Re: North Korean Hackers Developing Malware in Dlang Programming Language

2024-05-27 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 May 2024 at 16:17:07 UTC, aberba wrote:

By Ionut Arghire:

the guy writes 3 articles a day, assuming a 8 hour work week he 
must have spent less then 3 hours with the topic

Please dont reshare slop just because it mentions d

Re: Phobos 3 Development is Open!

2024-02-29 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 15:45:06 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

Why can't D have its own types?

Just importing this introduces dependencies on other system 

import core.stdc.config;
import core.stdc.stddef; // for wchar_t
import core.stdc.signal; // for sig_atomic_t
import core.stdc.wchar_; // for wint_t

Wich makes phobos harder to use on platforms without these

I think Phobos as a base shouldn't depend on libc, only 
specific parts eg: network/event modules for example, so it 
becomes easier to port when required


My current setup in wasm has a broken libc and that makes most 
the std useless unleast I want to go wack a mole in the depths of 

Re: raylib wasm soon^tm

2023-12-30 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 30 December 2023 at 14:57:54 UTC, JN wrote:

No Windows support shouldn't be such a big deal. If you have 
WASM working, you can just wrap your WASM game in NW.js or 
Electron to make a standalone app.

I would never, native support is in reach and I find the webpage 
shit to make a canvas for wasm to be completely insane.

Its a question if I'll maintain building

raylib wasm soon^tm

2023-12-29 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

(press f9 to change color scheme)

Nearly done with my alpha todo list, schvelguy got it working on 

so thats 3 platforms, windows(wishywashy rn), linux, wasm

For what its worth I live-streamed some of it;

see examples folder for target syntax and style
see readme contributing on contributing

Its a mess, its pre-alpha, but its nearing the point of useful 

Re: D Language Foundation October 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

2023-12-28 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 6 December 2023 at 16:28:08 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

## The Next Meetings
We had our October monthly meeting one week after this meeting. 
The next quarterly should happen on January 5, 2024. We had no 
regular planning sessions in October, but two workgroup 
meetings took place regarding DMD-as-a-library. The monthly 
meeting summary is coming next, then I'll publish an update 
about the workgroup meetings.

please add this to the agenda

Re: DLF September 2023 Planning Update

2023-11-14 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 08:18:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

## The future of D
Robert had been itching to talk about our long-term plans for 
D. I think most of us understood that he was talking in terms 
of language features, but in this session, he explained that's 
not what he meant. D started as a successor to C and C++, but 
he doesn't see the language that way. He sees it as the best 
parts of C, Haskell, and Python. Others may see it differently. 
So how do we define the language going forward? What role do we 
want it to play? Are we mostly concerned with C-style stuff 
where every bit counts? Do we see D as a great tool for one-off 
scripts that would normally be written in something like Python?

D is not and has never been a c replacement language, your not 
Zig, there's a very real dependency on gc(and no @nogc/betterc 
doesn't change that, you have first-class dynamic arrays based on 
the gc) theres a grand total of 3 platforms where d is stable and 
it will never be the portable asm of C; no embedded, no gnu, no 
unix, and no credible aspirations to change that.

D *is* a c++ replacement, c++ isn't very good at its job, and 
while I dont know how somehow aa managed to convince walter to 
merge in lots of quality of life stuff for the template hell. 
Please focus on making the template hell, survivable and either 
take it upon yourself to make the stl or enable its conditions.

D isn't haskell, sumtypes aren't even a first-class abstraction I 
simply don't know what someone could've said that made that on 
the table.

~~python sucks and is irrelevant ~~

Re: A New Era for the D Community

2023-05-12 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 9 May 2023 at 12:27:30 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:

To be honest, this has always been my take as well.

On Tuesday, 9 May 2023 at 15:46:12 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

I basically agree with this

I feel if I was understood, only people with (at least) one foot 
out the door would agree easily.

As it stands *anytime* *anyone* says "I want to help D" in the 
discord, I and several others basically go out of our way to 
dissuade that notion; *that's damning* to the long-term health of 
the language. Thats not changing on my end, Im practicing what I 
preach, minor political changes won't convince me. Can anyone 
tell me with a straight face that the last guy to say "Hi im new, 
d lacks a crypto lib in the std, is that something I could help 
with?" shouldn't have been told to avoid that like the plague?


Michael Malice has this concept of "Nancy Pelosi 4th favorite ice 
cream"; every night she has a pint of icecream, 90% of the time 
she picks her favorite and so on.

She hasn't eaten her 4th favorite icecream in 3 years, is she 

(nancy says she is for freedom, but when asked if she would 
legalize meth/ legalize nukes/ get rid of all taxes, *said no 

I think this leads to a "blunt fact" you can only have so many 
principles. Every official D codebase uses the official style 
guide, cares about the long-term vision, and who knows what other 
unstated requirements.

I believe "coherent vision" must be discarded for some part of 
the process.

"Management" does not always mean "telling people what to do". 
Sometimes (often!) it means removing roadblocks and bottlenecks 
that get in the way of people doing what they already want to 

The way I read the main post is not "We are changing our 
fundamental values to be more flexible" it's more "I'm making an 
effort to communicate the team's vision better". I don't believe 
this issue is that; I hear the team's vision very very loudly, I 
could tell you a few reasons why the std won't get new data 
structures this decade(much less the ones I would suggest). It's 
not a lack of communication of them to me, Im just willing to 
summarize "we can't make data structures, you should use @nogc 
@live and @safe, your code isn't our style, allocators are 
coming" to "no".

D seems to plan on telling people what's acceptable at exactly 
the same rate, for the foreseeable future; I see nothing that 
would make anything I write acceptable to it.

(Honestly, maybe 80% of the time when I've seen "D needs better 
management", it has been code for "D management didn't like my 

Yes, d needs better management because d didn't like my proposal.

I mean "anarchic" when I ask for a redesign of std.experimental. 
I don't see a future healthy growth of the language when any 
member of the dev team has a say on everything.

I see no shuffling of decision-making capabilities that would 
resolve the issues.


When I say "d has a community of meta-programming crazed 
iconoclasts" and "don't herd cats"; I do mean the community, 
genius doesn't necessarily play nice with others or lead people 
to work *for free* with poor working conditions. I'm not really 
saying nice things about myself or the other people who left or 
are unwilling to contribute for whatever reason. But I would 
suggest the solution to courting the iconoclastic elements isn't 
with something tested in corporate culture, corporations 
generally pay to have people tolerate their demands, D must 
compete with the freedom of doing your own project.

Re: A New Era for the D Community

2023-05-06 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 11:13:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

IVY, their organizational development program

Your solution to hearing luas dev saying "I dont manage anything" 
and whatever feedback from your survey, is you got corporate 
training and now you gun-ho about management?

Was I in an extreme minority here?

*Stop pretending D is a corporate language*

You have a community of meta-programming-crazed iconoclasts

Either you believe this small community has great 1000x 
programmers or you don't and we are doomed anyway

If Adr says "I want to make a color lib", don't stand in his 
way give him the namespace that can be 
written to his style guide, to his standards, on his github, 
and when a new version of the compiler ships a script will 
grab a snapshot

Please redesign and relaunch `std.experimental` to have a 
completely hands-off, anarchic structure. I'm confused how you 
came to the conclusion that complaints about management mean 
there should be more management instead of a fundamentally 
different approach.

Don't herd cats, just clean out the litter boxes.

Re: Walter on Twitter

2023-04-15 Thread Monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 15 April 2023 at 04:46:33 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/14/2023 5:54 PM, zjh wrote:

Newspapers all do it, why shouldn't we?

Newspapers all zombies that are hoping to trade in their brand 
name for a pay day before boomers leave the scene.

By all means fund and promote *live coding* or teaching videos if 
you want to outreach, but shitposting on twitter wont do anything 
of value

Re: New beginnings - looking for part-time D programming help

2023-03-24 Thread Monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 16:02:46 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:


For those that didn't hear, I resigned from Symmetry in 
September and my last day was a couple of weeks back.


"Not hedge fund" and "scripting" doesn't seem like enough of a 
job description to me

Dingbats alpha 1

2023-01-24 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

Collection of small example programs to fix, to teach you D.

Re: Safer Linux Kernel Modules Using the D Programming Language

2023-01-07 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 8 January 2023 at 03:58:43 UTC, Siarhei Siamashka 

On Sunday, 8 January 2023 at 03:18:27 UTC, monkyyy wrote:
On Sunday, 8 January 2023 at 02:15:27 UTC, areYouSureAboutThat 

C is not just a programming language anymore. It's a complete 
(and very diverse) ecosystem.

No progress has been made for decades but that doesn't mean 
progress is impossible.

C has a very large and diverse ecosystem exactly thanks to "no 

I was referring to all programming languages and computer science

Re: Safer Linux Kernel Modules Using the D Programming Language

2023-01-07 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 8 January 2023 at 02:15:27 UTC, areYouSureAboutThat 

C is not just a programming language anymore. It's a complete 
(and very diverse) ecosystem.

No progress has been made for decades but that doesn't mean 
progress is impossible. Maybe the academia will take note that 
imperative code with goto, void* and static types are nessary and 
stop making meme language.

The unix stack was fair from prefect and the api of shells and 
stdin/out should be typed and semi graphical, hot take.

Re: The D Programming Language Vision Document

2022-07-09 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 9 July 2022 at 22:59:19 UTC, Vladimir Marchevsky 

On Sunday, 3 July 2022 at 17:09:46 UTC, monkyyy wrote:
Id suggest dropping std.experimental and get a 
sort of thing going.

Well, it's named dub :)

Its not curated. Its enforces a vision. It changes the compiler 
options. and its randomly configured in js.

Re: The D Programming Language Vision Document

2022-07-03 Thread monkyyy via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 3 July 2022 at 08:46:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Feedback is welcome.


This section is... light on details and does little to clear up 
if you share my goals.

My current take on this is that I believe something with c 
feature ser + templates are the future, their foundation 
extremely shaky and awful with c++ appearing to make it powerful 
by accident, and that I should be wherever there is the most 
sugar to make it livable.

This will mostly involve me wanting an endless stream of new 
features to play with. But this contradicts the earlier section 
about simplicity and avoiding complex features.

Templates generally get ugly syntax, alias when you want to store 
first class type, static if's everywhere, ___traits; so Id 
suggests that's updated to be complex features that affect 
standard code but generally be open to experimental features in 
the template space; so that templates are generally going to get 
the short end of the stick design-wise but that but open to 
exploring out the foundation meta programming needs.

Phobos and DRuntime

You don't comment on how v2 should be organized.

Currently, I believe to write functional-style code your going to 
import 5 different std libs and at least algorithm and range. Is 
that going to continue or be fixed?

I find the naming conflicts of "write" to be fairly awful and 
makes `import std;` undoable and even if you always write out 
your imports, studio and file are often going to be used 
together. Will that be fixed?

etc. etc.

the goals of std v2 probably could get its own document.

Stronger ecosystem
Community management
All D users and contributors must feel comfortable participating 
in the D community.
There is a divide between those who believe in a "kitchen sink" 
standard library and those who support a minimal standard 
library backed up by a large ecosystem. We must find a balance 
that makes sense for the D programming language.

Id suggest dropping std.experimental and get a sort 
of thing going.

Where given snar did sumtypes as a subtype lib, then got into 
std.experimental, had to follow your process and whatever; and 
then finally got merged into std.

Instead, I'd suggest that snar makes an important lib, it gets 
noticed by the community, will point at 
snar's github either auto-downloaded or batched with compiler 

Have whatever legal disclaimer that is not your 
responsibility, is kinda bad style to overuse and should be 
verified yourself. But have a curated list of community projects 
that have a soft thumbs up and that are easy to use. While 
dropping the std.experimental take that everyone says is a bad 