packages to latest [https://www.stackage.org/lts-21 Stackage
LTS 21] versions using cabal-rpm
** build all the packages in a Koji sidetag repo in dependency order
using fbrnch
** push the sidetag through Bodhi

* Other developers: no actions should be needed

* Release engineering: [https://pagure.io/releng/issues #Releng issue number]

* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Alignment with Community Initiatives:

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
Any dropped packages will have obsoletes added.
Otherwise there should not be any direct upgrade impact.

Users' Haskell projects will get built with ghc-9.4 when they next
build them and might need some minor code tweaks
(see the release notes linked below).

== How To Test ==
* install ghc and cabal-install
* install pandoc, ShellCheck, ghcid, git-annex, hadolint, stack, xmonad, Agda
* install ghc-*-devel or ghc-*-prof or ghc-*-doc
* cabal-rpm builddep ; cabal install 
* install ghc8.10, ghc9.0, ghc9.2, ghc9.6
* test upgrades of F38 Haskell packages to F39

== User Experience ==
Users will have the most recent stable major version of `ghc` and
Haskell libraries and tools available to them.
This makes it easier to build the latest versions of Haskell projects.

In particular `cabal-install` will also be updated from 3.6 to 3.8.

== Dependencies ==

== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism:
** Change owner will drop the new builds and revert back to the versions in F38
* Contingency deadline: Beta Freeze

* Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change)

== Documentation ==
* https://www.stackage.org/blog/2023/06/announce-lts-21-nightly-ghc9.6

== Release Notes ==
The Haskell GHC compiler has been updated from 9.2.6 to 9.4.5 with
many improvements
and Haskell package versions are updated from Stackage LTS 20 to 21.

Aoife Moloney

Product Owner

Community Platform Engineering Team

Red Hat EMEA

Communications House

Cork Road

devel-announce mailing list -- devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-announce-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org
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List Archives: 
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F39 Change Proposal: LibreOffice 7.6 (Self-Contained)

2023-07-21 Thread Aoife Moloney

This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

== Summary ==
Update LibreOffice suite to 7.6

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:mattia| Mattia Verga]]
* Name: [[User:limb| Gwyn Ciesla ]]
* libreoffice-SIG
* Email: mattia.ve...@protonmail.com, gw...@protonmail.com

== Detailed Description ==
LibreOffice 7.6 is currently in Beta and the first stable release is
currently scheduled during F39 development. We aim to bring the latest
LibreOffice stable release in F39.

At the same time we plan to stop building LibreOffice for i686 architecture.

== Benefit to Fedora ==
Make Fedora be in parity with upstream release, so users are not
forced to switch to external Flatpaks.

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
Update `libreoffice` package to the latest version and make sure the
dependencies are updated.
This will be the first major update after Libreoffice-SIG take over
maintenance from RH, so there might be a few troubles as the former
maintainers were also able to contribute to upstream with patches.

* Other developers: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Release engineering: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Alignment with Community Initiatives: N/A (not needed for this Change)

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==

== How To Test ==
Users running F39 will get LO 7.6 and can use and test any regression
from the previous release.

== User Experience ==

== Dependencies ==

== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: (What to do?  Who will do it?) N/A (not a
System Wide Change)
* Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change)

== Documentation ==
N/A (not a System Wide Change)

== Release Notes ==

Aoife Moloney

Product Owner

Community Platform Engineering Team

Red Hat EMEA

Communications House

Cork Road

devel-announce mailing list -- devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to devel-announce-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: 
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
List Archives: 
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