Re: Advanced code coverage analysis

2017-12-05 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 6 December 2017 at 03:15:38 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 12/5/2017 2:55 AM, Basile B. wrote:

On Monday, 4 December 2017 at 20:33:56 UTC, thinwybk wrote:

Hi everyone,

as far as I know there is a statement coverage analyzer built 
into DMD . Are there 
code coverage analyzers for D which support branch coverage 
and other more advanced coverage metrics ?


No, the compiler reports only statement coverage. Higher 
levels reports could be made by a tool that would use the LST 
file and the AST produced by libdparse.

The wiki lists function coverage, statement coverage, branch 
coverage, and condition coverage. The builtin coverage analyzer 
does all of them.

However, if you put multiple statements, conditions, etc., on 
one line, you'll get the sum of the usage counts.

Indeed, but there's still some room for a tool. I'd add this to 
my IDE since for now coverage is not indicated in the code editor 
but in the messages (a message for each line that's not covered).

Anyway it's a two days project (at most), i've proposed it to 

Re: Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-05 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 12/5/2017 8:37 PM, Mike Parker wrote:

Can you see me jumping up and down over here?

No, but my seismometer is showing some action!

Re: Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 6 December 2017 at 04:11:33 UTC, Walter Bright 

Anyone interested in picking up the flag?

(I know this has come up before, and I've been opposed to it, 
but I've changed my mind.)

Can you see me jumping up and down over here? I don't care about 
it for source documentation, but if we could start using Mardkown 
in place of Ddoc macros for the web site, woohoo!

Re: Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-05 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d

We should probably do the opposite.

Build a markdown parser and then have a way to give the output an 
understanding of ddoc features.

It will also be usable in other projects ;)

Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-05 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

Anyone interested in picking up the flag?

(I know this has come up before, and I've been opposed to it, but I've changed 
my mind.)

Re: Advanced code coverage analysis

2017-12-05 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 12/5/2017 2:55 AM, Basile B. wrote:

On Monday, 4 December 2017 at 20:33:56 UTC, thinwybk wrote:

Hi everyone,

as far as I know there is a statement coverage analyzer built into DMD . Are there code coverage analyzers for D 
which support branch coverage and other more advanced coverage metrics ?


No, the compiler reports only statement coverage. Higher levels reports could be 
made by a tool that would use the LST file and the AST produced by libdparse.

The wiki lists function coverage, statement coverage, branch coverage, and 
condition coverage. The builtin coverage analyzer does all of them.

However, if you put multiple statements, conditions, etc., on one line, you'll 
get the sum of the usage counts.

Re: (Possibly paid opportunity): PyD - Win 64

2017-12-05 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 2 December 2017 at 09:12:07 UTC, Thomas Mader wrote:

On Friday, 1 December 2017 at 13:30:21 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:


I'd like to get PyD working on Windows 64.  I think it's 
probably just a simple linking / library problem, but don't 
have time to work on it myself right now.  If somebody would 
be interested in helping, we could pay for help on this.

laeeth at



Just found

Thanks. I didn't try yet but reckon Nic is right - just something 

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:13:10 UTC, A Guy With a 
Question wrote:

Ok, so that worked. I still have the problem with importing 

mypackage: Item

seems to generate the error:

"Error: undefined identifier 'Item'"

Which is weird, because I'm able to bring in Array through 
std.container.array: Array;

mypackage.mymodule : Item;

Re: Building is slow!

2017-12-05 Thread Arek via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:28:12 UTC, Ivan Trombley wrote:
There are issues with using "--build-mode=singleFile 
--parallel". On Windows I get errors saying that it can't write 
out some intermediate files (it looks like the file names may 
be too long for Windows) and on Linux, it makes the executable 
at least 3 MB larger in release mode. Also, it doesn't always 
seem to make building faster. On a 2 core i7 machine, it 
actually takes nearly twice as long to build.

On my old i7-950, simple demo (cairo_clock) compiles (in release 
mode) below 4 minutes and uses 1.8GB of RAM (linux, one core 

Rebuild is done in about 3 seconds.
I think Windows may introduce some problems in case of parallel 
access to files (especially if something is deleted). But I have 
no idea why your builds last so long. :/

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread A Guy With a Question via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 22:21:51 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Tuesday, December 05, 2017 22:09:12 A Guy With a Question 
via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Is there actually a difference between the c style cast and
cast(type)? Other than verbosity...

They're not the same. D's cast is not split up like C++'s casts 
are, but it's not exactly the same as C's cast either - e.g. 
like C++'s dynamic_cast, if a class to class conversion fails, 
you get null, which C's cast doesn't do. Also, I think that D's 
cast is pickier about what it will let you do, whereas C's cast 
is more likely to want to smash something into something else 
if you ask it even if it doesn't make sense. And of course, D's 
cast understands D stuff that doesn't even exist in C (like 
delegates). I don't know exactly what all of the differences 
are though.

Regardless, the reason for the verbosity is so that you can 
easily grep for casts in your code.

- Jonathan M Davis

That's the best reason for verbosity I've heard.

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, December 05, 2017 22:09:12 A Guy With a Question via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Is there actually a difference between the c style cast and
> cast(type)? Other than verbosity...

They're not the same. D's cast is not split up like C++'s casts are, but
it's not exactly the same as C's cast either - e.g. like C++'s dynamic_cast,
if a class to class conversion fails, you get null, which C's cast doesn't
do. Also, I think that D's cast is pickier about what it will let you do,
whereas C's cast is more likely to want to smash something into something
else if you ask it even if it doesn't make sense. And of course, D's cast
understands D stuff that doesn't even exist in C (like delegates). I don't
know exactly what all of the differences are though.

Regardless, the reason for the verbosity is so that you can easily grep for
casts in your code.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread A Guy With a Question via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 20:38:01 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 05.12.2017 20:11, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 07:09:50PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:01:48 UTC, A Guy With a 
Question wrote:

alias Items(T) = Array!Item(T);



I'm not quite sure I understand how to create a generic 

interface or class in D.

Just using the parenthesis should help. The thing with A!B!C 
is that
the reader can easily be confused: did you mean A!(B!C) or 
(A!B)!C or
what? Now the compiler is a bit stupider about this than it 
should be
IMO - it should be able to figure it out and the meaning be 
clear with association - but it isn't, so you can and must 

parens to clarify most the time.

Here's an idea for a DIP: make '!' right-to-left associative 
similar to the ^^ exponentiation operator), so that A!B!C is 

as A!(B!C).

Rationale: the most common use cases are of the A!(B!C) 
variety; it's
pretty rare IME to need the (A!B)!C form, since usually a 
expands to a type, which can then be passed to another 
template, i.e.,
A!(B!C).  The (A!B)!C form is when the template instantiated 
with B
produces another template that takes another type argument.  

aren't many use cases for this that I can think of.

Curried templates are actually common enough in Phobos. (map, 
filter, etc.)

Though the point is probably moot, because in the current 
grammar you'd
need parentheses as soon as the template argument is anything 
more than

a single token, i.e., you can write A!int but you have to write
A!(const(int)).  And in the cases where you actually want 
something of

the form A!(B!C), usually the arguments are themselves pretty
complicated, so wouldn't benefit from top-level associativity 


IMHO the inconsistency with function call syntax ought to kill 
this proposal. Also, it is a bit more confusing than it is 

Related: It's quite annoying that (A!B)!C does not work because 
the parser thinks it's a C-style cast and errors out even 
though C-style casts are not even valid D syntax.

Is there actually a difference between the c style cast and 
cast(type)? Other than verbosity...

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 05.12.2017 20:11, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 07:09:50PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:01:48 UTC, A Guy With a Question wrote:

alias Items(T) = Array!Item(T);



I'm not quite sure I understand how to create a generic container
interface or class in D.

Just using the parenthesis should help. The thing with A!B!C is that
the reader can easily be confused: did you mean A!(B!C) or (A!B)!C or
what? Now the compiler is a bit stupider about this than it should be
IMO - it should be able to figure it out and the meaning be fairly
clear with association - but it isn't, so you can and must write
parens to clarify most the time.

Here's an idea for a DIP: make '!' right-to-left associative (i.e.,
similar to the ^^ exponentiation operator), so that A!B!C is understood
as A!(B!C).

Rationale: the most common use cases are of the A!(B!C) variety; it's
pretty rare IME to need the (A!B)!C form, since usually a template
expands to a type, which can then be passed to another template, i.e.,
A!(B!C).  The (A!B)!C form is when the template instantiated with B
produces another template that takes another type argument.  There
aren't many use cases for this that I can think of.

Curried templates are actually common enough in Phobos. (map, filter, etc.)

Though the point is probably moot, because in the current grammar you'd
need parentheses as soon as the template argument is anything more than
a single token, i.e., you can write A!int but you have to write
A!(const(int)).  And in the cases where you actually want something of
the form A!(B!C), usually the arguments are themselves pretty
complicated, so wouldn't benefit from top-level associativity anyway.


IMHO the inconsistency with function call syntax ought to kill this 
proposal. Also, it is a bit more confusing than it is useful.

Related: It's quite annoying that (A!B)!C does not work because the 
parser thinks it's a C-style cast and errors out even though C-style 
casts are not even valid D syntax.

unicode combinig mark/ std.uni question

2017-12-05 Thread ikod via Digitalmars-d


I have to create very basic IDNA (Internationalized Domain Names 
in Applications) library. There are two parts in IDNA - user 
input checks and punycode encoding/decoding.

Punycode part already completed, and now I have to add some 
checks but I'm weak in unicode and cant find proper way to 
express these tests using std.uni.

Here are list of prohibited domain labels 

   o  Labels whose first character is a combining mark (see The 

  Standard, Section 2.11 [Unicode]).

   o  Labels containing prohibited code points, i.e., those that 

  assigned to the "DISALLOWED" category of the Tables document

   o  Labels containing code points that are identified in the 
  document as "CONTEXTJ", i.e., requiring exceptional 
  rule processing on lookup, but that do not conform to those 
  Note that this implies that a rule must be defined, not 
null: a
  character that requires a contextual rule but for which the 
  is null is treated in this step as having failed to conform 
to the


   o  Labels containing code points that are identified in the 
  document as "CONTEXTO", but for which no such rule appears 
in the
  table of rules.  Applications resolving DNS names or 
carrying out
  equivalent operations are not required to test contextual 
  for "CONTEXTO" characters, only to verify that a rule is 
  (although they MAY make such tests to provide better 
protection or

  give better information to the user).

   o  Labels containing code points that are unassigned in the 
  of Unicode being used by the application, i.e., in the 

  category of the Tables document.

Can anybody help with this task?


Re: What does the following program do?

2017-12-05 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d

On 12/05/2017 06:11 AM, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

> "move" was supposed to initialize "source" to init. This does not appear
> to be the case. Is that a bug? Where?

The same issue came up recently in the learn group regarding 
moveFront(). The documentation fails to mention that the .init behavior 
is only for hasElaborateCopyConstructor!(ElementType!R):$1gfh$

Finally opened an issue about that one:


Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread A Guy With a Question via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:19:50 UTC, colin wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:13:10 UTC, A Guy With a 
Question wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:09:50 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


Ok, so that worked. I still have the problem with importing 

mypackage: Item

seems to generate the error:

"Error: undefined identifier 'Item'"

Which is weird, because I'm able to bring in Array through 
std.container.array: Array;

Is Item public in your package?

Yes. I fixed it by not referencing it by the package but by the 
file specific module I created. That worked. All errors are 
resolved now. Thanks!

I think maybe the import issue was because there was a circular 
import happening.

So I have a few sub modules:


where other.d uses Item from item.d. But I was pulling item from 
package. When I pulled it directly from item.d it compiled fine. 
So maybe it can't handle the circular referencing there.

Re: Building is slow!

2017-12-05 Thread Ivan Trombley via Digitalmars-d
There are issues with using "--build-mode=singleFile --parallel". 
On Windows I get errors saying that it can't write out some 
intermediate files (it looks like the file names may be too long 
for Windows) and on Linux, it makes the executable at least 3 MB 
larger in release mode. Also, it doesn't always seem to make 
building faster. On a 2 core i7 machine, it actually takes nearly 
twice as long to build.

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 07:09:50PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:01:48 UTC, A Guy With a Question wrote:
> > alias Items(T) = Array!Item(T);
> try:
> Array!(Item!(T))
> > I'm not quite sure I understand how to create a generic container
> > interface or class in D.
> Just using the parenthesis should help. The thing with A!B!C is that
> the reader can easily be confused: did you mean A!(B!C) or (A!B)!C or
> what? Now the compiler is a bit stupider about this than it should be
> IMO - it should be able to figure it out and the meaning be fairly
> clear with association - but it isn't, so you can and must write
> parens to clarify most the time.

Here's an idea for a DIP: make '!' right-to-left associative (i.e.,
similar to the ^^ exponentiation operator), so that A!B!C is understood
as A!(B!C).

Rationale: the most common use cases are of the A!(B!C) variety; it's
pretty rare IME to need the (A!B)!C form, since usually a template
expands to a type, which can then be passed to another template, i.e.,
A!(B!C).  The (A!B)!C form is when the template instantiated with B
produces another template that takes another type argument.  There
aren't many use cases for this that I can think of.

Though the point is probably moot, because in the current grammar you'd
need parentheses as soon as the template argument is anything more than
a single token, i.e., you can write A!int but you have to write
A!(const(int)).  And in the cases where you actually want something of
the form A!(B!C), usually the arguments are themselves pretty
complicated, so wouldn't benefit from top-level associativity anyway.


Doubt is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread colin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:13:10 UTC, A Guy With a 
Question wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:09:50 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 


Ok, so that worked. I still have the problem with importing 

mypackage: Item

seems to generate the error:

"Error: undefined identifier 'Item'"

Which is weird, because I'm able to bring in Array through 
std.container.array: Array;

Is Item public in your package?

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread A Guy With a Question via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:09:50 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:01:48 UTC, A Guy With a 
Question wrote:

alias Items(T) = Array!Item(T);



I'm not quite sure I understand how to create a generic 
container interface or class in D.

Just using the parenthesis should help. The thing with A!B!C is 
that the reader can easily be confused: did you mean A!(B!C) or 
(A!B)!C or what? Now the compiler is a bit stupider about this 
than it should be IMO - it should be able to figure it out and 
the meaning be fairly clear with association - but it isn't, so 
you can and must write parens to clarify most the time.

Ok, so that worked. I still have the problem with importing 

mypackage: Item

seems to generate the error:

"Error: undefined identifier 'Item'"

Which is weird, because I'm able to bring in Array through 
std.container.array: Array;

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread John Chapman via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:01:48 UTC, A Guy With a 
Question wrote:

The following doesn't appear to be valid syntax. Array!Item!T

I get the following error:

"multiple ! arguments are not allowed"

Which is ok...I get THAT error, however, this does not work 

alias Items(T) = Array!Item(T);

This gives me the error:

Error: function declaration without return type. (Note that 
constructors are always named `this`)	

Your wrapping the wrong part in parentheses.


It would actually be Array!(Item!(T)), but if a single type is 
specified you're allowed to omit the parentheses when 

Item is defined as follows:

interface Item(T)
   T member();

That part compiles fine. However, even when I remove the 
aliasing, I can't import this interface. I get "Error: 
undefined identifier 'Item'"

I'm not quite sure I understand how to create a generic 
container interface or class in D. Half of how I expect it to 
work works, but the other half doesn't. The docs aren't too 
helpful. I'm not sure if it's a case where there's just too 
much to go through or if what I'm trying to do isn't really 
covered. Essentially I'm trying to create an array of this type 
'Item' that has some generic members. I think people who come 
from C# will kind of get what I'm trying to do here, because 
I'm trying to port C# code.

What other problems are you having? I did the same and it was 
fairly straightforward.

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:01:48 UTC, A Guy With a 
Question wrote:

alias Items(T) = Array!Item(T);



I'm not quite sure I understand how to create a generic 
container interface or class in D.

Just using the parenthesis should help. The thing with A!B!C is 
that the reader can easily be confused: did you mean A!(B!C) or 
(A!B)!C or what? Now the compiler is a bit stupider about this 
than it should be IMO - it should be able to figure it out and 
the meaning be fairly clear with association - but it isn't, so 
you can and must write parens to clarify most the time.

Re: Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread A Guy With a Question via Digitalmars-d

Ah crud, I posted this to the wrong forum. Sorry.

Embedded Containers

2017-12-05 Thread A Guy With a Question via Digitalmars-d

The following doesn't appear to be valid syntax. Array!Item!T

I get the following error:

"multiple ! arguments are not allowed"

Which is ok...I get THAT error, however, this does not work 

alias Items(T) = Array!Item(T);

This gives me the error:

Error: function declaration without return type. (Note that 
constructors are always named `this`)	

Item is defined as follows:

interface Item(T)
   T member();

That part compiles fine. However, even when I remove the 
aliasing, I can't import this interface. I get "Error: undefined 
identifier 'Item'"

I'm not quite sure I understand how to create a generic container 
interface or class in D. Half of how I expect it to work works, 
but the other half doesn't. The docs aren't too helpful. I'm not 
sure if it's a case where there's just too much to go through or 
if what I'm trying to do isn't really covered. Essentially I'm 
trying to create an array of this type 'Item' that has some 
generic members. I think people who come from C# will kind of get 
what I'm trying to do here, because I'm trying to port C# code.

Re: What does the following program do?

2017-12-05 Thread Nemanja Boric via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 14:11:02 UTC, Shachar Shemesh 

import std.algorithm: move;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

class A {
int val;

override string toString() const {
return "A(%s)".format(val);

struct B {
int val;

void main() {
B b = B(12);
B* bp = &b;
B* bp2;

writefln("bp=%s bp2=%s", bp, bp2);
move( bp, bp2 );
writefln("bp=%s bp2=%s", bp, bp2);

A a1 = new A();
a1.val = 42;
A a2;

writefln("a1=%s (%s) a2=%s (%s)", a1, cast(void*)a1, a2, 

move( a1, a2 );
writefln("a1=%s (%s) a2=%s (%s)", a1, cast(void*)a1, a2, 

B b2;
writefln("b=%s b2=%s", b, b2);
move( b, b2 );
writefln("b=%s b2=%s", b, b2);

bp=7FFFAB559970 bp2=null
bp=7FFFAB559970 bp2=7FFFAB559970
a1=A(42) (7FD1B79E9000) a2=null (null)
a1=A(42) (7FD1B79E9000) a2=A(42) (7FD1B79E9000)
b=B(12) b2=B(0)
b=B(12) b2=B(12)

"move" was supposed to initialize "source" to init. This does 
not appear to be the case. Is that a bug? Where?

b=B(12) b2=B(0)
b=B(12) b2=B(12)

bit will change if you declare destructor in your struct. As per 
the documentation:

If T is a struct with a destructor or postblit defined, source 
is reset to its .init value after it is moved into target, 
otherwise it is left unchanged.

as for others I understand you have the same problem here - per 
documentation, these are not  structs with destructors, so moving 
the pointers (references) doesn't clear the source one.

What does the following program do?

2017-12-05 Thread Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d

import std.algorithm: move;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

class A {
int val;

override string toString() const {
return "A(%s)".format(val);

struct B {
int val;

void main() {
B b = B(12);
B* bp = &b;
B* bp2;

writefln("bp=%s bp2=%s", bp, bp2);
move( bp, bp2 );
writefln("bp=%s bp2=%s", bp, bp2);

A a1 = new A();
a1.val = 42;
A a2;

writefln("a1=%s (%s) a2=%s (%s)", a1, cast(void*)a1, a2, 

move( a1, a2 );
writefln("a1=%s (%s) a2=%s (%s)", a1, cast(void*)a1, a2, 

B b2;
writefln("b=%s b2=%s", b, b2);
move( b, b2 );
writefln("b=%s b2=%s", b, b2);

bp=7FFFAB559970 bp2=null
bp=7FFFAB559970 bp2=7FFFAB559970
a1=A(42) (7FD1B79E9000) a2=null (null)
a1=A(42) (7FD1B79E9000) a2=A(42) (7FD1B79E9000)
b=B(12) b2=B(0)
b=B(12) b2=B(12)

"move" was supposed to initialize "source" to init. This does not appear 
to be the case. Is that a bug? Where?

Re: Advanced code coverage analysis

2017-12-05 Thread Johan Engelen via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 4 December 2017 at 20:33:56 UTC, thinwybk wrote:

Hi everyone,

as far as I know there is a statement coverage analyzer built 
into DMD . Are there code 
coverage analyzers for D which support branch coverage and 
other more advanced coverage metrics ?

LDC's PGO output can be used for that. See [1]. Except that LDC 
does not yet output full source mappings for the counters 
Because the DMD frontend rewrites code besides semantic analysis, 
it is problematic to create correct source mappings, and I have 
thusfar refrained from implementing that.
(For folks interested in contributing to LDC: it'd be a nice 
project to work on, with nice incremental steps. It's quite 
possible that there is already enough info in the IR for IR-based 
(instead of current PGO instrumentation) instrumentation/mapping 
to work well)



Re: Advanced code coverage analysis

2017-12-05 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 4 December 2017 at 20:33:56 UTC, thinwybk wrote:

Hi everyone,

as far as I know there is a statement coverage analyzer built 
into DMD . Are there code 
coverage analyzers for D which support branch coverage and 
other more advanced coverage metrics ?


No, the compiler reports only statement coverage. Higher levels 
reports could be made by a tool that would use the LST file and 
the AST produced by libdparse.