Re: D + Qt + QtDesigner

2022-10-01 Thread Willian via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 28 September 2022 at 01:39:34 UTC, Ali Çehreli 

On 9/27/22 16:21, Vladimir Marchevsky wrote:

> Considering licensing model of Qt and political decisions of
> Foundation

Those were the reasons why my friends Barbara and Ansel started 


How can I use CopperSpice with Qt + Dlang?

typed-router: Django-esque Path Handling for vibe.d

2022-10-01 Thread Kyle Ingraham via Digitalmars-d-announce
Hi all. I use Django and Python for web development in my day job 
but vastly prefer working in D. I decided to try using D's 
flexibility to bring a bit of Django's API to vibe.d's routing. 
The result is a vibe.d router that implements Django's URL 
dispatching system.

The package is available via dub here:

Below are the contents of the README explaining a bit about how 
it works. I welcome any and all feedback!

# typed-router
A [vibe.d]( router that implements 
[Django's]( URL dispatching system.

import typed_router : TypedURLRouter;

import vibe.core.core;
import vibe.http.server;
import vibe.http.status;

int main()
auto router = new TypedURLRouter!();

auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.bindAddresses = [""];
settings.port = 9000;

auto listener = listenHTTP(settings, router);
scope (exit)

return runApplication();

void helloUser(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res, 
string name, int age) @safe

import std.conv : to;

res.contentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";

Hello, ` ~ name ~ `. You are ` ~ to!string(age) ~ ` years 


## Details
typed-router uses D's flexibility to implement key components of 
Django's URL dispatching system. The end result is a
blending of the ergonomics available in Django with the, to me, 
superior development experience of D.

Key components of Django's [URL dispatching 
system]( are:

- The URL path expression scheme
- The ability to extend the path expression scheme through path 

### URL Path Expression Scheme
Django allows the developer to [specify values to be 
This is similar to functionality available in most web frameworks 
(including vibe.d). Identifiers in angle brackets will be used to 
values from matched paths. Those values are then made available 
to handlers as strings. After matching the following
example path on structure, Django would make `name` and `age` 
string values available to the path's associated handler:


Where things get interesting is Django's URL path expression 
scheme's path converters.

### Path Converters
Captured value specifications can optionally include a path 
converter. Path converters influence both how their portion
of the path is matched when routing, and the type of value passed 
to an associated handler. Take the following path as

an example:


`name` has no path converter and so would be matched as a string. 
`age` on the other hand has the `int` path converter
which matches against integers and passes an integer value to the 
path's handler. A request to `/hello/ash/12/` would
match against this path while a request to `/hello/ash/twelve/` 
would not.

Behind the scenes, path converters are objects that:
- Hold a regex pattern for values they match against
- Understand how to convert string values to the path converter's 
return type

### TypedURLRouter
typed-router provides `TypedURLRouter` which is a vibe.d router 
that understands Django's URL path expression scheme.
Paths are parsed at compile-time using built-in or user-provided 
path converters. Built-in path converters match
[Django's built-in 
set]( User-specified path
converters must first be defined as structs with the following 

- An `enum` member named `regex` with a regex character class 
representing strings to match against within a requested path.
- A `@safe` `toD` function that accepts a `const string`. The 
return type can be any desired outside `void`. This function 
converts strings to the type produced by the path converter.

 User-defined Path Converter Example

import typed_router : bindPathConverter, TypedURLRouter;

import vibe.core.core;
import vibe.http.server;
import vibe.http.status;

struct NoNinesIntConverter
enum regex = "[0-8]+"; // Ignores '9'

int toD(const string value) @safe
import std.conv : to;

return to!int(value);

int main()
auto router = new 


auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.bindAddresses = [""];
settings.port = 9000;

auto listener = listenHTTP(settings, router);
scope (exit)

return runApplication();

void helloUser(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res, 
string name, int age) @safe {

import std.conv : to;

res.contentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";