Re: Question about M2F -- Was Re: [DDN] Yale Global Flow of Information Conference - Apr.1-3, 2005

2005-02-07 Thread Kevin Rocap
Dear friends,
I initially sent this from a non-subscribed e-mail account, so.
 Original Message 
Dear Judy,
Hi!  Deja vu, eh?  I know we reviewed this issue of 
e-mail-to-forum-to-email on our Community Networking list.  This is 
still the only reference to anyone trying to build that functionality 
into an Open Source product that I know of.  And I don't know more 
information than can be found on their site about when they'll be out of 
Beta.  So, like you, I'd welcome news of other better, potentially 
easier software solutions.

You raise an important additional issue, though, around volunteers and 
Open Source.  I'd say most Open Source solutions do require a bit more 
attention to the details of installation than do commercial packages 
installed through an Install Shield wizard (or something similar).  It 
often is not THAT difficult, but you do have to go into PHP files, or do 
other customized editing of files.  That in itself can feel a little 
iffy to the novice ;-), but feels better when it all works right.  
Butyou also need some memory or record of what changes you made and 
to which files if you want to make modifications, upgrades or fixes in 
the future.  And I think that is also the rub.  Volunteers are most 
likely part-time and what one volunteer starts another finishes.  The only 
partial solution I can think of at the moment is to encourage a culture 
of documentation where volunteers keep a physical or e-notebook for each 
piece of software regarding what they did to which files, as a kind of 
helpful history and reference for others.

Other ideas?
In Peace,
Judy Hallman wrote:
Kevin Rocap wrote:
That saidthere is a module add-in for PHPBB (PHP Bulletin Board) 
called M2F designed to crack the nut of e-mail to forum and 
forum to e-mail communication.  The project web page, FYI:

I'm anxious to try M2F but don't want to be on the bleeding edge. Our 
System Admins are volunteers with limited time to help RTPnet. It 
looks like M2F is still in Beta. Does anyone know when we can expect 
an official release?

Also, it looks like this is a Mod to phpBB. We recently did an 
emergency upgrade of phpBB and lost the two mods we had on it. It took 
quite a while to install those mods. I'm worried about asking the 
System Admins to install mods that take a lot of time and have to be 
reinstalled after an upgrade.

Judy Hallman ([EMAIL PROTECTED],
Executive Director, RTPnet, NC (

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Re: [DDN] GSA and donations of equipment ruling - Colorado SEEDSprogram.

2004-10-14 Thread Kevin Rocap
Dear Fred, et al,
First off, hi Fred, how's it going? ;-)
One approach to consider, that we implemented under our RTEC, is 
Learn-and-Earn programs, where parents earn a computer, by learning to 
use it.  That way the distribution of computers could potentially be 
tied to other parent and family involvement goals, objectives and 
activities of a school or district.

The challenge, of course, is to support a during or 
after-school/out-of-school adult ed computer training program.  The 
LINCT Coalition's approach to Learn and Earn is to develop an exchange 
of time dollars, where people volunteer to do useful things for each 
other and the community and earn time dollars for that work, that can 
be exchanged for some help or service that they may need themselves.  So 
folks could volunteer to teach classes, participants could earn time 
dollars by participating in classes, etc.  This can necessitate finding 
a wider range of potential volunteer activities beyond computer training 
and computer use, to create a local, community time dollar economy.

However, Learn and Earn programs have been established without 
attempting to implement a full time dollars approach as well.

It is definitely more work than either just distributing computers, or 
working through a nonprofit for distribution (though the nonprofit 
could, of course, run a Learn and Earn program itself).

Some advantages of Learn and Earn, imho, are: (1) opportunities to 
engage with parents/families over time during the training phase (the 
Learn part of Learn and Earn); (2) opportunity to make sure that 
parents and other adults feel capable and cmopetent in using a computer 
that they Earn through training; (3) opportunity over the course of 
the training to ensure that the computer is in good working condition 
before it goes home with the parent, adult or youth; and (4) fostering a 
positive sense of accomplishment in earning a computer by learning to 
use it.

Just a thought.
In Peace,
Kevin Rocap
Fred Mindlin wrote:
This discussion is near the heart of this list's concerns, I believe. 
It's about a concrete program to distribute surplus equipment to those 
who need it which is being hampered rather than helped.

We are working now to develop a program for distributing computer 
equipment from the school district's surplus to parents in our local 
community who would not otherwise be able to afford a computer. The 
biggest obstacle is the fear that a direct donation from school to 
home would incur support responsibilities for the school district, 
already straining to meet its internal support needs.

We are hoping to triangulate the relationship with a non-profit as 
the direct recipient of the donation, and to help that organization 
find a way to develop the support program.

Anyone dealing with anything similar who might have suggestions or 

Thanks for any help you can give.
Regards, Fred
Fred Mindlin, Project Manager
PVUSD Technology  Curriculum Integration
(831)761-6075 [office] (831)750-5311 [cell] (831)728-6947 [fax]
Intelligence is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do.
--John Holt
On Oct 14, 2004, at 7:46 AM, Thomas A Webb wrote:
The presidential order was the enabling event that established the 
SEEDS program, 

This may seem off-topic for this list, but I see this sort of thing 
as bearing on the reasons for the divide, and the mechanics 
(sometimes flawed) of improving the situation.

Thomas A Webb - Open Source and Educational Resources - For Readers and Thinkers

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