Re: Goto skipping declarations

2024-05-03 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 May 2024 at 20:38:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Goto skipping declarations

2024-05-03 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
In general, you can't skip a declaration with goto, but it seems 
to be allowed if the declaration you're skipping is labelled... 
Is that expected or an accepts invalid bug?

void f1(){ //fails with error about skipping a declaration
int x;
goto Label;
int y;
int z;

void f2(){ //compiles fine
int x;
goto Label;
int y;
int z;

Dub option for specifying importC include paths

2023-09-13 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to build a wrapper around a lib written in C by having 
importC compile the .c files, and then providing a nice D API on 
top.  My dub config file seems to be finding the C files to 
compile without issue, but it's not passing the include dirs for 
the preprocessor to find headers.  Is there an option I'm missing 
or is there some way to get DUB to do this for me aside from 
passing like -cpp flags via dflags?

From my dub.json:

"cSourcePaths": [
"cImportPaths" : [
"importPaths" : [

"excludedSourceFiles" : [

And the what dub's actually running when it preprocesses the 
first .c file:

/usr/bin/cc -fno-blocks -dD -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined -E 
source/libgit2/src/libgit2/annotated_commit.c -o 


Which has doesn't specify any -I flags

Re: Parser

2023-06-15 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 June 2023 at 09:28:57 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:
I’m thinking that I might had to end up writing a partial, 
rather rough parser for parts of the D language. Could I get 
some suggestions for help that I might find in the way of 
software components? D has a very powerful regex module, I 

A couple of pointers for general parsers:

The Pegged library: is pretty 
popular for building general parsers

I have a rough implementation a similar idea here: (definitely less polished 
and probably buggier than pegged).  In mine you annotate your 
types with their syntax and can then call parse!MyType on a token 
stream to get a MyType.

Re: iota where step is a function

2023-05-24 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 May 2023 at 00:39:02 UTC, anonymouse wrote:

I think I misunderstood what was being asked here.

My particular use case is to step using * rather than +, so 
something like for(i = 1; i < N; i *= 2).  `sequence` worked for 
what I was doing well enough

Re: vibe.d mongo updateOne error

2023-04-23 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 April 2023 at 20:46:36 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:
I'm trying to update an app from an older version of Vibe.d to 
a newer version that supports modern Mongo (0.9.7-alpha2)



vibe.d mongo updateOne error

2023-04-21 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to update an app from an older version of Vibe.d to a 
newer version that supports modern Mongo (0.9.7-alpha2)

I'm replacing an older call to collection.update() to 
collection.updateOne() instead.  I had to change the options 
parameter to an updated struct, and it now compiles, but I'm 
getting a runtime error:

```Passed in a regular document into a place where only updates 
are expected. Maybe you want to call replaceOne instead? (this 
update call would otherwise replace the entire matched object 
with the passed in update object)```

On this command

 _reviews.updateOne(["name" : reviewee], ["$push" : ["reviews" : 
ins]], options);

The code 
( looks like it's checking the query part (the first parameter) to find a dollar sign to tell that it's an update, not a document, but I don't understand why.  This looks like the queries I see in the mongo doc as well as the mongo session store in vibe:

Any idea what's going wrong?

Re: Gneric linkedList range adaptor

2023-02-12 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 11 February 2023 at 05:02:49 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:


Assuming this is a compiler bug and it gets fixed, does this seem 
like something worth trying to add to std.range?

Gneric linkedList range adaptor

2023-02-10 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to write a range adaptor for linked list types.  The 
range type seems to work OK, but my helper function to deduce the 
node type has a compiler error.  My hunch is that `nextField` 
loses its association with T when I'm trying to pass it as a 
template parameter inside the helper method, but I can't use 
__traits(child) there to fix it.

Any idea how to fix the helper method?

Is this something that would be useful to add to std.range 
somewhere?  Or is something like it already in Phobos?


import std.stdio;
import std.range;

struct LinkedListAdaptor(alias nextField, T){
T current;

this(T head){
current = head;

bool empty() const {
return current == null;

T front() {
return current;

void popFront() {
current = __traits(child, current, nextField);

auto linkedListAdaptor(alias nextField, T)(T head) if(is(T == U*, 

return LinkedListAdaptor!(nextField, T)(head);

//fails with:
//onlineapp.d(27): Error: symbol or expression expected as 
first argument of __traits `child` instead of `Node*`
// return LinkedListAdaptor!(__traits(child, T, nextField), 


struct Node{
int data;
Node* next;

void main(){
Node* head = new Node(10, new Node(20, null));

auto rng1 = LinkedListAdaptor!(, Node*)(head);
auto rng = linkedListAdaptor!(;
foreach(const x; rng){

This fails with:

Error: need `this` for `linkedListAdaptor` of type `pure nothrow 
@nogc @safe LinkedListAdaptor!(next, Node*)(Node* head)`

Re: vibe.d + mongoDB

2023-01-20 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 January 2023 at 18:58:16 UTC, seany wrote:
Hi I am googling to find some vibe.d and mongoDB tutorial. Are 
their some available? Thank you

There's a couple of examples like this one in main vibe repo in 
the examples directory:

When I used it recently, I ran into some issues where upsert 
operations I wanted to do had changed their wire format in mongo 
5 (I think), so I had to use run mongo 4

I'm not aware of any larger tutorials

Re: library to solve the system of linear equations

2022-10-14 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 14 October 2022 at 17:41:42 UTC, Yura wrote:


Check out MIR

Re: Poste some interesting vibe.d webpages

2022-09-20 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 September 2022 at 13:40:45 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
I find documentation of vibe.d between worse and bad, while the 
framework is relative OK.

There are a few good links on the internet.
I post two of them.
Feel free to add other web links in order to increase our 

Here's a Vibe.d version of a dice game that I wrote early on in 
the pandemic.  I would have added session support next if I'd 
continued to work on it:

Re: How check if destructor has been called?

2022-09-13 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 14:06:42 UTC, Injeckt wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to check if destructor has been called, but when 
I'm deleting class object I didn't get any calls from 


~this() {


try {
} catch (Exception e) {
server = null;

Classes are allocated on the GC heap, so even though you're 
setting the reference to null, it's not being collected at that 
point.  You can use `destroy` to make sure the destructor is 
called (see here:

Or you could make your instance `scope` and then it basically 
follows the same lifetime rules as `struct`s.

Re: how to install the new dmd on Mac M1?

2022-08-25 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 25 August 2022 at 15:19:56 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 8/25/22 10:44 AM, MichaelBi wrote:
On Thursday, 25 August 2022 at 14:37:01 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 8/25/22 10:19 AM, MichaelBi wrote:

Is there a reason you want to use DMD specifically?  If you use 
homebrew then `brew install ldc dub` will just works for dub 
projects, and to explicitly run the compiler just use `ldc2` 
instead of `dmd`.  LDC is actually an ARM executable and outputs 
ARM executables.  I assume it's easy to install ldc without 
homebrew, but I haven' tried.

Re: OK to do bit-packing with GC pointers?

2022-07-22 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 22 July 2022 at 16:57:21 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

It's specifically undefined behavior by the spec, but in 
practice, I think it will work, as long as the block you have 
isn't marked as not allowing interior pointers.


Specifically "Do not take advantage of alignment of pointers to 
store bit flags in the low order bits"


Can you elaborate on why it's probably OK in practice?

I guess the alternative to is to to make them structs instead of 
classes and manually alloc/free them (or keep them as classes, 
but still avoid the GC)?

Seems like std.bitmanip.taggedClassRef should have a big warning 
on it, right?


OK to do bit-packing with GC pointers?

2022-07-22 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm looking to store a pointer to one of 2 unrelated (no 
inheritance relationship) classes and use the LSb to track which 
type I have.  Is this going to cause any problems with the GC?  
For one of the classes I'll have a "pointer" to 1 byte past the 
start of the object.  It seems like std.bitmanip.taggedClassRep 
does something similar, so I assume it's OK, but wanted to double 

Here's the type:

struct EitherClass(C1, C2) if (is(C1 == class) && is(C2 == 

private size_t data;


this(C1 c1) @trusted {
data = cast(size_t)(cast(void*)(c1));

this(C2 c2) @trusted {
data = cast(size_t)(cast(void*)(c2));
data |= 1;

typeof(this) opAssign(C1 c1) @trusted {
data = cast(size_t)(cast(void*)(c1));
return this;

typeof(this) opAssign(C2 c2) @trusted {
data = cast(size_t)(cast(void*)(c2));
data |= 1;
return this;

bool holds(C)() const if(is(C == C1) || is(C == C2)){

static if(is(C == C1)){
return (data & 1) == 0;
} else {
return (data & 1) != 0;

auto get(C)() const @trusted if(is(C == C1) || is(C == C2)) {
static if(is(C == C1)){
return cast(C1)(cast(void*)(data));
} else {
return cast(C2)(cast(void*)(data & ~(1UL)));



Re: Trait for "can be instantiated"?

2022-05-11 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at 12:29:05 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

How about being more explicit in the UDA ?
The idea would be to associate the enum value to a type or not:

I think that could work but would require some major changes to 
my existing code.  Also, I think I'd prefer:


 enum lparen = '(';
 enum rparen = ')';
 enum if_token;

to what you suggested as a user of the library.

Re: Trait for "can be instantiated"?

2022-05-10 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 16:05:15 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Using wrapper structs, etc., for this is IMO total overkill. 
Just use an enum for your token types.  Something like this 
would suffice:

That's basically what sumtype is going to do for me, but 
(hopefully) more safely. Also, the token types are "user 
defined,"  my lexer just grabs everything annotated with @Token 
and passes those types/wrapped enums to sumtype.

Re: Trait for "can be instantiated"?

2022-05-10 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 05:45:25 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

`x` is a type, period.

You can use void initialization to declare values of types that 
don't have an `init` value: `x value = void;`

As for an alternative to the brute force `__traits(compiles, 
...)`, you can check if `T.init` is a thing:

static if (is(typeof(T.init))) { T value; }

I'm not sure if that's really better, though.

By the way, what is your `Wrap` supposed to do with `x`? 
Treating it like `y` will likely fail, too, because `x` is not 
a value.

I'm writing a lexer and I'm using sumtype to store any of the 
token types.  Some have values associated with them (like 
brackets and parens which are defined as `enum lparen = '('` or 
whatever) and some are just markers (keywords like 'if', which 
I'm trying to represent with just `enum if_token` ). The wrapper 
struct is there because I need a type for each one to use them as 
part of a sumtype and I only want to store the enum's value when 
it makes sense to.

Re: Trait for "can be instantiated"?

2022-05-09 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 May 2022 at 21:58:59 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 5/9/22 14:24, Ben Jones wrote:

> Is there a trait that can tell if you
> can initialize a variable of a certain type?

Not answering that question but the 'is' expression seems to 
work in this case:

static if(is (T)) {
 T value;


Using is(T) instead of isType!T also appears to be true for the 
un-instantiate-able enum.  Was your point just that I could 
replace isType!T with is(T)?

Trait for "can be instantiated"?

2022-05-09 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a struct template that takes an alias parameter and I'm 
trying to distinguish between type parameters and enum values.  
std.traits.isType works for this except for one edge case:

import std.traits;
import std.stdio;

struct S{}
enum x;
enum y = 5;

struct Wrap(alias T) {
static if(isType!T){
 T value; //When t == x this doesn't work because `x` is 
opaque and has no default initializer


void main()
pragma(msg, isType!x); //true
pragma(msg, isType!y); //false

Wrap!S ws; //OK
Wrap!x wx; //error instantiating
Wrap!y wy; //OK, because we the static if condition is false

x is a "type" as far as isType is concerned (which makes sense to 
me), but I don't think you can ever declare a variable of that 
type since there's no way to initialize it... Is there a trait 
that can tell if you can initialize a variable of a certain type? 
 The best I can think of is __traits(compiles, "T x;"), but it 
seems like it should be possible to do better?

Re: Libc functions undefined when linking

2022-01-05 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 5 January 2022 at 03:38:54 UTC, Tejas wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 18:13:56 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

The tricky part is that the lab machines that the students 
will be using don't have a D compiler installed (they're 
Fedora machines, and I didn't see a dmd package in their 
repos, or I would have asked the admins to install it).

I'm using Fedora 34

`sudo dnf install ldc` works and gives ldc version 1.25.0(based 
on dmd 2.095.1)(but you invoke via `ldc2` or `ldmd2`)

name of rpm:
Source   : ldc-1.25.1-2.fc34.src.rpm

`sudo dnf install gcc-gdc` also works(but it's not the recent 
one with the D frontend)(you don't even need to write `gdc 
.d`, `gcc .d` also works.)

name of rpm:
Source   : gcc-11.2.1-1.fc34.src.rpm

good to know.  What about dub?

Re: Libc functions undefined when linking

2022-01-04 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 21:34:46 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 21:22:26 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

  * frame #0: 0x

That's null, meaning the library wasn't loaded.

simpledisplay actually doesn't need -lX11 since it always 
dynamic loads the libraries. Normally it throws when this fails 
though instead of keeping null but that check is also 
initialized in a static constructor

With your different build process though, do you still have a D 
main? If druntime is not fully initialized these libs won't 
load nor will it set the success flag. So that'd leave null.

You can also quite possibly try to load it yourself:


in your main and see if it works. Then the variable to check is 
`if(!librariesSuccessfullyLoaded)` and see if it set it up.

Ah, that was the issue.  I had a linker error when I had a normal 
d main, so I made main `extern(C)`.  Looks like that wasn't 
actually necessary (I think maybe I had actually just put the .o 
with main in the wrong place so the symbol was missing).  
Reverting it to extern(D) fixed it on mac and linux.  Thanks so 
much for the help!

Re: Libc functions undefined when linking

2022-01-04 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 20:28:00 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 19:14:04 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:


Crashes on `display = XOpenDisplay(displayName);` :

* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = 
EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)

  * frame #0: 0x
frame #1: 0x00010005180d 
gameboy`_D4arsd13simpledisplay18XDisplayConnection3getFZPSQBwQBu7Display at simpledisplay.d:12572
frame #2: 0x0001000470e0 
gameboy`_D4arsd13simpledisplay5Image4impl11createImageMFiibbZv(this=0x00010120, enableAlpha=false, forcexshm=false, height=144, width=160) at simpledisplay.d:12678
frame #3: 0x000100046bcc 
gameboy`_D4arsd13simpledisplay5Image6__ctorMFiibbZCQBpQBnQBb(this=0x00010120, enableAlpha=false, forcexshm=false, height=144, width=160) at simpledisplay.d:7065


Hmm, I get the same segfault on linux, I'm linking with these 
flags and I the only warnings I get are about unwinding offsets:

`clang build/*.o -L. -lphobos2 -lX11 -ldl -lpthread -o 

Re: Libc functions undefined when linking

2022-01-04 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 19:14:04 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 19:10:25 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:
All good, except now simpledisplay is segfaulting on 
XDisplayConnection.get again

run it in the debugger; do a -g build and run it in gdb or lldb 
and do check the exact line it is on.

could be that the Xlib things didn't dynamically load. I 
thought I tested that but could have missed a spot and Apple 
has a bad habit of movign things so who knows.

Crashes on `display = XOpenDisplay(displayName);` :

* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = 
EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)

  * frame #0: 0x
frame #1: 0x00010005180d 
gameboy`_D4arsd13simpledisplay18XDisplayConnection3getFZPSQBwQBu7Display at simpledisplay.d:12572
frame #2: 0x0001000470e0 
gameboy`_D4arsd13simpledisplay5Image4impl11createImageMFiibbZv(this=0x00010120, enableAlpha=false, forcexshm=false, height=144, width=160) at simpledisplay.d:12678
frame #3: 0x000100046bcc 
gameboy`_D4arsd13simpledisplay5Image6__ctorMFiibbZCQBpQBnQBb(this=0x00010120, enableAlpha=false, forcexshm=false, height=144, width=160) at simpledisplay.d:7065


Which makes lots of sense because: "On a POSIX-conformant system, 
if the display_name is NULL, it defaults to the value of the 
DISPLAY environment variable."  
( (/sarcasm)

Explicitly calling setDisplayName before I try to use the display 
didn't make a difference, so maybe it's assignment to display 
that's causing the segfault?  Not sure why that would cause a 
segfault either

Re: Libc functions undefined when linking

2022-01-04 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 18:45:37 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 18:37:25 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 18:13:56 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

clang -c -o source/assignment1.o source/assignment1.c

you might have better luck just telling clang to link it too


clang source/assignment1.o -lphobos2 build/*.o # etc

since there's a bunch of default search paths and libs etc the 
compiler pass to the linker.

otherwise if you do need to use the linker directly worth 
remembering the order of args matter too. you need to put the 
more derived dependencies first followed by more general ones 
at the end

Using clang seems to work better.  It sounds like Apple 
basically hides system libraries since Big Sur, and I guess 
their clang knows the magic flags to pass to find them.


All good, except now simpledisplay is segfaulting on 
XDisplayConnection.get again (you helped me before by specifying 
a DISPLAY environment variable, but that's not working now, with 
either :0 or the longer value set by xquartz when opening an 
xterm).  I'm not sure how it can segfault since there are null 
checks in that method... maybe I should just head to the linux 
lab and stop fighting Apple.

Re: Libc functions undefined when linking

2022-01-04 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 18:37:25 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 18:13:56 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

clang -c -o source/assignment1.o source/assignment1.c

you might have better luck just telling clang to link it too


clang source/assignment1.o -lphobos2 build/*.o # etc

since there's a bunch of default search paths and libs etc the 
compiler pass to the linker.

otherwise if you do need to use the linker directly worth 
remembering the order of args matter too. you need to put the 
more derived dependencies first followed by more general ones 
at the end

Using clang seems to work better.  It sounds like Apple basically 
hides system libraries since Big Sur, and I guess their clang 
knows the magic flags to pass to find them.


Re: Libc functions undefined when linking

2022-01-04 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 18:26:41 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 1/4/22 10:13 AM, Ben Jones wrote:

> So I think I need to specify that I want to explicitly
include libc when
> I link it.  `-lc` didn't seem to work.

Did you add -lc and -lpthread on the linker line?

> ld build/*.o -L. -lphobos2 -o build/executable


Maybe it's a mac thing and that will work when I get to linux, 
but I did try that and ld couldn't find the lib:

ld: library not found for -lc

Same result for -lpthread, and for -pthread (no l)

Libc functions undefined when linking

2022-01-04 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a somewhat unusual use case and I'm having trouble getting 
everything to link properly.

I'm writing an assignment for a course I'm teaching and I've 
written the skeleton code in D, and students are going to 
implement one function in C, which my skeleton code will call.  
The tricky part is that the lab machines that the students will 
be using don't have a D compiler installed (they're Fedora 
machines, and I didn't see a dmd package in their repos, or I 
would have asked the admins to install it).

I plan to distribute compiled .o files for all the d modules, 
along with a static libphobos.  The students can compile their C 
file, and then link everything together.  I haven't tested it on 
the linux machines yet, but developing it on my mac, I'm getting 
undefined symbols for libc and pthread functions from libphobos:

"_thread_suspend", referenced from:
  __D4core6thread8osthread7suspendFNbNiCQBjQBhQBd6ThreadZb in 

 (maybe you meant: _thread_suspendAll)
  "_tmpfile", referenced from:
  __D3std5stdio4File7tmpfileFNfZSQBcQBbQy in 

  "_toupper", referenced from:
  __D2rt6config16rt_envvarsOptionFNbNiAyaMDFNbNiQkZQnZQq in 

  "_waitpid", referenced from:
__D4core8internal2gc2os8wait_pidFNbNiibZEQBmQBkQBeQBe11ChildStatus in libphobos2.a(os_610_351.o)


So I think I need to specify that I want to explicitly include 
libc when I link it.  `-lc` didn't seem to work.  Anyone how the 
right way to do so?

Here are the steps I'm doing.  I'll compile all the D stuff 
myself, and distribute the .o files with my assignment, and 
they'll just be doing the C compilation and linking steps.

dmd -c -I=source -of=build/simpledisplay.o 

dmd -c -I=source -of=build/color.o source/arsd/color.d
dmd -c -I=source -of=app.o source/app.d
clang -c -o source/assignment1.o source/assignment1.c
ld build/*.o -L. -lphobos2 -o build/executable

Re: Struct fields and properties as alias members

2021-12-08 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 18:23:25 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 18:07:32 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

I went with the mixin approach, which seems to work fine except 
that I couldn't declare the mixin inside a function, so the 
definition is pretty far away from use, but that's not a 

Thanks for your excellent explanations + suggestions

Re: Struct fields and properties as alias members

2021-12-08 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 17:44:47 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 17:19:32 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

Gotcha, thanks.  I tried using `S.field` before and that didn't 
work, `__traits(child)` was the key.

Since I reuse the field a few times I tried to alias the result:

`alias theProp = __traits(child, s, field);`

But everywhere I use `theProp` I get the same error as before 
(need this...).  Is there a way to avoid using the full 
`__traits(child)` expression everywhere?

Re: Struct fields and properties as alias members

2021-12-08 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 17:29:19 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, Dec 08, 2021 at 05:19:32PM +, Ben Jones via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
I'm trying to use a property member of a struct as a template 
alias parameter and I don't really understand how to fix the 
error message I'm seeing (I also tried the simpler case of a 
plain struct member, and that didn't work either).  Is what 
I'm trying to do possible?  It seems like maybe I'd have to 
pass s as a runtime parameter to get it to work?

It might help if you elaborate a bit more on what exactly 
you're trying to achieve here.  Why can't you just pass the 
value of the field to the function as a runtime parameter, for 
example, which would be the usual way of doing it?  Is there 
something specific you're trying to achieve here that requires 
using a template parameter?


It's a CPU simulator and the function needs to operate on half of 
a register (the CPU has 16 bit AF register, but I want to operate 
on A).  I've implemented the "A" part of the register as a pair 
of property functions:

@property ubyte a() const { return getHigh!af; }
@property ubyte a(ubyte val) { return setHigh!af(val); }

There are CPU instructions for each of the combined (AF, BC, DE, 
etc) and half(A, B, C, D, E, etc) registers, so I think either 
the half registers or the full registers would have to be 
implemented as property functions (from my reading of the spec, 
using unions seemed like technically it would be UB?)

Basically I want to write one template for the operation 
(increment, load, etc), and then instantiate it for each register 
(inc a, inc b, inc c, load a, load b, etc)

Re: Struct fields and properties as alias members

2021-12-08 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 17:19:32 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

I considered just having a `ref int` parameter, but I didn't 
think that would work if I was actually calling a property 
function, rather than just modifying a struct member.

I also tried to use a template mixin, but couldn't get that to 
work either.

Struct fields and properties as alias members

2021-12-08 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to use a property member of a struct as a template 
alias parameter and I don't really understand how to fix the 
error message I'm seeing (I also tried the simpler case of a 
plain struct member, and that didn't work either).  Is what I'm 
trying to do possible?  It seems like maybe I'd have to pass s as 
a runtime parameter to get it to work?

import std.stdio;

struct S{
int a = 1;
int b = 2;

@property int c(){ return a; }
@property int c(int newc) { a = newc; return a;}

void func(alias field)(){
field = 5;
void main(){
S s;

Runnable link here:

onlineapp.d(17): Error: need `this` for `func` of type `@safe 
onlineapp.d(18): Error: need `this` for `func` of type `@safe 
onlineapp.d(12): Error: need `this` for `c` of type `@property 
onlineapp.d(13): Error: need `this` for `c` of type `@property 
int(int newc)`
onlineapp.d(20): Error: template instance `onlineapp.func!(c)` 
error instantiating


Re: arsd.simpledisplay on macos

2021-11-16 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 14:38:47 UTC, Adam Ruppe wrote:

1) run xquartz separately to ensure it is up
2) set hte DISPLAY=:0 environment variable before starting the 
sdpy app

Adding DISPLAY:0 fixed it, thanks.  If I get time, I'll take a 
look at the objective C stuff, but that's a big if.

arsd.simpledisplay on macos

2021-11-15 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to use Adam's simpledisplay on a mac with XQuartz 
which is installed + running.  When I try to create a window, it 
crashes when calling `XDisplayConnection.get()`.  I'm just 
building dub and have added `"arsd-official:simpledisplay"` as a 
dependency.  Before I installed XQuartz, it wouldn't link because 
of the X related libs missing, so the XQuartz libs did seem to 
get installed to the right place.  The native cocoa 
implementation seemed less well tested than the X version so I 
haven't looked into that too much.

Any idea what's going wrong?  Or is there an example that seems 
to work with the native cocoa version?  I'm only planning to use 
really basic functionality (display an image and maybe capture 
some key presses)

Also, Adam, if you have an idea of what needs to be done to get 
native macos support working, I'm willing to try to give it a 

 Unable to open X display

arsd.simpledisplay.Display* arsd.simpledisplay.XDisplayConnection.get() 
void arsd.simpledisplay.SimpleWindow.impl.createWindow(int, int, 
immutable(char)[], in arsd.simpledisplay.OpenGlOptions, 
arsd.simpledisplay.SimpleWindow) [0x10f4882ec]
arsd.simpledisplay.SimpleWindow arsd.simpledisplay.SimpleWindow.__ctor(int, 
int, immutable(char)[], arsd.simpledisplay.OpenGlOptions, 
arsd.simpledisplay.Resizability, arsd.simpledisplay.WindowTypes, int, 
arsd.simpledisplay.SimpleWindow) [0x10f486017]
source/app.d:869 _Dmain [0x10f47dff2]
Program exited with code 1```

Public and private versions of opIndex

2021-07-01 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a struct which I would like to have a public opIndex which 
returns by value (so client code can't modify my internal array), 
and a private version which allows the implementing code to 
modify stuff with `this[whatever] = whatever`.

I tried to to write 2 versions of opIndex:

public Type opIndex(IndexType x) const {... }
private Type ref opIndex(IndexType x) { ... }

which doesn't seem to work because client code that has a 
non-const reference to my container tries to use the private 
non-const version and triggers a `not accessible` error.  Is 
there a way to do this with overloads, or will I need to just 
pick a different name for the private version?

type suffix for character literal

2020-12-07 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

Are there suffices (suffixes?) for character literals?

Is there a more succinct of writing "the literal 'x' as a dchar" 
than dchar('x')?

I didn't see anything but figured I'd 
ask the community

Re: IsTuple returns true for Nullable!SomeTuple

2020-12-02 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 2 December 2020 at 12:59:52 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
No, this is not a bug, because Nullable!T currently has an 
implicit conversion to T via `alias this`. [1] However, this 
implicit conversion is deprecated, and will be removed in a 
future release. Once that happens, `isTuple!NT` will be 
`false`, as you'd expect.


I guess it's a moot point because the implicit conversion is 
deprecated, but it seems strange to me that isTuple behaves like 

Seems like the reasonable thing to do with a 
Nullable!(Tuple!Whatever) would be to check 

Thanks for the response

IsTuple returns true for Nullable!SomeTuple

2020-12-01 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

This seems like very surprising behavior to me.  Is it a bug?

import std.typecons;
alias NT = Nullable!(Tuple!(int, double));
pragma(msg, isTuple!NT); //prints true!

Re: Variadic function template with one inferred template argument

2020-11-07 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 November 2020 at 21:04:19 UTC, starcanopy wrote:

void main() {
f!(int, float, char)("Hello, world!");

Ah, I had discovered a different error when I tried that.  Thanks!

Variadic function template with one inferred template argument

2020-11-07 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to write a function template with 1 parameter whose 
type is inferred, but with the other parameters variadic.

Basically, I want to do this:

auto f(Ts..., Inferred)(Inferred inf){}

and call it with f!(X,Y,Z)(w) //inferred will be typeof(w), Ts... 
== (X, Y, Z)

which I can't do because the variadic template args have to come 

Is there a way to change f so that the caller can use it like I 
want?  I tried this approach which didn't work.

template f(Ts...){
  auto f(Inferred)(Inferred inf){}

I don't see a way to specify a variadic set of template args but 
have one inferred.  I could wrap the variadic args in another 
template so f just takes 2 params, but I'd like to avoid that 
because it makes the calling code more complicated.

Re: Deprecation in traits

2020-09-30 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 18:18:48 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 17:08:40 UTC, Frak wrote:

Hi folks,

I've this:

Deprecation: function 
`std.typecons.Nullable!long.Nullable.get_` is deprecated - 
Implicit conversion with `alias Nullable.get this` will be 
removed after 2.096. Please use `.get` explicitly.

I'm trying to find out WHERE this is generated to fix it, 
dependency included, without success.


The problem has been observed already and it is an official 
enhancement request [1].
I think it is legit because deprecation are sometimes used to 
help into refactoring, so to have the use site is a essential.


Does compiling with -v help?  I think it might at least show you 
which module the issue is coming from?

Re: Template argument deduction fails with alias

2020-08-31 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 1 September 2020 at 01:26:30 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

Aside from using SumType directly in the function signature, 
another workaround is to use a wrapper struct instead of an 

struct AliasType(Args...) {
SumType!Args data;
alias data this;

bool func(T : AliasType!Args, Args...)(T t) { ... }

Thanks all.

I tried using alias this at first and then I get errors trying to 
construct AliasType objects:

auto pi = Payload!int(5);
auto pe = ParseError("error");
alias PRType = ParseResult!(Payload!int, ParseError);
auto pr = PRType(pi);


cannot implicitly convert expression `pi` of type `Payload!int` 
to `SumType!(Payload!int, ParseError)`

Template argument deduction fails with alias

2020-08-31 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have an alias that looks like

static if(...){
  alias AliasType = SumType!(...);

which I use in a template constraint for a function template:

bool func(T: AliasType!Args, Args...)(T t){ ... }

When I try to call func with an AliasType object, the argument 
deduction fails with a message saying that the argument type (a 
SumType) doesn't match the template constraint (an AliasType)

Things do work if I change the template constraint to be a 
SumType rather an an AliasType

Is there a workaround to this?  Here's a complete example:

Re: Error: `std.uni.isUpper` conflicts with `std.ascii.isUpper`

2020-07-14 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 July 2020 at 20:37:53 UTC, Marcone wrote:

import std: isUpper, writeln;

void main(){

Why I get this error? How can I use isUpper()?

import std.uni: isUpper; // or import std.ascii : isUpper
import std.stdio : writeln;

import std pulls in all the modules in phobos and uni and ascii 
both contain functions named isUpper.  There's probably many ways 
to fix the error, but I usually import the modules I want 

Re: Surprising interaction of tuples and slicing

2020-05-08 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 May 2020 at 23:07:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

The trouble seems to be when slicing the entire tuple. Even in 
that case, printing a warning would not be desired in some 
situations ironically in generic code where e.g. T[0..$] may 
appear, which is the same as T[].


I agree T[0..$] and T[] mean the same thing and the first could 
come up naturally, but if there's never a useful cased spelled 
with T[], then it would be detectable and nice to issue a warning.

Re: variant visit not pure?

2020-05-07 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 7 May 2020 at 14:53:10 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

As others have recommended, I suggest using TaggedAlgebraic. I 
recently have been using it to create an algebraic type to hold 
a MYSQL value, so I can migrate the mysql-native library to be 
@safe (mysql-native currently uses Variant for everything).


I've been using SumType... What are the main differences between 
it and TaggedAlgebraic?

Surprising interaction of tuples and slicing

2020-05-07 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was doing some metaprogramming where I wanted to make a slice 
of a type:

alias Tbasic = int;
pragma(msg, Tbasic);
alias Tbasica = Tbasic[];
pragma(msg, Tbasica);

//prints int, int[]

And things worked fine until I attempted the same thing on what 
happened to be a tuple of 1 element:

alias Ts = AliasSeq!int;
pragma(msg, Ts);
alias Tsa = Ts[];
pragma(msg, Tsa);
//prints (int), (int)

which confused me until I realized that the [] was slicing the 
tuple.  Note, you can add as many [] as you want since it's 
basically a no-op.

pragma(msg, Ts[0][]); //prints int[]

Is there any use for this behavior?  It seems like it might be 
worth warning like "slicing a tuple is a no-op"

Anyway, figured I'd post here for posterity since I was confused 
by it for a while.

Re: Idomatic way to guarantee to run destructor?

2020-04-30 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 April 2020 at 16:55:36 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
For ressource management I mostly use this pattern, to ensure 
the destructor is run:

void myfunc(){
 MyClass X = new MyClass(); scope(exit) X.destroy;

I somewhere read, this would work too:

void myfunc(){
 auto MyClass X = new MyClass();

What does this "auto" does here? Wouldn't

void myfunc(){
 auto X = new MyClass();

be sufficient? And would this construct guarantee that the 
destructor is run? And if, why does "auto" has this effect, 
while just using "new" doesn't guarantee to run the destructor?

I think you want to use scope rather than auto which will put the 
class on the stack and call its destructor:

Structs containing mutually referential sumtypes

2020-04-02 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to define some structs that contain sumTypes (using 
the sumtype library) that refer to each other, but I get a 
recursive template instantiation error.  It looks like typically 
recursion is handled in that library with the This type, but I 
don't see how that would apply here.  Any advice on how to get 
this to work?

struct Terminal{
 string name;

struct Op(string op){
  alias ElemType = SumType!(Terminal, Term);
  ElemType[] elems;


struct Term{
  alias ElemType = SumType!(Op!"+", Op!"-", Op!"*", Terminal);
  ElemType[] elems;


Errors with

Error: template instance SumType!(Op!"+", Op!"-", Op!"*", 
Terminal) recursive template expansion

../../../.dub/packages/sumtype-0.9.4/sumtype/src/sumtype.d(331,14): Error: 
template instance std.traits.isCopyable!(Term) error instantiating
source/errorbound/tracked.d(25,20):instantiated from 
here: SumType!(Terminal, Term)
source/errorbound/tracked.d(31,29):instantiated from 
here: Op!"+"
/usr/local/opt/dmd/include/dlang/dmd/std/meta.d(839,24): Error: 
template instance core.internal.traits.allSat!(isCopyable, 
Terminal, Term) error instantiating


static foreach over enum symbols

2020-02-14 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all,

I'm getting unexpected results while trying to process symbols 
from a module, some of which are enums.

Depending on whether or not I comment out the first static 
foreach loop below, fullyQualifiedName gives me different results 
in the second loop.

In either case, I'm surprised I can't grab the UDAs in the second 
static foreach loop.  Any ideas what's going on?

Test case:
module a;

enum x = "hello";

enum y = "goodbye";

struct z{}


template symbols(alias Mod){
import std.meta;
alias toSymbol(alias T) = __traits(getMember, Mod, T);
alias symbols = staticMap!(toSymbol, __traits(allMembers, 


void main(){
import std.traits;
import std.meta;
import a;
//commenting this out changes the results below
static foreach(sym; symbols!a){
pragma(msg, fullyQualifiedName!sym);
pragma(msg, __traits(getAttributes, sym));

pragma(msg, "\nget with UDAs\n");
pragma(msg, getSymbolsByUDA!(a, Object));
alias udaSyms = getSymbolsByUDA!(a, Object);
pragma(msg, staticMap!(fullyQualifiedName, udaSyms));
static foreach(us; udaSyms){
pragma(msg, fullyQualifiedName!us);
pragma(msg, __traits(getAttributes, us));


annotated output of dmd main.d:

with the first loop commented out:

get with UDAs

tuple("hello", "goodbye", (z))
tuple("a.x", "a.y", "a.z")
tuple()  //why is the UDA gone?

and with the first loop:

main.main.sym  //it's not a.x anymore, it's the name of the local 
var for static foreach?


get with UDAs

tuple("hello", "goodbye", (z))
tuple("main.main.sym", "main.main.sym", "a.z") //and the results 
are changed here too?


Unexpected result of IsInstanceOf

2020-01-30 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
The following result doesn't make sense to me... how does 
isInstanceOf return false?

import std.traits;
import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;
auto f(T)(T t){
return Nullable!T(t);   
void main(){
auto f3 = f(3);
writeln(isInstanceOf!(Nullable, f3));



Re: Easiest way to use FMA instruction

2020-01-09 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 January 2020 at 00:08:44 UTC, Johan wrote:

On Friday, 10 January 2020 at 00:02:52 UTC, Johan wrote:


You have to tell LDC that you are compiling for a CPU that has 
FMA capability (otherwise it will insert a call to a "fma" 
runtime library function that most likely you are not linking 
with). For example, "-mattr=fma" or "-mcpu=skylake".

Or you add it only for the "fma" function, using
import ldc.attributes;
@target("fma") double fma(double a, double b, double c) ...


I need it for the rounding behavior.  Thanks for the pointers, 
that's very helpful.

Re: Easiest way to use FMA instruction

2020-01-09 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 9 January 2020 at 20:57:10 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:
What's the easiest way to use the FMA instruction (fused 
multiply add that has nice rounding properties)?  The FMA 
function in Phobos just does a*b +c  which will round twice.

Do any of the intrinsics libraries include this?  Should I 
write my own inline ASM?

This seems to work with DMD, but seems fragile:

///returns round(a*b + c)  -- computed as if in infinite 
precision, rounded at the end

double fma(double a, double b, double c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow{
asm @safe pure @nogc nothrow {
vfmadd231sd XMM0, XMM1, XMM2;

Easiest way to use FMA instruction

2020-01-09 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
What's the easiest way to use the FMA instruction (fused multiply 
add that has nice rounding properties)?  The FMA function in 
Phobos just does a*b +c  which will round twice.

Do any of the intrinsics libraries include this?  Should I write 
my own inline ASM?

Re: Getting all types defined in a module at compile time

2019-11-18 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 November 2019 at 01:55:17 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 21:48:00 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:

template notmodule(alias T){
alias notmodule = __traits(isModule, T);


I get errors:

(on the alias notmodule line) Error: trait isModule is either 
invalid or not supported in alias


The result of __traits(isModule, T) is a boolean value, so the 
line should be

enum notmodule = __traits(isModule, T);


Is there a good resource on D metaprogramming somewhere?  I'm 
kind of stumbling my way through things and would love to see 
some best practices laid out somewhere.

Getting all types defined in a module at compile time

2019-11-18 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to get a list of all the types defined in a module at 
compile time (enums, structs, classes).  I attempted to use the 
isAggregateType trait, but it choked when it was passed modules 
that had been imported (object, and the others explicitly 

My next attempt was to try to filter out the modules, then look 
at everything left over with things like isAggregateType, etc.  
However, I'm getting errors when trying to filter on isModule.

Am I missing out on a simpler/more direct approach?  Is there a 
workaround to this alias error?

module thismodule;

import std.meta;
import std.traits;

struct S{}
enum E {asdf};
class C{}

template symbols(alias mod){
alias getSymbol(alias T) = __traits(getMember, mod, T);
alias symbols = staticMap!(getSymbol, __traits(allMembers, 


template notmodule(alias T){
alias notmodule = __traits(isModule, T);

void main(){
static foreach(s; symbols!thismodule){
pragma(msg, fullyQualifiedName!s);

alias notmods = Filter!(templateNot!notmodule, 


I get errors:

(on the alias notmodule line) Error: trait isModule is either 
invalid or not supported in alias


Pass field as a template parameter

2019-05-08 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to write a template function like the below... is it 
possible without using string mixins?

void fun( alias(?) field, alias p1, alias p2)()

called with something like

static foreach( list of fields){
  fun!(field, p1, p2)();

I have no idea how to specify the list of fields and I'm not sure 
if alias is the right "type" for the field template parameter.

Dummy template parameter vs empty template parameter list

2019-04-10 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
Looking through Phobos code there's a bunch functions defined 
with dummy template types:

void whatever(TDummy = void)( int x, ...) //TDummy is never used

Why not just use an empty template parameter list?

void whatever()(int x, ...)

My gut tells me that his is a workaround for an old limitation 
preventing empty template lists, but figured I'd ask.