OpenWL/DL - two foundation libraries for building a cross-platform GUI with non-C++ languages

2019-04-11 Thread DanielG via Digitalmars-d-announce
These aren't written in D, but they are *for* D (or any other 
non-C++ language in need of its own canonical, language-native 
GUI). They export a C API for maximum ease of use.

OpenWL[1] - cross-platform top-level windowing library, with 
native menus, events, clipboard/DnD.

OpenDL[2] - cross-platform drawing library (with 
Quartz2D/CoreText-compatible API), built on the native APIs for 
each platform: Quartz2D/CoreText for Mac, Direct2D/DirectWrite 
for Windows, and GTK/Pango for Linux.

There is still plenty of work to be done on these, but they're 
ready to make public and start getting some feedback / bug 
reports / etc.

Right now only Windows/Mac/Linux are (equally!) tested/supported, 
and I'll have to focus on those for the time being to really 
polish these libraries, but I fully intend to port them to more 
niche platforms in the future.

Why? I know there are some people who want to start GUI projects 
with their language of choice (D/Nim/Haskell/Rust/etc), but 
trying to lay the foundation to abstract away platform 
differences is a big, annoying detour for people who just want to 
get started. So I did all that annoying work because I'm a weird 
dude and find this kind of thing enjoyable ... to an extent :)

You can ask any questions here, or on the Gitter[3] I've created 
for both projects:


Re: New DConf Blog Post

2019-04-11 Thread Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 4/11/19 10:11 AM, wjoe wrote:

No offense, but

That is the best website EVER. Times a billion. Says exactly the things 
I've been wanting to scream at jet-engine volume straight into the faces 
of every web designer and full-stacker in the world.

"Responsive web" always made me cringe. HTML-freaking-version-ONE was 
responsive. And semantic. It was specifically *designed* to be. But then 
the designers and the know-nothing software managers came, hated that 
stuff, and killed it all with fire. Then when the sausage-finger small 
screens came (not to mention browser diversity and "emerging markets"), 
they shit a brick and started over-re-engineering everything that was 
already there all along (plus some extra garbage nobody needs). Idiots.

Re: New DConf Blog Post

2019-04-11 Thread wjoe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 6 April 2019 at 22:30:58 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Friday, 22 March 2019 at 13:58:01 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The DConf schedule was announced last Sunday. I've just 
published a write-up about it on the blog for the 
world-at-large. Please help us out by sharing this post in 
your social media circles.

The blog:


Just going to respond to this:

"If you haven’t visited the site in a while, you’ll surely 
notice that it’s been redesigned. The old version was not 
responsive and was quite annoying to manipulate on small 

The design is terrible and it really looks unprofessional.

While the old site wasn't responsive, the design was at least 
slightly better.

It just doesn't look very well done.

I'm not trying to be negative or anything, but it looks like 
someone who just learn html/css in 1999 tried to make the 
design of the page.

No offense, but

I'd just tag a Planet-earth-with-a-green-leaf icon and a speech 
bubble reading "Thank you!"


But seriously I prefer the '19 version over the '18 one. The '18 
version is super bloated and slow.