Dear Community,

October is around the corner and with that there is a popular event
called Hacktoberfest [1] that has been around for a couple of years.
In a nutshell, this event is aimed mainly to newcomers, to encourage
them to jump into an Open Source project and perform their first contributions.

In the past this event has been linked to Github repositories only,
and this year they are enabling Gitlab, but no Gerrit.
Last year, there was some controversy since many repositories got lots
of spam of people modifying 1 character, only for achieving the goal
(3 pull requests), which was tackled by an extra step for maintainers
to accept a pull request (without merging it) to be a valid change
to achieve the event's goal.

Being close to Spanish speaking tech communities, I will be
participating into a small event which aims to encourage Spanish
speaking newcomers to participate in OSS projects [2], my goal will be
to at least teach the interested people to setup a Qt Account, Gerrit,
and everything else to enable them to get future contributions.

Maybe now you are wondering,
if there is no Gerrit compatibility, what do you want to do about it?

Because we have github mirrors[3],
I would like to personally guide them and help them submit a change
into github, put a label on those changes to "accept them",
but drop a message encourage them to submit the same patch to Gerrit.
This will have no effect in our repositories/code, since the labels live
only at a github level, and also doesn't not imply extra work for
Maintainers nor active developers for the Qt repositories.

Please note that this is no attempt to start a migration to Github,
it's mainly to try to find new contributors into Qt.

Note that Pull Requests cannot be disabled on github repositories
so even if we don't accept contributions through github, we still get
changes time to time, check [4].

Last but not least, if you speak Spanish,
and would like to give me a hand guiding people to "at least"
get started with setting up Gerrit, I will be really grateful.

In previous in-person events when I was participating with PySide,
I managed to get only a couple of people on board, so this year I don't
expect many people participating, but you never know ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
and if we manage to get at least a couple of new people into submitting
a contribution to Gerrit, I will be satisfied and consider this a victory.



Dr. Cristián Maureira-Fredes
R&D Manager

The Qt Company GmbH
Erich-Thilo-Str. 10
D-12489 Berlin

Geschäftsführer: Mika Pälsi,
Juha Varelius, Jouni Lintunen
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin,
Registergericht: Amtsgericht
Charlottenburg, HRB 144331 B
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