Re: Project Highlight: Funkwerk

2017-07-29 Thread linkrope via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 21:54:27 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 

What are they using for HTTP now?

Currently, we're using our own utilities, based on (with the mentioned garbage-collection issue).

depend 0.0.1

2015-04-30 Thread linkrope via Digitalmars-d-announce

depend checks actual import dependencies against a PlantUML model 
of target dependencies.
In contrast to dhier, depend makes use of the import dependencies 
created by dmd with the --deps switch.

In our company, we use this tool with CI to guard the development 
against unintended dependencies.

dunit 0.7.0 released

2013-09-29 Thread linkrope

The xUnit testing framework for D is used in production for one 
year now.

The latest changes are:
- added XML test reporting in JUnitReport format
- dub support
- changed @Ignore to @Ignore(reason to skip the test)
- added assertOp together with corresponding aliases
- added assertEmpty and assertNotEmpty
- extended assertArrayEquals to associative arrays

The XML reporting is currently used for a good integration with 
the CI tool Jenkins.

While the dunit/framework is best suited for testing in the 
large, dunit/assertion can be used on its own in simple unittest 
blocks for improved failure messages:

import dunit.assertion;

assertArrayEquals([1: foo, 2: bar], [1: foo, 2: baz]);

You will get the following message:
array mismatch at key 2; expected: bar but was: baz

Even the difference between the string values bar and baz is 
highlighted within 
(Still, I would wish for something like Python's ndiff for 
multi-line string values.)

Re: DUnit: Advanced unit testing toolkit.

2013-09-24 Thread linkrope

On Monday, 23 September 2013 at 16:40:56 UTC, jostly wrote:
I think it's great to see the D unit testing ecosystem growing. 
Since it's still relatively small, I think we have a good 
chance here to create interoperability between the different 

As I see it, we have:

1. Running unit tests

This is where D shines with the builting facility for unit 
tests. However, it suffers a bit from the fact that, if we use 
assert, it will stop on the first assertion failure, and there 
is (as far as I've been able to tell) no reliable way to run 
specific code before or after all the unit tests. If I'm wrong 
on that assumption, please correct me, that would simplify the 
spec running for specd.

In specd, the actual code inside the unittest { } sections only 
collect results, and the reporting is called from a main() 
supplied by compiling with version specrunner set. I haven't 
checked to see if your dunit do something similar.

In my understanding, D's built-in support for unittests is best 
suited for test cases that can be expressed as one-liners. When 
it gets more complicated, we usually use classes. That's what 
JUnit and TestNG do and that's what dunit does (this one:

For our software, we even separate the 'src' tree from the 
'unittest' tree to not distort the coverage results.

2. Asserting results

Varies from the builtin assert() to xUnit-like assertEquals() 
to the more verbose x.must.equal(y) used in specd.

This could easily be standardized by letting all custom asserts 
throw an AssertError, though I would prefer to use another 
exception that encapsulates the expected and actual result, to 
help with bridging to reporting.

It's too easy to use 'assertEquals' wrong. JUnit defines 
'assertEquals(expected, actual)' while DUnit defines it the other 
way around. For JUnit, I've seen too many wrong uses: 
'assertEquals(answer, 42)' giving misleading messages expected 
... but got 42.

Even with UFCS, why shouldn't you write '42.assertEqual(actual)'? 
That's where the more verbose 'must' matchers shine: 
'42.must.equal(actual)' is obviously the wrong way around.

When you have violated contracts, you get 'AssertError' 
exceptions from deep within your code under test. To fix these 
errors you may wish for a stack trace. On the other hand, the 
pretty messages you get for failed test assertions should be 
enough to fix these failures. In this case, the stack trace would 
only show the test runner calling the test case.

So: 'must' matchers are better than 'assert...'; and 
'AssertError' should not be thrown for failures!

3. Reporting results

If we have moved beyond basic assert() and use some kind of 
unit test runner, then we have the ability to report a summary 
of run tests, and which (and how many) failed.

This is one area where IDE integration would be very nice, and 
I would very much prefer it if the different unit test 
frameworks agreed on one standard unit test runner interface, 
so that the IDE integration problem becomes one of adapting 
each IDE to one runner interface, instead of adapting each 
framework to each IDE.

In my experience from the Java and Scala world, the last point 
is the biggest. Users expect to be able to run unit tests and 
see the report in whatever standard way their IDE has. In 
practice this most often means that various libraries pretend 
to be JUnit when it comes to running tests, because JUnit is 
supported by all IDEs.

A few days ago, I added such a reporting to dunit. An XML test 
report is now available that uses the JUnitReport format. We use 
Jenkins (formerly known as Hudson) for continuous integration so 
that we can browse our test results and track failures. Nice!

Let's not end up in that situation, but rather work out a 
common API to run unit tests, and the D unit test community can 
be the envy of every other unit tester. :)


Re: DUnit: Advanced unit testing toolkit.

2013-09-24 Thread linkrope

Same hint as for specd: have a look at 'assertOp'!

alias assertOp! assertGreaterThan;
alias assertOp!= assertGreaterThanOrEqual;
alias assertOp! assertLessThan;
alias assertOp!= assertLessThanOrEqual;

avoids duplicate code.

Maybe, you can do the same for 'assertStartsWith' and 

Re: DUnit: Advanced unit testing toolkit.

2013-09-22 Thread linkrope

Have a look at, especially at
the Related Projects.

Until now, my preferred tool for (large-scale) unit testing in D
would be the combination of my dunit framework (of course),
DMocks-revived for mocks, and the 'must' matchers of specd.

How does your toolkit fit in?

Re: specd - write more expressive unit tests

2013-09-04 Thread linkrope

It would be nice to have something like!(42);

So, have a look at 'assertOp':

How can a user of your code add matchers, for example, to check 
for elements or attributes in XML? (Without having to change your 
code.) The hidden 'MatchStatement' makes the code easy to use but 
seems to make it hard to extend. You could add a second 
('matcher') parameter to 'must', but then you have to switch from 
'.' to '('...')':


By the way: Does the color output work on Windows?
Here is what I do to color the unit-test results:

Re: Unit Threaded - a unit testing library for D

2013-08-27 Thread linkrope

On Tuesday, 27 August 2013 at 15:42:28 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

I have some of these functions here:

Where is your 'assertOp' from the comments of issue 4653?
I recently added it to

Re: DUnit - class MyTest { mixin TestMixin; void testMethod1() {} void testMethod2() {}}

2012-08-30 Thread linkrope

Add some variable to the test case: bool finished;
Set the variable in the callback: finished = true;
Add something like

assertWithTimeout({return finished;});

at the end of the test case, following;

Does it help?

On Wednesday, 29 August 2012 at 19:20:25 UTC, Shripad K wrote:
How do I test callbacks/delegates which are not triggered 
immediately? Especially when I need to do unit tests with an 
event loop?
A simple example from my codebase (SaaSy here is a custom HTTP 
client to an API endpoint):

class TestSaaSy {
mixin TestMixin;

// this works
void test_encoded_auth() {
auto ev = new EventLoop;
auto saasy = new SaaSy(ev, test, test);
assert(saasy.encoded_auth == dGVzdDp0ZXN0dGVzdA==, 
encoding issue);


// won't work. test gets finished even before the callback 
is fired!

void test_get_subscription() {
auto ev = new EventLoop;
auto saasy = new SaaSy(ev, test, test);
saasy.getSubscription(ref363466, (bool err, string 
response) {

assert(err == true);