[Development] QTBUG-42038 also happens with wec2013 arm imx6 device

2014-12-12 Thread Gunnar Roth

as i am working with qt on wec2013 on an imx6 device, i tried the latest qt 5.4 
and got a crash in my app at startup.
After doing some debugging , i found i was hit by QTBUG-42038 [Reg 5.3-5.4] 
Windows Phone ARM crashes in release mode when loading an image

As wec2013 is using nearly the same vs2012 arm compiler as winrt when vs2012 is 
used, this is no wonder actually.

I fix it by using 
#if defined(_M_ARM) // QTBUG-42038 , only talks about winrt but this also 
happens at least on wec2013 arm devices too, maybe even on ce 6/7.
#pragma optimize(, off)

instead of 

#if defined(Q_OS_WINRT)  defined(_M_ARM) // QTBUG-42038
#pragma optimize(, off)

Maybe this helps anyone.

Development mailing list

[Development] QSG render thread crashes during volumetric rendering

2014-12-12 Thread Cartik Sharma

I'm trying to do volumetric rendering with VTK using the
QVTKFramebufferObject class from

Essentially this is a class based on QQuickFramebufferObject and over rides
rendering with certain presets for OpenGL states.

It works well for images and 3D objects but crashes the QSG render thread
during render calls from vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper. I need help
debugging the crash and fixing this error. (please refer crash report in

Best regards,
Thread 7 Crashed:: QSGRenderThread

Exception Codes: EXC_I386_GPFLT

0   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver   0x00020032d729 
gldBlitFramebufferData + 162529
1   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver   0x000200324d14 
gldBlitFramebufferData + 127180
2   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver   0x0002002d8e87 
gldRestoreTextureData + 779309
3   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver   0x0002002d80c3 
gldRestoreTextureData + 775785
4   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver   0x0002001d66e2 0x2 + 1926882
5   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver   0x000200305e8e 
gldBlitFramebufferData + 582
6   libGPUSupport.dylib 0x0001470e9a6d 
gldUpdateDrawFramebuffer + 108
7   GLEngine0x000146e72e55 
gleUpdateDrawFramebufferState + 556
8   GLEngine0x000146d60369 glClear_Exec + 256
9   QtQuick 0x0001114e8f95 
QSGBatchRenderer::Renderer::renderBatches() + 533
10  QtQuick 0x0001114ea557 
QSGBatchRenderer::Renderer::render() + 2343
11  QtQuick 0x0001114f70b0 
QSGRenderer::renderScene(QSGBindable const) + 352
12  QtQuick 0x0001114f6f3c 
QSGRenderer::renderScene() + 28
13  QtQuick 0x00011150620b 
QSGRenderContext::renderNextFrame(QSGRenderer*, unsigned int) + 107
14  QtQuick 0x000111542179 
QQuickWindowPrivate::renderSceneGraph(QSize const) + 649
15  QtQuick 0x00011151f521 
QSGRenderThread::syncAndRender() + 289
16  QtQuick 0x00011151f968 
QSGRenderThread::run() + 200
17  QtCore  0x0001129f5332 
QThreadPrivate::start(void*) + 338
18  libsystem_c.dylib   0x7fff89aea772 _pthread_start + 327
19  libsystem_c.dylib   0x7fff89ad71a1 thread_start + 13
Development mailing list

[Development] Modifying QQmlFileSelector selector at runtime without Loader or Component

2014-12-12 Thread achartier

I would like to modify the extraSelectors of QQmlFileSelector at runtime
and have QML load the new QML file from the appropriate selector folder.
I have gotten this to work by calling setExtraSelectors() from a C++
object I have exposed to QML and then forcing a re-evaluation of the
Loader's source property:

Loader {
 id: myLoader
 source: Qt.resolvedUrl(MyItem.qml)

Connections {
 target: myCppObject
 onSelectorChanged: myLoader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(MyItem.qml)

Now, for my use case I really need the ability to achieve the same
behavior without using Loader or Component. I essentially want something
like this:

MyItem { }

Connections {
 target: myCppObject
 onSelectorChanged: // when selector changes, the MyItem instance
 above is automatically resolved to the MyItem definition in the
 appropriate selector folder.

How can this be accomplished?

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