Re: DConf Online '24 Schedule

2024-02-07 Thread Menjanahary R. R. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 6 February 2024 at 18:25:39 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

The DConf Online '24 schedule is live:

See you on Saturday, March 16th!

Good news!

Project Euler solution in D

2024-02-01 Thread Menjanahary R. R. via Digitalmars-d-announce
I came accross D early in 2004... It was since then a never 
ending _Love story_.

Time to give back now!

#math #code #dlang

Re: Vision document for H1 2018

2018-03-11 Thread R via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 11 March 2018 at 07:59:53 UTC, rumbu wrote:
Because, even the language creators seem to not recognize this, 
D looks like C# with *native compilation*, the syntax is 95% 
identical. Basically, if my source code doesn't use any .NET 
framework function, it will compile successfully with dmd 
without any (major) change.

Most people do not have issues with the core language of D. You 
can come from any of the above mentioned languages ( like C, C++, 
Rust, PHP, Python, Nim, ... ) and get going with D. That is what 
attracted me in the first place. The language looks good but the 
moment you actually start using D its issue after issue.

With the usual response here: "Why do you not fix it yourself or 
pay for it". Maybe because most people who come want to use the 
tools and be productive and not spend their time fixing up those 

Its a mentality issue that some do not get here. In order to grow 
you need consumers for your product. If you force or whine to 
them to fix the issues, they leave. When they leave you lose 
potential growth. That loss in growth means losing potential 
members that can fix and want to fix the issues.

One can call it selfish but every language is based upon this 
principle. No growth and community of lots of selfish users means 
no other members to fix the issues. It is the 9 Circles of Hell.

I suppose that every C# programmer is enthusiastic on the first 
contact with the D language, but fails to keep his enthusiasm 
when he sees Phobos. C# programmer's mind is locked in the OOP 
world and Phobos looks like a mess from his point of view.


It has the language mostly right but its everything around it 
that is simply a mess. When one compares that to Rust. They are 
not having constant discussion about replacing cargo ( as dub in 
D has issues ). They do not need to have multiple documentation 
generators. The cross platform is simple and fast. Same applies 
to Go. And C# ... Resources simple are more focused and enhance 
the whole platform as such. D is like a children sandbox where 
everybody is playing with their own toys. So when other complain 
about the mess of the playground, the responds by some is just as 

The problem is that D stagnates and in the same time C# evolves.

I am sure that lots of D members will be quick to point out, that 
C# is run by a commercial company and D has only open source 
contributors. Now why did you not contribute! /sarcasm

Sometimes I feel like the C# language team is using D as 
inspiration for the new features, starting with C# 7.0, a lot 
of D concepts were introduced in the language: local functions, 
'_' as digit separator, binary literals, ref returns, tuples, 
templates, immutability. Guess what the next version of C# has 
on the table: slices.

Yep ... Things are moving faster in the .net camp thanks to the 
focus on .net Core and the RyuJit.

Here is a fun one, with Blazer now being part of the official 

Blazer = C# code runable in the browser using WebAssembly.

In the same time, D delegates new features (and sometime 
existing ones) to library implementation, instead of assume 
them in the language syntax.

My opinion is that the day when C# will compile to native (on 
any platform), the C# developer interest in D will drop 

Personally i am waiting to see CoreRT finalized:

-> CppCodeGen/C++
-> RyuJIT codegen
-> Webasm

Its already working and getting better by the day.

Other languages are moving forwards at blazing speeds and D seems 
to put it priorities on adding new exiting features. Where as a 
large part of the outcry is the issues with the library, lacking 
editors support, cross platform issues, ...

Re: Vision document for H1 2018

2018-03-10 Thread R via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 11 March 2018 at 00:36:19 UTC, Dylan Graham wrote:
Well, no. I'm more concerned with the fact that the D Language 
Foundation is focused on BetterC, yet does not mention DLLs at 

For God's sake, if D is the future, why does it continue to 
leech off C/C++? Other languages like Rust and C# only have 
basic function calling C (FFI/PInvoke) yet are way more 
popular. I get the feeling that most of the C++ programmers who 
would come to D have already done so.

The most I'll ever need of interfacing with C and C++ is to be 
able to call their functions from D. I've no reason for BetterC.

And what's with the language design, anyway? D has been 
designed with features that C++ programmers don't want, then 
now the D Language Foundation is wasting effort to change the 
language to rope those programmers in? If D was meant to be C++ 
2.0, shouldn't it have been designed that way from the start?

I came to D from a C# background. I was looking a language that 
had a GC, was awesome to program in and was very fast. Why 
can't D own up to these facts, rather than becoming a leech of 

Every day D becomes more like C++ 2.0, why can't it just be D?

Point to the wall on the left side. That is what your talking to. 
D its focus on C++ as a bad plan has been made pushed by many 
people ( lots who left ). Its like asking Go for Generics.

And its very nice to see the "71% in the poll do not want 
BetterC", well, screw them comment. So what is the point again by 
asking people opinions? And sure, BetterC can be reused to 
improve the D core but that is not what people want NOW. And yet, 
its a priority when 71% say its not!

D simply is not equipped for dealing with people who come from 
languages like C#, Ruby, PHP, Python, ... because too many people 
here are C++ old timers ( yes, there are exceptions ) and they 
only think in that direction.

Kind of ironic when D keeps pushing for more features hoping that 
it will attract C++ developers and the young kid on the block 
Rust is already eating up that market. And "scripting" language 
like PHP, that everybody criticizes just keeps growing and gained 
11% market share in the last 7 years ( at now 83% ). Where as D 
its gain has been minimalist thanks to people leaving almost as 
fast as it gain.

There is a lesson the be learned in this somewhere...