Re: [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?

2012-05-31 Thread Kent Hansen

Den 30. mai 2012 15:23, skrev ext Diego Iastrubni:
 On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Olivier Goffart wrote:

 On Saturday 26 May 2012 12:51:23 Stephen Kelly wrote:
  There is a discussion on a kde list touching on whether there is a
  replacement for QtScript in Qt 5.
  Is the QJSEngine the start of public API providing a replacement for

 So as an application developer, which wants to add JS scripting 
 capabilities to JavaScript code (so user can extend my application). 
 What are my options?

 How can I load JS files, and call some specific functions defined 
 internally in those JS? I will also need to expose some API of mine to 
 those JS files.

 (Note: I am not talking about QML at all)

The QJSEngine/Value API already supports that use case. The code would 
be 99% the same as with QtScript, if you're familiar with that.

QJSEngine engine;
engine.evaluate(function add(a, b) { return a+ b; }); // contents of 
some file
QJSValue addFun = engine.globalObject().property(add); // get the 
function from the script
qDebug()  1  2).toNumber();

Exposing a QObject is also similar to QtScript:

MyQObject *obj = ...;
engine.globalObject().setProperty(myQObject, engine.newQObject(obj));

What's missing is the more low-level API, like QScriptContext that 
Olivier mentioned. There's currently no API for exposing a plain C 
callback with QJS; everything has to go through the QObject binding. 
You can provide individual functions to JS by only exposing a particular 
QObject wrapper function, e.g.:


There's currently no API for dealing with exceptions. QtScript had 
uncaughtExceptionBacktrace() and friends; in QJS there is only 
QJSValue::isError() as of yet. You can get error messages, stack trace 
etc. by querying properties of error objects.

QJS has no debugging API or tools. V8 provides a public debugging API, 
but we'd have to be very careful if QJS were to wrap that (again, to 
avoid leaking back-end details).

Also worth mentioning is the quirky 
QScriptEngine::setProcessEventsInterval(), which was annoying to support 
with both JSC and V8 (and didn't ever work reliably even with the 
original back-end, because the engine could potentially call into a 
long-running C++ function, which invalidated the promise of respecting 
the user-specified interval). If you need to execute potentially 
long-running JavaScript, you'll need to do it from a separate thread 
with QJS.

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?

2012-05-30 Thread Kent Hansen
Hi Stephen,

Den 26. mai 2012 12:51, skrev ext Stephen Kelly:

 There is a discussion on a kde list touching on whether there is a replacement
 for QtScript in Qt 5.

 Is the QJSEngine the start of public API providing a replacement for QtScript?

Yes, QJS will be a public API in Qt5.

It's not a full-fledged replacement for QtScript, though. QJS currently 
provides a subset of QtScript API/features. We've been careful to avoid 
introducing API that leaks back-end-specific details. While QJSEngine 
can be used alone, the primary use case of QJS is QML integration (i.e., 
using QJSValue to bridge between C++ and JS).

There's no plan to update QtScript to use a newer version or 
JavaScriptCore, or to use V8 as the back-end (because of the 
aforementioned implementation leaks in the API, which made it too 
costly/risky to maintain). The module is Done(tm).

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer

2012-05-24 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 25. mai 2012 02:35, skrev ext

 In QtQuick 2.0 (ie, Qt 5.0), we are thinking about using property var
 more often in the implementation (eg, of qobject-derived-type
 properties) to avoid some of those edge-cases, and providing more
 consistent (and useful) referencing semantics.
 Can you say what 'var' is and why it would help?
 In QtQuick 1.x, you could not define a JavaScript var-type property in a 
 QML item.  The closest thing provided was property variant which, 
 internally, is a QVariant.  Assigning a JavaScript object to that property 
 would result in it being converted to a QVariantMap.  Accessing that property 
 from JS would result in that QVariantMap being converted back into a JS 
 object.  You could not store a JS function reference, or any other special 
 JS value in a property variant property (eg, null, undefined).

 In QtQuick 2.0, we deprecated property variant and added property var.  
 Internally, property var properties are JS values.  Thus, you can store 
 anything created in JS, including JS function references.  This allows 
 greater dynamicity and flexibility.  Only when you access that property from 
 C++ (via QObject::property() or QQmlProperty::read()) will it be converted to 
 a QVariant (following the same conversion rules as for any other JS value to 
 QVariant conversion).

Also note that when you implement types on the C++ side, you can use the 
QJSValue class as a property or method parameter to transfer values 
between C++ and QML/JS without type/data loss. This also includes JS 
functions; for example, you can assign a function to a property from QML 
and call it later from C++ using QJSValue::call().

There's also QJson{Value,Object,Array} integration.

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Nominating Peter Varga for approver status

2012-05-23 Thread Kent Hansen

Den 23. mai 2012 09:02, skrev ext Simon Hausmann:

 I would like to nominate Peter for approver status.

 As part of the team in the University of Szeged he has completed the past few
 rebases of V8 in the qtjsbackend module, a task that is anything but easy,
 with a fast moving upstream and a very complex patch set on our side.

 Based on his contributions he has clearly shown an understanding of V8 and the
 way QML is using it. An understanding that I believe is deep enough for him to
 easily review and approve contributions. I trust him to follow the process and
 I trust him to review only patches he's comfortable reviewing.

 Seconds? :)

Peter has been doing great work with preparing and testing the V8 
updates, and keeping our patch set clean.

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt5 API change coming up: QObject::connectNotify(const char *) -- connectNotify(QMetaMethod)

2012-05-15 Thread Kent Hansen
The const char *-based API is now gone 
Thanks to all who helped get the qt5 submodule porting changes through.

Best regards,

Den 30. april 2012 14:14, skrev ext Kent Hansen:
 Hi all,
 Quick links: and,24282


 Yes, it's late, but it's also one of the final nails in the const char
 *-based Q(Meta)Object introspection API coffin.

 We've had a nice template-based connect() in Qt for some time already.
 But the old connectNotify() hook was biased towards the original
 string-based connect(). To get connectNotify() to be called as expected
 by client code, the template-based connect() had to reconstruct the
 signal signature string (and prepend the darn QSIGNAL_CODE+'0'
 character). In Qt5, this is an even costlier operation, since the method
 signature is no longer stored verbatim in the QMetaObject data; it must
 be dynamically constructed from the name and parameter type information.
 Constructing a QMetaMethod, however, is very cheap; it's just a wrapper
 around a QMetaObject* and an index (which the QObject implementation has
 readily available when making/breaking connections). Once you have the
 QMetaMethod, you can also query all aspects of the method (such as the
 name, and parameter count), including its full signature

 The other (public) shortcoming of the const char *-based connectNotify()
 is that if you were comparing the signal string to something else, you
 had to ensure that that something else was fully normalized. Otherwise
 the string comparison would fail (due to an extra space character, for
 example). In Qt5, there is an operator== for QMetaMethods, and there is
 the new QMetaMethod::fromSignal() function to get a QMetaMethod that
 corresponds to a C++ signal function. So you can easily compare methods
 without resorting to fragile, raw string comparisons.

 This is why we're migrating away from the const char *-based API (yes,
 I'm also looking at you, QObject::receivers(const char *) ;-) ).


 Existing reimplementations must be ported over to the new API in order
 to build with Qt5. I'm preparing patches for the places in Qt that I'm
 aware of. For a basic example, you can have a look at the QBuffer patch:,24284.

 For modules like qtsystems, which has dozens of connectNotify()
 reimplementations and performs signal proxying, it's more involved (WIP
 qtsystems patch:,24817).
 However, we are keeping support for the old API for some time (obviously
 it will have to be removed before Qt5.0 final), to allow places outside
 of qtbase to be ported incrementally.

 If there are places outside of the qt5 modules that need to be ported, I
 can help you with that.


 In addition to the API change itself: We now call (dis)connectNotify()
 directly from the internal index-based
 QMetaObjectPrivate::(dis)connect() function. The nice thing about this
 is that connectNotify() reimplementations are called consistently out
 of the box (e.g., when you call connectSlotsByName(), or when QML
 connects to your signals -- and we could get rid of the hack that calls
 it from qtscript:,24558). So
 the only remaining bug is that, as with the old API, disconnectNotify()
 is not called when the receiver is destroyed. But I'll propose a patch
 for fixing that (we will need to store the signal index in the internal
 Connection object, for fast retrieval of the QMetaMethod).

 Best regards,
 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Notice: QtDeclarative compatibility module about to be removed

2012-05-14 Thread Kent Hansen
It's removed now.


Den 11. mai 2012 09:50, skrev ext Kent Hansen:

 In short, QT += declarative and the QtDeclarative headers/classnames
 will no longer work (i.e., code that use them won't compile).

 I went through the qt5.git submodules and ported the last stuff
 (hopefully) over to the QtQml names. Once those changes have been
 merged, I'll stage the above change.

 If you still have code using the old QtDeclarative headers/classnames,
 now would be an excellent time to port to the QtQml names. If in doubt,
 try running the qtdeclarative/bin/ script
 over your code and check the results. (Note that the script can be a bit
 eager, e.g. references to module-local paths like
 examples/declarative/foo and SUBDIRS += declarative will be replaced
 by examples/qml/foo and SUBDIRS += qml, which you maybe don't want
 -- at least not without also renaming those folders. ;) )

 Best regards,

 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtV8: Order of arguments on Runtime::kResolvePossiblyDirectEval inconsistent

2012-05-09 Thread Kent Hansen
Hi Holger,

Den 08. mai 2012 23:04, skrev ext Holger Hans Peter Freyther:

 I am looking into why QtV8 stopped working for MIPS (the obvious candidate is
 that there is lithium support now). While doing this I noted that in
 FullCodeGenerator::EmitResolvePossiblyDirectEval the following is not 

 1.) language_mode
 2.) is_qml_mode
 3.) start_position

 ia32, mips, amd64:
 1.) language_mode
 2.) start_position
 3.) is_qml_mode

 the ResolvePossiblyDirectEval is shared across all implementations. So is the
 ARM code wrong?

Well spotted. Looks like a regression that was introduced in the QML 
mode patch when we updated to V8 3.10.1.
I'll make sure we have sufficient test coverage so this won't regress again.

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] api_changes merged back to master

2012-04-18 Thread Kent Hansen
qtdeclarative/api_changes got merged, and now several others after that.

qtpim, qtsensors and qtsystems still remaining (merge attempts are all 
in progress).

Best regards,

Den 18. april 2012 00:29, skrev ext Donald Carr:
 yetch, and again, sorry Kent

 Were I but a beautiful woman, I would lend you a hug to give you the
 power to put this turkey down, once and for all.


 On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 8:36 PM,  wrote:
 The qtdeclarative merge (,23550) 
 still hasn't gone through; tests are crashing in the latest attempt.

 Modules that depend on qtdeclarative won't be able to merge any changes 
 until the above merge is completed.


 [] on behalf of 
 Knoll Lars (Nokia-MP/Oslo)
 Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 4:52 PM
 Subject: [Development] api_changes merged back to master

 Hi everybody,

 the merge of api_changes back into master for qtbase finally made it's way
 through the CI system. I'm currently in the process of merging declarative
 back and Kent is staging all the changes required to fix compilation of
 the other modules.

  From now on most changes should go to master. I'll keep api_changes around
 for another little while as there are still some changes in gerrit against
 it, but I would like to empty this queue now and then remove the
 api_changes branch soon.


 Development mailing list
 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Staging of qtdeclarative changes has been blocked while we try to unpin the qtbase SHA1

2012-03-13 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 12. mars 2012 23:45, skrev ext Rohan McGovern:
 Richard Moore said:
 On 12 March 2012 17:56,  wrote:
 Besides flaky tests, we also have the general/recurring problem of changes 
 going into qtbase that break qtdeclarative (and possibly/likely other 
 modules). While I realize it's time-consuming for everyone to manually 
 build and run the qtdeclarative tests (or entire qt5.git) when you're 
 working on qtbase, please at least take the time to consider how your 
 change might affect other modules. If you're unsure and/or would like 
 someone else's opinion on the possible impact, feel free to send an email 
 to this list, or ask on IRC. Thanks.
 Do you have any idea of how many of these were due to QtDeclarative
 making assumptions that aren't part of the defined API, vs how many
 were changes in expected behaviour?
 Here's the commits which were needed:

Thanks for the overview, Rohan. - 16e29f3 Remove unneeded 
 dependencies to QtWidgets and QtOpenGL
-  I don't think this one resolves any test failures.

It does; by switching to using QGuiApplication for those tests, we 
effectively sidestep a change in QApplication font loading behavior due 
to,18621, which broke a test on 
Mac. - c787809 Mark presumed unstable 
 test as insignificant.
-  marks tst_qquickpixmapcache as insignificant, doesn't actually
   resolve the problem, so the real issue may not yet be understood

Yep, it's still not understood. I added a comment to the change about 
the symptom, but I don't know how to reproduce it. - dda130f Fix MouseArea autotest. - 6cf36b2 Fix tst_qquicktextedit. - cb1ff7a Fix double click 
 handler in QQuickItem.
-  all of these were failing due to changes in double-click
   semantics, apparently a bug fix:

  commit b371f3f943703840d0dfbe30505018bcca06e260
  Author: Laszlo
  Date:   Tue Mar 6 16:09:09 2012 +0200

  Fix double click handling.

Yes, the mouse event handling change was the most serious source of 

In addition, there was a change in QtNetwork last week that I reverted 
because it caused qtdeclarative autotests to crash. That one is being 
reapplied again in,19591, 
hopefully with the crashes gone. - cbb7f8b Skip test that accesses 
 deleted QML engine
-  apparently the test reads invalid memory, but doesn't actually
   crash on most platforms.  It might be that the qtbase changes,
   due to changing the layout of a few things in memory, caused it
   to start crashing on at least one platform.

It turned out that valgrind was already complaining about this on 
platforms where it didn't crash. Would be good if there were a CI that 
ran the tests through valgrind, maybe once a week or so.

In the qtbase/api_changes branch, there was a change in QString::mid() 
(the handling of a negative position argument) that caused 
tst_qquicktextinput::getText to fail.

It's difficult to know which type of changes can break stuff in other 
modules, but things like

- QtCore/Gui event/timer handling
- Gui text/font changes
- Network changes (declarative uses networking extensively)
- Changing the semantics of input arguments of public functions

might be worth validating against dependent modules.
By doing so we can save a lot of time we otherwise have to spend on 
failed CI rounds and tracking down changes that broke other modules.

Regarding flaky tests: This is a nightmare right now since it makes 
_any_ integration so darn unpredictable. The CI takes ~1.5 hours to 
build qtdeclarative and run tests on all platforms. Everything might 
look green and dandy on the seven first machines, but then the last one 
gets to 99% before failing some test. Then we need to investigate 
whether that failure is due to a new change in e.g. qtbase, or whether 
it's flaky, apply some fix (e.g. mark the test as insignificant), and do 
a whole new round of CI.

So please, be careful when adding new tests that rely on timing/event 
loop specifics. Due to the very nature of QtQuick (interaction tests, 
networking), I guess it has a higher likelyhood of having flaky tests 
than other modules.

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Staging of qtdeclarative changes has been blocked while we try to unpin the qtbase SHA1

2012-03-13 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 13. mars 2012 12:08, skrev ext Kent Hansen:

 It's difficult to know which type of changes can break stuff in other
 modules, but things like

 - QtCore/Gui event/timer handling
 - Gui text/font changes
 - Network changes (declarative uses networking extensively)
 - Changing the semantics of input arguments of public functions

 might be worth validating against dependent modules.

Let me add

- meta-type/QObject kernel changes

to that list.

Development mailing list

[Development] Staging of qtdeclarative changes has been blocked while we try to unpin the qtbase SHA1

2012-03-12 Thread Kent Hansen
qtdeclarative needs to be adapted to some recent changes in qtbase. 
While we try to get that done 
(,18941), staging of unrelated 
changes to qtdeclarative has been blocked.

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Nominating Girish Ramakrishnan for Approver status

2012-03-06 Thread Kent Hansen
Yes, please! Welcome back, Girish!


Den 06. mars 2012 10:06, skrev ext

 I'd like to nominate Girish for Approver status. He's been around Qt for a
 pretty long time, working for Trolltech a couple of years ago, then having
 his own consultancy company doing Qt related work and he's now back
 working on Qt for Nokia.


 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Changing qreal to a float

2012-02-15 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 15. feb. 2012 08:38, skrev ext
 For some time we have wanted to unify the behavior of qreal on desktop and 
 embedded. Currently, qreal is defined to be double on desktop and to a float 
 on embedded.

 The reasons for unifying are:

   - Using double is pure waste for a lot of use cases. QRectF, QPointF, 
 QPainter, QPolygonF, OpenGL, QMouseEvent, QTouchEvent, to name a few. None of 
 these  require the precision offered by double precision floating point.

   - Predictable behavior on across desktop and device. In the past we have 
 had a few cases where things fell apart when run on embedded because the 
 reduced precision. These were fixed, but they would have been immediately 
 caught during development if they were the same.

   - For specific use cases were higher precision floats are required, double 
 can still be used. Both inside and outside the Qt libraries.

 Our initial idea was to change qreal to double to avoid any potential 
 regression but the impact on size combined with the fact that the added 
 precision is almost never needed changed our minds 

 The only questionable use case is geolocation. We know for a fact that floats 
 have limitations in this area and both Qt3D and QtLocation make use of 
 QVector[2|3|4]D and QMatrix4x4 which will now be a float. However, this is no 
 worse (for device) than it already is, so any use case that fails and needs 
 work will now be found early in the development cycle as opposed to during 
 device testing.

 Unless there are any objections that I have not yet covered, I will go ahead 
 with this change.


Great. This would allow us to get rid of various hacks for qreal in the 
meta-type system as well.

Development mailing list

[Development] Changing the return type of QMetaMethod::signature()

2012-02-15 Thread Kent Hansen
As part of,14763 (new 
meta-object data format) it would be good to change the return type of 
QMetaMethod::signature() from const char * to QByteArray.

In the new meta-data format, the raw, 0-terminated signature string is 
no longer stored; the signature can be constructed from the method name 
and parameter type info if needed.

I'm hoping that most usages of signature() outside of Qt itself will 
already be wrapping the signature in a QByteArray/QString, since 
operating on the raw char pointer isn't so nice.

However, if some code does do

const char *sig = myMethod.signature();
// do something with sig (call strlen et al) ...

that will still _compile_ if the return type of signature() is changed 
to QByteArray (unless your project defines QT_NO_CAST_FROM_BYTEARRAY), 
but the sig pointer will no longer be valid after the assignment.

The typical thing we do with signatures in qtbase is print them in 
warnings; such code will have to be changed to pass 
signature().constData() instead. (Unfortunately, this case also compiles 
without adding .constData(), at least on gcc -- with a warning about 
passing a non-POD type.)

qtdeclarative does use the raw signature pointer, but it does so to find 
the boundary between the method name and the argument types. With the 
new meta-data format and QMetaMethod API (name(), parameterCount(), 
parameterType()) that code will be adapted accordingly.

In the current patch for,14763, 
we kept the const char * return type, but at the expense of having to 
maintain an internal cache of signatures that will be kept alive 
forever, just to ensure that the pointer remains valid.

I'm fine with adapting Qt itself if we change the return type, but I 
can't judge what the impact will be outside of Qt.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Feature freeze and Alpha

2012-02-08 Thread Kent Hansen


Den 08. feb. 2012 13:40, skrev Knoll Lars (Nokia-MP/Oslo):
 Ok, this one makes sense to finish IMO.

 Can you please add a Jira task for it, and make it a subtask for 20885?


 On 2/8/12 1:20 PM, ext Kent  wrote:

 Den 05. feb. 2012 15:12, skrev ext
 Hi everybody,
 Is there anything that I have now forgotten that really *must* be in 5.0
 (i.e. it really can't be done in a BC/SC way for Qt 5.1)? If you have
 an item, please speak up, otherwise I'll consider the above exception
 as final.
 I would like to try to finish,14763: Changing the meta-object
 data to represent type information in a more useful/efficient (less
 string-based) way, and then following up by removing the various
 codepaths we have for dealing with older meta-object revisions.

 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Configuration changes for QStateMachine

2012-02-02 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 02. feb. 2012 14:39, skrev ext Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho:

 I didn't have time to provide a patch this week, but I would like to
 get this in Qt 5.0 if possible -- I'm willing to write the necessary
 changes and tests for it.

 QTBUG-9380: It would be useful if QStateMachine had a signal to notify
 about configuration changes

 I think the risk of adding this signal is very low. I've talked with
 Noam about his suggestion and we agreed that for now the signal
 approach (as described in the task) would be fine.

 What do you think?


Sounds good.

Development mailing list

[Development] QByteArrayRef

2012-02-01 Thread Kent Hansen
It would be useful to have a QByteArrayRef class, similar to QStringRef 
-- a thin wrapper that doesn't copy the data.

Did anyone implement it already? If not, I can take a stab at it.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Status of ActiveQt module?

2012-02-01 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 01. feb. 2012 09:47, skrev ext Olivier Goffart:
 1) QMetaObjectBuilder is private, its API may still change from minor version
 to minor version

That's fine. It's still better (lower maintenance) than having 
home-grown / incompatible generators floating around, IMO.

 2) Qt maintain binary compatibility, so metaobject generated from old version
 of moc must still work for all the Qt 5.x series.  Meaning in theory you are
 fine sticking with revision 7 for all the Qt 5.x time frame.

Yeah, we would start from revision 7 in Qt5, but remove codepaths for 
revisions  7 (Qt4 meta-objects). Then if we need to bump the revision 
to 8 in Qt 5.x, we would have to keep revision 7 working, of course.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Status of ActiveQt module?

2012-02-01 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 01. feb. 2012 12:48, skrev ext Robin Burchell:
 2012/2/1 Jedrzej
 Yes, and by updating QMetaObjectBuilder we will update data generated by
 ActiveQt. ActiveQt would use the newest meta object version (faster
 As (I think) was raised on Gerrit - this requires that someone take
 the time to make it use QMetaObjectBuilder...

That's not a problem. Testing that it works is the problem.

Development mailing list

[Development] Status of ActiveQt module?

2012-01-31 Thread Kent Hansen
Does anyone care about the ActiveQt module for Qt5?

A problem with this module is that it doesn't have any autotests. I can 
run some on the examples, but I don't really know what they're supposed 
to do, or how to use them to exercise relevant codepaths.

The main reason I'm asking is because ActiveQt has code to generate 
meta-objects at runtime, but the meta-object version it generates is 
old. For Qt5 it would be good to get rid of support for Qt4 
meta-objects (revisions = 6), but this necessitates that we update 
existing homegrown meta-object generators to generate the latest and 
greatest version (will be 7 initially for Qt5).

ActiveQt could be ported to use QMetaObjectBuilder to generate the 
meta-object, but that's a non-trivial refactoring that scares me due to 
the lack of autotests. Or, the ActiveQt meta-object generator could be 
patched to generate a newer version -- a much smaller change. But that 
means we have to do that every time the QtCore (moc) revision is bumped 
in the future (which won't be terribly often, but it's still a hassle, 
especially in the case of ActiveQt which looks to be ... inactive at the 

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Suggestion for new CI: early warning for qt5.git

2012-01-29 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 30. jan. 2012 06:03, skrev Rohan McGovern:

 As Joao mentioned, this relates to a dry run of the CI feature.
 I think that we need a method of requesting that some test procedure is
 run over your change in gerrit, without also testing some set of everyone
 else's changes at the same time, and without requesting that the change
 is actually merged into the repository at the end of the test.

Definitely, being able to test a change in isolation would be required, 
I think; otherwise you lose the confidence in the test results again 
(was it me, or did that other change sneak in and break everything?).

(That's not a problem specific to testing/dry runs, though; right now 
anyone could be the unlucky person that gets his/her change staged 
together with an unrelated change that breaks stuff. I don't have a good 
suggestion for reducing that problem; Jedrzej had the idea of limiting 
the number of unique commit authors per CI round to some constant N (3 
or 4?).)

 You mentioned a button in gerrit, but what do you think of soliciting
 machine reviewers instead, as you currently do for humans?  e.g.

1. push change to gerrit
2. go to web UI, add reviewer named something like
Test : qt5.git tester : compile/test all of qt5.git with your change
3. qt5.git tester immediately adds comment I'll start testing your
change in (~ some time estimate)
4. qt5.git tester later adds pass or fail comment, with a link to a
build/test log.

 3 could be omitted if that's perceived as too noisy.

 You could add multiple testers with different goals this way, and they'd
 operate independent from each other.

That's a great idea! I'd start using it today. :-)
Maybe the reviewer bots could be displayed as suggested reviewers or 
something to make their existence more known in the web UI.

Development mailing list

[Development] Suggestion for new CI: early warning for qt5.git

2012-01-27 Thread Kent Hansen
Sometimes there are changes to qtbase that the author and/or reviewers 
strongly suspect will break one or more modules on top of it (e.g. in 
qt5.git). For example, source-incompatible changes (removing 
QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion), or changes to the meta-type/QObject 
internals (which qtdeclarative is relying heavily on).

When such a change goes into qtbase, you only get the failure for the 
dependent modules the next time you stage something (anything) in that 
other module; suddenly the module no longer builds, or tests seemingly 
unrelated to the developer's own change start failing.

This means developers will be scratching their heads and spending time 
tracking down what was the actual cause of the failure (first in their 
own changes/module, then in the dependencies). It also means that the CI 
is wasting cycles on subsequent (failed) attempts to fix the failure, 
which is disruptive to everyone trying to stage new and unrelated 
changes. If there is no quick fix, the last resort is to pin one or 
more of the dependencies' to a particular SHA1 (e.g. from the qt5.git 
submodule) in the sync.profile until the issue has been resolved, then 
unpin it again later.

An idea to avoid such disruption would be a CI where you can try to 
merge your change, and it will build all of qt5.git with it (_and_ run 
all the module's tests). This could be a separate button in Gerrit, for 

You then get a report in Gerrit with the status from the complete build 
 tests run. Even if everything succeeds, the change will not actually 
be integrated; this would just be a tool for getting an indication of 
potential inter-module problems with your patch. If there are problems, 
the developer can then either fix the affected modules in advance if 
possible, or at least give a heads-up and/or prepare patches that will 
fix the upcoming breakage in the other modules.

What do you think?

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Suggestion for new CI: early warning for qt5.git

2012-01-27 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 27. jan. 2012 09:20, skrev Alan Alpert:
 On Fri, 27 Jan 2012 18:09:46 ext Kent Hansen wrote:
 Sometimes there are changes to qtbase that the author and/or reviewers
 strongly suspect will break one or more modules on top of it (e.g. in
 qt5.git). For example, source-incompatible changes (removing
 QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion), or changes to the meta-type/QObject
 internals (which qtdeclarative is relying heavily on).

 When such a change goes into qtbase, you only get the failure for the
 dependent modules the next time you stage something (anything) in that
 other module; suddenly the module no longer builds, or tests seemingly
 unrelated to the developer's own change start failing.

 This means developers will be scratching their heads and spending time
 tracking down what was the actual cause of the failure (first in their
 own changes/module, then in the dependencies). It also means that the CI
 is wasting cycles on subsequent (failed) attempts to fix the failure,
 which is disruptive to everyone trying to stage new and unrelated
 changes. If there is no quick fix, the last resort is to pin one or
 more of the dependencies' to a particular SHA1 (e.g. from the qt5.git
 submodule) in the sync.profile until the issue has been resolved, then
 unpin it again later.

 An idea to avoid such disruption would be a CI where you can try to
 merge your change, and it will build all of qt5.git with it (_and_ run
 all the module's tests). This could be a separate button in Gerrit, for

 You then get a report in Gerrit with the status from the complete build
   tests run. Even if everything succeeds, the change will not actually
 be integrated; this would just be a tool for getting an indication of
 potential inter-module problems with your patch. If there are problems,
 the developer can then either fix the affected modules in advance if
 possible, or at least give a heads-up and/or prepare patches that will
 fix the upcoming breakage in the other modules.

 What do you think?
 How does this compare to our current best alternative, that of your building
 Qt 5 and running make check yourself? Do you need to have the tests run on all
 the platforms? Is building Qt5 + make check on your own platform too slow or
 difficult to be a viable alternative?

Gerrit: Click a button
Me: Check out qt5.git, apply my patch, build and run make check. Yes, 
it's slow, and a bunch of tests pop up windows that grab focus.

I suppose not all platforms are needed. But Windows would be nice 
because apparently the latest MSVC has c++0x on by default, something we 
don't test with the Linux CI afaik.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Suggestion for new CI: early warning for qt5.git

2012-01-27 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 27. jan. 2012 14:07, skrev ext Olivier Goffart:
 On Friday 27 January 2012 09:09:46 Kent Hansen wrote:
 If there is no quick fix, the last resort is to pin one or
 more of the dependencies' to a particular SHA1 (e.g. from the qt5.git
 submodule) in the sync.profile until the issue has been resolved, then
 unpin it again later.
 Why is that the last resort?
 This seems totally normal and was the whole point of modularisation:
 Differents modules can be developped at different speed.

Actually it should be the first resort. The right thing to do is to
1) pin the qtbase sha1 in sync.profile in the modules that you know will 
break because of your qtbase change, and wait for that to get through CI
2) submit your change to qtbase, wait for it to get through CI
3) submit a change to the other modules that unpins the qtbase sha1 and 
adapts to the qtbase change

That avoids any disruption to others. But it's a chore. And you get 
conflicts when several people try to pin/unpin the sha1 at the same time 
(you'd think that wouldn't happen often, but ask Simon ;) ).

 If not, modularisation was just a waste of time and a way to make development
 more difficult.

It does make development more difficult.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] V8's location

2012-01-04 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 03. jan. 2012 22:07, skrev ext
 On 1/3/12 5:45 PM, ext Oswald

 On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 01:45:27PM -0200, ext Thiago Macieira wrote:
 Configure already sets a default mkspec symlink that matches the
 mkspec. Making it also create a symlink for default-host which
 matches the
 host platform would be easy.

 The tricky part is using that.

 You could specify the -spec default-host option when running configure,
 last I checked with Marius (or was it still Sam?), you can't add that
 to the
 .pro file because it's too late. The spec file was already loaded by
 the time
 the .pro file is parsed. So my guess is this would be a major incursion
 qmake to support the feature.


 It would probably be easier, though uglier, to add a separate file that
 is read
 by qmake when it finds the .pro file.

 well, technically, there is no reason why that separate file could not
 be the .pro file itself:

 #pragma spec:default-host

 pure beauty! :D
 Yes, something like this would be great. Can we please get it?

 We could even require this to be in the first line of the pro file to make
 things simple. The default would obviously use the target mkspec, so we'd
 only need to patch a few pro files.


I created
and made it a blocker for the move of v8.

Development mailing list

[Development] QtQuick becomes a separate module

2011-12-02 Thread Kent Hansen

Once,9948 goes through CI, 
QtQuick will be a separate module (AKA library). This is where all the 
QtQuick (2.0) types will live, and QtQuick-specific C++ APIs, like 
QQuickItem and scenegraph.

The old headers (e.g. QtDeclarative/qquickitem.h) will continue to work 
for some time. But eventually, all existing code must be ported to the 
QtQuick module.

What do _you_ have to do? If you're using QtQuick C++ APIs:

1. Update your .pro files.

   QT += declarative

should become

   QT += declarative quick

2. Update your includes.

   #include QtDeclarative/qquickitem.h

should become

   #include QtQuick/qquickitem.h

and similarly for other QtQuick/SceneGraph classes.

Additionally, qmake will take care of automagically adding QT += quick 
to projects that only do QT += declarative (and you'll get a warning) 
(,9803). If you don't use the 
QtQuick APIs at all, you'll just have to ignore that warning until we 
remove the compatibility support.

I've tried to ensure that existing code builds and runs without 
requiring immediate changes, but I wouldn't be shocked if I missed 
something. If you do encounter problems, please file a bug in JIRA.

I'll send an update once the change has gone in.

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtQuick becomes a separate module

2011-12-02 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 02. des. 2011 09:59, skrev Kent Hansen:

 Den 02. des. 2011 09:33, skrev ext Kent Hansen:

 Once,9948 goes through CI,

 Since the commit is so huge, there's a high likelyhood of conflicts 
 and failing tests when combined with other changes. Therefore staging 
 of qtdeclarative changes in Gerrit has been disabled for the moment.


The change went through, and qtdeclarative is open for staging again.

The change to automatically add QT += quick -- to allow existing 
Qt5/QML2-based projects outside of Qt to migrate smoothly -- is being 
integrated as I type this very sentence 

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QtQuick becomes a separate module

2011-12-02 Thread Kent Hansen
Den 02. des. 2011 16:13, skrev ext Charley Bay:
 snip, Kent upcoming patch changes
 Den 02. des. 2011 09:33, skrev ext Kent Hansen:

  Once,9948 goes through CI,

  This seems like important info, so I made a page on the wiki:

 Is that wiki location the proper place for such things?

 Feel free to move it or correct me as needed.


If, as a colleague suggested, we say that the Qt5 before this change was 
actually Qt 4.99, that would indeed be the correct place. ;)

But this change affects only those who had started to adopt Qt5/QML2. 
For QtQuick1 (Qt4) users, the correct change is to add QT += qtquick1 
(uhm, but that might actually be renamed to quick1) to their .pro 
file, and then use the script in qtbase/bin to update 
the includes.

By the way, the suggestion on the table was to abuse fixqt4headers to 
also support updating these Qt 4.99 includes 
(QtDeclarative/qquickitem.h = QtQuick/qquickitem.h, et al).

Best regards,
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] V8 updated in qtbase.git

2011-11-11 Thread Kent Hansen
One thing we just remembered is that we want to have v8 snapshot support 
when cross-compiling.
So we'll have a mkv8snapshot tool that must run on the host.
How can that be achieved if we move v8 out of qtbase? Currently 
makefiles for host tool are handled in configure, see this line:


Currently, all we'd have to do is add mkv8snapshot to that.


Den 11. nov. 2011 08:40, skrev Hausmann Simon (Nokia-MP-Qt/Oslo):
 Absolutely, that dependency is fine for WebKit.


Development mailing list

[Development] V8 updated in qtbase.git

2011-11-10 Thread Kent Hansen
bcd16f9453e543ba819385d87bd7061a4caeb325 bumps the sha1 for the V8 
submodule, and introduces some build changes to src/v8. You'll need to 
do git submodule update to be able to build libQtV8 again.

Thiago, I missed the previous discussion on V8's location. Since 
everyone seems to agree that QtCore shouldn't depend on V8, I guess 
we're free to move it around again. One idea from Lars is that we move 
it back to qtdeclarative and build it straight into the core 
libQtDeclarative. The idea is to separate out the graphical parts of 
declarative into its own library, e.g. QtQuick(2), so that QtDeclarative 
(or QtQmlCore, or . . .) only contains the QML language + runtime 
(including JS environment and minimal C++/JS API).

Simon, would that type of dependency also work for you QtWebKittens?

Development mailing list