Re: dmd 2.064.2

2013-11-06 Thread Aleksandar Ruzicic
On Wednesday, 6 November 2013 at 19:57:40 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 11/6/2013 4:34 AM, Leandro Lucarella wrote:
Also I find strange that the first patchlevel version is 2 and 
not 1.

Was that intended or just an error?

It was intended. I felt that 2.064 = 2.064.1 would have been 
confusing, hence 2.064 = 2.064.2

But were there 2.064 and 2.064.1 releases? If I'm not mistaken 
the last release was 2.063.2 (at least judging by the website), 
next major release should be 2.064, not 2.064.1 or 2.064.2 (those 
are patch releases, not major ones).

If 2.064.1 was a RC then it was badly named. As IMHO RC versions 
must be marked with rc, as betas are marked with b flag. 
Something like 2.064-rc.1, 2.064-rc.2, ... 2.064 (stable/major 
release), 2.064.1 (patch release), ...

This (-rc.xx) is how RC versions should be marked as per SEMVER 
standard (, although I know that D doesn't 
follow semantic versioning as defined in that standard.

Other than this thing with versioning I must say that I'm very 
pleased with changes in this version, so congrats to all people 
involved! :)

Re: An idea - make a fundation

2013-06-25 Thread Aleksandar Ruzicic

On Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 20:09:46 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-06-25 06:34, QAston wrote:

---Get a real webdesigner involved

I would say, as long as the web site is written in ddoc, no 
real web designer will be interested.

There is no need for designer to know what DDOC is. For the past 
few years I have worked with many designers which had only basic 
knowledge about HTML and even less about CSS (most of them don't 
know anything about JavaScript but they know jQuery a bit). 
They just give me PSD and I do slicing and all coding.

So if any redesign of is going to happen I volunteer to 
do all coding, so there is no need to look for designer which is 
comfortable writing DDOC.

Re: DMD 2.063.2 now up

2013-06-18 Thread Aleksandar Ruzicic

On Tuesday, 18 June 2013 at 08:41:43 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

and fixes several reported regressions.

Great news! Luckily I wasn't hit by any regression but I'm glad 
to see that those are fixed promptly.

btw is not working, is that a new location for 
downloads and DNS changes have not been propagated yet or you 
made a typo? :) still works so this is a non-issue.

Re: vibe.d 0.7.12 released

2013-02-11 Thread Aleksandar Ruzicic

On Monday, 11 February 2013 at 19:08:16 UTC, FG wrote:
Great project -- a flagship example of D's real world 

On 2013-02-11 19:11, Ali Çehreli wrote:
same code as Python, translated to D. Of course, the solution 
that use vibe.d
does not have Python's infamous GIL; instead, it comes with 
parallelism and
concurrency out of the box. And you are aware of typos in your 
code even before

running your program. ;)

Running worker processes can make the GIL problem a little less 
of a PITA, but having the typos pointed out before running the 
app... is just priceless. :)

I'm struggling with the temptation to move a Python website to 
What keeps me from doing that are Django templates. Not even 
because vibe's templates have to be recompiled each time some 
small markup change is introduced -- I got used to that with 
LaTeX ;) -- but because of Jade. It's way too far off course 
from HTML for my tastes. I see no reason for inventing a 
completely new format when all you need is templating.

So let me use this opportunity to ask you: is somebody working 
on other template systems for vibe.d already or shall I get 
involved myself? I'm thinking about something similar to this, 

I'm working on porting Twig ( to D 
(so I can use it with vibe.d) but I'm still far even from a 
preview release.. I'm hoping to have more spare time in upcoming 
months to implement at least small usable subset of Twig features.

I will post in this forum/NG once I have something to show..