Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-12-18 17:53, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Compulsive ModuleInfo generation seems to be a drag. I'm not very
familiar with the particulars but my understanding is ModuleInfo is
needed for (a) Object.factory and (b) finding and running unittests.

Walter and I think Object.factory was a mistake and we'd like to make it
opt-in long term (either by means of a build flag or a class attribute).

Until then, a very nice step forward is to NOT generate ModuleInfo if a
module introduces no class.

For unittests, I figure things like static introspection should make it
easier to enumerate and run unittests without a need for ModuleInfo.

What other issues/opportunities do you see related to ModuleInfo?

Looking in the compiler, I see references to:

* Coverage
* Asserts
* Arrays
* Objective-C class info. If this is not generated Objective-C class 
will not work

I'm not entirely sure what the above do.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-12-18 17:53, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

For unittests, I figure things like static introspection should make it
easier to enumerate and run unittests without a need for ModuleInfo.

We currently have no good way to collect unittest between modules. It's 
easy to collect them for a single specific module, but not globally.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 18:42:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/16 1:03 PM, Joakim wrote:
I largely agree with Dmitry. Ilya refactored several Phobos 
modules to
use scoped, selective imports much more, and I pitched in for 

remaining imports in the largest modules, so that only these
module-level imports remain, ie those necessary for symbols 
imported in

template constraints:

std.datetime -
std.uni -
std.string and std.traits -

Yah, there's been a lot of good work (Jack Stouffer did a lot 
as well IIRC) on pushing imports inside. The following searches 
should be relevant:

git grep '^\(private \)\?import' | wc -l

yields about 426 top-level import declarations. The number of 
indented imports is 4605:

git grep ' *import\W' | wc -l

So we're looking at 10% of imports being problematic. Sadly, 
they turn out to make things quite difficult for Phobos. Last 
time I looked at the module dependency graph it wasn't a lot 
better than it used to before scoped imports. (I don't have it 
handy... could anyone please produce it?)

Why do you care _so_ much about the module dependency graph?  To 
make this question concrete, let's look at an example, the 
std.array module you keep mentioning.  This is what it looked 
like before Ilya scoped as many imports as he could:

That was a mess, similar to opaque C/C++ code, 13 modules 
imported at module-scope were whittled down to 4.  You just made 
those more specific in a commit related to this DIP, by listing 
the actual symbols selectively imported from those four modules:

If I'm looking at the template constraints for any particular 
function and see a couple symbols I don't recognize, I don't 
think it's a big deal to find the symbols in that list at the top.

In other words, D already allows you to scope most imports.  I 
don't consider the dozen or two remaining symbols from templaint 
constraints and function arguments to provide much overhead.  
Rather, I consider the weight of this additional syntax, ie the 
cognitive overhead from having to remember and parse more syntax 
in my head, to be worse than the remaining dependency reasoning 
problem you're trying to solve: the cost outweights the benefit.  
Perhaps that's subjective and others may disagree.

Now, there's also the question of purely technical benefits, like 
compilation speed or executable bloat.  I looked at the latter a 
little last summer, after Ilya had cleaned up a lot of the 
standard library:

I found that commenting out a single scoped, selective import of 
"std.string: format" in std.utf led to a 5% decrease in 
executable size for "hello world."  This is a problem with how 
dmd compiles or appends these module dependencies and would 
presumably still be there after this DIP, as you would not remove 
the dependency.

I think scoped, selective imports have been great at hacking away 
at the module dependency graph, as you lay out.  It is not clear 
what technical costs you see from the remaining few dependencies 
and if this DIP is the best way to remove them.  I think you 
should explain why you want to untangle the remaining dependency 
graph, and consider if this DIP is really doing that much.

When I first saw this DIP, like Dmitry I was happy that we 
could get rid
of those too, but the more I see these horrible syntax 
suggestions for
what is really a minor convenience, I changed my mind.  
the 35k line (17 kloc according to Dscanner) beast of phobos, 
only needs
20 or so symbols at module-scope. std.uni- 10k lines, 4.2 
kloc- only

needs 17 symbols, all from the three modules Dmitry mentioned.
 I don't
think his workaround of splitting up modules is even needed 
for such a

low amount of module-level imports.

This paragraph is a good example of a couple of 
counterarguments that I think point directly to flaws in the 

(1) The DIP uses Phobos as an example, so it is applicable 
mostly to Phobos. In fact, Phobos is among the systems that 
would benefit least from the DIP: it has only druntime as 
dependency, and is distributed in its entirety. Many projects 
out there list multiple dependencies and may have various 
building and distribution policies.

It is not clear how those alternate dependency, building and 
distribution policies change the picture.  Perhaps you should 
cite one of those as an example.

The converse is to believe that working around a problem in 
Phobos would render the DIP less useful in general.

The argument is not that Phobos has "worked around" the 

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Andrey via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 19:28:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/2016 01:49 PM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 17:41:31 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 12/18/2016 1:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages.

Great! Please PR them for Phobos.

cpuid is used in Mir GLAS and it should be a betterC library.

It's this kind of imaginary dialog that I don't quite grok:

Ilya Yaroshenko: "I can't use druntime's cpuid so I defined my 

Andrei Alexandrescu: "OK, so what's different?"

IY: "Mine has a few engineering improvements."

AA: "Cool, why don't you merge them into core.cpuid?"

IY: "Well mine doesn't have a shared static constructor, so it 
doesn't need a runtime to automatically call that library 
initialization function. User need to explicitly call an init 
function before using it."

AA: "I understand. Great, so how about this - we add your code 
to core.cpuid_v2 to druntime. Then we make all in core.cpuid to 
forward to it so there's no duplication. It all works out!"

IY: "No, I don't want to do that. It's still in druntime and I 
don't want druntime. I want betterC."

AA: "But it will be compilable with betterC and we can add 
unittests to make that happen. YOU HAVE MY SUPPORT. Let's do 

IY: "No, I want to change it often. The deployment schedule of 
druntime is too slow."

AA: "How often do you need to change it? Is it that unstable?"

IY: "Um, not too often."

AA: "Then what is the matter? Are you worried about the IP of 
the engineering improvements you are making? Are you licensing 
this differently?"

IY: "No, it's for the most part similar to core.cpuid and the 
license will be also Boost."

AA: "Then what is the matter? Do you want me to wait until you 
release a stable mir.cpuid and copy it over with credit, per 
the Boost license, to core.cpuid_v2?"

IY: "..."

It's this kind of stuff I need to have a better understanding 
of. Some technical arguments are meaningful, some others point 
to problems with obvious solutions that are somehow shunned, 
and yet others are like a hidden Markov model - I see the 
effects, but I don't see the causes.


I think, the reason of misunderstanding is different skills in a 
subject. And even different subjects. Some experts are compilers 
developers, some are library developers. They all in different 
subject. In c++ community there is a group of compiler developers 
experts who desides, how to implement this or that feature, and 
the ability of implementation. They know how to develop 
compilers. It doesn't mean they are more clever than library 
developers, just different skills. And when Andrei asking to 
explain the reason of some proposal, he waits arguments in 
_terminology_ of comliler developer. _terminology_ understanding 
(in wide) means _experience_ (compiler developing in this case). 
If no experience in the subject, there is a way to get it, and 
the other way to ask a recommendation of experienced colleague.

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 19 December 2016 at 05:22:10 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 
What exactly do you mean by "betterC"?  As far as I know, the 
`-betterC` switch just removes ModuleInfo generation.

Because -betterC was not implemented yet.

I'm curious to know what a complete implementation entails.

Do you actually mean, a standard library that has fewer 
dependencies on druntime features?

I mean this too

I've been wanting to decouple from druntime since I started 
learning D in late 2013, though probably for different reasons 
than yours.  There have been two recent posts [1] [2] wanting to 
do the same thing, and now your post envisioning a more modular 
druntime-less phobos.

[1] -
[2] -

It's encouraging to see this trend.  I am interested in seeing D 
become more modular and pay-as-you-go, though I'd prefer to see 
changes in the compiler and druntime (e.g. [3] [4] [5]) before 

[3] -$2rgi$
[4] -

[5] -


Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 19 December 2016 at 01:52:21 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/16 7:31 PM, Seb wrote:

tl:dr: Phobos is very bloated.

How does the D standard library compare in size with some other 
languages (C++, Rust, Go, Java, Python)?

C++ and Rust are the best from this list in terms of low level 
programming. They have smaller libraries comparing with D.

Go, Java, Python --- If I need a language like them I will you 
them, not D.

Go - awesome GC, commercially supported, easy to write your own 

Java - awesome GC, commercially supported, Scala(!!!)
Python - awesome scripting, commercially supported

D - ??? awesome what ? What do we have better then Scala?

Performance? NO.
BRandomAccessRanges makes our performance less then C/C++.

Clean and clever API in standard library? NO.
We are placing our Range API whenever possible including RNGs. We 
have not a language standard for I/O. Half of Phobos is outdated 
to language standards.

Best generics? NO.
Scala is more powerful.

What do we have awesome? Where D is the best?
D is awesome for low-level system libraries in betterC mode.
(and small text processing routines)
This will make D great in other fields.

Let's do something about it!

I've said this several times, and it bears repeating. We want 
to make D entirely pay-as-you go, and offer full support to 
anyone working on it. The best "something" anyone can do about 
it is do good engineering work in the D mainline.

National D Foundation Party.

That will automatically benefit all users of the D language, 
instead of balkanizing the community.


Granted, the lure of the clean slate is strong, and more care 
is needed to mind backwards compatibility, but that's where the 
real impact is.


How Mir projects breaks backward compatibility ?

How proposed direction breaks backward compatibility?

Lets use other prefix for the new libraries. Mir uses `mir.` And 
allow Phobos to be a sandbox for C++ as it is now.


Re: Making preconditions better specified and faster

2016-12-18 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 16 December 2016 at 10:28:03 UTC, qznc wrote:
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 18:48:22 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

Whenever I think about preconditions and speed, I think that 
they should actually be put into the caller instead of into the 

Not only faster, but this is the right thing to do. Failing 
precondition is a caller error, not a callee.

Beside optimization:
 - The error will be reported at the right place.
 - The compilation flags of the caller decide if the contract is 
checked, not the callee.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 23:18:27 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Great, thanks. Please take a look at the accuracy of the 
discussion. I expanded the "Workaround" section and moved it 
near the top.


What's wrong with the parentheseless version ? The DIP says it 
looks "out of place" but that doesn't strike me as a very good 
argument. IMO the version without ";" is the way to go, as it 
doesn't require to add a new syntax for imports.

Identical things looking identical is valuable.

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 19 December 2016 at 01:33:42 UTC, Mike wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:26:09 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 

Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?

What exactly do you mean by "betterC"?  As far as I know, the 
`-betterC` switch just removes ModuleInfo generation.

Because -betterC was not implemented yet.

Do you actually mean, a standard library that has fewer 
dependencies on druntime features?

I mean this too


proposal string std.utf:sanitizeUTF(string) which returns an always valid UTF8 string

2016-12-18 Thread Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d
I keep running into issues due to auto-decoding (arguably a significant
design flaw of phobos) when using strings from external sources (which may
not be 100% valid UTF8) eg see stracktrace [1] on

Could we have something like `sanitizeUTF` in std.utf, to allow for a
simple fix when running into such UTF8 issues see proposal implementation
[2]; the fix would then be:

core.exception.AssertError@std/utf.d(2254): Assertion failure

??:? _d_assert [0x4f4e63]
??:? void std.utf.__assert(int) [0x53a304]
??:? pure nothrow @nogc @safe ubyte
std.utf.codeLength!(char).codeLength(dchar) [0xa5d78191]
??:? pure nothrow @nogc @safe int
ulong, ref dchar) [0xa5c42bd9]
??:? _aApplyRcd2 [0x4f9bd1]
??:? pure @nogc @safe immutable(char)[]
??:? pure @property @nogc @safe immutable(char)[]
std.algorithm.iteration.stripRight.MapResult.front() [0xa5cda053]
??:? pure @safe immutable(char)[]
immutable(char)[]) [0xa5cda39a]

[2] sanitizeUTF proposal:
// TODO: rangeify to make it work in more situations
string sanitizeUTF(string a){
  import std.utf;
  Appender!string b;

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/16 7:31 PM, Seb wrote:

tl:dr: Phobos is very bloated.

How does the D standard library compare in size with some other 
languages (C++, Rust, Go, Java, Python)?

Let's do something about it!

I've said this several times, and it bears repeating. We want to make D 
entirely pay-as-you go, and offer full support to anyone working on it. 
The best "something" anyone can do about it is do good engineering work 
in the D mainline. That will automatically benefit all users of the D 
language, instead of balkanizing the community. Granted, the lure of the 
clean slate is strong, and more care is needed to mind backwards 
compatibility, but that's where the real impact is.


Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:26:09 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 

Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?

What exactly do you mean by "betterC"?  As far as I know, the 
`-betterC` switch just removes ModuleInfo generation.

Do you actually mean, a standard library that has fewer 
dependencies on druntime features?


Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread pineapple via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 19 December 2016 at 00:54:13 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/16 7:44 PM, pineapple wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 23:18:27 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
Great, thanks. Please take a look at the accuracy of the 
discussion. I

expanded the "Workaround" section and moved it near the top.

I would also like to register that while I respect your 
regarding scalability, I have personally found that a greater 
number of
smaller files is easier to manage than a smaller number of 
larger files.

Including for the 580,000+ line project I work on for a living.

Is it publicly available? -- Andrei

Sadly not.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/16 7:44 PM, pineapple wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 23:18:27 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Great, thanks. Please take a look at the accuracy of the discussion. I
expanded the "Workaround" section and moved it near the top.

I would also like to register that while I respect your argument
regarding scalability, I have personally found that a greater number of
smaller files is easier to manage than a smaller number of larger files.
Including for the 580,000+ line project I work on for a living.

Is it publicly available? -- Andrei

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread pineapple via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 19 December 2016 at 00:44:14 UTC, pineapple wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 23:18:27 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
Great, thanks. Please take a look at the accuracy of the 
discussion. I expanded the "Workaround" section and moved it 
near the top.

I would also like to register that while I respect your 
argument regarding scalability, I have personally found that a 
greater number of smaller files is easier to manage than a 
smaller number of larger files. Including for the 580,000+ line 
project I work on for a living.

(Granted, that old ugly codebase has a lot of problems of its 
own, and smaller files does not always mean small on the same 
scale that mach.d's files are small, but I can tell you from 
experience that once a single ~4,000 line module was broken down 
into many ~200 line modules, that code became a great deal easier 
to understand and to reason about and to maintain.)

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread pineapple via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 23:18:27 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Great, thanks. Please take a look at the accuracy of the 
discussion. I expanded the "Workaround" section and moved it 
near the top.

I would also like to register that while I respect your argument 
regarding scalability, I have personally found that a greater 
number of smaller files is easier to manage than a smaller number 
of larger files. Including for the 580,000+ line project I work 
on for a living.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread pineapple via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 23:18:27 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Great, thanks. Please take a look at the accuracy of the 
discussion. I expanded the "Workaround" section and moved it 
near the top.


It's reasonably accurate. The only thing I would point out is 
that few modules define only one public symbol; the median 
probably lies around 4 or 5. A few modules, most or all being in 
the traits package, define considerably more. The 
mach.traits.primitives module defines 28 public symbols, by my 
count. (Though that's still small stuff relative to Phobos.)

I think it would be most accurate to word the sentence as:

It is organized as such that each module contains a small 
number of related declarations (such as canAdjoin, Adjoin, and 
AdjoinFlat in module adjoin.d) along with documentation and 
unit tests.

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Seb via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 18:49:33 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 
1. Modularity: D should provide a very slim library (like 
std.traits and may be default GC with old core, which can be 
turned off or replaced). Other parts or Phobos/Druntime should 
be split into parts and the parts should have their own 
repositories. They should be dub packages with D Foundation 
review / control.

This would be awesome to have!!

tl:dr: Phobos is very bloated. Let's do something about it!

I absolutely agree that there's a lot of stuff that doesn't 
belong into Phobos.
Also many parts are outdated or have ugly APIs, but they can only 
be replaced if a superior community solution has evolved.

So why not "dubify" the optional parts of Phobos?

Solved Problem: Versioning

This also solves the versioning problem Andrei discussed last 
month nicely. For example when std.allocator was merged into 
Phobos a lot of builds broke because packages did can their 
dependency from dub to std.x.allocator, but many people were 
still compiling with an older compiler.

Solved Problem: High quality community libraries

Moreover, at the last DConf there were many voices that D is 
lacking good community libraries (aka the gold libraries). So the 
Phobos collection could be one.

Btw one shouldn't forgot that people have already written a lot 
of replacements of Phobos modules and imho in most cases it made 

A quick list

(this list is incomplete and intended as an example to show that 
for most parts of Phobos better solutions co-exists)

etc.c.sqlite (aka std.database)


etc.c.zlib /









-> (uses 


I am pretty sure this is on Ilya's list as well ;-)
























Also a lot of proposed Phobos modules already exist in the 


std.decimal (planned?)


Of course many of these libraries are one man projects and aren't 
considered "high-quality", but the reason they exist in the first 
place shows that a lot of things just shouldn't be 
"standardized", but more provided with a "practical variant". We 
should focus solely on modules that can be standardized easily 
(std.traits, std.ranges, ...) or are required to create a unified 
experience (e.g. a common allocation/logging interface). Imho 
there's really no need to ship sth. like SQLite as part of the 
standard library.

Final remarks

- From a technical point of view there shouldn't be a problem to 
have a unified documentation experience etc.
- Thanks to Martin's awesome work, we already test a couple of 
"selected" DUB packages on every DMD/Druntime/Phobos commit

Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 16:53:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
What other issues/opportunities do you see related to 

I think it would be better to take a more holistic look at the 
relationship between the compiler and druntime.  It's my 
understanding that many of the contracts between the compiler and 
druntime were written at at time when D didn't have things like 
templates and rich compile-time features.

I think there is an opportunity to refactor the ModuleInfo, 
TypeInfo, and probably many other features, moving them out of 
the compiler into druntime (See 
for a precise explanation).  Then, with druntime's source code 
containing templates, conditional compilation, static-if, and the 
like, when the user compiles their code it only generates code 
that is actually being used.

It could even be taken further with something like this 
( where druntime's implementation is distributed as .di header files for compile-time verification and advantages beyond your original stated goal.


Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread pineapple via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 22:31:34 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Is there a simple command to e.g. unittest everything in the 
project? Also, is there a build process or it's all templated? 
-- Andrei

There's no build process. To run tests, I compile the root 
`package.d` file with rdmd, including the -debug, -unittest, and 
--main flags, and -I"path/to/repo/mach.d". To compile the 
mach.sdl package, which is not currently imported by the root 
`package.d`, you would have to include a directory containing the 
requisite Derelict dependencies for the -I option.

Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 19 December 2016 at 00:00:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/16 6:48 PM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:


Cool cool cool. Thanks.


Noice. Wait, the top foreach iterates what?

Its a compile time magic loop I think. Both of them.


SoA = ?

Structure of array. Think of a transpose of an array of structs, 
or consult the internet.


Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/16 6:48 PM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 16:53:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Compulsive ModuleInfo generation seems to be a drag. I'm not very
familiar with the particulars but my understanding is ModuleInfo is
needed for (a) Object.factory and (b) finding and running unittests.

Walter and I think Object.factory was a mistake and we'd like to make
it opt-in long term (either by means of a build flag or a class

Don't forget that typeinfos are classes too, which makes the class
attribute approach less attractive.

Until then, a very nice step forward is to NOT generate ModuleInfo if
a module introduces no class.

Module (static) ctors & dtors need MI.

Cool cool cool. Thanks.

For unittests, I figure things like static introspection should make
it easier to enumerate and run unittests without a need for ModuleInfo.

We have __traits(getUnitTests,...) but the way to do DIY unittests is
foreach(m; ModuleInfo)
foreach(test; __traits(getUnitTests,m)

Noice. Wait, the top foreach iterates what?

What other issues/opportunities do you see related to ModuleInfo?

AFAIK a module info is basically

struct ModuleInfo
alias  F = void function();

ModuleInfo* parent;
string name; // may be static char array
F s_ctor; // Static constructor
F s_dtor;
F ctor;// Thread local constructor
F dtor;
F unittester; //may be an array for each block
void function(Object)[string] factory_mapping; //Foward to argless
ctor, not sure what mapping is actually used.

If we optionally remove Object.factory, and move the unittests elsewhere
(where to?) we are left with the ctors and dtors. If we store these as

SoA = ?


Our students could use your reviews!

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
Obviously all PRs need our attention. Among them, our DLangUPB 
scholarship recipients are folks committed to work on longer-term 
projects and could use our help with ramping up to speed. Here's a 
canned search with all of their PRs:

If you could find the time to give feedback it would be much 
appreciated. Thanks!


Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 16:53:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Compulsive ModuleInfo generation seems to be a drag. I'm not 
very familiar with the particulars but my understanding is 
ModuleInfo is needed for (a) Object.factory and (b) finding and 
running unittests.

Walter and I think Object.factory was a mistake and we'd like 
to make it opt-in long term (either by means of a build flag or 
a class attribute).

Don't forget that typeinfos are classes too, which makes the 
class attribute approach less attractive.

Until then, a very nice step forward is to NOT generate 
ModuleInfo if a module introduces no class.

Module (static) ctors & dtors need MI.

For unittests, I figure things like static introspection should 
make it easier to enumerate and run unittests without a need 
for ModuleInfo.

We have __traits(getUnitTests,...) but the way to do DIY 
unittests is

foreach(m; ModuleInfo)
foreach(test; __traits(getUnitTests,m)

What other issues/opportunities do you see related to 

AFAIK a module info is basically

struct ModuleInfo
alias  F = void function();

ModuleInfo* parent;
string name; // may be static char array
F s_ctor; // Static constructor
F s_dtor;
F ctor;// Thread local constructor
F dtor;
F unittester; //may be an array for each block
void function(Object)[string] factory_mapping; //Foward to 
argless ctor, not sure what mapping is actually used.


If we optionally remove Object.factory, and move the unittests 
elsewhere (where to?) we are left with the ctors and dtors. If we 
store these as SoA then we minimise space (as few modules define 
*tors), but lose the mapping from Module -> *tor, but these are 
defined to be run in an implementation defined order anyway so no 
big loss. This is only a problem when dealing with multiple 
libraries compiled separately and dynamic libraries, but if the 
dynamic libs store their own SoA'd *tors and we merge the static 
libs Arrays at link time** then we have nothing useful left in 
the module info.

If we could get factory_mapping mergeable at link-time then we 
would get a pay for what you use

** I don't know if this is possible, I don't mean merge duplicate 
symbols, I mean liba.a defines 3 module ctors, so does libb.a -> 
link == one ctor symbol 6 entries. Similar to what is done for 
C's global constructors, they end up in one big list.



Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 19/12/2016 12:37 PM, bitwise wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 22:55:30 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

- -typeinfo=low/low-min/normal/high/none
  None is pretty much -betterC
  Low would be unittests + module constructors
  Low-min would be like low but with only the fields that is needed
  Normal is what we have now more or less
  High of course includes all the goodies like class fields and
methods reflection
- Full class + struct + union symbol reflection, so fields uda's ext.

IMO, this seems like too much. I think none/minimal/full would be
easier, where minimal would be equivalent to what's currently available
right now. My specific concern is compatibility between compiled objects
and knowing what symbols to expect. Also, just keeping the question of
which level to use simple. If one object file was compiled without
unittests, for example, a project as a whole could pass without error,
but actually be broken..couldn't it?

Yes, if you don't include unittests via none, then it won't be tested.

The only one of my suggestions that actually breaks typeinfo definitions 
is that of low-min. This is for memory constrained situations like 
kernels or MCU's but when you still want features such as unittesting 
and module constructors.

All others will happily interlink without error.

Overall, when the question is simple, the answer is too. Here the 
question isn't simple and so my answer isn't either.
You've got to take into consideration that bloat depends on use case 
e.g. normal may very well be considered bloated by game dev standards 
while full is just about right for web applications.

Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 22:55:30 UTC, rikki cattermole 

- -typeinfo=low/low-min/normal/high/none
  None is pretty much -betterC
  Low would be unittests + module constructors
  Low-min would be like low but with only the fields that is 

  Normal is what we have now more or less
  High of course includes all the goodies like class fields and 
methods reflection
- Full class + struct + union symbol reflection, so fields 
uda's ext.

IMO, this seems like too much. I think none/minimal/full would be 
easier, where minimal would be equivalent to what's currently 
available right now. My specific concern is compatibility between 
compiled objects and knowing what symbols to expect. Also, just 
keeping the question of which level to use simple. If one object 
file was compiled without unittests, for example, a project as a 
whole could pass without error, but actually be broken..couldn't 

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/2016 05:18 PM, pineapple wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 21:09:46 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 12/18/2016 10:01 AM, pineapple wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 13:31:48 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Is the source code publicly available?

The code looks clean, congrats. With your permission I'd like to give
this library as an example in the "Workaround: Increasing Granularity
of Modules" section. Please advise, thanks. -- Andrei

No problem, feel free. Thank you for asking.

Great, thanks. Please take a look at the accuracy of the discussion. I 
expanded the "Workaround" section and moved it near the top.


Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 19/12/2016 5:53 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Compulsive ModuleInfo generation seems to be a drag. I'm not very
familiar with the particulars but my understanding is ModuleInfo is
needed for (a) Object.factory and (b) finding and running unittests.

Walter and I think Object.factory was a mistake and we'd like to make it
opt-in long term (either by means of a build flag or a class attribute).

Until then, a very nice step forward is to NOT generate ModuleInfo if a
module introduces no class.

For unittests, I figure things like static introspection should make it
easier to enumerate and run unittests without a need for ModuleInfo.

What other issues/opportunities do you see related to ModuleInfo?



I've been toying with the idea of completely overhauling TypeInfo.

Here is the gist of what I want:

- -typeinfo=low/low-min/normal/high/none
  None is pretty much -betterC
  Low would be unittests + module constructors
  Low-min would be like low but with only the fields that is needed
  Normal is what we have now more or less
  High of course includes all the goodies like class fields and methods 

- Full class + struct + union symbol reflection, so fields uda's ext.

My feeling is D really is two different languages.
An application one and a system one.
The difference isn't much. It really comes down to how hooked into 
druntime it is and so TypeInfo.
From there we just need to remove all language features that require 
druntime or allow a way to you know, clear deallocation path.

Re: The Computer Language Benchmarks Game - no D

2016-12-18 Thread Brad Anderson via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 21:29:05 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 21:26:36 UTC, Boston wrote:
Some days ago I'd been looking for comparisons between 
different programming languages, and I found this site:

It's been discussed on the forum before.

Yeah, many times. We'd all like to see D there but Isaac Gouy 
(the maintainer of the language shootout) has made it pretty 
clear D isn't getting on there but he welcomes anyone to use the 
shootout's infrastructure to run their own benchmarks for D and 
put it up on their own site. I understand his position because no 
matter what he does and what he includes there will always be 
someone unhappy with it.

I'd like to see something like the Techempower web framework 
benchmarks done for general computation language benchmarking 
like the language shootout, personally.

Re: Making preconditions better specified and faster

2016-12-18 Thread Caspar Kielwein via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 21:58:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/2016 04:24 PM, Caspar Kielwein wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 10:47:42 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:32:53 UTC, Caspar Kielwein 
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 18:48:22 UTC, Andrei 


I'd love if preconditions where available at the caller. 
This would
make it possible to use preconditions for input scrubbing, 
even in

release builds with disabled asserts.

That is exactly what they are not for.

I know that contracts are for specifying guarantees and 
conditions in

regards to correctness of a program.

A simple way to look at this is: a program may build and run 
with all contracts disabled. If correct, there should be no 
change in semantics. Is a contract therefore a right place to 
make sure your files are not corrupt etc? -- Andrei

I'll try clarify what I mean.
I absolutely agree that contracts assert the correctness of the 
program and not of user inputs.

When I pass user inputs to functions with preconditions, I need 
to validate these inputs to make sure the function call and thus 
my program is correct.
The code for this validation is often redundant to the 
specification of the precondition in it's logic. It of cause has 
a very different effect and often different syntax.

I'd like to write something like:
} catch {
To manually call the check of the precondition and avoid the 
duplication and possibility of missing a case.

Another case (which hits me in my job writing c++) is when I call 
performance critical code from (legacy) code with dubious 
correctness. I'd like to have all asserts enabled at the caller 
side to catch bugs, without the performance hit of enabling 
asserts within a numeric kernel.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/2016 05:18 PM, pineapple wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 21:09:46 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 12/18/2016 10:01 AM, pineapple wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 13:31:48 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Is the source code publicly available?

The code looks clean, congrats. With your permission I'd like to give
this library as an example in the "Workaround: Increasing Granularity
of Modules" section. Please advise, thanks. -- Andrei

No problem, feel free. Thank you for asking.

Is there a simple command to e.g. unittest everything in the project? 
Also, is there a build process or it's all templated? -- Andrei

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread pineapple via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 21:09:46 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/2016 10:01 AM, pineapple wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 13:31:48 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

Is the source code publicly available?

The code looks clean, congrats. With your permission I'd like 
to give this library as an example in the "Workaround: 
Increasing Granularity of Modules" section. Please advise, 
thanks. -- Andrei

No problem, feel free. Thank you for asking.

Re: Making preconditions better specified and faster

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/2016 04:24 PM, Caspar Kielwein wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 10:47:42 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:32:53 UTC, Caspar Kielwein wrote:

On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 18:48:22 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu

I'd love if preconditions where available at the caller. This would
make it possible to use preconditions for input scrubbing, even in
release builds with disabled asserts.

That is exactly what they are not for.

I know that contracts are for specifying guarantees and conditions in
regards to correctness of a program.

A simple way to look at this is: a program may build and run with all 
contracts disabled. If correct, there should be no change in semantics. 
Is a contract therefore a right place to make sure your files are not 
corrupt etc? -- Andrei

The Computer Language Benchmarks Game - no D

2016-12-18 Thread Boston via Digitalmars-d
Some days ago I'd been looking for comparisons between different 
programming languages, and I found this site:

It seems like a good way to compare the performance of different 
PLs, when fed different tasks to do, but there's a problem - 
there's no D in it! Which seems very strange, given the inclusion 
of Clojure (found at the bottom of the top-50 list in the TIOBE 
index - ). Is there any reason 
in particular it isn't included, or do the D masters have no time 
to spare for such trivial things? :) It would be interesting to 
see where D fits in the Performance list - - don't you think?

Re: The Computer Language Benchmarks Game - no D

2016-12-18 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 21:26:36 UTC, Boston wrote:
Some days ago I'd been looking for comparisons between 
different programming languages, and I found this site:

It's been discussed on the forum before.

Re: Making preconditions better specified and faster

2016-12-18 Thread Caspar Kielwein via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 10:47:42 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:32:53 UTC, Caspar Kielwein 
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 18:48:22 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

I'd love if preconditions where available at the caller. This 
would make it possible to use preconditions for input 
scrubbing, even in release builds with disabled asserts.

That is exactly what they are not for.

I know that contracts are for specifying guarantees and 
conditions in regards to correctness of a program.

Still, at the first point where I call a function with user 
inputs, I often have to pretty much repeat the precondition of 
that function (but react different on violation) to scrub the 
inputs. I think it would be nice to be able to make the conscious 
choice of using the specified precondition for that.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/2016 10:01 AM, pineapple wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 13:31:48 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 12/17/16 10:21 PM, pineapple wrote:

I am developing a general-use library for D that is currently resting at
around 50,000 lines.

Is the source code publicly available?

The code looks clean, congrats. With your permission I'd like to give 
this library as an example in the "Workaround: Increasing Granularity of 
Modules" section. Please advise, thanks. -- Andrei

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 20:16:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/2016 03:10 PM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 19:28:24 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 12/18/2016 01:49 PM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 17:41:31 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 12/18/2016 1:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` 

Great! Please PR them for Phobos.

cpuid is used in Mir GLAS and it should be a betterC library.

It's this kind of imaginary dialog that I don't quite grok:

Ilya Yaroshenko: "I can't use druntime's cpuid so I defined 
my own."

IY: "..."

It's this kind of stuff I need to have a better understanding 
of. Some
technical arguments are meaningful, some others point to 
problems with
obvious solutions that are somehow shunned, and yet others 
are like a
hidden Markov model - I see the effects, but I don't see the 


My last argument was:

Linking compatibility. Assume A has builded a betterC library 
AA using
GDC version XXX and B has builded a betterC library BB using 
LDC version


Question: how mister C can use BB and AA together in his 
C-library if
both this libraries depends on different DRuntimes (compiler 
and version)?

My understanding is that if cpuid_v2.d does not pull any 
dependency, it doesn't matter whether it sits in druntime or 
elsewhere. Is that the case?

DRuntime is large and evaluates fast.

So is it moving too slow or too fast?

It is too slow as library to contribute to and too fast as 
standard library to depend on.

We have not backward binary
compatibility in DRuntime and we have not binary compatibility 

different compiler versions.

Even if we don't, we can guarantee that core.cpuid_v2 adds no 
link-time dependency. We may offer it as a pure template 
library, or as C APIs. Whatever floats your boat. Is this 
enough for ensuring compatibility?

I need to understand how it is can be done because I did not find 
a valid solution.

mir-cpuid has global symbols, they are accessed using extern(C) 
API. If multiple libraries trying to initialize it than it will 
be initialized only once.

extern C API does not solve a problem with DRuntime because 
current DRuntime is not a betterC library and it is huge. A huge 
betterC library is a problem too because it is less portable.

Anyway, if you find a proper solution please share it. How it can 
be implemented as template library? Does different libraries will 
have their own cpuid instantiations and __gshared symbols?

How modularity can break existing Phobos? Why not to allow new 
packages like mir-cpuid and std.allocator to be a betterC library 
with their own repository? This will not break existing Phobos 
and Druntime but this will allow me to write server and numeric 
software without copy-pasting Phobos codes. I prefer to fork 
something rather then copypast.

My plans to work on:
1. Low-level numeric libraries
2. Low-level fast async I/O adaptive generic event loop, 
asymmetric green threads, http2

3. Microelectromechanical systems

They will require new threads, new timers, new mutexes, new event 
loop (existing C libs are slow), to be used.

Existing one does not satisfy my requirements.

I do not earn any money for this work.

I am working on this projects because I believe in D and believe 
that my current and future clients will believe in D much more 
then now. I know what they need.


Re: [OT] D in makefiles

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/16 2:47 PM, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

On 17/12/16 10:06, John Colvin wrote:

On Saturday, 17 December 2016 at 02:00:34 UTC, Superstar64 wrote:

Makefiles allow custom shells. So with a small wrapper script we can
use D in makefile. Here's my proof of concept:

If you define
SHELL = rdmd
you might not need any wrapper script.

Since newlines in make mean new execution, you will find it pretty hard
to write a recipe that will be both usable and readable.

IIRC there is an option in gmake that allows one to run all commands 
within the same shell. 
Anyway, it seems such usage of rdmd would be quite extreme. -- Andrei

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/2016 03:10 PM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 19:28:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 12/18/2016 01:49 PM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 17:41:31 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/18/2016 1:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages.

Great! Please PR them for Phobos.

cpuid is used in Mir GLAS and it should be a betterC library.

It's this kind of imaginary dialog that I don't quite grok:

Ilya Yaroshenko: "I can't use druntime's cpuid so I defined my own."
IY: "..."

It's this kind of stuff I need to have a better understanding of. Some
technical arguments are meaningful, some others point to problems with
obvious solutions that are somehow shunned, and yet others are like a
hidden Markov model - I see the effects, but I don't see the causes.


My last argument was:

Linking compatibility. Assume A has builded a betterC library AA using
GDC version XXX and B has builded a betterC library BB using LDC version

Question: how mister C can use BB and AA together in his C-library if
both this libraries depends on different DRuntimes (compiler and version)?

My understanding is that if cpuid_v2.d does not pull any dependency, it 
doesn't matter whether it sits in druntime or elsewhere. Is that the case?

DRuntime is large and evaluates fast.

So is it moving too slow or too fast?

We have not backward binary
compatibility in DRuntime and we have not binary compatibility between
different compiler versions.

Even if we don't, we can guarantee that core.cpuid_v2 adds no link-time 
dependency. We may offer it as a pure template library, or as C APIs. 
Whatever floats your boat. Is this enough for ensuring compatibility?


Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 19:28:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/2016 01:49 PM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 17:41:31 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 12/18/2016 1:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages.

Great! Please PR them for Phobos.

cpuid is used in Mir GLAS and it should be a betterC library.

It's this kind of imaginary dialog that I don't quite grok:

Ilya Yaroshenko: "I can't use druntime's cpuid so I defined my 
own." [...]

IY: "..."

It's this kind of stuff I need to have a better understanding 
of. Some technical arguments are meaningful, some others point 
to problems with obvious solutions that are somehow shunned, 
and yet others are like a hidden Markov model - I see the 
effects, but I don't see the causes.


My last argument was:

Linking compatibility. Assume A has builded a betterC library AA 
using GDC version XXX and B has builded a betterC library BB 
using LDC version YYY.

Question: how mister C can use BB and AA together in his 
C-library if both this libraries depends on different DRuntimes 
(compiler and version)?

DRuntime is large and evaluates fast. We have not backward binary 
compatibility in DRuntime and we have not binary compatibility 
between different compiler versions.

mir-glas is a betterC library for all languages.  It depends in 
mir-cpuid. I want mir-glas to replace OpenBLAS. To do it I need 
the same portability.

OK, assume we already have DRuntime for all targets including 
MIPS, POWER, armv7, aarch64, Loongson.

Does this solves problem? No.

The reason is very simple. All non-betterC D libraries must be 
compiled in lockstep: with the same compiler vendor and druntime 

This will just kill GLAS. How this can be packed for Ubuntu for 
example? It will depends on LDC libphobos == XXX. Another numeric 
library, say FFT, will depend on libphobos == YYY by GDC. How 
they can be linked if they require different DRuntime from 
different compilers? Or different druntime versions for the same 

Do you want to constraint D users to do not distribute binary 
libraries in popular repositories like Debian/Ubuntu?

DRuntime incompatibility is a huge constraints for business. Do 
you want to force all companies to use identical version of 
compiler and identical vendor?

Yes, C++ changes their API, but it few orders of magnitude slower 
then D. And they support multiple branches with bugs fixes. D 
supports only the recent one.

This is why GLAS/cpuid need to be a betterC library.


Re: [WIP] A Big O notation and algebra for D

2016-12-18 Thread Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d

On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 10:46 AM, John Colvin via Digitalmars-d <> wrote:

> On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 18:26:27 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> Article: (do not publish; should do it
>> with Mike)
>> Code (preliminary):
>> Andrei
> static assert(
>>   complexity!(insertFrontMany!MyC) <= O("n2") * log(O("n1")),
>>   "Too high complexity for insertFrontMany.");
> You defined insertFrontMany as taking 2 template arguments, but here you
> only give it 1.
> as the top of the lattice defined by the partial order ≤.
> reads weird to me. s/lattice/ladder ?

Re: [OT] D in makefiles

2016-12-18 Thread Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d

On 17/12/16 10:06, John Colvin wrote:

On Saturday, 17 December 2016 at 02:00:34 UTC, Superstar64 wrote:

Makefiles allow custom shells. So with a small wrapper script we can
use D in makefile. Here's my proof of concept:

If you define
SHELL = rdmd
you might not need any wrapper script.

Since newlines in make mean new execution, you will find it pretty hard 
to write a recipe that will be both usable and readable. This is, of 
course, assuming you overcome the fact that rdmd does not accept the 
program as a "-c" argument.


Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/2016 01:49 PM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 17:41:31 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/18/2016 1:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages.

Great! Please PR them for Phobos.

cpuid is used in Mir GLAS and it should be a betterC library.

It's this kind of imaginary dialog that I don't quite grok:

Ilya Yaroshenko: "I can't use druntime's cpuid so I defined my own."

Andrei Alexandrescu: "OK, so what's different?"

IY: "Mine has a few engineering improvements."

AA: "Cool, why don't you merge them into core.cpuid?"

IY: "Well mine doesn't have a shared static constructor, so it doesn't 
need a runtime to automatically call that library initialization 
function. User need to explicitly call an init function before using it."

AA: "I understand. Great, so how about this - we add your code to 
core.cpuid_v2 to druntime. Then we make all in core.cpuid to forward to 
it so there's no duplication. It all works out!"

IY: "No, I don't want to do that. It's still in druntime and I don't 
want druntime. I want betterC."

AA: "But it will be compilable with betterC and we can add unittests to 
make that happen. YOU HAVE MY SUPPORT. Let's do it."

IY: "No, I want to change it often. The deployment schedule of druntime 
is too slow."

AA: "How often do you need to change it? Is it that unstable?"

IY: "Um, not too often."

AA: "Then what is the matter? Are you worried about the IP of the 
engineering improvements you are making? Are you licensing this 

IY: "No, it's for the most part similar to core.cpuid and the license 
will be also Boost."

AA: "Then what is the matter? Do you want me to wait until you release a 
stable mir.cpuid and copy it over with credit, per the Boost license, to 

IY: "..."

It's this kind of stuff I need to have a better understanding of. Some 
technical arguments are meaningful, some others point to problems with 
obvious solutions that are somehow shunned, and yet others are like a 
hidden Markov model - I see the effects, but I don't see the causes.


Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 14:37:55 UTC, Radu wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:26:09 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko

Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?
I am planing to make libmir org a community for it.
Thought and concerns?

I hope this doesn't turn into a new Tango vs. Phobos war.

My first thought as well. Probably an irrational fear, but the 
question will pop up often.

Re: ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 16:53:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Compulsive ModuleInfo generation seems to be a drag. I'm not 
very familiar with the particulars but my understanding is 
ModuleInfo is needed for (a) Object.factory and (b) finding and 
running unittests.

Walter and I think Object.factory was a mistake and we'd like 
to make it opt-in long term (either by means of a build flag or 
a class attribute).

Until then, a very nice step forward is to NOT generate 
ModuleInfo if a module introduces no class.

For unittests, I figure things like static introspection should 
make it easier to enumerate and run unittests without a need 
for ModuleInfo.

What other issues/opportunities do you see related to 



If ModuleInfo were to be opt in, would that mean it could be 
expanded then, to include things like class/struct fields?

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 17:41:31 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/18/2016 1:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages.

Great! Please PR them for Phobos.

cpuid is used in Mir GLAS and it should be a betterC library. 
Without DRuntime dependency because DRuntime has not backward 
binary compatibility and has not compatibility between different 

From my reply to Andrei:

Linking compatibility. Assume A has builded a betterC library AA 
using GDC version XXX and B has builded a betterC library BB 
using LDC version YYY.

Question: how mister C can use BB and AA together in his 
C-library if both this libraries depends on different DRuntimes 
(compiler and version)?

mir-glas and mir-cpuid are libraries with extern(C) interface for 
all languages. It is silly to build a BLAS implementation only 
for one language.

The betterC
std.range and std.algorithm analogs would be released with new 
implementation. Mir's algorithm would be faster then Phobos 
and will generate
less template bloat. Then lightweight threads, multithread 
GLAS, matrix

inversion. Fastest I/O and http2 ...

(they all are betterC modular libraries)

Propose them for Phobos!

First I need to implement them and announce for the community. 
Then community will say "What he is doing??? C++ iterators, 
really?" Hehe

This is reason why ndslice is deprecated in Phobos. It requires 
another std.algorithm and std.range. I am not able to implement 
all this ideas in Phobos PRs: it is requires too much time. In 
addition, I can not use Phobos for other reasons.

Andrei and probably 90% of existing D users don't want Phobos 
to move this


I don't understand that point. What direction?

1. Modularity: D should provide a very slim library (like 
std.traits and may be default GC with old core, which can be 
turned off or replaced). Other parts or Phobos/Druntime should be 
split into parts and the parts should have their own 
repositories. They should be dub packages with D Foundation 
review / control.

2. Low-level API first! A high level OOP/GC-oriented API can be 
provided later or can be provided in DUB libraries.

3. betterC guaranties / No problems with backward binary 
compatibility for betterC libs. This means that code should be 
templated / inlined. Some parts, like Exceptions and GC may have 
this problems, but Exceptions and GC should be optional language 
features and they are not a part of betterC mode.

In other hand I need a commercial attractive D infrastructure 
for large and
heavy system projects. There is no commercial perspective for 
me to contribute

to Phobos because:

1. Phobos version depends on compiler version. Delay with LDC 
release is too

large. It should / can be one day.

The language evolves over time, and the standard library must, 
too. It happens with every language.

Agreed. Because that it is more flexible to have a very slim std 
library with good set of community supported libraries.

This is a reason why almost all portable multi-language numeric 
libraries are written in C. C runtime is slim and evaluates 
very-very slow.

2. We can not do hot fixes in Phobos without compiling and 
deploying patched

libphobos. Mir's DUB package are much more flexible.

3. Dependencies should be clear. Modularity is a proper way 
for large std
library. In phobos everything integrated with everything. 
DRuntime -> Phobos
abstraction is weird for betterC because system modules can 
depends universal
algorithms, but universal algorithm are more portable if they 
have not system


Not sure what you mean. Algorithms in Phobos are not dependent 
on system idiosyncracies.

They are, for example they depends on RangeErrors. See

4. Phobos does not provide and will not provide betterC 
guaranties. If something
works for betterC mode now it may not work in the future 

I've done a fair amount of work to remove such things. Clearly 
more can and should be done.

Generally, we do have a goal of making Phobos entirely "pay as 
you go" instead of being so interconnected (which is what 
betterC is really all about). We can definitely use help in 
improving that and helping it along.

Great. Why not to go to the proposed direction:
1 Modularity,
2 Low-level API first,
3 betterC guaranties?

Thank you,

Re: [WIP] A Big O notation and algebra for D

2016-12-18 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 18:26:27 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Article: (do not publish; should 
do it with Mike)

Code (preliminary):


static assert(
  complexity!(insertFrontMany!MyC) <= O("n2") * log(O("n1")),
  "Too high complexity for insertFrontMany.");

You defined insertFrontMany as taking 2 template arguments, but 
here you only give it 1.

as the top of the lattice defined by the partial order ≤.

reads weird to me. s/lattice/ladder ?

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/16 1:03 PM, Joakim wrote:

I largely agree with Dmitry. Ilya refactored several Phobos modules to
use scoped, selective imports much more, and I pitched in for some
remaining imports in the largest modules, so that only these
module-level imports remain, ie those necessary for symbols imported in
template constraints:

std.datetime -
std.uni -
std.string and std.traits -

Yah, there's been a lot of good work (Jack Stouffer did a lot as well 
IIRC) on pushing imports inside. The following searches should be relevant:

git grep '^\(private \)\?import' | wc -l

yields about 426 top-level import declarations. The number of indented 
imports is 4605:

git grep ' *import\W' | wc -l

So we're looking at 10% of imports being problematic. Sadly, they turn 
out to make things quite difficult for Phobos. Last time I looked at the 
module dependency graph it wasn't a lot better than it used to before 
scoped imports. (I don't have it handy... could anyone please produce it?)

When I first saw this DIP, like Dmitry I was happy that we could get rid
of those too, but the more I see these horrible syntax suggestions for
what is really a minor convenience, I changed my mind.  std.datetime,
the 35k line (17 kloc according to Dscanner) beast of phobos, only needs
20 or so symbols at module-scope. std.uni- 10k lines, 4.2 kloc- only
needs 17 symbols, all from the three modules Dmitry mentioned.  I don't
think his workaround of splitting up modules is even needed for such a
low amount of module-level imports.

This paragraph is a good example of a couple of counterarguments that I 
think point directly to flaws in the DIP:

(1) The DIP uses Phobos as an example, so it is applicable mostly to 
Phobos. In fact, Phobos is among the systems that would benefit least 
from the DIP: it has only druntime as dependency, and is distributed in 
its entirety. Many projects out there list multiple dependencies and may 
have various building and distribution policies. The converse is to 
believe that working around a problem in Phobos would render the DIP 
less useful in general.

(2) "I don't like the syntax, hence I don't like the feature." I see 
this as a good opportunity for tasteful design, not a downside of the 

Maybe there are other issues having to do with symbol resolution and
dependency encapsulation that are addressed by this DIP, ie the
technical performance of the compiler rather than refactoring or code
clarity, that I don't fully grasp, but from the first two points of the
claimed benefits of DCDs, ie ease of reasoning about dependencies and
refactoring code, I don't think this feature will come anywhere close to
carrying its own weight.

Does the refactoring in make 
dependencies clearer? Are you e.g. clear on what you need in order to 
use Appender? Would you want to take this (or another) experiment to 
another module and see how it improves its dependency structure?

As for the third benefit having to do with scalable template libraries,
I'm not sure I completely understand all the details there, but I wonder
if those problems aren't an artifact of the way dmd works now rather
than something that can't be fixed without this DIP.

The DIP now dedicates an entire section to the pluses and minuses of 
lazy imports, and concludes that lazy imports would address scalability 
if carefully used.


[WIP] A Big O notation and algebra for D

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
Article: (do not publish; should do it 
with Mike)

Code (preliminary):


Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 22:56:42 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

On 12/13/16 11:33 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:



On first it seems like an awesome idea. That solves ... but 
wait what? Thinking more  about the problem at hand - I fail to 
see what this DIP accomplishes that can't be done better today.

1. The benefit of placing import to each function is based on 
the untold assumption that we have:

a) huge modules with many functions
b) that constraints of these functions require different 
(large) modules

The reality is far from this picture - if anything 99% of 
template constraints are dependent on std.range.primitives and 
std.traits with a bit of std.meta from time to time. So we'd 
have a boilerplate of

auto foo(R)(R range)
(import std.range.primitives)
if(isInputRange!R){ ... }

everywhere for no noticeable benefit - touch one of functions 
and you get full set of imports of these _small_ modules.

2. By itself the mechanism for delaying import even for 
constraint until the function is touched is moot as long as the 
module in question is huge and is not split in pieces. In other 

auto foo(R)(R range)
(import std.range)
if(isInputRange!R){ ... }

Pulls in full std.range the moment foo is touched, compared to

import std.range.primitives;
auto foo(R)(R range)
if(isInputRange!R){ ... }

which is because it actually isolates the whole mess of 
complete std.range from the user of a template.

All in all my practical response is split the modules at least 
in 2 parts: constraints + full functionality, then import the 
one with constraints at the top level. Works today and solves 
the practical issues unlike the proposal.

Dmitry Olshansky

I largely agree with Dmitry. Ilya refactored several Phobos 
modules to use scoped, selective imports much more, and I pitched 
in for some remaining imports in the largest modules, so that 
only these module-level imports remain, ie those necessary for 
symbols imported in template constraints:

std.datetime -
std.uni -
std.string and std.traits -

When I first saw this DIP, like Dmitry I was happy that we could 
get rid of those too, but the more I see these horrible syntax 
suggestions for what is really a minor convenience, I changed my 
mind.  std.datetime, the 35k line (17 kloc according to Dscanner) 
beast of phobos, only needs 20 or so symbols at module-scope. 
std.uni- 10k lines, 4.2 kloc- only needs 17 symbols, all from the 
three modules Dmitry mentioned.  I don't think his workaround of 
splitting up modules is even needed for such a low amount of 
module-level imports.

Maybe there are other issues having to do with symbol resolution 
and dependency encapsulation that are addressed by this DIP, ie 
the technical performance of the compiler rather than refactoring 
or code clarity, that I don't fully grasp, but from the first two 
points of the claimed benefits of DCDs, ie ease of reasoning 
about dependencies and refactoring code, I don't think this 
feature will come anywhere close to carrying its own weight.

As for the third benefit having to do with scalable template 
libraries, I'm not sure I completely understand all the details 
there, but I wonder if those problems aren't an artifact of the 
way dmd works now rather than something that can't be fixed 
without this DIP.

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 15:18:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/18/16 4:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:


Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?
I am planing to make libmir org a community for it.
Thought and concerns?

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages. 
The betterC
std.range and std.algorithm analogs would be released with new 
implementation. Mir's algorithm would be faster then Phobos 
and will
generate less template bloat. Then lightweight threads, 

GLAS, matrix inversion. Fastest I/O and http2 ...

(they all are betterC modular libraries)

Andrei and probably 90% of existing D users don't want Phobos 
to move

this direction.

Please do not misconstrue what I said.

You have my support to improve the state of affairs with the D 
core runtime and standard library, and have had it from day one.

With regard to new functionality that supplants existing pieces 
such as cpuid_v2 or random_v2, definitely. We can and should 
add that and many other great things to phobos. Go for it.

With regard to avoiding to link druntime, we should build the 
argument better. Is all of druntime bad, or just parts of it?

DRuntime is good for applications. But writing multi-language 
libraries with DRuntime is bad idea. The last paragraph in [1] 
describes why DRuntime can not be used for GLAS.

I never said we should "remove GC" or "remove runtime". We just 
need to provide a clear way for betterC subset and modularise 
library. DRuntime and Phobos are well designed hight level 

E.g. if something does not link the GC but does use vtables, is 
it good/bad, and to what extent?

Very good point. First, I don't see a real reason why we need 
DRuntime for vtables (classes and interfaces). LDC allows to use 
vtables without DRuntime (only with extern(C++), hehe). D classes 
can be constructed on stack or with allocators. The only problem 
is vtable initlization, which requires `typeid` (TypeInfo 
object). I am not a OOP expert, but it looks like we can have 
extern(C++) classes without DRuntime if we solve problem with 

These issues are not entirely clear to me and it would be great 
if you explained them better. I definitely need to be better 
educated on this. What I do know is making "don't use druntime" 
a goal in and of itself is not the most useful way to frame the 

0. Linking compatibility. Assume A has builded a betterC library 
AA using GDC version XXX and B has builded a betterC library BB 
using LDC version YYY.

Question: how mister C can use BB and AA together in his 
C-library if both this libraries depends on different DRuntimes 
(compiler and version)?

1. Different mangling names for DMD and LDC. mir-cpuid provides 
extern(C) interface for all functionality except few very low 
level struct declarations. The general problem is that we do not 
have binary compatibility where we may have it. And it is not 
clear where we already have it.

2. Any function may throw an Error.

3. Any throwable is not a part of betterC. Phobos core team 
rejected approach to replace RangeErrors with asserts or another 
function declaration. Possible alternative is __range_assert() or 
a library function.

4. Threads are GC oriented:
1. They are classes (they can be structs like allocators)
2. They are integrated with GC. This requires additional 
computation time if I am not wrong.
3. They are not replaceable. Phobos multithread modules can 
not use something else.

5. Mutexes are GC oriented:
   ditto 1. and 3.

6. Intrinsics are compiler magic without specification. It is not 
clear what it is intrinsic, are they inlined, where their bodies 
are defined, how/if they works in CTFE. LLVM provides a list of 
intrinsics [3], this is very useful to write a betterC libraries.

... and many other ... They all are not clear for me too.

A solution for mister C:
Mister A and mister B should use a runtime which has either a 
small stable extern(C) interface or all its functions are 
inlined. All other functions can be a dub packages.


cpuid: extern(C) interface with aliases.
a fork of aligned  mallocator for GLAS: all functions are always 

With regard to changes that break the entire fabric of Phobos 
(such as: we must eliminate random-access ranges), this is 
definitely more like simple survival rather than things I want.

I don't want eliminate R-A-R now. But we can change our Range 
concept and provide alternative module as dub package, which will 
be announced as a future replacement (say, after 5 years). But 
duplicated sorting implementation with cursors (lightweight 
iterators) in the same module is weird. It is better to continue 
this discussion after the cursor based implementation will be 
ready for your review.

With regard to properly attributing credit for good work, I 
believe this is important and I commit to do anything 

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/2016 1:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages.

Great! Please PR them for Phobos.

The betterC
std.range and std.algorithm analogs would be released with new ndslice
implementation. Mir's algorithm would be faster then Phobos and will generate
less template bloat. Then lightweight threads, multithread GLAS, matrix
inversion. Fastest I/O and http2 ...

(they all are betterC modular libraries)

Propose them for Phobos!

Andrei and probably 90% of existing D users don't want Phobos to move this

I don't understand that point. What direction?

In other hand I need a commercial attractive D infrastructure for large and
heavy system projects. There is no commercial perspective for me to contribute
to Phobos because:

1. Phobos version depends on compiler version. Delay with LDC release is too
large. It should / can be one day.

The language evolves over time, and the standard library must, too. It happens 
with every language.

2. We can not do hot fixes in Phobos without compiling and deploying patched
libphobos. Mir's DUB package are much more flexible.

3. Dependencies should be clear. Modularity is a proper way for large std
library. In phobos everything integrated with everything. DRuntime -> Phobos
abstraction is weird for betterC because system modules can depends universal
algorithms, but universal algorithm are more portable if they have not system

Not sure what you mean. Algorithms in Phobos are not dependent on system 

4. Phobos does not provide and will not provide betterC guaranties. If something
works for betterC mode now it may not work in the future release.

I've done a fair amount of work to remove such things. Clearly more can and 
should be done.

Generally, we do have a goal of making Phobos entirely "pay as you go" instead 
of being so interconnected (which is what betterC is really all about). We can 
definitely use help in improving that and helping it along.

Re: Linux Kernel in D?

2016-12-18 Thread Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 02:54:10 UTC, Whatsthisnow wrote:
What are your thoughts on how I have implemented the strcpy 
type stuff?

It looks like you are trying to wrap D types to interact with C. 
I think Walter's advice should be considered. Convert the files 
to match the original as closely as possible, and don't fix bugs 
or change any algorithm. Once that is complete and passing tests 
refactoring can take place.

Re: Linux Kernel in D?

2016-12-18 Thread Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 11:22:49 UTC, Whatsthisnow wrote:

thousands of programmers that program for Linux, so creating an 
entire OS in D based on Linux would encourage (hopefully) a lot 
of Linux programmers to also write for a D Linux.  Since its 
largely familiar, the learning process would be relatively 

I would put to much faith in Linux developers having an interest 
in supporting a language change.

Now the idea that their is interest in having libc written in D, 
the project could be of use if the entire Linux kernel could be 
built and use it, talk about real world testing.

Re: Enabling data-oriented design

2016-12-18 Thread Darren Fielding via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 16:06:38 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 14:58:53 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 14:22:29 UTC, Joakim wrote:


Hmm, looks like I pasted a link to the wrong CppCon video, 
here's the one on data-oriented design:


I would not be too sure that this is something the language 
can help with.

It is more a question of the right tools.
And In theory features like mixins, introspection and property 
functions should make it possible to profile your 
memory-access patterns in a nice way.

One of the arguments for DOD in the WP link and elsewhere is 
that typically OOP-heavy code, as you see in much game 
programming, is not conducive to this type of design.  To the 
extent someone is using D's OOP features heavily, they will run 
into this too.  I would imagine ranges are very conducive to 
the DOD approach, so it's not like D doesn't support it.  The 
question is whether we can support this design trend more.

This is something I'm interested in, too.  If you haven't seen 
them already, Jonathan Blow has videos showing his development of 
Jai, a language focused on DOD.  I would love to see some support 
or tutorials of DOD in D.

ModuleInfo, factories, and unittesting

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
Compulsive ModuleInfo generation seems to be a drag. I'm not very 
familiar with the particulars but my understanding is ModuleInfo is 
needed for (a) Object.factory and (b) finding and running unittests.

Walter and I think Object.factory was a mistake and we'd like to make it 
opt-in long term (either by means of a build flag or a class attribute).

Until then, a very nice step forward is to NOT generate ModuleInfo if a 
module introduces no class.

For unittests, I figure things like static introspection should make it 
easier to enumerate and run unittests without a need for ModuleInfo.

What other issues/opportunities do you see related to ModuleInfo?



Re: Enabling data-oriented design

2016-12-18 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 14:58:53 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 14:22:29 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I was looking at the most popular videos from CppCon and the 
second-most popular from the last three years is the one on 
data-oriented design:

Hmm, looks like I pasted a link to the wrong CppCon video, here's 
the one on data-oriented design:

The wikipedia page has a summary, basically focusing on cache 
effects more, with links to articles:

Obviously the effects of cache are well-known here and other 
places that focus on performance, but maybe there's more we 
can do to enable this paradigm in the language.

I would not be too sure that this is something the language can 
help with.

It is more a question of the right tools.
And In theory features like mixins, introspection and property 
functions should make it possible to profile your memory-access 
patterns in a nice way.

One of the arguments for DOD in the WP link and elsewhere is that 
typically OOP-heavy code, as you see in much game programming, is 
not conducive to this type of design.  To the extent someone is 
using D's OOP features heavily, they will run into this too.  I 
would imagine ranges are very conducive to the DOD approach, so 
it's not like D doesn't support it.  The question is whether we 
can support this design trend more.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/2016 5:38 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 12/18/16 6:47 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Rubocop, the major linter in the Ruby world, will complain if a class is
more than 100 lines of code.

Does that include full documentation and unittests?

My complaint is more along the lines of aggregates that seem to have scores of 
member functions.

It brings to mind Scott Meyers' article about kitchen sink aggregates:

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 15:20:48 UTC, Radu wrote:
2. In the same time many thing is not possible to create with 
Phobos/Druntime. The simplest example is numeric libraries. I 
can create a multithread GLAS with core.thread, but if I do so 
GLAS will never be accepted as default BLAS implementation for 
Julia. So, i need to create my own low level thread library. 
Intel MKL, OpenBLAS have their own thread management: this is 
common practice.


I get point 2, but I should be able to use your new modules 
without giving up druntime/phobos, right?. They should not be 
mutual exclusive!

Yes, you are able to use any Mir libs with Phobos/DRuntime --Ilya

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread bachmeier via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 15:20:48 UTC, Radu wrote:

I get point 2, but I should be able to use your new modules 
without giving up druntime/phobos, right?. They should not be 
mutual exclusive!

I think that being able to use them the same as any other C 
library should be sufficient.

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Radu via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 15:01:55 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 14:37:55 UTC, Radu wrote:


Maybe I will be able to propose them on DConf.


Yes/No in the same time.

1. It would be always possible to use Mir and Phobos together, 
100% guarantee. Furthermore, some Mir libraries are going to be 
infrastructure for _all_, not only for D. For example Mir GLAS 
will target the Julia language after D.

2. In the same time many thing is not possible to create with 
Phobos/Druntime. The simplest example is numeric libraries. I 
can create a multithread GLAS with core.thread, but if I do so 
GLAS will never be accepted as default BLAS implementation for 
Julia. So, i need to create my own low level thread library. 
Intel MKL, OpenBLAS have their own thread management: this is 
common practice.


I get point 2, but I should be able to use your new modules 
without giving up druntime/phobos, right?. They should not be 
mutual exclusive!

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/16 4:26 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:


Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?
I am planing to make libmir org a community for it.
Thought and concerns?

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages. The betterC
std.range and std.algorithm analogs would be released with new ndslice
implementation. Mir's algorithm would be faster then Phobos and will
generate less template bloat. Then lightweight threads, multithread
GLAS, matrix inversion. Fastest I/O and http2 ...

(they all are betterC modular libraries)

Andrei and probably 90% of existing D users don't want Phobos to move
this direction.

Please do not misconstrue what I said.

You have my support to improve the state of affairs with the D core 
runtime and standard library, and have had it from day one.

With regard to new functionality that supplants existing pieces such as 
cpuid_v2 or random_v2, definitely. We can and should add that and many 
other great things to phobos. Go for it.

With regard to avoiding to link druntime, we should build the argument 
better. Is all of druntime bad, or just parts of it? E.g. if something 
does not link the GC but does use vtables, is it good/bad, and to what 
extent? These issues are not entirely clear to me and it would be great 
if you explained them better. I definitely need to be better educated on 
this. What I do know is making "don't use druntime" a goal in and of 
itself is not the most useful way to frame the problem.

With regard to changes that break the entire fabric of Phobos (such as: 
we must eliminate random-access ranges), this is definitely more like 
simple survival rather than things I want.

With regard to properly attributing credit for good work, I believe this 
is important and I commit to do anything reasonable for making it happen.

I kindly advise you to better understand what you are trying to do, and 
how to do it to maximize impact. It seems you are not entirely clear on 
what you want to do and what the best route is, as shown by you retiring 
your std.experimental.ndslice work after you've had full freedom on what 
should go in it.

In other hand I need a commercial attractive D infrastructure for large
and heavy system projects. There is no commercial perspective for me to
contribute to Phobos because:

1. Phobos version depends on compiler version. Delay with LDC release is
too large. It should / can be one day.

Then a good way to help this is improve the LDC lag.

2. We can not do hot fixes in Phobos without compiling and deploying
patched libphobos. Mir's DUB package are much more flexible.

The reverse of that is less stability. The good part about merging your 
work in Phobos is you maximize impact and visibility.

These seem to me artificial arguments. Yes, being preoccupied over quick 
deployment may make sense in the initial stages when there's no 
stability and the design may take any direction. That should get less 
necessary once some abstractions are in place.

Organizations that are interested in patching minute fixes may build 
their own standard library (and sometimes compiler). This is routinely 
the case with C++ at Facebook, Google, and in all likelihood other 
large-scale tech shops. It would be tenuous to argue that this should be 
the default way to go about things for everyone. I don't understand why 
you consider it an essential matter.

3. Dependencies should be clear. Modularity is a proper way for large
std library. In phobos everything integrated with everything. DRuntime
-> Phobos abstraction is weird for betterC because system modules can
depends universal algorithms, but universal algorithm are more portable
if they have not system dependencies.

I read this three times and cannot understand it. At any rate: DIP 1005, 
which is partially motivated by our discussions, should allow us to make 
dependencies as simple and clean as function-level.

4. Phobos does not provide and will not provide betterC guaranties. If
something works for betterC mode now it may not work in the future release.

Yes, we can definitely improve this.

We (the Foundation) are all for making things better for achieving the 
things you want to achieve. At this point D needs unity and rallying 
under a shared vision, not balkanization in several special interest 
groups. There are so many great things you can do starting literally 
today to make things better for everybody using D, and why in the world 
would anyone want to stop you. I strongly believe your participation to 
the Standard D language and library will be vastly better for you 
personally and professionally.


Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 14:37:55 UTC, Radu wrote:
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:26:09 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 


Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?
I am planing to make libmir org a community for it.
Thought and concerns?

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages. 
The betterC std.range and std.algorithm analogs would be 
released with new ndslice implementation. Mir's algorithm 
would be faster then Phobos and will generate less template 
bloat. Then lightweight threads, multithread GLAS, matrix 
inversion. Fastest I/O and http2 ...

(they all are betterC modular libraries)

Andrei and probably 90% of existing D users don't want Phobos 
to move this direction.

In other hand I need a commercial attractive D infrastructure 
for large and heavy system projects. There is no commercial 
perspective for me to contribute to Phobos because:

1. Phobos version depends on compiler version. Delay with LDC 
release is too large. It should / can be one day.

2. We can not do hot fixes in Phobos without compiling and 
deploying patched libphobos. Mir's DUB package are much more 

3. Dependencies should be clear. Modularity is a proper way 
for large std library. In phobos everything integrated with 
everything. DRuntime -> Phobos abstraction is weird for 
betterC because system modules can depends universal 
algorithms, but universal algorithm are more portable if they 
have not system dependencies.

4. Phobos does not provide and will not provide betterC 
guaranties. If something works for betterC mode now it may not 
work in the future release.

* - separate github/DUB libraries with clear dependencies.

Best regards,

I hope this doesn't turn into a new Tango vs. Phobos war.

If you have ideas on how to improve things without messing the 
entire community with ego wars and such, then it sounds good. 
Otherwise thumbs down!

Maybe I will be able to propose them on DConf.

The first sign of faith will be that your modules will always 
work with druntime and phobos - i.e. you wont require a special 
runtime for your stuff to work.

Yes/No in the same time.

1. It would be always possible to use Mir and Phobos together, 
100% guarantee. Furthermore, some Mir libraries are going to be 
infrastructure for _all_, not only for D. For example Mir GLAS 
will target the Julia language after D.

2. In the same time many thing is not possible to create with 
Phobos/Druntime. The simplest example is numeric libraries. I can 
create a multithread GLAS with core.thread, but if I do so GLAS 
will never be accepted as default BLAS implementation for Julia. 
So, i need to create my own low level thread library. Intel MKL, 
OpenBLAS have their own thread management: this is common 


Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread pineapple via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 13:31:48 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/17/16 10:21 PM, pineapple wrote:
I am developing a general-use library for D that is currently 
resting at

around 50,000 lines.

Is the source code publicly available?

Re: Enabling data-oriented design

2016-12-18 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 14:22:29 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I was looking at the most popular videos from CppCon and the 
second-most popular from the last three years is the one on 
data-oriented design:

The wikipedia page has a summary, basically focusing on cache 
effects more, with links to articles:

Obviously the effects of cache are well-known here and other 
places that focus on performance, but maybe there's more we can 
do to enable this paradigm in the language.

I would not be too sure that this is something the language can 
help with.

It is more a question of the right tools.
And In theory features like mixins, introspection and property 
functions should make it possible to profile your memory-access 
patterns in a nice way.

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Radu via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:26:09 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 


Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?
I am planing to make libmir org a community for it.
Thought and concerns?

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages. 
The betterC std.range and std.algorithm analogs would be 
released with new ndslice implementation. Mir's algorithm would 
be faster then Phobos and will generate less template bloat. 
Then lightweight threads, multithread GLAS, matrix inversion. 
Fastest I/O and http2 ...

(they all are betterC modular libraries)

Andrei and probably 90% of existing D users don't want Phobos 
to move this direction.

In other hand I need a commercial attractive D infrastructure 
for large and heavy system projects. There is no commercial 
perspective for me to contribute to Phobos because:

1. Phobos version depends on compiler version. Delay with LDC 
release is too large. It should / can be one day.

2. We can not do hot fixes in Phobos without compiling and 
deploying patched libphobos. Mir's DUB package are much more 

3. Dependencies should be clear. Modularity is a proper way for 
large std library. In phobos everything integrated with 
everything. DRuntime -> Phobos abstraction is weird for betterC 
because system modules can depends universal algorithms, but 
universal algorithm are more portable if they have not system 

4. Phobos does not provide and will not provide betterC 
guaranties. If something works for betterC mode now it may not 
work in the future release.

* - separate github/DUB libraries with clear dependencies.

Best regards,

I hope this doesn't turn into a new Tango vs. Phobos war.

If you have ideas on how to improve things without messing the 
entire community with ego wars and such, then it sounds good. 
Otherwise thumbs down!

The first sign of faith will be that your modules will always 
work with druntime and phobos - i.e. you wont require a special 
runtime for your stuff to work.

As for Andrei and Walter - I think you need to see why people 
(talented people!) want to side walk the phobos & druntime normal 
contribution routes. Something clearly is wrong there!

Enabling data-oriented design

2016-12-18 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d
I was looking at the most popular videos from CppCon and the 
second-most popular from the last three years is the one on 
data-oriented design:

The wikipedia page has a summary, basically focusing on cache 
effects more, with links to articles:

Obviously the effects of cache are well-known here and other 
places that focus on performance, but maybe there's more we can 
do to enable this paradigm in the language.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/18/16 6:47 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2016-12-18 01:34, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yeah, std/datetime.d is a monster, from what I can tell owing to a rote
and redundant way of handling unittesting. I didn't look at its
dependencies, but I doubt they are special. I was quite vocal about
breaking it up, but I got mellower with time since (a) someone measured
its size without unittests and it was something like one order of
magnitude smaller, and (b) there was really no more trouble using or
maintaining it than with anything else in Phobos.

Most other languages don't have inline unit tests, which saves a lot of
lines of code.

How does the lack of the feature save lines? Doesn't it just move them 

Not sure if this is the case. But if we have unit tests that are more on
the functional/integration side perhaps those should be moved to a
separate file structure.

I should also add that each large project has a couple of outliers like
that. I even recall a switch of a couple thousand lines once :o).

Just because another project is worse doesn't mean we're in a good

The point was just that it's par for the course.

Rubocop, the major linter in the Ruby world, will complain if a class is
more than 100 lines of code.

Does that include full documentation and unittests?

I think that is on the extreme side but I
think any module with more than 2000 lines of code is too big.

Phobos' average file size 2055 is lines and median file size is 903 
lines. Do you find these appropriate for your preferences, considering 
this size includes documentation and unittests? Would you find it 
helpful to use a tool that collapses these?


Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 12/17/16 10:21 PM, pineapple wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 02:40:59 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:

D doesn't have either of those pitfalls, so I haven't seen it cause
problems. I'm also a bit skeptical that this will see much use outside

This isn't really an argument against it. I just don't see any
argument for it, not that's supported by my own experience.

I would like to echo this sentiment.

I am developing a general-use library for D that is currently resting at
around 50,000 lines.

Is the source code publicly available?

I have never felt a need for a feature like this,
and I can't imagine a reason to begin using it. Dependency management
has just never presented an issue. Very nearly all modules in the
library are fewer than 1,000 lines long and very nearly all symbols are
selectively imported, and the approach has proven to be completely

If it can be added without interfering with the existing patterns, I
don't really have an argument against this feature. But I do think that
what this DIP is meant to address is not really a problem experienced by
all or even most who are working with D.

I recall Liran Zvibel repeatedly mentioned this as a big pain point at I will reach out to him.

On what basis do you extrapolate from personal experience to most or all 
who are working with D?

It's a problem being
experienced with Phobos, but there are very valid solutions to that
problem that don't involve an addition to the language - only some
refactoring. I think that makes the argument in favor somewhat weak.

How is Phobos special?

What kind of refactoring do you envision would improve dependency 
management and build times?



Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 11:06:58 UTC, Temtaime wrote:

Let's write a D, phobos.
Then we drop all the features and use a BetterC mode.
Then we write all modules against betterC mode.

Sounds like a plan! --Ilya

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 11:47:06 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

I think any module with more than 2000 lines of code is too big.

newCTFE has more than 2000 lines of code and is still growing,
There is no way it could be split up.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2016-12-18 01:34, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yeah, std/datetime.d is a monster, from what I can tell owing to a rote
and redundant way of handling unittesting. I didn't look at its
dependencies, but I doubt they are special. I was quite vocal about
breaking it up, but I got mellower with time since (a) someone measured
its size without unittests and it was something like one order of
magnitude smaller, and (b) there was really no more trouble using or
maintaining it than with anything else in Phobos.

Most other languages don't have inline unit tests, which saves a lot of 
lines of code.

Not sure if this is the case. But if we have unit tests that are more on 
the functional/integration side perhaps those should be moved to a 
separate file structure.

I should also add that each large project has a couple of outliers like
that. I even recall a switch of a couple thousand lines once :o).

Just because another project is worse doesn't mean we're in a good position.

Rubocop, the major linter in the Ruby world, will complain if a class is 
more than 100 lines of code. I think that is on the extreme side but I 
think any module with more than 2000 lines of code is too big.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Linux Kernel in D?

2016-12-18 Thread Whatsthisnow via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 10:51:48 UTC, rikki cattermole 

Alternatively help out Wild with his PowerNex project[0].

Pure D port isn't all that exciting, pure D OS that actually 
tries to do things on its own, now that's something to write 
home about!


If you read the README in the github master, you will notice that 
it isn't just porting the kernel, it is also porting glibc to D, 
as well as all the userland applications to D.  Essentially 
making an entire D OS as you say, but using already established 
designs/technology as a base point.  Linux is effective, 
powerful, widely used, and there are already thousands of 
programmers that program for Linux, so creating an entire OS in D 
based on Linux would encourage (hopefully) a lot of Linux 
programmers to also write for a D Linux.  Since its largely 
familiar, the learning process would be relatively painless.

Re: feature request: nim's compilation option pragmas

2016-12-18 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 04:46:34 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
Could we support something similar to nim's compilation option 
pragmas [1]:

{.push checks: off.}
# compile this section without runtime checks as it is speed 

# ... some code ...
{.pop.} # restore old settings

in D could look like:

pragma(push, "-noboundscheck -O -release");
// compile this section with specified flags as it's critical


Afaik this Nim feature is inspired from Object Pascal:

Re: A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Temtaime via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:26:09 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 


Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?
I am planing to make libmir org a community for it.
Thought and concerns?

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages. 
The betterC std.range and std.algorithm analogs would be 
released with new ndslice implementation. Mir's algorithm would 
be faster then Phobos and will generate less template bloat. 
Then lightweight threads, multithread GLAS, matrix inversion. 
Fastest I/O and http2 ...

(they all are betterC modular libraries)

Andrei and probably 90% of existing D users don't want Phobos 
to move this direction.

In other hand I need a commercial attractive D infrastructure 
for large and heavy system projects. There is no commercial 
perspective for me to contribute to Phobos because:

1. Phobos version depends on compiler version. Delay with LDC 
release is too large. It should / can be one day.

2. We can not do hot fixes in Phobos without compiling and 
deploying patched libphobos. Mir's DUB package are much more 

3. Dependencies should be clear. Modularity is a proper way for 
large std library. In phobos everything integrated with 
everything. DRuntime -> Phobos abstraction is weird for betterC 
because system modules can depends universal algorithms, but 
universal algorithm are more portable if they have not system 

4. Phobos does not provide and will not provide betterC 
guaranties. If something works for betterC mode now it may not 
work in the future release.

* - separate github/DUB libraries with clear dependencies.

Best regards,

Let's write a D, phobos.
Then we drop all the features and use a BetterC mode.
Then we write all modules against betterC mode.

Re: Linux Kernel in D?

2016-12-18 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 18/12/2016 11:13 PM, Whatsthisnow wrote:

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 08:05:20 UTC, Jacques Müller wrote:

A Minix port could be interesting as well. The kernel seems to be
pretty small.

Well if others want to work on porting those kernels they can, we could
potentially look into expanding my repo to include all kinds of kernel
projects, assuming there is enough interest in them, then we have a
solid an entire project collection of potential D kernel solutions.
That would be one heck of a boost for D I think.

Alternatively help out Wild with his PowerNex project[0].

Pure D port isn't all that exciting, pure D OS that actually tries to do 
things on its own, now that's something to write home about!


Re: Making preconditions better specified and faster

2016-12-18 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 09:32:53 UTC, Caspar Kielwein 
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 18:48:22 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

I'd love if preconditions where available at the caller. This 
would make it possible to use preconditions for input 
scrubbing, even in release builds with disabled asserts.

That is exactly what they are not for.

Re: Linux Kernel in D?

2016-12-18 Thread Whatsthisnow via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 18 December 2016 at 08:05:20 UTC, Jacques Müller wrote:
A Minix port could be interesting as well. The kernel seems to 
be pretty small.

Well if others want to work on porting those kernels they can, we 
could potentially look into expanding my repo to include all 
kinds of kernel projects, assuming there is enough interest in 
them, then we have a solid an entire project collection of 
potential D kernel solutions.  That would be one heck of a boost 
for D I think.

Re: Making preconditions better specified and faster

2016-12-18 Thread Caspar Kielwein via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 18:48:22 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

I like it. It's a step in the right direction of making contracts 
more powerful.

I'd love if preconditions where available at the caller. This 
would make it possible to use preconditions for input scrubbing, 
even in release builds with disabled asserts.

A betterC modular standard library?

2016-12-18 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d


Who is interested in betterC _modular_* standard library?
I am planing to make libmir org a community for it.
Thought and concerns?

We already have better `cpuid` and better `random` packages. The 
betterC std.range and std.algorithm analogs would be released 
with new ndslice implementation. Mir's algorithm would be faster 
then Phobos and will generate less template bloat. Then 
lightweight threads, multithread GLAS, matrix inversion. Fastest 
I/O and http2 ...

(they all are betterC modular libraries)

Andrei and probably 90% of existing D users don't want Phobos to 
move this direction.

In other hand I need a commercial attractive D infrastructure for 
large and heavy system projects. There is no commercial 
perspective for me to contribute to Phobos because:

1. Phobos version depends on compiler version. Delay with LDC 
release is too large. It should / can be one day.

2. We can not do hot fixes in Phobos without compiling and 
deploying patched libphobos. Mir's DUB package are much more 

3. Dependencies should be clear. Modularity is a proper way for 
large std library. In phobos everything integrated with 
everything. DRuntime -> Phobos abstraction is weird for betterC 
because system modules can depends universal algorithms, but 
universal algorithm are more portable if they have not system 

4. Phobos does not provide and will not provide betterC 
guaranties. If something works for betterC mode now it may not 
work in the future release.

* - separate github/DUB libraries with clear dependencies.

Best regards,

Re: Linux Kernel in D?

2016-12-18 Thread Jacques Müller via Digitalmars-d
A Minix port could be interesting as well. The kernel seems to be 
pretty small.