[DDN] Ethics in Telecommunications Lecture and Awards Presented by Astroturf Group, TRAC.

2006-09-12 Thread Bruce Kushnick
ing of deep-pocket corporations to shout louder than
anyone else.

This problem is widespread and hundreds of millions of dollars are being
spent to fool the public. Go to Issue Dynamics web site and you find that
the company is 'creating buzz for IPTV'.  By coincidence the Bell companies
are fighting to offer IPTV -cable services, are trying to get rid of any
restrictions on state and federal level from the FCC to Congress. Issue
Dynamics also created "NMRC", New Millennium Research Council to do the new
research funded by the phone companies.

"IPTV: NMRC Report and Telenews Event ---IDI was approached to create a new
buzz about the possibilities of IPTV. IDI and partner think tank, the NMRC,
produced a dynamic 17 page report and held a telenews event which attracted
20 news outlets and was covered by over 50 national publications."

Common Cause has released two reports on the new crop of organizations that
are "wolves in sheep's clothing", examining the current net neutrality and
broadband and franchise debates. 

Over the next two months, Teletruth will be updating this information.
However, it is clear astroturf and skunkworks organizations represent the
antithesis of ethical behavior. Maybe someone should tell this to those in
Washington DC.

Bruce Kushnick, Teletruth 

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[DDN] RE: Harvard Nieman Watchdog: Why is Congress considering such anti-consumer telecom bills? and other telecom stories.

2006-08-01 Thread Bruce Kushnick
Teletruth News Alert: August 1st, 2006

New Series on America's Wrong Path in Telecommunications, Internet,
Broadband and Wireless Services. 

Harvard's Neiman School of Journalism Watchdog project is publishing a
series of articles about America's broadband, Internet and telecom future
written by Teletruth's Bruce Kushnick. "The Nieman Watchdog Journalism
Project grows from this premise and this goal: to help the press ask
penetrating questions, critical questions, questions that matter, questions
not yet asked about today's news."

To see the five current articles and bio

Current Article: (Fifth in the series)

Why is Congress considering such anti-consumer telecom bills?

Q.  Is 200KBPS a reasonable broadband standard for America? (Asian
countries are now using 100 Mbps in both directions for their   standard.
That is 500 times more powerful.)  
Q.  Given that the telcos have repeatedly failed to live up to the
promises they made in return for huge subsidies in the past, why would  it
be different this time?
Q.  Who is speaking on behalf of the consumers?
Q.  Why do phone companies with excessive profit margins need Universal
Service Fund subsidies? 

Congress has decided to update the Telecommunications Act of 1996. There are
two proposed bills; both would benefit the large telephone firms at the
expense of consumers. The press has pretty much left the public in the dark
when it comes to what these bills would do. Decent coverage is long overdue,
especially considering the likely increases in telephone, broadband taxes
and new Internet constraints on users.

Other Articles: 

1) Where's that broadband fiber-optic access?, March 14, 2006

In spite of huge payments and other financial incentives to the country's
monopolistic telecommunication giants, the United States is 16th in
broadband Internet technology and falling. How did things go wrong in your

2) How the Baby Bells and the government destroyed competition for DSL, long
distance and local phone service, April 13, 2006

Reporters should be asking why the promised era of competition to lower
prices and bring broadband to America never materialized.

Article 3) Telecoms, cable and the 'Net neutrality' fight, May 03, 2006

Who paid for, who owns the broadband 'pipes?' Customers largely paid for
them; phone companies claim ownership. Also: Open vs. closed networks. 

Article 4) How do the big telecoms qualify as small businesses?, June 23,

Giant firms are gaming the system, using false fronts as 'very small
businesses' for FCC auctions of the airwave spectrum -- saving billions.

*   Kill Humpty Dumpty: It is clear that the Bell mergers harmed the 
growth of broadband, competition and even the economy. Why aren't we

calling  For "Divestiture II: Break up of the Bells"?
*   Phone Bill Outrage: Raise the FCC Line Charge on every local phone 
bill to $10.00, even though it doesn't go to the FCC and was never 
*   How Astroturf and "Skunkworks" groups, funded by the phone companies
harm America's broadband and telecommunications future.
*   Five Scandals You Should Investigate. 

About Harvard Nieman School of Journalism Watchdog project

About Bruce Kushnick:

The series is based on the ebook: $200 Billion Broadband Scandal

To learn more about Teletruth: http://www.teletruth.org 

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RE: [DDN] Erate Update

2006-07-16 Thread Bruce Kushnick

>Expanding the pool of telecommunications companies and services that 
>contribute to the USP would go a long way toward providing program
>stability. Source: CRN


I have a different perspective on this. 

The USF funding has become a slush fund for large phone companies. The
largest amount doesn't go to the E-Rate but to the 'high-cost fund' which
goes to companies who are some of the most profitable in the US. 

Worse, the Stevens Bill would increase the Erate on phone customers 233%
because it now adds money directly to the local part of ALL phone bills
-thus, it increases everyone's phone bill including wireless, broadband and


Some states also have 'high-cost-funds' added to phone bills. And when it
comes to funding broadband and other services, including wiring of schools
and libraries, states also have created funds to do this based on adding
charges to local phone rates. 

Do you really want to increase phone taxes when they go to companies who
don't need it?

While I'm totally for the Erate to exist and pay for schools and libraries
to have great service, the real issue isn't increasing the total fund but
getting rid of all of the abuses so that the schools can get more money. ---

And finding out what happened to the commitments already paid for by
customers. Example: Ohio... by 2000, everything should be wired with fiber?
-- didn't happen but customers paid for it.

Ohio Alternate Regulation Plan, September 20, 1994
"21. INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITMENTS The Company's infrastructure commitment in
this Plan shall consist of the commitment to deploy, within five years of
the effective date of the Plan and within the Company's existing service
territory, broadband two-way fully interactive high quality distance
learning capabilities to all state chartered high schools including
vocational, technical schools, colleges and universities; deploy broadband
facilities to all hospitals, libraries, county jails and state, county and
federal court buildings."

The Steven's Bill also favors 2 states -- Alaska and Hawaii, and even has
sections of the bill dedicated to 'unserved' broadband areas --adding an
additional $1/2 billion to the USF. Senator Stevens is from Alaska and
Innouye is from...

And the new digital divide is being created now with the "Franchise" issue. 
The Bell companies want to pick and choose which cities they wire -- thus,
rich ones... do the rich communities really need 'cable competition to lower

The Bell companies' plans are in fact, crippled networks. 

For example, in Asia today, the companies supply 100 Mbps services in both
directions for $40. In the US today, the best we have is DSL over the 100
year old copper wiring..,

And the deep, dark, secret is that America already paid for upgrades to
networks, not to mention the wiring of schools and libraries -- not with DSL
but with fiber. --- 45mpbs in both directions, to the home and office. I've
written about this in my Harvard Nieman Watchdog articles.

Ironically, Net Neutrality shouldn't even be an issue because customers paid
for 'open', ubiquitous networks, and the phone companies have been able to
turn common carrier services into exclusive clubs for themselves. 

If you really want to give everyone a fair shake, it's time for some
accountability -- audits, and other important evaluation tools. 

Bruce Kushnick, Teletruth

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[DDN] Book Event: $200 Billion Broadband Scandal: March 6th, 2006, 7PM, New York City

2006-02-28 Thread Bruce Kushnick
for those of you in New York City... The book outlines that America is 16th
in broadband
because the Bell companies charged customers for fiber optic services that
were never
delivered. These services were to be 'ubiquitous', OPEN to all competition
and 'reasonably priced'.

Today, Korea and Japan have 100 Mbps speeds for $40. The Bell companies' new
Verizon's FIOS and Lightspeed will be delivered, if at all, to rich
neighborhoods, not open
to competition, and slower and cost 400% more than in Asia and elsewhere in
the US.

Also, turns out that Universal Service taxes mostly go to "high-cost" fund
areas, ie, back
to the very profitable phone companies.  This book launch is the start
to get investigation into
the $200 billion collected from customers but never put back into the

Join us at:   The Half King, March 6th, 2006, 7PM, New York City

Celebrate the Release of Bruce Kushnick's New Ebook Expose

$200 Billion Broadband Scandal

Did America pay over $200 billion for fiber optic broadband services wenever
received? Is this why America
is16th in the world in broadband? Are you owed $2000.00 from Verizon,
SBC,BellSouth or Qwest?

Get your own autographed (CD) copy  Help Send Kushnick to Washington!

The New York Times, Muniwireless, Good Morning Silicon Alley, Techdirt,Media
Access,--- "a 'sordid story' of business fraud" --- "damning list of
indictments" --- "meticulously documents"---  "a powerful critique" --- 
"serve as a warning for the promises made by the Bells today." ---  "A Rant:
All 406 Pages of it."

March 6th, 2006, 7PM

The Half King
505 W 23RD ST
NEW YORK, NY 10011
TEL: 212.462.4300

DSLPrime, Broadband Reports, Cook, Voic.us, Sociate, NYC Wireless board
member: "talented, persistent, honest" --- "brilliantly documented this
fraud" --- "stunning in its implications."--- "Kushnick is in a long
tradition of advocates like Ida Tarbell and Jane Jacobs"---"Anyone who wants
the U.S. to thrive in this connected future should read Kushnick's book."

Special Book Signing Edition ---Jeweled Boxed CD Version.

Can't make it and want to make a difference: Buy the book, donate money to
help send Kushnick to Washington DC.

More about the Book, Donate, Online ebook Version, about the Author

Read what the Experts are Blogging About:

Contact; Kelly Deegan,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bruce Kushnick, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Teletruth is a nationwide, independent customer alliance dedicated
tobroadband and telecommunications issues and a
former member of the FCC Consumer Advisory Committee (2003-2004).

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