Re: TDPL in Russian

2010-11-10 Thread digited
Eldar Insafutdinov Wrote:

> Отличные 
> новости!
> Тем не менее, 
> многие 
> согласятся 
> со мной что 
> при должном 
> владении 
> английским
> языком, 
> технические 
> книги лучше 
> читать в 
> оригинале. 
> Но русский 
> перевод 
> будет
> отличным 
> выходом для 
> многих 
> программистов,
>  которые еще 
> не так 
> хорошо знают
> технический 
> английский.

I agree, but my first Delphi, C++ and STL books were in russian, that really 
helped a lot.
We'll see about the quality of translation and pricing, i hope it will be good.

Re: Wormhol 1.0 released

2010-04-09 Thread digited
#ponce Wrote:

> Wormhol is a split-screen 3D snake game written in the D programming language.
> It Needs Windows, OpenGL 2.0.
> Download link:
> Pouet page:
> I'm very interested in getting bug reports, send me the log file log.htm
> Known bugs:
> - won't work on Intel cards
> - black screen on some ATI
> - sometimes don't start, depending of the directory
> Cheers,
> #ponce

Nice game!

runs fine on WinXP + 8600GT M.

(why SDL?)

Re: dmd beta mailing list

2010-01-03 Thread digited
Walter Bright Wrote:

> The dmd-beta mailing list is for those who want to be notified of 
> impending releases of dmd so they can check their libraries or projects 
> against it for regressions.

I guess the discussion of beta testing will be in announce still...

Re: dmd beta mailing list

2010-01-03 Thread digited
bearophile Wrote:

> Good, the situation is slowly improving :-)


- Why do you call this version of software 'beta'?
- cuz' it'z beta than nothin'.

Re: dmd 1.055 and 2.039 release

2010-01-03 Thread digited
Brad Roberts Wrote:

> Walter Bright wrote:
> > digited wrote:
> >> Walter Bright Wrote:
> >>
> >>> Fixes the Tango build breaks.
> >>
> >> With RC's, you'll never need this.
> > 
> > I put out a beta to the people who have asked to be on the beta
> > announcement list, and nobody (other than Don) gave any feedback on it.
> > If you want to be on the beta list, please email me.
> > 
> > Or on second thought, perhaps I'll ask Brad to set up a beta mailing list.
> Why not just post them publicly on the announce newsgroup?


Please, Walter, post betas in Announce newsgroup (here). I'll test Tango trunk, 
miniD, xf and my code at least on Windows and Mac 10.5 at work (i'm using 
64-bit linux distro, so - ldc there)

Giving beta testers a couple of days before releasing final version will be 

Re: dmd 1.055 and 2.039 release

2010-01-03 Thread digited
Walter Bright Wrote:

> Fixes the Tango build breaks.

With RC's, you'll never need this.

Re: dmd 1.050 and 2.035 release

2009-10-23 Thread digited
Walter Bright Wrote:

> The main purpose of this is to correct a couple of regressions that were 
> blocking QtD and Tango.
> Many thanks to the numerous people who contributed to this update.

Thanks again for small commits to svn!

Today i've built DMD1 on Mac 10.5 (Intel) just like this:

svn co dmd
cd dmd
make -f osx.mak

and it's a godsand - no more downloading 8 MB of unusable stuff (and obsolete 
because some patches are already in trunk).

btw, i had to change #include "../mars/mars.h" to #include "../mars.h" in 
backend/dwarf.c and backend/machobj.c to compile it.

Re: dmd 1.050 and 2.035 release

2009-10-15 Thread digited
Walter Bright Wrote:

> digited wrote:
> > So you don't mind that Tango is still uncompilable with 1.050 because of 
> > hurrying,
> I didn't know that. The bugzilla number which was posted as the reason 
> it wouldn't compile was fixed.

I don't try to accuse you on anything, just ask to give the users some time to 
test a release candidate - that will show existing blockers better than posting 
& scanning bugzilla before sudden release, devs will fix their bugs and you'll 
get a feedback for fixes, and there (i hope) won't be critical problems in 
compiling existing projects after release.

If you are already sending rc's to Tango devs, you simply can make them public 
and make an SVN branch with their code.

Re: dmd 1.050 and 2.035 release

2009-10-15 Thread digited
zsxxsz Wrote:

> I don't think so. If there are some important bugs fixed, the new release is
> necessary without caring about the release date. With dmd.2.034, I don't event
> compile druntime.

So you don't mind that Tango is still uncompilable with 1.050 because of 
hurrying, for third release in a row?
There must be an easy compiling of DMD from source, and you can get your own 
version from SVN trunk with a fresh bugfix you need.

But a release must generally be stable and should not break the code of main D 
projects (or give them time to change the projects' code and fix DMD bugs), 
there's a point in nighly builds, but not weekly releases that keep breaking 
the code.

Re: dmd 1.050 and 2.035 release

2009-10-15 Thread digited
Walter Bright Wrote:

> The main purpose of this is to correct a couple of regressions that were 
> blocking QtD and Tango.
> Many thanks to the numerous people who contributed to this update.

Thank you for this release, and thank you for small commits to SVN!

The only thing that is missing from a good release procedure is 
_release_candidates_. Please, Walter, do not hurry with releases! With DMD in 
SVN, it will be totally ok to do releases by one in 1-2 months, the main 
problem is that the developers don't have any time to actually test the new 
release. The bugs are found, but it's too late and they need to wait for new 
release, with new _features_ and thus, with _sudded_ release, new bugs and 
breaking changes (even in D1, yes).

You can totally eliminate this kind of problems with posting not a "Here's a 
new complete release! Now you can test it, but you won't get any fixes until 
next one", but a _release_candidate_, make an SVN branch for it and let 
developers (of QtD, Tango and lots of other projects) to test the candidate and 
report bugs to you. Be sure, after a week of testing, while you can work on 
next release and new features in trunk, the release branch will really become 
ready for a _stable_ release, when noone will have to complain about blocker 

Please, Walter, do not hurry with releases, make release candidates and wait 
for bug reports, apply fixes to the release branch and then make a really good 
release, no matter not so often!

Thank you.

Re: OpenMW 0.6 (+Monster) is out!

2009-03-11 Thread digited

Nicolay Korslund Wrote:

> Those following the progress of D in game development might be interested to 
> know that OpenMW 0.6 is out.
> OpenMW is an complete reimplementation of the game Morrowind, written from 
> scratch in D (with some C++ glue for the libraries.) Since it's just an 
> engine implementation though you still need the original game (data files) to 
> run the game.
> OpenMW is still at an early stage, but new in this release is a new GUI based 
> on MyGUI, a powerful, OGRE-based GUI system made for games. You can see the 
> result here:
> It also includes my very own scripting engine, Monster, which was specially 
> designed for this purpose originally but is now an independent engine. 
> Monster just reached its alpha stage (v0.11), and now has full 
> inheritance/polymorphism, a D-like module system and lots of other new 
> features. It's especially designed for quasi-concurrent situations like you 
> often see in gaming, such as this:
> say("Follow me!");
> sleep(3);
> moveTo(targetPoint);
> say("We're here.");
> Here, sleep() and moveTo() are disguised as normal functions, but are 
> actually part of an advanced cooperative multithreading / fibers system which 
> gives control to the rest of the program while they execute. This system is 
> already being used in OpenMW, and you can also use it to simulate Lua-like 
> coroutines with little effort.
> OpenMW download link: 
> OpenMW home page:
> GUI video:
> Older vids:
> Nico

Re: OpenMW 0.5 and Monster 0.10

2008-11-29 Thread Digited
Nicolay Korslund Wrote:

> My two pet D projects have spawned new releases: OpenMW 0.5 and
> Monster 0.10.

I hope one day a project like this could use MoonGlide... 

Re: DMD 1.036 and 2.020 releases

2008-10-23 Thread digited
torhu Wrote:

> I tried building DWT with -lib when that feature was first added.  -lib 
> seems to be broken somehow, because just compiling one file at a time 
> results in a much smaller .lib file.

That's normal (really a feature, not a bug) - "-lib" creates more than one 
object file from a module to make executables smaller (by linking not the full 
module object file, but it's piece that the executable really needs), it also 
does not any IO with hdd, all compiling and linking in RAM, so creating static 
libs is extremely fast and doesn't produce object files as output.

I've just compared "-lib" results from 1.035 and 1.036, it now works 

Re: DMD 1.036 and 2.020 releases

2008-10-23 Thread digited
Bill Baxter Wrote:
> I have no idea why the generated code got bigger again, but it's far
> from being the first time.
> Check the graph here:
> --bb

I thought this bug was a feature... Back to 1.035 then.

Re: DMD 1.036 and 2.020 releases

2008-10-23 Thread digited
Walter Bright Wrote:



I failed to compile Tango svn trunk with 1.036, but Tango 0.99.7, compiled with 
1.035, works fine.

I got a small fps boost when compiled my graphics engine with new dmd - maybe 
some improvements in associative arrays operations?.. Fps stability also 

When I was compiling DWT with 1.035 in a single command to dmd (dmd -lib 
modules), it took 11.66 seconds on 2GHz processor, size of lib was 7.6MB. With 
1.036 it took 16.74 seconds and lib size became 8.1. I get same results with 
"-lib" while compiling derelict opengl and glu - it now takes a bit longer and 
produces bigger libs. Have you changed something?