Youth can win cash prizes and get published!  Schools and Organizations
can win curriculum and multimedia resources!
*       Are you concerned about the spread of advertising into every
corner of our society? 
*       Are you upset about the domination of consumer values in our
media, our schools, and our communities? 
*       Are you ready to talk back to bad ads? 

Enter the 8th annual BadAd Contest! 

Sponsored by the New Mexico Media Literacy Project <http://nmmlp.org>
and the Media Education Foundation <http://www.mediaed.org/> .

Deadline: May 15, 2005.

Here's how the contest works: 

1.      Choose a current advertisement or advertising campaign in any
media you find annoying, misleading, or offensive. 
2.      Write an essay that "talks back" to the ad in an insightful and
humorous manner. 
3.      Send the essay, along with a copy of the advertisement, to the
New Mexico Media Literacy Project. 

There are two categories: one for students in grades 6-8, one for
students in grades 9-12.

The winner in each category will receive a cash prize of $100. The two
winning essays will be featured in NMMLP's newsletter "The State of
Media Education" and on our website. Three honorable mentions in each
category will receive a $50 cash prize. 

In addition, the schools, after-school programs or community
organizations of the winners and honorable mentions will receive the
complete Media Literacy for Success K-12 curriculum (5 CD-ROMs), a
subscription to NMMLP's newsletter "The State of Media Education," and a
video or DVD from the Media Education Foundation. 

Put your reality glasses on and practice media literacy! It's time to
talk back to Bad Ads!

Click here for contest guidelines <http://nmmlp.org/badadguidelines.htm>

Questions? Contact <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

Feel free to forward this contest info to other lists that may be

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