
  This topic to me sounds a bit broad and general. What exactly do you all mean 
by when you say
the flow of information throughout the world. Dose it refer to the media or 
something else? In
many aspects of the world that we live in, the flow of information relating to 
the media is
heavily concentrated on the western perspective. What exactly about the voices 
of the miniorities
of the world? How do they mix into all of this?
I would like to hear some feedback.

-Omar Alansari (Kreger)
--- Tom Abeles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John has hit the nail on the head. First, for a "global flow" conference 
> its decidedly being seen through US eyes. Secondly, the home base for 
> the conference organizers is the Yale Law School which further narrows 
> the scope of the conference  and finally, as John has so perceptively 
> picked up on, its a conference where most of the materials could just as 
> easily be put up as a web cast or even as web pages with comment 
> software to allow exchanges between all. And, in that respect it is 
> anachronistic. Additionally, in most of these cases, panelist have 
> expenses covered making the movement of bodies to the conference a 
> decidedly costly event when most could be "conferenced".
> This conference provides a brilliant opportunity to better understand 
> where the golobal flow of information is, today.
> thoughts?
> tom abeles
> John Hibbs wrote:
> > With all due respect, Eddan, why do I have to travel to Yale to 
> > participate in the conference? Arguably, Web based conferences are 
> > better than physical ones. And a whole lot cheaper.
> >
> > Nope, we can't duplicate the warm and fuzzy the comes from shoulder to 
> > shoulder linkages at physical conferences. But everything else can be 
> > done exceptionally well, especially for attendees of a kind that are 
> > likely to attend the Global Flow of Information Conference.
> >
> > NOTE: Several times we have tried to hold combination conferences - 
> > where there are virtual and physical attendees. I am not sure these 
> > work well enough to justify the work and handicaps. However, I deeply 
> > believe in the idea that "one-to-many" lectures and power point 
> > presentations (in all their glory) should be put up on the web in 
> > advance of the physical convention. Attendees can do themselves a real 
> > service by viewing these presentations in advance, leaving more time 
> > for Q&A....the best part of all lectures, in my opinion.
> >
> > At 7:08 AM -0500 2/3/05, Eddan Katz wrote:
> >
> >> The Information Society Project at Yale Law School is proud to announce
> >> that registration is now open for The Global Flow of Information
> >> Conference 2005, which will take place on April 1-3, 2005, at the 
> >> Yale Law School.
> >>
> >> <>
> >
> >
> >
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