Re: Release D 2.090.0

2020-02-29 Thread uranuz via Digitalmars-d-announce
I have just added workaround of this bug in by code. And now it 
is working and returns backtrace

string[] getBacktrace(Throwable ex)
import std.conv: to;
import core.exception: OutOfMemoryError;

string[] backTrace;
try {
foreach( inf; )
backTrace ~=!string;
	} catch( OutOfMemoryError exc ) {} // Workaround for some bug in 

return backTrace;

auto errorToJSON(Throwable ex)
import std.json: JSONValue;

return JSONValue([
"code": JSONValue(1),
"message": JSONValue(ex.msg),
"data": JSONValue([
"file": JSONValue(ex.file),
"line": JSONValue(ex.line),
"backtrace": JSONValue(getBacktrace(ex))

Re: DIP 1027---String Interpolation---Format Assessment

2020-02-29 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2/28/20 7:57 PM, aliak wrote:

I actually didn't realize it was a video, thought it was just an 
article! - But anyway, it was just to point out that swift lowers to 
specialized types when it comes to interpolation (which is what you and 
adam are trying to get through). And therefor you can detect 
interpolations being given to you and deal with them the way you want 
and you can do a lot when you know you're getting an interpolation. You 
can create types like

let example: SQLStatment = "select * from blah where a=\(a), b=\(b) ... "

I didn't get to this part of the video, but that is indeed pretty cool. 
I'm assuming that this generates placeholders for the SQL statement and 
attaches a and b as parameters?

However, D cannot do something like this exactly, because expressions 
define the tuple, not how they are used.

But this is possible (with the proposed DIP or ours):

alias sql = "select * from blah where a=$a, b=$b"; // aliased to the tuple

a = 5;
connection.query(sql); // another query with `a` set to 5 now.

Swift can do some pretty cool things due to the type resolver, but it 
comes at a cost (some expressions that are trivial in D make the 
compiler complain about them taking too long to resolve).

I also didn't realize the takeaway would be that swift does appending 
- which by the way, is not completely accurate. And it does not 
generate temporaries (unless you mean passing in parameters? There's no 
way around that if you want to end up with a string based on runtime 
values - it'll have to be processed in to a string somewhere).

For example, the part where they change the date formatting, they use a 
date formatter to generate a string for the date, which then is appended 
to the string interpolation.

Yes, you need to allocate a string. But you should only allocate one.

You can also get an interpolated string directly in to "print 
processing" if you wanted to:

Hm... I'm not too impressed with this when compared to writefln(i"hello 
$("hello"), $x"); which works without such extra mechanics or strange 
call syntax.

When it comes to printing it really doesn't matter if you construct a 
string on the stack and pass it along. You're IO bound anyway.

IO is not usually processed directly to the device. Usually it's 
buffered. Writing directly to the buffer is preferable to generating a 
string on the stack, and just copying that to the buffer.

One very interesting thing of note is the way they combine named 
arguments with string interpolations.

Yeah, that part is cool. But that comes for free with Swift. Potentially 
with the right additions to the named parameters DIP, it would be 
feasible to do something similar with this DIP.

Also another note, this tuple expansion should really not be called 
string interpolation, since it does not result in a string :/ It's more 
string expansion really.

I recommended calling it a "formatted tuple" to avoid conflation with 
existing string interpolation implementations.


Re: The Serpent Game Framework - Open Source!!

2020-02-29 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 29 February 2020 at 07:18:26 UTC, aberba wrote:

On Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 22:29:41 UTC, aberba wrote:
There's this ongoing open source game framework by Ikey. I 
knew him to be a diehard C guru (from the Solus Project) but 
is now rocking D, hence Serpent.


Ikey did an interview with Foss and he said something about why 
he uses D. It's interested and funny as well.

Having done a lot of Go development, I started researching 
alternatives to C that were concurrency-aware, string-sane, and 
packed with a powerful cross-platform standard library. This is 
the part where everyone will automatically tell you to use Rust.

Unfortunately, I’m too stupid to use Rust because the syntax 
literally offends my eyes. I don’t get it, and I never will. 
Rust is a fantastic language and as academic endeavours go, 
highly successful. Unfortunately, I’m too practically minded 
and seek comfort in C-style languages, having lived in that 
world too long. So, D was the best candidate to tick all the 
boxes, whilst having C & C++ interoptability.

Pew! Pew!! Nailed it.

from the article

Unfortunately, I’m too stupid to use Rust because the syntax 
literally offends my eyes. I don’t get it, and I never will. Rust 
is a fantastic language and as academic endeavours go, highly 
successful. Unfortunately, I’m too practically minded and seek 
comfort in C-style languages, having lived in that world too 
long. So, D was the best candidate to tick all the boxes, whilst 
having C & C++ interoptability.

That's exactly my sentiment too.

Re: Release D 2.090.0

2020-02-29 Thread uranuz via Digitalmars-d-announce
I believe that problemme is somehow connected with 
I figured out that it fail inside a function that tries to get 
trace info for exception. Body is pretty simple. I created the 
case where `ex` is just an instance of standart Exception class 
in order to eliminate some side effects or errors that could be 
introduced by my code.

auto errorToJSON(Throwable ex)
import std.json: JSONValue;
import std.conv: to;

string[] backTrace;
// Commenting this loop removes memory error
foreach( inf; )
backTrace ~=!string; // Debug point is there

JSONValue jErr = [
"code": JSONValue(1),
"message": JSONValue(ex.msg),
"data": JSONValue([
"file": JSONValue(ex.file),
"line": JSONValue(ex.line),
"backtrace": JSONValue(backTrace)

return jErr;

I just tried to debug this code. And put debug point there (where 
it is commented). And programme fails after several iterations in 
this loop. There is call stack at this break point: 
 (Unknown Source:0)
rt.backtrace.dwarf.traceHandlerOpApplyImpl(const(void*[]), scope 
int(ref ulong, ref const(char[])) delegate)@0x55e1c65c 
(Unknown Source:0)
core.runtime.DefaultTraceInfo.opApply(scope int(ref ulong, ref 
const(char[])) delegate) const@0x55e1a501 (Unknown 
core.runtime.DefaultTraceInfo.opApply(scope int(ref 
const(char[])) delegate) const@0x55e1a47e (Unknown 
std.parallelism.AbstractTask.job()@0x55dbb423 (Unknown 

(Unknown Source:0)
(Unknown Source:0)
(Unknown Source:0) (Unknown 

thread_entryPoint@0x55de9016 (Unknown Source:0)

So I believe that bug is somewhere around there. Because there 
are some fixed size buffers in code. And have some template code, 
so symbol names could be greather in size that this buffers. And 
this case could be not handled good enough.

What dou you think about it? I shall try to create some 
representative example of smaller size to fill a bug report.