[freenet-dev] Most users drop out before the first-time wizard is finished

2011-07-15 Thread Arne Babenhauserheide
Update: We worked a bit on the first time user experience. Reasoning: Only 1 
choice at startup: default setting or wizard.

? http://piratepad.net/H3kOp3QXuV

Current version, without the text markup: 

3 scenarios:
- With invite. Can stay darknet or enable opennet as well for better 
performance. ? 3 choices: Connect to friends (darknet) only, connect to any 
freenet user (opennet) or use the wizard.
- Without invite. Probably want opennet ? 2 choices: connect to any freenet 
user or wizard.
- No invites: Connect to any Freenet user, connect only to friends, wizard.
Connect to any Freenet user: (normal security)
(No invite)
 This is suitable for relatively free countries where running freenet is legal, 
and is much safer than traditional p2p software like BitTorrent or Gnutella, 
but an attacker with moderate resources may be able to hunt you down. To 
improve security further, you can get your friends to sign up as well, add them 
as Friends, and then connect only to friends.
 Suggestion: To improve security further, you can tell your friends about 
Freenet and upgrade to high security once you have a stable connection count > 

 (With invite)
 Freenet is connecting to your friend and his/her X friends, however it could 
be faster (but much less secure) by connecting to other Freenet users. It will 
still be much safer than traditional p2p software like BitTorrent or Gnutella, 
but an attacker with moderate resources may be able to hunt you down. 

 Connect only to friends: (high security)

 (No invite)
 Use this if you are setting up your own Freenet darknet, and you know several 
people you want to connect to, for vastly improved security. If you only have a 
few people it may not be very useful, but if some of them know others, or have 
low security set, you can have a very large network.

 (With invite)
 Freenet will connect to your friend and his/her X friends, and connect to the 
rest of the network through them. This should be very safe, as long as you can 
trust your friends, and also hard to detect.

More detailed settings
Configure Freenet with the first-run wizard, setting up the configuration 
according to your own privacy needs without having to dive into all the 
technical details. This will take a bit longer than the other two options.

 If no invite:

 If a friend sent you an invite to Freenet, click here: [Browse for invite file]
 Also send an invite to your friend: invite_file = currently fref
 - No you can't send an invite until after you've completed setup. why?
 It won't know your IP address.
 It will be a menu item under Friends though.
 I tho?gght all this ts needed only while no inv
You still need an IP address for a noderef to work, especially if they're new 
too. So you need to go through the wizard first. OTOH if you already HAVE an 
invite we may know your IP.
Note: edonkey is no free sofware, so we need not talk about it :)
Browse for file is great! 
Currently also needs save invite for friend
Until we have invites we will want to have all 3 options on the homepage. We 
don't have invites yet. Possibly we should say "if you have an invite..."
If the user chooses high security, we can have a page of essentials, or we 
could post them as useralerts. For example we could link to Truecrypt, offer to 
set a password, have a box saying "I am on a student LAN", etc.
maybe just a freesite with that info in the default links
Unfortunately in some cases Freenet needs to know. E.g. for UPnP/JSTUN. On the 
other hand, we can turn them off and then bug the user if we don't succeed - if 
we have lots of FOAFs, we may not need JSTUN, just like we usually don't need 
it on opennet. Before we have invites we could just enable it I suppose...
Moved from no invite:
We could relay the original invite, also we could link to the menu where a 
message tell the user that he has to finnish the setup before he can invite new 
We can mention it, but we can't link to it because we havent' finished setup 
yet. It does need to be an obvious menu item afterwards, especially if we have 
no friends, maybe an alert, instead of the current 
you-can-add-friends-or-turn-opennet-on we should link to the invite generator 
sounds good
We could even mention it at the end, in the congrats page or something. But an 
alert might be better, dunno. If we have no peers and are on darknet only it 
might make sense to go straight to it.
In any case there should be no "get your friends to sign up..."

At Thu, 14 Jul 2011 19:51:53 +0100,
Matthew Toseland wrote:
> According to the stats, the number of new users and the number of one-time 
> users is about equal:
> at 
> gjw6StjZOZ4OAG-pqOxIp5Nk11udQZOrozD4jld42Ac,BYyqgAtc9p0JGbJ~18XU6mtO9ChnBZdf~ttCn48FV7s,AQACAAE/graphs/1238/
> (The second graph; the first graph promisingly appears to show that numbers 
> are starting to rise again)
> According to evan's work last year, the number of users trying freenet for 

[freenet-dev] new debian package

2011-07-15 Thread Ximin Luo
New debian package in https://github.com/freenet/debian-staging - please test.

package contents: https://gist.github.com/899794

This one uses the new service-wrapper package from debian-experimental,
removing the need to maintain our own init.d script.

known issues: will complain about "too old freenet-ext" because I haven't
bumped the version in contrib-staging yet. ignore this.

$ sudo service freenet-daemon start
Starting Freenet 0.7 (experimental release)...
Waiting for Freenet 0.7 (experimental release)
running: PID:12988

$ aptitude show freenet-daemon
Unable to find an archive "testing" for the package "freenet-daemon"
Package: freenet-daemon
New: yes
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 0.7.5+testing-build-1385-pre1-19-g90c777-0.3
Priority: extra
Section: net
Maintainer: Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) 
Uncompressed Size: 9,228 k
Depends: adduser, default-jre-headless, service-wrapper,
libcommons-compress-java, libdb-je-java, libservice-wrapper-java
Conflicts: fred
Replaces: fred
Description: Freenet REference Daemon
 Freenet lets you anonymously share files, browse and publish "freesites" (web
sites accessible only through Freenet) and chat on forums, without fear of
censorship. Freenet
 is decentralised to make it less vulnerable to attack, and if used in
"darknet" mode, where users only connect to their friends, is very difficult to
detect. Communications
 by Freenet nodes are encrypted and are routed through other nodes to make it
extremely difficult to determine who is requesting the information and what its
content is.

 This package contains the Freenet REference Daemon (fred), which provides low
level access to data stored on Freenet, and a web proxy for viewing freesites.
Note that fred
 creates a datastore of at least 256 MB on first startup.
Homepage: http://freenetproject.org/

$ dpkg -L freenet-daemon


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