On Tuesday, 26 December 2023 at 10:53:10 UTC, Tony wrote:
I just typed in the program that is on the first page of Learn. It has this line:

sort(chain(arr1, arr2, arr3));

I assigned that to a variable:

arr4 = sort(chain(arr1, arr2, arr3));

then printed it out

writefln("%s",arr4);   // works

and then tried to print out the type of arr4:


and got this error:

// HelloWorld.d:25:19: error: cannot pass type SortedRange!(Result, "a < b") as a function argument

What exactly is that type? Or maybe, what would it take to understand what that type is?

The error message suggests that `SortedRange!(Result, "a < b")` is the type returned by the `sort` function. For additional insights and assistance, you can explore resources like online dissertation help literature review https://literaturereviewwritingservice.com/ This type represents a sorted range of elements, possibly of type `Result`, sorted based on the comparison predicate `"a < b"`. To understand it better, you may need to inspect its definition or consider alternative methods for printing its type.

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