Re: [Development] Fwd: [Qt bugreports] (QTBUG-46505) assertion failure (=> crash) in harfbuzz-shaper

2015-06-05 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Friday 05 June 2015 21:45:37 René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Hi,
> As asked in the bug report below: is it necessary to handle this situation
> with an assert/abort, instead of simply returning (with whatever error the
> void function in question can return)?

The assert is inside HB, so it's not our choice.
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtDBus.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Friday 05 June 2015 10:10:48 Frederik Gladhorn wrote:

Looks fine.
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff

2015-06-05 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Thursday 04 June 2015 15:29:10 Frederik Gladhorn wrote:
> Found module QtWinExtras in /home/frederik/dev/qt/qt-src-
> dev//qtwinextras/src/winextras/
>  - No public headers for module QtWinExtras

Note that the script only checks the modules that your qmake actually ran on. 
So QtWinExtras, QtMacExtras, QtAndroidExtras don't get compiled on regular 
Linux, so there is no header diff for them.

Maintainers of those modules need to effect the diff manually.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Q_OBJECT and "override"

2015-06-05 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Thursday 04 June 2015 17:02:52 Christian Kandeler wrote:
> On 06/04/2015 04:52 PM, Konstantin Ritt wrote:
> > #define  Q_OBJECT  \
> > 
> > public:  \
> > 
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >  static  const  QMetaObject  staticMetaObject;  \
> >  
> >  virtual  const  QMetaObject  *metaObject()  const;  \
> >  
> >  virtual  void  *qt_metacast(const  char  *);  \
> >  
> >  virtual  int  qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call,  int,  void  **);  \
> >  
> Oh, this is already in 5.5... I overlooked it somehow. Well, that makes
> this thread kinda pointless. Sorry about the noise (if the construct
> above indeed works).

Yup, it does. At least until Clang changes behaviour of how pragmas apply to 
these kinds of warnings...

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] date/time adjust for (auto) testing

2015-06-05 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 03 June 2015 08:00:54 Curtis Mitch wrote:
> Sounds like a great thing to have if you can get it working. The QDateTime
> tests themselves would benefit from this quite a lot.
> Perhaps you've already seen, but it looks like Thiago attempted something
> similar with a8c74ddcf78604c9038ba2a2bea81e445e4b3c58:
> /tst_qdatetime.cpp#n2988

That's not the same. Timezones on Linux are a property of the application and 
can easily and trivially be changed.

Changing the time is much more difficult.
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] date/time adjust for (auto) testing

2015-06-05 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 03 June 2015 08:38:48 André Somers wrote:
> Hi,
> We have applications that use the current date and time at places spread
> around the code. For normal operations, that works very nicely. However,
> we find that for (auto) testing, it would be very convenient if we could
> trick the application into believing it is some other date/time, so that
> we can test if certain behaviours work the way we would like to
> automatically. Currently, these tests take a lot of time because we
> actually need to manually adjust the system date and time, do some
> stuff, then adjust again, etc.
> It would be really confortable if there was some control to set a
> date/time offset (so the time keeps running) or a fixed date/time to be
> returned from currentDate(), currentTime() or currentDateTime()
> respectively. I guess access to such a thing does not belong in the main
> Qt classes, but is really a testing tool, so perhaps it could find
> refuge in QtTest somewhere. Would a contribution adding such a thing
> stand any chance of being accepted, or would this be considered out of
> scope or even unwanted?

Yes, I think so.

The only gotcha is that the functions that would most benefit from the feature 
*are* the functions you mentioned. It would be so nice to properly test that 
we handle daylight savings transitions correctly. So what functions / 
functionality are you thinking of testing that would require this?

One way to do that is to use ELF interception of the glibc gettimeofday() 
function. On Windows, interception is also possible, but requires a very ugly  

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 4.8.6 win32-msvc2008 compilation. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__q_atomic_increment

2015-06-05 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 03 June 2015 08:20:23 Soraya Santana de la Fe wrote:
> I have found the problem and why QT_ARCH_WINDOWS was not defined. I was
> using a diferent folder for my includes, comming from a linux compilation
> instead the one generated by the "make install" command of my new windows
> compilation. After this I see that I cannot share the includes for two
> different architectures, is that correct?

You can, for all files *except* qconfig.h. You need to have separate qconfig.h 
well as separate mkspecs/qconfig.pri, mkspecs/qmodule.pri, mkspecs/default. You 
usually use a separate qmake, but sharing that is possible provided the above 
restrictions are taken into account.

The easiest way to do all of that is to separate the Qt builds and headers 

Note: there's no qmake option to search for the mkspecs/* files I mentioned. 
For qconfig.h, you can easily hack it. Linux distributions do that for Qt 4, by 
replacing qconfig.h with a dispatcher that looks like:

#ifdef __i386__
#  include "qconfig-i386.h"
#elif defined(__x86_64__))
#  include "qconfig-x86_64.h"

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Development mailing list

[Development] Fwd: [Qt bugreports] (QTBUG-46505) assertion failure (=> crash) in harfbuzz-shaper

2015-06-05 Thread René J . V . Bertin

As asked in the bug report below: is it necessary to handle this situation with 
an assert/abort, instead of simply returning (with whatever error the void 
function in question can return)?


--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: [Qt bugreports] (QTBUG-46505) assertion failure (=> crash) in 
Date: Friday June 05 2015, 17:12:15
From: René Bertin (via JIRA) 

René Bertin created an issue
Qt /  QTBUG-46505
assertion failure (=> crash) in harfbuzz-shaper
Issue Type:  Bug
Affects Versions:4.8.7
Assignee:   Thiago Macieira
Components:  Core: Other
Created: 05/Jun/15 5:12 PM
OS X 10.9.5 with Qt 4.8.7 built through a custom MacPorts port
Priority:Not Evaluated
Reporter:   René Bertin
I've run twice in succession into an assertion failure in harfbuzz-shaper.cpp 
line 484 . Sadly I cannot determine what combination of text and font cause the 
Is it necessary to abort here, or are there more graceful ways to handle the 
I'm using the harfbuzz library from MacPorts, version 0.9.40 .
Code Type:   X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  tcsh [95718]
Responsible: Terminal [936]
User ID: 505

Date/Time:   2015-06-05 18:47:31.627 +0200
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.9.5 (13F1077)
Report Version:  11
Anonymous UUID:  64B814D9-356F-6F85-8341-E17C1354A330

Sleep/Wake UUID: 69ABB6DD-3D80-4B02-9FCF-EF5D156F2919

Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x, 0x

Application Specific Information:
Assertion failed: (glyph_pos == item->num_glyphs), function 
HB_HeuristicSetGlyphAttributes, file 
../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src/harfbuzz-shaper.cpp, line 484.

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  0x7fff8dcee292 __kill + 10
1   libkdeui.5.dylib0x000106a72706 
KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) + 326 (kcrash.cpp:352)
2   libsystem_platform.dylib0x7fff865665aa _sigtramp + 26
3   ??? 00 0 + 0
4   libsystem_c.dylib   0x7fff91d85b1a abort + 125
5   libsystem_c.dylib   0x7fff91d4f9bf __assert_rtn + 321
6   QtCore  0x000108206fee 
HB_HeuristicSetGlyphAttributes + 1102
7   QtCore  0x000108207092 HB_BasicShape + 82 
8   QtCore  0x0001082082b1 HB_ShapeItem + 49 
9   QtGui   0x000107228709 
QTextEngine::shapeTextWithHarfbuzz(int) const + 3177 (qtextengine.cpp:1342)
10  QtGui   0x000107229b7a 
QTextEngine::shapeText(int) const + 186 (qtextengine.cpp:924)
11  QtGui   0x000107229ab0 
QTextEngine::shape(int) const + 576 (qtextengine.cpp:1452)
12  QtGui   0x00010722d4f9 
QTextEngine::width(int, int) const + 537 (qtextengine.cpp:1687)
13  QtGui   0x00010723016d 
QTextEngine::elidedText(Qt::TextElideMode, QFixed const&, int) const + 461 
14  QtGui   0x00010720d7eb 
QFontMetrics::elidedText(QString const&, Qt::TextElideMode, int, int) const + 
683 (qtextengine_p.h:653)
15  libmessagelist.4.dylib  0x000115db1e56 
paint_left_aligned_elided_text(QString const&, 
MessageList::Core::Theme::ContentItem*, QPainter*, int&, int, int&, 
Qt::LayoutDirection, QFont const&) + 118
16  libmessagelist.4.dylib  0x000115daee1e 
MessageList::Core::ThemeDelegate::paint(QPainter*, QStyleOptionViewItem const&, 
QModelIndex const&) const + 22494
17  QtGui   0x0001074cf275 
QTreeView::drawRow(QPainter*, QStyleOptionViewItem const&, QModelIndex const&) 
const + 3813 (qtreeview.cpp:1685)
18  QtGui   0x0001074cd2f3 
QTreeView::drawTree(QPainter*, QRegion const&) const + 931 (qtreeview.cpp:1438)
19  QtGui   0x0001074cce8a 
QTreeView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) + 346 (qabstractitemview_p.h:182)
20  QtGui   0x00010708141e 
QWidget::event(QEvent*) + 1198 (qwidget.cpp:8546)
21  QtGui   0x00010739c92d 
QFrame::event(QEvent*) + 45 (qframe.cpp:557)
22  QtGui   0x000107415f9c 
QAbstractScrollArea::viewportEvent(QEvent*) + 108 (qabstractscrollarea.cpp:1043)
23  QtGui   0x00010748e0a4 
QAbstractItemView::viewportEvent(QEvent*) + 1108 (qabstractitemview.cpp:1644)
24  QtGui   0x0001074ccc1a 
QTreeView::viewportEvent(QEvent*) + 218 (qtreeview.cpp:1252)
25  QtGui   0x000107416775 

Re: [Development] Your actions needed, Qt5.5.0 RC & Final is nearing!

2015-06-05 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Friday June 05 2015 18:18:28 Sean Harmer wrote:

>But you did ask in a branch of a thread about a Qt3D change, so I 
>answered with respect to the part that I have knowledge about.

That wasn't evident to me from the thread's subject :)

>I was asking because I'm genuinely curious about the answer. I myself am 

I don't really have an answer and I'm also not trying to make a point to 
support back to 10.7 . MacPorts does have a more or less official policy how 
far back they support, but many individual ports go well beyond that, 
supporting even PPC Macs and thus 10.5 . 10.7 is rather common though, and I 
know many still use it.
My Mac from 2011 runs 10.9, I haven't yet decided if I'll go beyond that (not 
for another point release or 2 I think and then we'll see if it's still alive 
and kickin').
That said, I'd have never upgraded it from 10.6 if I'd had a chance (so I 
completely skipped 10.7 and 10.8), and I still miss that version for a bunch of 

>using a Mac from 2011 that happily runs 10.10. I was not inferring that 
>everybody should upgrade, but wondering how much of a need still remains 
>to drive support for older flavours.

I simply don't know how well-used Qt is in say scientific research circles, 
where people 1) rarely have money for the latest & greatest and 2) have very 
good reasons to update as little as possible if they're not 3) locked-in to 
using old software that requires ditto OS and hardware.

>say 10.7 can only be on a best efforts basis. Of course if somebody 
>wants to pay for such support, then we would be happy to investigate this.

Wouldn't that be your accountants' needs rather than yours? ;)

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtGui.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Sean Harmer
The OpenGL changes within QtGui look sane to me. Thanks for generating 
the diffs.



On 05/06/2015 09:10, Frederik Gladhorn wrote:

Development mailing list

Dr Sean Harmer | | Managing Director UK
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Your actions needed, Qt5.5.0 RC & Final is nearing!

2015-06-05 Thread Edward Sutton
>Given recent OS X updates are free do you really need support for anything 

Supporting only OS X 10.8 and newer is reasonable IMO.

There are many good and usable Apple computers that will unfortunately live on 
OS X 10.8 until they die.

Anything older than this can never be updated to OS X Mavericks 10.9

OS X Mavericks system requirements
Learn about the system requirements for OS X Mavericks v10.9.

To install Mavericks, you need one of these Macs:

 *   iMac (Mid-2007 or later)
 *   MacBook (13-inch Aluminum, Late 2008), (13-inch, Early 2009 or later)
 *   MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2009 or later)
 *   MacBook Pro (15-inch or 17-inch, Mid/Late 2007 or later)
 *   MacBook Air (Late 2008 or later)
 *   Mac mini (Early 2009 or later)
 *   Mac Pro (Early 2008 or later)
 *   Xserve (Early 2009)


On Jun 5, 2015, at 12:00 PM, Sean Harmer>> wrote:

On 05/06/2015 14:52, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
On Friday June 05 2015 13:30:58 Sean Harmer wrote:

could QTBUG-46143 possibly be added to the list of blockers? it is a P1
bug in qt3d/qt5.5, as it does not build against the macos10.8 sdk.
A day later than promised...
I presume that the patch also takes care of building against earlier SDKs, at 
least as far as this particular issue goes?

What is the earliest OS X version on which 5.5 is supposed to work, officially?

For Qt3D, 10.8 is the oldest version handled by the CI. Given recent OS
X updates are free do you really need support for anything older?



Dr Sean Harmer | | Managing 
Director UK
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

Development mailing list

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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Your actions needed, Qt5.5.0 RC & Final is nearing!

2015-06-05 Thread Sean Harmer
On 05/06/2015 19:07, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> On Friday June 05 2015 18:00:42 Sean Harmer wrote:
>>> What is the earliest OS X version on which 5.5 is supposed to work, 
>>> officially?
>> For Qt3D, 10.8 is the oldest version handled by the CI. Given recent OS
> I didn't ask about Qt3D??

But you did ask in a branch of a thread about a Qt3D change, so I 
answered with respect to the part that I have knowledge about.

> X updates are free do you really need support for anything older?
> That's the perverse other side of the medal of free OS updates, and the 
> remark surprises me coming from the managing director of a company that sells 
> support...
> Linux has always been free, yet do people feel the need not to run anything 
> but the latest version?
> The hardware to run the OS on is *not* free, and not all still perfectly 
> functional computers will run the latest software, esp. not if it's a recent 
> OS out of Cupertino.
> Anyway, the question was not about needs I feel, but about the official 
> stance, so that I know what to expect (and not to attempt) when I get to 
> updating the MacPorts Qt5 port.

I was asking because I'm genuinely curious about the answer. I myself am 
using a Mac from 2011 that happily runs 10.10. I was not inferring that 
everybody should upgrade, but wondering how much of a need still remains 
to drive support for older flavours.

As a director of a company that sells support I have to justify 
investments into supporting said older releases, so if there is no 
requirement or demand for it then we won't consider it. As it stands 
Qt3D has a minimum requirement of OpenGL 2 or OpenGL ES 2 but we don't 
have support for anything older than OS X 10.8 in the CI so support for 
say 10.7 can only be on a best efforts basis. Of course if somebody 
wants to pay for such support, then we would be happy to investigate this.

Looking at the CI for qtbase for e.g. shows a similar story for OS X 
versions but I can't say what the official support is there.

Kind regards,


Dr Sean Harmer | | Managing Director UK
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Your actions needed, Qt5.5.0 RC & Final is nearing!

2015-06-05 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Friday June 05 2015 18:00:42 Sean Harmer wrote:

> > What is the earliest OS X version on which 5.5 is supposed to work, 
> > officially?
> For Qt3D, 10.8 is the oldest version handled by the CI. Given recent OS 

I didn't ask about Qt3D??

> X updates are free do you really need support for anything older?

That's the perverse other side of the medal of free OS updates, and the remark 
surprises me coming from the managing director of a company that sells 

Linux has always been free, yet do people feel the need not to run anything but 
the latest version?
The hardware to run the OS on is *not* free, and not all still perfectly 
functional computers will run the latest software, esp. not if it's a recent OS 
out of Cupertino.

Anyway, the question was not about needs I feel, but about the official stance, 
so that I know what to expect (and not to attempt) when I get to updating the 
MacPorts Qt5 port.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Your actions needed, Qt5.5.0 RC & Final is nearing!

2015-06-05 Thread Sean Harmer
On 05/06/2015 14:52, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> On Friday June 05 2015 13:30:58 Sean Harmer wrote:
>>> could QTBUG-46143 possibly be added to the list of blockers? it is a P1
>>> bug in qt3d/qt5.5, as it does not build against the macos10.8 sdk.
>> A day later than promised...
> I presume that the patch also takes care of building against earlier SDKs, at 
> least as far as this particular issue goes?
> What is the earliest OS X version on which 5.5 is supposed to work, 
> officially?

For Qt3D, 10.8 is the oldest version handled by the CI. Given recent OS 
X updates are free do you really need support for anything older?



Dr Sean Harmer | | Managing Director UK
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Your actions needed, Qt5.5.0 RC & Final is nearing!

2015-06-05 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Friday June 05 2015 13:30:58 Sean Harmer wrote:

> > could QTBUG-46143 possibly be added to the list of blockers? it is a P1
> > bug in qt3d/qt5.5, as it does not build against the macos10.8 sdk.
> A day later than promised...

I presume that the patch also takes care of building against earlier SDKs, at 
least as far as this particular issue goes?

What is the earliest OS X version on which 5.5 is supposed to work, officially?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Your actions needed, Qt5.5.0 RC & Final is nearing!

2015-06-05 Thread Sean Harmer
On Wednesday 03 Jun 2015 11:05:35 Tim Blechmann wrote:
> > We are quite close to Qt 5.5.0 RC & final releases. Plan is to put RC
> > out Thu 11.6.2015 & Final Tue 23.6.2015. To be able to keep the schedule
> > we need to make sure all real blockers are fixed in RC so that it will
> > be really RC & there won't be so much changes between RC & Final.  So
> > following tasks needs to be done immediately:
> > 
> > 
> > - Please try to fix all blockers during this week so that we can create
> > RC packages at the beginning of next one. Blocker list here:
> >
> could QTBUG-46143 possibly be added to the list of blockers? it is a P1
> bug in qt3d/qt5.5, as it does not build against the macos10.8 sdk.

A day later than promised...


Dr Sean Harmer | | Managing Director UK
KDAB (UK) Ltd, a KDAB Group company
Tel. +44 (0)1625 809908; Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
Mobile: +44 (0)7545 140604
KDAB - Qt Experts
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff

2015-06-05 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo

Il 04/06/2015 15:29, Frederik Gladhorn ha scritto:

I'll send mails in reply to this one with the diffs attached (that will take a

I see that a ton of changes are simply style refactorings -- adding 

Any chance of getting a diff without the noise from those? :\

Anyhow, thank you for taking charge of this.

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Software Engineer
KDAB (UK) Ltd., a KDAB Group company | Tel: UK +44-1625-809908
KDAB - The Qt Experts

Description: Firma crittografica S/MIME
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtQml.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Simon Hausmann
On Friday, June 05, 2015 10:11:30 AM Frederik Gladhorn wrote:

There's a bug in this diff:

--- a/src/qml/qml/qqmlerror.h
+++ b/src/qml/qml/qqmlerror.h
@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ public:
 const char *data() const;
 QByteArray dataByteArray() const;
-QByteArray metaData(const QString &) const;
 void load(QQmlEngine *, const QUrl &);
 void load(QQmlEngine *, const QString &);
@@ -84,24 +82,11 @@ public:
 static bool isSynchronous(const QString &url);
 static bool isSynchronous(const QUrl &url);
-static bool isBundle(const QString &url);
-static bool isBundle(const QUrl &url);
 static bool isLocalFile(const QString &url);
 static bool isLocalFile(const QUrl &url);
 static QString urlToLocalFileOrQrc(const QString &);
 static QString urlToLocalFileOrQrc(const QUrl &);
-static bool bundleDirectoryExists(const QString &, QQmlEngine *);
-static bool bundleDirectoryExists(const QUrl &, QQmlEngine *);
-static bool bundleFileExists(const QString &, QQmlEngine *);
-static bool bundleFileExists(const QUrl &, QQmlEngine *);
-static QString bundleFileName(const QString &, QQmlEngine *);
-static QString bundleFileName(const QUrl &, QQmlEngine *);
 QQmlFilePrivate *d;

Those changes were not on qqmlerror.h but on qqmlfile.h. However the class in 
question - while exported - is marked as \internal in the docs.

If it's ok with everyone, then I'll rename qqmfile.h into qqmlfile_p.h.

Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtQml.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/qml/debugger/qqmldebug.h b/src/qml/debugger/qqmldebug.h
index 876d068..bb90c4f 100644
--- a/src/qml/debugger/qqmldebug.h
+++ b/src/qml/debugger/qqmldebug.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #define QQMLDEBUG_H
@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
 struct Q_QML_EXPORT QQmlDebuggingEnabler
 QQmlDebuggingEnabler(bool printWarning = true);
+static bool startTcpDebugServer(int port, bool block = false,
+const QString &hostName = QString());
 // Execute code in constructor before first QQmlEngine is instantiated
diff --git a/src/qml/jsapi/qjsengine.h b/src/qml/jsapi/qjsengine.h
index bddc6f1..123eb72 100644
--- a/src/qml/jsapi/qjsengine.h
+++ b/src/qml/jsapi/qjsengine.h
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ inline QVariant qjsvalue_cast(const QJSValue &value)
 return value.toVariant();
+Q_QML_EXPORT QJSEngine *qjsEngine(const QObject *);
 #endif // QJSENGINE_H
diff --git a/src/qml/jsapi/qjsvalue.h b/src/qml/jsapi/qjsvalue.h
index d184cf6..88ccac4 100644
--- a/src/qml/jsapi/qjsvalue.h
+++ b/src/qml/jsapi/qjsvalue.h
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 class QJSValue;
 class QJSEngine;
 class QVariant;
@@ -50,7 +49,10 @@ struct QMetaObject;
 class QDateTime;
 typedef QList QJSValueList;
-class QJSValuePrivate;
+namespace QV4 {
+struct ExecutionEngine;
+struct Value;
 class Q_QML_EXPORT QJSValue
@@ -65,6 +67,12 @@ public:
 QJSValue(const QJSValue &other);
+inline QJSValue(QJSValue && other) : d(other.d) { other.d = 0; }
+inline QJSValue &operator=(QJSValue &&other)
+{ qSwap(d, other.d); return *this; }
 QJSValue(bool value);
 QJSValue(int value);
 QJSValue(uint value);
@@ -125,13 +133,13 @@ public:
 QT_DEPRECATED QJSEngine *engine() const;
-QJSValue(QJSValuePrivate *dd);
+QJSValue(QV4::ExecutionEngine *e, quint64 val);
 friend class QJSValuePrivate;
 // force compile error, prevent QJSValue(bool) to be called
 QJSValue(void *) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
-QJSValuePrivate *d;
+mutable quintptr d;
diff --git a/src/qml/jsapi/qjsvalueiterator.h b/src/qml/jsapi/qjsvalueiterator.h
index 0cca5a9..7ef348a 100644
--- a/src/qml/jsapi/qjsvalueiterator.h
+++ b/src/qml/jsapi/qjsvalueiterator.h
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ class QQmlExpression;
 class QQmlContext;
 class QQmlType;
 class QUrl;
-class QScriptContext;
 class QNetworkAccessManager;
 class QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory;
 class QQmlIncubationController;
diff --git a/src/qml/qml/qqmlerror.h b/src/qml/qml/qqmlerror.h
index af0d7e1..46c27ad 100644
--- a/src/qml/qml/qqmlerror.h
+++ b/src/qml/qml/qqmlerror.h
@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ public:
 const char *data() const;
 QByteArray dataByteArray() const;
-QByteArray metaData(const QString &) const;
 void load(QQmlEngine *, const QUrl &);
 void load(QQmlEngine *, const QString &);
@@ -84,24 +82,11 @@ public:
 static bool isSynchronous(const QString &url);
 static bool isSynchronous(const QUrl &url);
-static bool isBundle(const QString &url);
-static bool isBundle(const QUrl &url);
 static bool isLocalFile(const QString &url);
 static bool isLocalFile(const QUrl &url);
 static QString urlToLocalFileOrQrc(const QString &);
 static QString urlToLocalFileOrQrc(const QUrl &);
-static bool bundleDirectoryExists(const QString &, QQmlEngine *);
-static bool bundleDirectoryExists(const QUrl &, QQmlEngine *);
-static bool bundleFileExists(const QString &, QQmlEngine *);
-static bool bundleFileExists(const QUrl &, QQmlEngine *);
-static QString bundleFileName(const QString &, QQmlEngine *);
-static QString bundleFileName(const QUrl &, QQmlEngine *);
 QQmlFilePrivate *d;
diff --git a/src/qml/qml/qqmlfileselector.h b/src/qml/qml/qqmlfileselector.h
index ea73900..d86908e 100644
--- a/src/qml/qml/qqmlfileselector.h
+++ b/src/qml/qml/qqmlfileselector.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtNetwork.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/network/access/qabstractnetworkcache.h b/src/network/access/qabstractnetworkcache.h
index b563090..352daa9 100644
--- a/src/network/access/qabstractnetworkcache.h
+++ b/src/network/access/qabstractnetworkcache.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #ifndef QT_NO_SSL
@@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 #ifndef QT_NO_SSL
 void encrypted(QNetworkReply *reply);
 void sslErrors(QNetworkReply *reply, const QList &errors);
+void preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkReply *reply, QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator *authenticator);
@@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ private:
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_replyFinished())
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_replyEncrypted())
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_replySslErrors(QList))
+Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_replyPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator*))
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_networkSessionClosed())
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_networkSessionStateChanged(QNetworkSession::State))
diff --git a/src/network/access/qnetworkcookie.h b/src/network/access/qnetworkcookie.h
index ad977d2..2da86d3 100644
--- a/src/network/access/qnetworkcookie.h
+++ b/src/network/access/qnetworkcookie.h
@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ public:
 qint64 maximumCacheSize() const;
 void setMaximumCacheSize(qint64 size);
-qint64 cacheSize() const;
-QNetworkCacheMetaData metaData(const QUrl &url);
-void updateMetaData(const QNetworkCacheMetaData &metaData);
-QIODevice *data(const QUrl &url);
-bool remove(const QUrl &url);
-QIODevice *prepare(const QNetworkCacheMetaData &metaData);
-void insert(QIODevice *device);
+qint64 cacheSize() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QNetworkCacheMetaData metaData(const QUrl &url) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void updateMetaData(const QNetworkCacheMetaData &metaData) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QIODevice *data(const QUrl &url) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool remove(const QUrl &url) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QIODevice *prepare(const QNetworkCacheMetaData &metaData) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void insert(QIODevice *device) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QNetworkCacheMetaData fileMetaData(const QString &fileName) const;
 public Q_SLOTS:
-void clear();
+void clear() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 virtual qint64 expire();
diff --git a/src/network/access/qnetworkreply.h b/src/network/access/qnetworkreply.h
index 4a32131..91c9e77 100644
--- a/src/network/access/qnetworkreply.h
+++ b/src/network/access/qnetworkreply.h
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ class QVariant;
 class QAuthenticator;
 class QSslConfiguration;
 class QSslError;
+class QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator;
 class QNetworkReplyPrivate;
 class Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QNetworkReply: public QIODevice
 enum NetworkError {
 NoError = 0,
@@ -100,12 +100,13 @@ public:
 UnknownServerError = 499
 // reimplemented from QIODevice
-virtual void close();
-virtual bool isSequential() const;
+virtual void close() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+virtual bool isSequential() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 // like QAbstractSocket:
 qint64 readBufferSize() const;
@@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 #ifndef QT_NO_SSL
 void encrypted();
 void sslErrors(const QList &errors);
+void preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator *authenticator);
 void uploadProgress(qint64 bytesSent, qint64 bytesTotal);
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 explicit QNetworkReply(QObject *parent = 0);
 QNetworkReply(QNetworkReplyPrivate &dd, QObject *parent);
-virtual qint64 writeData(const char *data, qint64 len);
+virtual qint64 writeData(const char *data, qint64 len) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void setOperation(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation);
 void setRequest(const QNetworkRequest &request);
diff --git a/src/network/access/qnetworkrequest.h b/src/network/access/qnetworkrequest.h
index 0239ae7..d6d907b 100644
--- a/src/network/access/qnetworkrequest.h
+++ b/src/network/access/qnetworkrequest.h
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ public:
 User = 1000,
 UserMax = 32767
diff --git a/src/network/bearer/qnetworkconfigmanager.h b/src/network/bearer/qnetworkconfigmanager.h
index 1ff233c..b62a44c 100644
--- a/src/network/bearer/qnetworkconfigmanager.h
+++ b/src/network/bearer/qnetworkconfigmanager.h
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 void usagePoliciesChanged(QNetworkSession::UsagePolicies usagePolicies);
-virtual void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal);
-virtual void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal);
+virtual void connectNotify(const QM

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtBluetooth.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qbluetooth.h b/src/bluetooth/qbluetooth.h
index ebe546f..f448af0 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qbluetooth.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qbluetooth.h
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ public:
 UnknownError = 100 // New errors must be added before Unknown error
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdeviceinfo.h b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdeviceinfo.h
index 6e268dc..e543286 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdeviceinfo.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothdeviceinfo.h
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
@@ -199,6 +200,8 @@ public:
 QBluetoothDeviceInfo(const QBluetoothAddress &address, const QString &name,
  quint32 classOfDevice);
+QBluetoothDeviceInfo(const QBluetoothUuid &uuid, const QString &name,
+ quint32 classOfDevice);
 QBluetoothDeviceInfo(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &other);
@@ -228,6 +231,9 @@ public:
 void setCoreConfigurations(QBluetoothDeviceInfo::CoreConfigurations coreConfigs);
 QBluetoothDeviceInfo::CoreConfigurations coreConfigurations() const;
+void setDeviceUuid(const QBluetoothUuid &uuid);
+QBluetoothUuid deviceUuid() const;
 QBluetoothDeviceInfoPrivate *d_ptr;
@@ -235,6 +241,11 @@ private:
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothglobal.h b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothglobal.h
index 9c64e24..830b23a 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothglobal.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothglobal.h
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ public:
 QBluetoothHostInfo &operator=(const QBluetoothHostInfo &other);
+bool operator==(const QBluetoothHostInfo &other) const;
+bool operator!=(const QBluetoothHostInfo &other) const;
 QBluetoothAddress address() const;
 void setAddress(const QBluetoothAddress &address);
@@ -62,4 +65,6 @@ private:
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothlocaldevice.h b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothlocaldevice.h
index 4a70757..bcb39bd 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothlocaldevice.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothlocaldevice.h
@@ -103,10 +103,12 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgentPrivate *d_ptr;
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_deviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &info))
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_deviceDiscoveryFinished())
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_deviceDiscoveryError(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::Error))
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_serviceDiscoveryFinished())
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_discoveredServices(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*))
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_createdDevice(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*))
@@ -122,4 +124,6 @@ private:
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothserviceinfo.h b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothserviceinfo.h
index 1ec1d7d..b52eaf7 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothserviceinfo.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothserviceinfo.h
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 class QBluetoothSocketPrivate;
-class QBluetoothServiceInfo;
 class Q_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT QBluetoothSocket : public QIODevice
@@ -162,4 +161,7 @@ Q_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, QBluetoothSocket::SocketState);
diff --git a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothtransfermanager.h b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothtransfermanager.h
index f252f97..6d6b031 100644
--- a/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothtransfermanager.h
+++ b/src/bluetooth/qbluetoothtransfermanager.h
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public:
 UdiCPlain = 0x001D,
 McapControlChannel = 0x001E,
 McapDataChannel = 0x001F,
-L2cap = 0x0100,
+L2cap = 0x0100
 enum ServiceClassUuid {
@@ -166,6 +166,12 @@ public:
 CyclingSpeedAndCadence = 0x1816,
 CyclingPower = 0x1818,
 LocationAndNavigation = 0x1819,
+EnvironmentalSensing = 0x181a,
+BodyComposition = 0x181b,
+UserData = 0x181c,
+WeightScale = 0x181d,
+BondManagement = 0x181e,
+ContinuousGlucoseMonitoring = 0x181f
 enum CharacteristicType {
@@ -180,21 +186,28 @@ public:
 DateTime = 0x2a08,
 DayOfWeek = 0x2a09,
 DayDateTime = 0x2a0a,
+/* 0x2a0b not defined */
 ExactTime256 = 0x2a0c,
 DSTOffset = 0x2a0d,
 TimeZone = 0x2a0e,

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtSql.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/sql/kernel/qsql.h b/src/sql/kernel/qsql.h
index 49377d4..c0f82df 100644
--- a/src/sql/kernel/qsql.h
+++ b/src/sql/kernel/qsql.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ template 
 class QSqlDriverCreator : public QSqlDriverCreatorBase
-QSqlDriver *createObject() const { return new T; }
+QSqlDriver *createObject() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return new T; }
 class Q_SQL_EXPORT QSqlDatabase
diff --git a/src/sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h b/src/sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h
index eabda74..e837576 100644
--- a/src/sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h
+++ b/src/sql/kernel/qsqldriver.h
@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ public:
 explicit QSqlQueryModel(QObject *parent = 0);
 virtual ~QSqlQueryModel();
-int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
-int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QSqlRecord record(int row) const;
 QSqlRecord record() const;
-QVariant data(const QModelIndex &item, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
+QVariant data(const QModelIndex &item, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
-int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
+int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 bool setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value,
-   int role = Qt::EditRole);
+   int role = Qt::EditRole) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-bool insertColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex());
-bool removeColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex());
+bool insertColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool removeColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void setQuery(const QSqlQuery &query);
 void setQuery(const QString &query, const QSqlDatabase &db = QSqlDatabase());
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ public:
 QSqlError lastError() const;
-void fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex());
-bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+void fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void beginInsertRows(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last);
diff --git a/src/sql/models/qsqlrelationaldelegate.h b/src/sql/models/qsqlrelationaldelegate.h
index 0fba461..fa6c3d1 100644
--- a/src/sql/models/qsqlrelationaldelegate.h
+++ b/src/sql/models/qsqlrelationaldelegate.h
@@ -74,27 +74,27 @@ public:
   QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase());
 virtual ~QSqlRelationalTableModel();
-QVariant data(const QModelIndex &item, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
-bool setData(const QModelIndex &item, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole);
-bool removeColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex());
+QVariant data(const QModelIndex &item, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool setData(const QModelIndex &item, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool removeColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-void clear();
-bool select();
+void clear() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool select() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-void setTable(const QString &tableName);
+void setTable(const QString &tableName) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 virtual void setRelation(int column, const QSqlRelation &relation);
 QSqlRelation relation(int column) const;
 virtual QSqlTableModel *relationModel(int column) const;
 void setJoinMode( QSqlRelationalTableModel::JoinMode joinMode );
 public Q_SLOTS:
-void revertRow(int row);
+void revertRow(int row) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-QString selectStatement() const;
-bool updateRowInTable(int row, const QSqlRecord &values);
-bool insertRowIntoTable(const QSqlRecord &values);
-QString orderByClause() const;
+QString selectStatement() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool updateRowInTable(int row, const QSqlRecord &values) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool insertRowIntoTable(const QSqlRecord &values) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QString orderByClause() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.h b/src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.h
index 4263d38..a06abef 100644
--- a/src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.h
+++ b/src/sql/models/qsqltablemodel.h
@@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ public:
 virtual void setTable(const QString &tableName);
 QString tableName() const;
-Qt::ItemFlags flags(cons

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtXml.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/xml/dom/qdom.h b/src/xml/dom/qdom.h
index 7c5dc7f..5a83659 100644
--- a/src/xml/dom/qdom.h
+++ b/src/xml/dom/qdom.h
@@ -229,29 +229,29 @@ public:
 virtual ~QXmlSimpleReader();
-bool feature(const QString& name, bool *ok = 0) const;
-void setFeature(const QString& name, bool value);
-bool hasFeature(const QString& name) const;
-void* property(const QString& name, bool *ok = 0) const;
-void setProperty(const QString& name, void* value);
-bool hasProperty(const QString& name) const;
-void setEntityResolver(QXmlEntityResolver* handler);
-QXmlEntityResolver* entityResolver() const;
-void setDTDHandler(QXmlDTDHandler* handler);
-QXmlDTDHandler* DTDHandler() const;
-void setContentHandler(QXmlContentHandler* handler);
-QXmlContentHandler* contentHandler() const;
-void setErrorHandler(QXmlErrorHandler* handler);
-QXmlErrorHandler* errorHandler() const;
-void setLexicalHandler(QXmlLexicalHandler* handler);
-QXmlLexicalHandler* lexicalHandler() const;
-void setDeclHandler(QXmlDeclHandler* handler);
-QXmlDeclHandler* declHandler() const;
-bool parse(const QXmlInputSource& input);
-bool parse(const QXmlInputSource* input);
+bool feature(const QString& name, bool *ok = 0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void setFeature(const QString& name, bool value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool hasFeature(const QString& name) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void* property(const QString& name, bool *ok = 0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void setProperty(const QString& name, void* value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool hasProperty(const QString& name) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void setEntityResolver(QXmlEntityResolver* handler) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QXmlEntityResolver* entityResolver() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void setDTDHandler(QXmlDTDHandler* handler) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QXmlDTDHandler* DTDHandler() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void setContentHandler(QXmlContentHandler* handler) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QXmlContentHandler* contentHandler() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void setErrorHandler(QXmlErrorHandler* handler) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QXmlErrorHandler* errorHandler() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void setLexicalHandler(QXmlLexicalHandler* handler) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QXmlLexicalHandler* lexicalHandler() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void setDeclHandler(QXmlDeclHandler* handler) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+QXmlDeclHandler* declHandler() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool parse(const QXmlInputSource& input) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool parse(const QXmlInputSource* input) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 virtual bool parse(const QXmlInputSource* input, bool incremental);
 virtual bool parseContinue();
@@ -361,40 +361,40 @@ public:
 virtual ~QXmlDefaultHandler();
-void setDocumentLocator(QXmlLocator* locator);
-bool startDocument();
-bool endDocument();
-bool startPrefixMapping(const QString& prefix, const QString& uri);
-bool endPrefixMapping(const QString& prefix);
-bool startElement(const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts);
-bool endElement(const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName);
-bool characters(const QString& ch);
-bool ignorableWhitespace(const QString& ch);
-bool processingInstruction(const QString& target, const QString& data);
-bool skippedEntity(const QString& name);
-bool warning(const QXmlParseException& exception);
-bool error(const QXmlParseException& exception);
-bool fatalError(const QXmlParseException& exception);
-bool notationDecl(const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId);
-bool unparsedEntityDecl(const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId, const QString& notationName);
-bool resolveEntity(const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId, QXmlInputSource*& ret);
-bool startDTD(const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId);
-bool endDTD();
-bool startEntity(const QString& name);
-bool endEntity(const QString& name);
-bool startCDATA();
-bool endCDATA();
-bool comment(const QString& ch);
-bool attributeDecl(const QString& eName, const QString& aName, const QString& type, const QString& valueDefault, const QString& value);
-bool internalEntityDecl(const QString& name, const QString& value);
-bool externalEntityDecl(const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId);
-QString errorString() const;
+void setDocumentLocator(QXmlLocator* locator) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool startDocument() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool endDocument() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool startPrefixMapping(const QString& prefix, const QString& uri) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool endPrefixMapping(const QString& prefix) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+bool startElement(const QString& namespaceURI, const QS

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtScriptTools.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/scripttools/debugging/qscriptenginedebugger.h b/src/scripttools/debugging/qscriptenginedebugger.h
index dfeac90..0286072 100644
--- a/src/scripttools/debugging/qscriptenginedebugger.h
+++ b/src/scripttools/debugging/qscriptenginedebugger.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtPrintSupport.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.h b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.h
index f3e865e..cf55cfa 100644
--- a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.h
+++ b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.h
@@ -58,18 +58,12 @@ public:
 #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WIN)
 virtual void setVisible(bool visible);
-virtual int exec();
+virtual int exec() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-#ifndef Q_QDOC
-void open() { QDialog::open(); }
 using QDialog::open;
 void open(QObject *receiver, const char *member);
-void done(int result);
+void done(int result) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QPrinter *printer();
diff --git a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog.h b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog.h
index 437c283..1332fcc 100644
--- a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog.h
+++ b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog.h
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ public:
 explicit QPrintDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
-int exec();
+int exec() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 #if defined (Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC)
-virtual void accept();
+virtual void accept() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-void done(int result);
+void done(int result) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void setOption(PrintDialogOption option, bool on = true);
 bool testOption(PrintDialogOption option) const;
@@ -69,29 +69,17 @@ public:
 PrintDialogOptions options() const;
 #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) || defined(Q_OS_WIN)
-void setVisible(bool visible);
+void setVisible(bool visible) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-#ifndef Q_QDOC
-void open() { QDialog::open(); }
 using QDialog::open;
 void open(QObject *receiver, const char *member);
 #ifdef Q_QDOC
 QPrinter *printer();
-#ifndef Q_QDOC
-void accepted() { QDialog::accepted(); }
 using QDialog::accepted;
 void accepted(QPrinter *printer);
diff --git a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpreviewdialog.h b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpreviewdialog.h
index 423a27d..15e0271 100644
--- a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpreviewdialog.h
+++ b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpreviewdialog.h
@@ -56,19 +56,13 @@ public:
 explicit QPrintPreviewDialog(QPrinter *printer, QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0);
-#ifndef Q_QDOC
-void open() { QDialog::open(); }
 using QDialog::open;
 void open(QObject *receiver, const char *member);
 QPrinter *printer();
-void setVisible(bool visible);
-void done(int result);
+void setVisible(bool visible) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void done(int result) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void paintRequested(QPrinter *printer);
diff --git a/src/printsupport/kernel/qprintengine.h b/src/printsupport/kernel/qprintengine.h
index 20ce831..3552fc3 100644
--- a/src/printsupport/kernel/qprintengine.h
+++ b/src/printsupport/kernel/qprintengine.h
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
 explicit QPrinter(const QPrinterInfo& printer, PrinterMode mode = ScreenResolution);
-int devType() const;
+int devType() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 enum Orientation { Portrait, Landscape };
@@ -314,10 +314,10 @@ public:
 void setOrientation(Orientation);
 Orientation orientation() const;
-void setPageSize(PageSize);
+void setPageSize(PageSize) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 PageSize pageSize() const;
-void setPageSizeMM(const QSizeF &size);
+void setPageSizeMM(const QSizeF &size) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void setPaperSize(PaperSize);
 PaperSize paperSize() const;
@@ -381,12 +381,12 @@ public:
 QString printerSelectionOption() const;
 void setPrinterSelectionOption(const QString &);
-bool newPage();
+bool newPage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 bool abort();
 PrinterState printerState() const;
-QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const;
+QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QPrintEngine *printEngine() const;
 void setFromTo(int fromPage, int toPage);
@@ -396,13 +396,13 @@ public:
 void setPrintRange(PrintRange range);
 PrintRange printRange() const;
-void setMargins(const Margins &m);
+void setMargins(const Margins &m) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void setPageMargins(qreal left, qreal top, qreal right, qreal bottom, Unit unit);
 void getPageMargins(qreal *left, qreal *top, qreal *right, qreal *bottom, Unit unit) const;
-int metric(PaintDeviceMetric) const;
+int metric(PaintDeviceMetric) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void setEngines(QPrintEngine *printEngine, QPaintEngine *paintEngine);
diff --git a/src/printsupport/kernel/qprinterinfo.h b/src/printsupport/kernel/qprinterinfo.h
index 58d3873..39e44d4 100644
--- a/src/printsupport/kernel/qprinterinfo.h
+++ b/src/printsupport/k

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtOpenGL.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/opengl/qgl.h b/src/opengl/qgl.h
index 482c215..8c55cff 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qgl.h
+++ b/src/opengl/qgl.h
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ public:
 const QFont & fnt = QFont());
 void renderText(double x, double y, double z, const QString & str,
 const QFont & fnt = QFont());
-QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const;
+QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 GLuint bindTexture(const QImage &image, GLenum target, GLint format,
QGLContext::BindOptions options);
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
 virtual void updateOverlayGL();
-bool event(QEvent *);
+bool event(QEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 virtual void initializeGL();
 virtual void resizeGL(int w, int h);
 virtual void paintGL();
@@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ protected:
 void setAutoBufferSwap(bool on);
 bool autoBufferSwap() const;
-void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);
-void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*);
+void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 virtual void glInit();
 virtual void glDraw();
diff --git a/src/opengl/qglbuffer.h b/src/opengl/qglbuffer.h
index f3e4b91..e424ff2 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qglbuffer.h
+++ b/src/opengl/qglbuffer.h
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
 QImage toImage() const;
 Attachment attachment() const;
-QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const;
+QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 GLuint handle() const;
 static bool bindDefault();
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ public:
 GLenum filter = GL_NEAREST);
-int metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const;
-int devType() const { return QInternal::FramebufferObject; }
+int metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+int devType() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return QInternal::FramebufferObject; }
diff --git a/src/opengl/qglfunctions.h b/src/opengl/qglfunctions.h
index dfb3f9a..80b8596 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qglfunctions.h
+++ b/src/opengl/qglfunctions.h
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ public:
 Qt::HANDLE handle() const;
 QImage toImage() const;
-QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const;
+QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QGLFormat format() const;
 static bool hasOpenGLPbuffers();
-int metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const;
-int devType() const { return QInternal::Pbuffer; }
+int metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+int devType() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return QInternal::Pbuffer; }
diff --git a/src/opengl/qglshaderprogram.h b/src/opengl/qglshaderprogram.h
index 4a87a83..5d9fe22 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qglshaderprogram.h
+++ b/src/opengl/qglshaderprogram.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtQuick.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/quick/designer/designersupport.h b/src/quick/designer/designersupport.h
index 59f0cf2..51fcef4 100644
--- a/src/quick/designer/designersupport.h
+++ b/src/quick/designer/designersupport.h
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public:
 void releaseResources() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-void geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry);
+void geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/src/quick/items/qquickitem.h b/src/quick/items/qquickitem.h
index c17f6a6..4631133 100644
--- a/src/quick/items/qquickitem.h
+++ b/src/quick/items/qquickitem.h
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 void implicitHeightChanged();
-virtual bool event(QEvent *);
+bool event(QEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 bool isComponentComplete() const;
 virtual void itemChange(ItemChange, const ItemChangeData &);
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ protected:
 bool heightValid() const; // ### better name?
 void setImplicitSize(qreal, qreal);
-virtual void classBegin();
-virtual void componentComplete();
+void classBegin() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void componentComplete() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
 virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
diff --git a/src/quick/items/qquickitemgrabresult.h b/src/quick/items/qquickitemgrabresult.h
index de2a568..055cd09 100644
--- a/src/quick/items/qquickitemgrabresult.h
+++ b/src/quick/items/qquickitemgrabresult.h
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 QQuickPaintedItem(QQuickPaintedItemPrivate &dd, QQuickItem *parent = 0);
-virtual QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *);
+QSGNode *updatePaintNode(QSGNode *, UpdatePaintNodeData *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 void releaseResources() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 private Q_SLOTS:
diff --git a/src/quick/items/qquickrendercontrol.h b/src/quick/items/qquickrendercontrol.h
index e690365..ff80acf 100644
--- a/src/quick/items/qquickrendercontrol.h
+++ b/src/quick/items/qquickrendercontrol.h
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
 class QQuickWindow;
 class QOpenGLContext;
 class QQuickRenderControlPrivate;
+class QThread;
 class Q_QUICK_EXPORT QQuickRenderControl : public QObject
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ public:
 QQuickRenderControl(QObject *parent = 0);
+void prepareThread(QThread *targetThread);
 void initialize(QOpenGLContext *gl);
 void invalidate();
diff --git a/src/quick/items/qquicktextdocument.h b/src/quick/items/qquicktextdocument.h
index b392d95..8f68c05 100644
--- a/src/quick/items/qquicktextdocument.h
+++ b/src/quick/items/qquicktextdocument.h
@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
 void continueExecute();
-virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
-virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*);
-virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
-virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *);
-virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *);
-virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *);
-virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *);
+void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/src/quick/items/qquickwindow.h b/src/quick/items/qquickwindow.h
index ddf9722..f7a1956 100644
--- a/src/quick/items/qquickwindow.h
+++ b/src/quick/items/qquickwindow.h
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public:
 QQuickItem *contentItem() const;
 QQuickItem *activeFocusItem() const;
-QObject *focusObject() const;
+QObject *focusObject() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QQuickItem *mouseGrabberItem() const;
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public:
 QQmlIncubationController *incubationController() const;
-virtual QAccessibleInterface *accessibleRoot() const;
+QAccessibleInterface *accessibleRoot() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 // Scene graph specific functions
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ public:
 bool isPersistentSceneGraph() const;
 QOpenGLContext *openglContext() const;
+bool isSceneGraphInitialized() const;
 void scheduleRenderJob(QRunnable *job, RenderStage schedule);
@@ -169,25 +170,25 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
 QQuickWindow(QQuickWindowPrivate &dd, QWindow *parent = 0);
-virtual void exposeEvent(QExposeEvent *);
-virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
+void exposeEvent(QExposeEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *);
-virtual void hi

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtWebSockets.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/websockets/qmaskgenerator.h b/src/websockets/qmaskgenerator.h
index b8748c3..a155340 100644
--- a/src/websockets/qmaskgenerator.h
+++ b/src/websockets/qmaskgenerator.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtX11Extras.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/x11extras/qtx11extrasglobal.h b/src/x11extras/qtx11extrasglobal.h
index c30f1bb..e9614e7 100644
--- a/src/x11extras/qtx11extrasglobal.h
+++ b/src/x11extras/qtx11extrasglobal.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtMultimediaWidgets.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/multimediawidgets/qcameraviewfinder.h b/src/multimediawidgets/qcameraviewfinder.h
index 5467574..65556c4 100644
--- a/src/multimediawidgets/qcameraviewfinder.h
+++ b/src/multimediawidgets/qcameraviewfinder.h
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff

2015-06-05 Thread Simon Hausmann
On Thursday, June 04, 2015 03:29:10 PM Frederik Gladhorn wrote:
> Modules for which Git failed to retrieve changes:
> QtWebEngine
> QtWebEngineWidgets

Oops, I suppose we do need to look at the diffs for those though?

Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtScript.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/script/api/qscriptable.h b/src/script/api/qscriptable.h
index 4f4fdc2..8756e1a 100644
--- a/src/script/api/qscriptable.h
+++ b/src/script/api/qscriptable.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtMultimedia.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/multimedia/audio/qaudio.h b/src/multimedia/audio/qaudio.h
index 7e9793f..6395314 100644
--- a/src/multimedia/audio/qaudio.h
+++ b/src/multimedia/audio/qaudio.h
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
@@ -76,6 +77,8 @@ class Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QCamera : public QMediaObject
+typedef QPair FrameRateRange;
 enum Status {
@@ -169,6 +172,21 @@ public:
 void setViewfinder(QGraphicsVideoItem *viewfinder);
 void setViewfinder(QAbstractVideoSurface *surface);
+QCameraViewfinderSettings viewfinderSettings() const;
+void setViewfinderSettings(const QCameraViewfinderSettings &settings);
+QList supportedViewfinderSettings(
+const QCameraViewfinderSettings &settings = QCameraViewfinderSettings()) const;
+QList supportedViewfinderResolutions(
+const QCameraViewfinderSettings &settings = QCameraViewfinderSettings()) const;
+QList supportedViewfinderFrameRateRanges(
+const QCameraViewfinderSettings &settings = QCameraViewfinderSettings()) const;
+QList supportedViewfinderPixelFormats(
+const QCameraViewfinderSettings &settings = QCameraViewfinderSettings()) const;
 Error error() const;
 QString errorString() const;
diff --git a/src/multimedia/camera/qcameraexposure.h b/src/multimedia/camera/qcameraexposure.h
index 92eee6f..fa781b8 100644
--- a/src/multimedia/camera/qcameraexposure.h
+++ b/src/multimedia/camera/qcameraexposure.h
@@ -85,6 +85,16 @@ public:
 ExposureBeach = 8,
 ExposureLargeAperture = 9,
 ExposureSmallAperture = 10,
+ExposureAction = 11,
+ExposureLandscape = 12,
+ExposureNightPortrait = 13,
+ExposureTheatre = 14,
+ExposureSunset = 15,
+ExposureSteadyPhoto = 16,
+ExposureFireworks = 17,
+ExposureParty = 18,
+ExposureCandlelight = 19,
+ExposureBarcode = 20,
 ExposureModeVendor = 1000
diff --git a/src/multimedia/camera/qcamerafocus.h b/src/multimedia/camera/qcamerafocus.h
index 0903bd3..11103fc 100644
--- a/src/multimedia/camera/qcamerafocus.h
+++ b/src/multimedia/camera/qcamerafocus.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class QCameraImageProcessingPrivate;
 class Q_MULTIMEDIA_EXPORT QCameraImageProcessing : public QObject
+Q_ENUMS(WhiteBalanceMode ColorFilter)
 enum WhiteBalanceMode {
 WhiteBalanceAuto = 0,
@@ -69,6 +69,19 @@ public:
 WhiteBalanceVendor = 1000
+enum ColorFilter {
+ColorFilterVendor = 1000
 bool isAvailable() const;
 WhiteBalanceMode whiteBalanceMode() const;
@@ -90,6 +103,10 @@ public:
 qreal denoisingLevel() const;
 void setDenoisingLevel(qreal value);
+ColorFilter colorFilter() const;
+void setColorFilter(ColorFilter filter);
+bool isColorFilterSupported(ColorFilter filter) const;
 friend class QCamera;
 friend class QCameraPrivate;
@@ -104,7 +121,9 @@ private:
 Q_MEDIA_ENUM_DEBUG(QCameraImageProcessing, WhiteBalanceMode)
+Q_MEDIA_ENUM_DEBUG(QCameraImageProcessing, ColorFilter)
diff --git a/src/multimedia/camera/qcamerainfo.h b/src/multimedia/camera/qcamerainfo.h
index f0508b3..557f584 100644
--- a/src/multimedia/camera/qcamerainfo.h
+++ b/src/multimedia/camera/qcamerainfo.h
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ public:
 CaptureMode = 1,
 ImageEncodingSettings = 2,
 VideoEncodingSettings = 3,
-Viewfinder = 4
+Viewfinder = 4,
+ViewfinderSettings = 5
diff --git a/src/multimedia/controls/qcameraexposurecontrol.h b/src/multimedia/controls/qcameraexposurecontrol.h
index f3ee694..6f7ef46 100644
--- a/src/multimedia/controls/qcameraexposurecontrol.h
+++ b/src/multimedia/controls/qcameraexposurecontrol.h
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ public:
 ExtendedParameter = 1000
diff --git a/src/multimedia/controls/qcamerainfocontrol.h b/src/multimedia/controls/qcamerainfocontrol.h
index ff9c7e8..c9a564e 100644
--- a/src/multimedia/controls/qcamerainfocontrol.h
+++ b/src/multimedia/controls/qcamerainfocontrol.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
@@ -69,6 +70,28 @@ protected:
 #define QCamera

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtPositioning.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/positioning/qgeoaddress.h b/src/positioning/qgeoaddress.h
index 93a5c19..9c107b1 100644
--- a/src/positioning/qgeoaddress.h
+++ b/src/positioning/qgeoaddress.h
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ class QGeoCirclePrivate;
 class Q_POSITIONING_EXPORT QGeoCircle : public QGeoShape
+Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate center READ center WRITE setCenter)
+Q_PROPERTY(qreal radius READ radius WRITE setRadius)
 QGeoCircle(const QGeoCoordinate ¢er, qreal radius = -1.0);
@@ -68,6 +72,8 @@ public:
 void translate(double degreesLatitude, double degreesLongitude);
 QGeoCircle translated(double degreesLatitude, double degreesLongitude) const;
+Q_INVOKABLE QString toString() const;
 inline QGeoCirclePrivate *d_func();
 inline const QGeoCirclePrivate *d_func() const;
diff --git a/src/positioning/qgeocoordinate.h b/src/positioning/qgeocoordinate.h
index deef67f..a1a636d 100644
--- a/src/positioning/qgeocoordinate.h
+++ b/src/positioning/qgeocoordinate.h
@@ -47,7 +47,15 @@ class QDataStream;
 class QGeoCoordinatePrivate;
 class Q_POSITIONING_EXPORT QGeoCoordinate
+Q_PROPERTY(double latitude READ latitude WRITE setLatitude)
+Q_PROPERTY(double longitude READ longitude WRITE setLongitude)
+Q_PROPERTY(double altitude READ altitude WRITE setAltitude)
+Q_PROPERTY(bool isValid READ isValid)
 enum CoordinateType {
@@ -88,12 +96,12 @@ public:
 void setAltitude(double altitude);
 double altitude() const;
-qreal distanceTo(const QGeoCoordinate &other) const;
-qreal azimuthTo(const QGeoCoordinate &other) const;
+Q_INVOKABLE qreal distanceTo(const QGeoCoordinate &other) const;
+Q_INVOKABLE qreal azimuthTo(const QGeoCoordinate &other) const;
-QGeoCoordinate atDistanceAndAzimuth(qreal distance, qreal azimuth, qreal distanceUp = 0.0) const;
+Q_INVOKABLE QGeoCoordinate atDistanceAndAzimuth(qreal distance, qreal azimuth, qreal distanceUp = 0.0) const;
-QString toString(CoordinateFormat format = DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere) const;
+Q_INVOKABLE QString toString(CoordinateFormat format = DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere) const;
 QSharedDataPointer d;
diff --git a/src/positioning/qgeolocation.h b/src/positioning/qgeolocation.h
index a923cd9..579a2a4 100644
--- a/src/positioning/qgeolocation.h
+++ b/src/positioning/qgeolocation.h
@@ -43,6 +43,15 @@ class QGeoRectanglePrivate;
 class Q_POSITIONING_EXPORT QGeoRectangle : public QGeoShape
+Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate bottomLeft READ bottomLeft WRITE setBottomLeft)
+Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate bottomRight READ bottomRight WRITE setBottomRight)
+Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate topLeft READ topLeft WRITE setTopLeft)
+Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate topRight READ topRight WRITE setTopRight)
+Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate center READ center WRITE setCenter)
+Q_PROPERTY(double height READ height WRITE setHeight)
+Q_PROPERTY(double width READ width WRITE setWidth)
 QGeoRectangle(const QGeoCoordinate ¢er, double degreesWidth, double degreesHeight);
@@ -93,6 +102,8 @@ public:
 QGeoRectangle operator|(const QGeoRectangle &rectangle) const;
 QGeoRectangle &operator|=(const QGeoRectangle &rectangle);
+Q_INVOKABLE QString toString() const;
 inline QGeoRectanglePrivate *d_func();
 inline const QGeoRectanglePrivate *d_func() const;
diff --git a/src/positioning/qgeosatelliteinfo.h b/src/positioning/qgeosatelliteinfo.h
index 8686ed3..0c203a5 100644
--- a/src/positioning/qgeosatelliteinfo.h
+++ b/src/positioning/qgeosatelliteinfo.h
@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ class QGeoShapePrivate;
+Q_PROPERTY(ShapeType type READ type)
+Q_PROPERTY(bool isValid READ isValid)
+Q_PROPERTY(bool isEmpty READ isEmpty)
 QGeoShape(const QGeoShape &other);
@@ -59,7 +65,9 @@ public:
 bool isValid() const;
 bool isEmpty() const;
-bool contains(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate) const;
+Q_INVOKABLE bool contains(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate) const;
+QGeoCoordinate center() const;
 void extendShape(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate);
@@ -68,6 +76,7 @@ public:
 QGeoShape &operator=(const QGeoShape &other);
+Q_INVOKABLE QString toString() const;
 QGeoShape(QGeoShapePrivate *d);
diff --git a/src/positioning/qnmeapositioninfosource.h b/src/positioning/qnmeapositioninfosource.h
index bfbee06..9bb67c9 100644
--- a/src/positioning/qnmeapositioninfosource.h
+++ b/src/positioning/qnmeapositioninfosource.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtDeclarative.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/declarative/debugger/qdeclarativedebug.h b/src/declarative/debugger/qdeclarativedebug.h
index e5aba61..8183a2b 100644
--- a/src/declarative/debugger/qdeclarativedebug.h
+++ b/src/declarative/debugger/qdeclarativedebug.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtDBus.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h
index 7344335..0ceb331 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusabstractadaptor.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate;
 class Q_DBUS_EXPORT QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase: public QObject
-int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**);
+int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate &dd, QObject *parent);
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ protected:
const QDBusConnection &connection, QObject *parent);
 QDBusAbstractInterface(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate &, QObject *parent);
-void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal);
-void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal);
+void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 QVariant internalPropGet(const char *propname) const;
 void internalPropSet(const char *propname, const QVariant &value);
 QDBusMessage internalConstCall(QDBus::CallMode mode,
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusargument.h b/src/dbus/qdbusargument.h
index 83300c7..42b2667 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusargument.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusargument.h
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@
 #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS
@@ -159,6 +161,8 @@ public:
 bool registerObject(const QString &path, QObject *object,
 RegisterOptions options = ExportAdaptors);
+bool registerObject(const QString &path, const QString &interface, QObject *object,
+RegisterOptions options = ExportAdaptors);
 void unregisterObject(const QString &path, UnregisterMode mode = UnregisterNode);
 QObject *objectRegisteredAt(const QString &path) const;
@@ -183,7 +187,10 @@ public:
 static QDBusConnection sessionBus();
 static QDBusConnection systemBus();
-static QDBusConnection sender();
+static QT_DEPRECATED_X("This function no longer works, use QDBusContext instead")
+QDBusConnection sender();
 explicit QDBusConnection(QDBusConnectionPrivate *dd);
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.h b/src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.h
index ed267ec..acbb7b2 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusconnectioninterface.h
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 void NameLost(const QString &);
 void NameOwnerChanged(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &);
-void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &);
-void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &);
+void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h b/src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h
index e3e5f1b..004034c 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbuscontext.h
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ public:
QObject *parent = 0);
-virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const;
-virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *);
-virtual int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **);
+virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+virtual int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusmacros.h b/src/dbus/qdbusmacros.h
index 5bdc63b..1f774b0 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusmacros.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusmacros.h
@@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ public:
 inline QDBusMessage createReply(const QVariant &argument) const
 { return createReply(QList() << argument); }
+QDBusMessage createErrorReply(const QString &name, const QString &msg) const;
 QDBusMessage createErrorReply(const QString name, const QString &msg) const;
 inline QDBusMessage createErrorReply(const QDBusError &err) const
 { return createErrorReply(, err.message()); }
 QDBusMessage createErrorReply(QDBusError::ErrorType type, const QString &msg) const;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusmetatype.h b/src/dbus/qdbusmetatype.h
index ccf4334..bc051fb 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusmetatype.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusmetatype.h
@@ -139,9 +139,8 @@ public:
 inline int count() const { return Count; }
-#if defined(Q_QDOC) || defined(Q_NO_USING_KEYWORD)
-inline QVariant argumentAt(int index) const
-{ return QDBusPendingReplyData::argumentAt(index); }
+#if defined(Q_QDOC)
+QVariant argumentAt(int index) const;
 using QDBusPendingReplyData::argumentAt;
diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusreply.h b/src/dbus/qdbusreply.h
index 0a9f9a5..56830f6 100644
--- a/src/dbus/qdbusreply.h
+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusreply.h

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtSerialPort.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/serialport/qserialport.h b/src/serialport/qserialport.h
index fa681ad..cbf489d 100644
--- a/src/serialport/qserialport.h
+++ b/src/serialport/qserialport.h
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class Q_SERIALPORT_EXPORT QSerialPort : public QIODevice
 Q_PROPERTY(bool settingsRestoredOnClose READ settingsRestoredOnClose WRITE setSettingsRestoredOnClose NOTIFY settingsRestoredOnCloseChanged)
+Q_PROPERTY(bool breakEnabled READ isBreakEnabled WRITE setBreakEnabled NOTIFY breakEnabledChanged)
 Q_ENUMS(BaudRate DataBits Parity StopBits FlowControl DataErrorPolicy SerialPortError)
 Q_FLAGS(Directions PinoutSignals)
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ public:
 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(PinoutSignals, PinoutSignal)
-#if defined _MSC_VER
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
 #pragma deprecated(UnknownBaud)
 #pragma deprecated(UnknownDataBits)
 #pragma deprecated(UnknownParity)
@@ -244,8 +245,11 @@ public:
 bool waitForReadyRead(int msecs) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 bool waitForBytesWritten(int msecs) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
-bool sendBreak(int duration = 0);
+QT_DEPRECATED bool sendBreak(int duration = 0);
 bool setBreakEnabled(bool set = true);
+bool isBreakEnabled() const;
 Handle handle() const;
@@ -255,11 +259,16 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 void parityChanged(QSerialPort::Parity parity);
 void stopBitsChanged(QSerialPort::StopBits stopBits);
 void flowControlChanged(QSerialPort::FlowControl flowControl);
-void dataErrorPolicyChanged(QSerialPort::DataErrorPolicy policy);
+QT_DEPRECATED void dataErrorPolicyChanged(QSerialPort::DataErrorPolicy policy);
 void dataTerminalReadyChanged(bool set);
 void requestToSendChanged(bool set);
 void error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError serialPortError);
-void settingsRestoredOnCloseChanged(bool restore);
+QT_DEPRECATED void settingsRestoredOnCloseChanged(bool restore);
+void breakEnabledChanged(bool set);
 qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -269,15 +278,14 @@ protected:
 void setError(QSerialPort::SerialPortError error, const QString &errorString = QString());
-QSerialPortPrivate * const d_ptr;
+// ### Qt6: remove me.
+QSerialPortPrivate * const d_dummy;
 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
-Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), bool _q_completeAsyncCommunication())
-Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), bool _q_completeAsyncRead())
-Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), bool _q_completeAsyncWrite())
 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), bool _q_startAsyncWrite())
+Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_notified(quint32, quint32, OVERLAPPED*))
diff --git a/src/serialport/qserialportglobal.h b/src/serialport/qserialportglobal.h
index 7aa5caa..ec0cd5c 100644
--- a/src/serialport/qserialportglobal.h
+++ b/src/serialport/qserialportglobal.h
@@ -50,23 +50,6 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
-// These macros have been available only since Qt 5.0
-#define QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(major, minor) 1
-#ifndef QStringLiteral
-#define QStringLiteral(str) QString::fromUtf8(str)
-#ifndef Q_NULLPTR
diff --git a/src/serialport/qserialportinfo.h b/src/serialport/qserialportinfo.h
index 714708d..9f0352b 100644
--- a/src/serialport/qserialportinfo.h
+++ b/src/serialport/qserialportinfo.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtTest.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/testlib/qbenchmark.h b/src/testlib/qbenchmark.h
index de4f9a1..9481e91 100644
--- a/src/testlib/qbenchmark.h
+++ b/src/testlib/qbenchmark.h
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ template<> inline char *toString(const QLatin1String &str)
 template<> inline char *toString(const QByteArray &ba)
-return QTest::toHexRepresentation(ba.constData(), ba.length());
+return QTest::toPrettyCString(ba.constData(), ba.length());
@@ -274,18 +274,37 @@ inline bool qCompare(quint32 const &t1, quint64 const &t2, const char *actual,
+#  define QTEST_SET_MAIN_SOURCE_PATH  QTest::setMainSourcePath(__FILE__);
 #define QTEST_APPLESS_MAIN(TestObject) \
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
 { \
 TestObject tc; \
 return QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv); \
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
+extern Q_TESTLIB_EXPORT std::set *(*qgpu_features_ptr)(const QString &); \
+extern Q_GUI_EXPORT std::set *qgpu_features(const QString &);
+qgpu_features_ptr = qgpu_features;
 #if defined(QT_WIDGETS_LIB)
 #  define QTEST_DISABLE_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION QApplication::setNavigationMode(Qt::NavigationModeNone);
@@ -294,12 +313,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
 #define QTEST_MAIN(TestObject) \
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
 { \
 QApplication app(argc, argv); \
 app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_Use96Dpi, true); \
 TestObject tc; \
 return QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv); \
@@ -308,11 +332,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
 #define QTEST_MAIN(TestObject) \
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
 { \
 QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); \
 app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_Use96Dpi, true); \
 TestObject tc; \
 return QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv); \
@@ -324,6 +353,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
 QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); \
 app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_Use96Dpi, true); \
 TestObject tc; \
 return QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv); \
@@ -335,6 +365,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) \
 QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); \
 app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_Use96Dpi, true); \
 TestObject tc; \
 return QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv); \
diff --git a/src/testlib/qtest_global.h b/src/testlib/qtest_global.h
index 7bf7dbf..f57d05c 100644
--- a/src/testlib/qtest_global.h
+++ b/src/testlib/qtest_global.h
@@ -49,8 +49,72 @@
 #pragma qt_no_master_include
+namespace QTest
+// QSizePolicy & friends:
+namespace Internal
+inline const char *toString(QSizePolicy::Policy p)
+static const QMetaEnum me = QSizePolicy::staticMetaObject.enumerator(QSizePolicy::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("Policy"));
+return me.valueToKey(int(p));
+inline QByteArray toString(QSizePolicy::ControlTypes ct)
+static const QMetaEnum me = QSizePolicy::staticMetaObject.enumerator(QSizePolicy::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("ControlTypes"));
+return me.valueToKeys(int(ct));
+inline QByteArray toString(QSizePolicy sp)
+static const char comma[] = ", ";
+return QByteArray("QSizePolicy(")
++ Internal::toString(sp.horizontalPolicy()) + comma
++ Internal::toString(sp.verticalPolicy()) + comma
++ QByteArray::number(sp.horizontalStretch()) + comma
++ QByteArray::number(sp.verticalStretch()) + comma
++ Internal::toString(QSizePolicy::ControlTypes(sp.controlType())) + comma
++ "height for width: " + (sp.hasHeightForWidth() ? "yes" : "no") + comma
++ "width for height: " + (sp.hasWidthForHeight() ? "yes" : "no") + comma
++ (sp.retainSizeWhenHidden() ? "" : "don't " ) + "retain size when hidden"
++ ')';
+} // namespace Internal
+inline char *toString(QSizePolicy::Policy p)
+return qstrdup(Internal::toString(p));
+inline char *toString(QSizePolicy::ControlTypes ct)
+return qstrdup(Internal::toString(ct).constData());
+inline char *toString(QSizePolicy::ControlType ct)
+return toString(QSizePolicy::ControlTypes(ct));

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtQuickWidgets.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/quickwidgets/qquickwidget.h b/src/quickwidgets/qquickwidget.h
index 530a523..a8bf03e 100644
--- a/src/quickwidgets/qquickwidget.h
+++ b/src/quickwidgets/qquickwidget.h
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ public:
 void setClearColor(const QColor &color);
+QQuickWindow *quickWindow() const;
 public Q_SLOTS:
 void setSource(const QUrl&);
 void setContent(const QUrl& url, QQmlComponent *component, QObject *item);
@@ -99,6 +101,7 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
 void sceneGraphError(QQuickWindow::SceneGraphError error, const QString &message);
 private Q_SLOTS:
+// ### Qt 6: make these truly private slots through Q_PRIVATE_SLOT
 void continueExecute();
 void createFramebufferObject();
 void destroyFramebufferObject();
@@ -125,6 +128,13 @@ protected:
 virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *);
+virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *);
+virtual void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *);
+virtual void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *);
+virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent *);
 bool event(QEvent *);
diff --git a/src/quickwidgets/qtquickwidgetsglobal.h b/src/quickwidgets/qtquickwidgetsglobal.h
index f0b1cae..60e5105 100644
--- a/src/quickwidgets/qtquickwidgetsglobal.h
+++ b/src/quickwidgets/qtquickwidgetsglobal.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtXmlPatterns.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/xmlpatterns/api/qabstractmessagehandler.h b/src/xmlpatterns/api/qabstractmessagehandler.h
index a43c01e..3106f0d 100644
--- a/src/xmlpatterns/api/qabstractmessagehandler.h
+++ b/src/xmlpatterns/api/qabstractmessagehandler.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtMultimediaQuick_p.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/qtmultimediaquicktools/qsgvideonode_rgb.h b/src/qtmultimediaquicktools/qsgvideonode_rgb.h
index e6800ce..77d11b6 100644
--- a/src/qtmultimediaquicktools/qsgvideonode_rgb.h
+++ b/src/qtmultimediaquicktools/qsgvideonode_rgb.h
@@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ public:
 virtual QVideoFrame::PixelFormat pixelFormat() const {
 return m_format.pixelFormat();
-void setCurrentFrame(const QVideoFrame &frame);
+QAbstractVideoBuffer::HandleType handleType() const {
+return QAbstractVideoBuffer::NoHandle;
+void setCurrentFrame(const QVideoFrame &frame, FrameFlags flags);
 QVideoSurfaceFormat m_format;
diff --git a/src/qtmultimediaquicktools/qsgvideonode_texture.h b/src/qtmultimediaquicktools/qsgvideonode_texture.h
index c5b84c5..0849c57 100644
--- a/src/qtmultimediaquicktools/qsgvideonode_texture.h
+++ b/src/qtmultimediaquicktools/qsgvideonode_texture.h
@@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ public:
 virtual QVideoFrame::PixelFormat pixelFormat() const {
 return m_format.pixelFormat();
-void setCurrentFrame(const QVideoFrame &frame);
+QAbstractVideoBuffer::HandleType handleType() const {
+return QAbstractVideoBuffer::GLTextureHandle;
+void setCurrentFrame(const QVideoFrame &frame, FrameFlags flags);
 QVideoSurfaceFormat m_format;
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtSvg.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/svg/qgraphicssvgitem.h b/src/svg/qgraphicssvgitem.h
index 8af0d1e..541ddec 100644
--- a/src/svg/qgraphicssvgitem.h
+++ b/src/svg/qgraphicssvgitem.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtWebChannel.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/webchannel/qqmlwebchannel.h b/src/webchannel/qqmlwebchannel.h
index 92741c6..52d09e6 100644
--- a/src/webchannel/qqmlwebchannel.h
+++ b/src/webchannel/qqmlwebchannel.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtNfc.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/nfc/qndeffilter.h b/src/nfc/qndeffilter.h
index 053dfe2..56721bf 100644
--- a/src/nfc/qndeffilter.h
+++ b/src/nfc/qndeffilter.h
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ public:
 QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord(const QNdefRecord &other);
 QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord(const QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord &other);
+QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord &operator=(const QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord &other);
 void setPayload(const QByteArray &payload);
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ public:
 quint32 size() const;
 void setSize(quint32 size);
+//TODO Qt 6 the mimetype should be QString as it is UTF-8
 QByteArray typeInfo() const;
 void setTypeInfo(const QByteArray &type);
diff --git a/src/nfc/qndefnfctextrecord.h b/src/nfc/qndefnfctextrecord.h
index 05a8594..e2f0691 100644
--- a/src/nfc/qndefnfctextrecord.h
+++ b/src/nfc/qndefnfctextrecord.h
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public:
 enum AccessMethod {
diff --git a/src/nfc/qnfcglobal.h b/src/nfc/qnfcglobal.h
index 4b975c3..26916a9 100644
--- a/src/nfc/qnfcglobal.h
+++ b/src/nfc/qnfcglobal.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtConcurrent.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/concurrent/qtconcurrent_global.h b/src/concurrent/qtconcurrent_global.h
index 5f09a1b..d6c0f03 100644
--- a/src/concurrent/qtconcurrent_global.h
+++ b/src/concurrent/qtconcurrent_global.h
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ private:
 void startThreads();
 void threadExit();
 bool threadThrottleExit();
-void run();
+void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
 virtual void asynchronousFinish() = 0;
 void handleException(const QException &exception);
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public:
 return future;
-void asynchronousFinish()
+void asynchronousFinish() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtOpenGLExtensions.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/openglextensions/qopenglextensions.h b/src/openglextensions/qopenglextensions.h
index 78bbf4b..c9d1ef1 100644
--- a/src/openglextensions/qopenglextensions.h
+++ b/src/openglextensions/qopenglextensions.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtLocation.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/location/maps/qgeocodereply.h b/src/location/maps/qgeocodereply.h
index a30a863..f713e42 100644
--- a/src/location/maps/qgeocodereply.h
+++ b/src/location/maps/qgeocodereply.h
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ class QGeoServiceProviderPrivate;
 class Q_LOCATION_EXPORT QGeoServiceProvider : public QObject
 enum Error {
diff --git a/src/location/maps/qgeoserviceproviderfactory.h b/src/location/maps/qgeoserviceproviderfactory.h
index bbde890..cc60cf7 100644
--- a/src/location/maps/qgeoserviceproviderfactory.h
+++ b/src/location/maps/qgeoserviceproviderfactory.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtQuickTest.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/qmltest/quicktest.h b/src/qmltest/quicktest.h
index aa34e0f..49bd7ed 100644
--- a/src/qmltest/quicktest.h
+++ b/src/qmltest/quicktest.h
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.5.0 header diff: QtSensors.diff

2015-06-05 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
diff --git a/src/sensors/gestures/qsensorgesture.h b/src/sensors/gestures/qsensorgesture.h
index 7e8b806..46d7e77 100644
--- a/src/sensors/gestures/qsensorgesture.h
+++ b/src/sensors/gestures/qsensorgesture.h
Development mailing list