Re: New Beta: 2.066.1-rc1 is Now Available

2014-09-15 Thread David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 11 September 2014 at 16:51:34 UTC, Andrew Edwards 

DMD 2.066.1-rc1 is now available for testing.

I found a new 2.066 regression:

It also exists in 2.066.0, but hopefully we can fix it before 
2.066.1, as it currently blocks the merge of 2.066 to the master 
branch of LDC.


Re: Dutyl - a Vim plugin for running D tools

2014-09-15 Thread Idan Arye via Digitalmars-d-announce
OK, version 1.3.0 is out. I fixed that off-by-one mistake and 
added some tags-related features:

 * A new command - :DUupdateCTags - for updating the tags file
 * DUjump and friends now push to the tag stack, so you can jump 
back with CTRL+T.

Re: 438-byte Hello, world Win32 EXE in D

2014-09-15 Thread dcrepid via Digitalmars-d-announce
-m32mscoff allows using more linkers. Specifically, the 
Microsoft Linker and Crinkler, which only understand COFF, can 
both generate executables which are much smaller than those 
created by OPTLINK.

Hi, I've been experimenting with getting a basic D program
consisting of nothing more than int main() { return 0; } to
compile using -m32mscoff, but I keep getting this error message:

fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'phobos32mscoff.lib'

I don't see that library file anywhere in the D folders, so I'm
wondering what I need to do to workaround that problem (or to
create that file). I'm using the latest beta (v2.067.0-b1), and
using VC2010 linker.
