Munich D Meetup December 2017

2017-12-04 Thread Dragos Carp via Digitalmars-d-announce
On December 20th, with the title "D School" we will have our next 
Munich meetup. Come as beginner and we assist you during a 
self-guided course. Come as advanced and we review your library 
or polish your PR.

Please RSVP on:

Thanks, Dragos

Re: D User Survey

2017-12-04 Thread Guillaume Piolat via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 1 December 2017 at 18:56:50 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:

Hi everyone,

I made a public survey (everyone can look at the responses) and 
it would be great if you took some time and answered it. I 
think it will greatly benefit D as a whole if we had more 
anonymous data on users. I'm also open for changing some 
questions if there is confusion.

How to see the results if you have already filled it?

Re: Visual D 0.46.0 released - more VS2017 and LDC integration

2017-12-04 Thread flamencofantasy via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 2 December 2017 at 16:31:00 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 


I have just released version 0.46 of Visual D, see

This release doesn't come with major new features, but a list 
of bug fixes and incremental improvements, those with the 
largest impact:

* improved VS 2017 integration
* improved LDC support
* support for new symbol mangling and parsing 'static foreach'

for the full version history.

Visual D is a Visual Studio extension that adds D language 
support to VS2008-2017. It is written in D, its source code can 
be found on github:, pull 
requests welcome.

Happy coding,

Thanks, your work is much appreciated!

Re: D User Survey

2017-12-04 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 1 December 2017 at 18:56:50 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:

Hi everyone,

I made a public survey (everyone can look at the responses) and 
it would be great if you took some time and answered it. I 
think it will greatly benefit D as a whole if we had more 
anonymous data on users. I'm also open for changing some 
questions if there is confusion.

The age results look interesting. It seems that the D community 
is relatively old. Tried to find a comparison, but the Rust 
survey seems to not ask for the age.

Re: LDC 1.6.0

2017-12-04 Thread Ivan Butygin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 4 December 2017 at 12:47:35 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

where `newFunction()` is constructed at dynamic compile-time 
(during runtime) and its return type as well as the return type 
of `myDynamicFunction()` is only known once the dynamic 
compilation is done? So could I call `myDynamicFunction()` and 
potentially return different types each time it is called?

This is not possible with current design. All high level language 
processing is still done during compile time and only low-level 
llvm ir is saved to be optimized and codegened later. Jit runtime 
knows nothing about language, it only have llvm optimizer and 

Implementing high level D code processing during runtime will 
require pulling D frontend which isn't very well suited to be 
used as library.

Re: LDC 1.6.0

2017-12-04 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 3 December 2017 at 12:50:26 UTC, kinke wrote:

Hi everyone,

on behalf of the LDC team, I'm glad to announce LDC 1.6. The 
highlights of this version in a nutshell:

* Based on D 2.076.1.
* Experimental support for dynamic codegen at runtime ('manual 

* Many std.math functions are now CTFE-able.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors!

[LDC master is at v2.077.1.]

This is awesome news and sound very interesting - my question is 
will dynamic codegen allow you to do things like this:

@dynamicCompile auto myDynamicFunction(immutable string myParam)
  @dynamicCompile mixin(makeFun!(myParam));
  return newFunction();

where `newFunction()` is constructed at dynamic compile-time 
(during runtime) and its return type as well as the return type 
of `myDynamicFunction()` is only known once the dynamic 
compilation is done? So could I call `myDynamicFunction()` and 
potentially return different types each time it is called?

mysql-native v1.1.4: Introduced auto-purge to fix a few problems

2017-12-04 Thread Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) via Digitalmars-d-announce

An all-D MySQL/MariaDB client library:

In v1.1.4:

Introduced auto-purge to fix a few problems.

- Fixed: #117: ResultRange cannot be copied. (@Abscissa)

- Fixed: #119: Is a defensive Connection.purgeResult call necessary 
before executing another statement? (As of this release, the answer 
changed from "sometimes" to "no") (@Abscissa)

- Fixed: #139: Server packet out of order when Prepared is destroyed too 
early. (@Abscissa)

- Change: MySQLDataPendingException (aka, MYXDataPending) is no longer 
necessary, and no longer thrown. When issuing a command that 
communicates with the server while a ResultRange still has data pending, 
instead of throwing, mysql-native now automatically purges the range and 
safely marks it as invalid and no longer usable. This was changed in 
order to fix #117, #119, and #139. This change should neither break user 
code nor require any changes. (@Abscissa)

- Change: Manually releasing a prepared statement is no longer 
guaranteed to notify the server immediately. In order to facilitate the 
above fixes, and avoid any nasty surprise with struct dtors triggering 
results purges implicitly, any release of prepared statements from the 
server is now queued until mysql-native can be certain no data is 
already pending. This change should neither break user code nor require 
any changes. (@Abscissa)

- Change: Prepared statements are no longer released automatically, due 
to the fix for #117. However, prepared statements and their lifetimes 
are tied to individual connections, and thus will die along with their 
connection, so manual release is not strictly necessary either. 
Accordingly, this change should neither break user code nor require any 
changes. (@Abscissa)

- Fixed: #143: Keep travis-ci build times under control by limiting the 
number of compiler versions tested on OSX. (@SingingBush)

Tentative plans for the next release (probably v1.2.0) include, among 
other things, removing the old deprecated APIs from pre-1.0, deprecating 
a few no-longer-needed things and some misc doc improvements.

Aside from those housekeeping details, my other next big priority is to 
finally tackle the awkwardness of combining prepared statements with 
connection pools. MySQL itself ties prepared statements to the 
individual connection that created them, and that's caused difficulties 
for connection pool users. So I'm thinking a connection-independent 
abstraction is warranted for prepared statements.

Mysql-native is made for its users, so if an issue is particularly 
pressing for you that you feel has been neglected, vote for your biggest 
bug-a-boo by pinging it:

(Or better yet, contribute!)