Re: Code review: JSON unmarshaller

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 22:35, Tyler Jameson Little wrote:

I'm basically trying to reproduce other JSON marshallers, like Go's, but
using compile-time reflection. Go uses runtime reflection, which D
notably does not support. I like the idea of compile-time reflection
better anyway. There are a few things that would make it easier (like a
__traits call like allMembers that excludes functions).

Most other languages are not as complicated as D, it's basically only C 
and C++ that are. Implementing a marshaller in Ruby would be dead 
simple. No pointers, no array slices (in the same way as D), support for 
full runtime reflection.

I use a lot of JSON, so a JSON marshaller/unmarshaller is going to save
a lot of time, and make my code a lot cleaner.

Most of these points are when unmarshalling. I haven't actually looked 
if your marshaller can handle these cases but looking at the small 
amount of code I would guess no.

* Pointers

I've done this, but haven't fully tested it. Basic pointers work.

Are they correctly setup when unmarshaling. Example:

int a = 3; // global/TLS

class Foo
int b = 4;
int* c;
int* d;

auto foo = new Foo;
foo.c = &a;
foo.d = &foo.b;

When unmarshaling will "foo.d" point to "foo.b"?

* Array slices

I think this is handled.

This is basically the same as pointers:

class Foo
int[] a;
int[] b;

auto foo = new Foo;
foo.a = [3, 4, 5, 6];
foo.b = foo.a[1 .. 3];

When unmarshaling will "foo.b" point to "foo.a"?

* Serializing through base class references

Doesn't __traits(allMembers, T) give everything from all super classes?

__traits only work at compile time.

class A
int a;

class B : A
int b;

A b = new B;

The static type of "b" is "A" so all information about "B" is lost at 
compile time. You either need to provide a way to register all 
subclasses that should be be marshaled through a base class reference or 
you need to implement proper runtime reflection.

* const/immutable fields

Hmm, not sure to handle this. These have to be set in the constructor,

You shouldn't call the constructor when unmarshaling. That's another 
problem. Do you want to limit your marshaller to only work with classes 
that have a default constructor or none.

You need to create the class instances without calling the constructor. 
Then you could provide a method that will be called before/after 

Have a look that this post:

* Any reference type (not really hard but it's more work)

Are you talking about aliases? What other kind of reference types are
there in structs/classes? I'm assuming this will have more to do with
marshalling as opposed to unmarshalling.

Yes, you don't want to marshal the same object twice. References types 
in D are: objects, pointers, associative arrays and arrays. These are 
the ones I can think of for now.

Have a look at for a basically fully working serialization library

Hmm, looks interesting. This looks like it only supports XML, which I
don't use, but I'm sure you've already solved a lot of the corner cases.
Thanks, I'll take a look!

I have solved a lot of corner cases but there are a few left. I have a 
branch for handling const/immutable fields but it needs more testing 
before merging it with the master branch.

I'm also not really happy about the deserializing of arrays. It's quite 

Apparently it's also breaks as soon as you turn on some kind of 
optimization when compiling.

The goal of Orange was to be able serialize basically everything found 
in D. Also to support multiple archive types, i.e. XML, JSON, binary and 
so on.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: clear array

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile


destroy and clear work nicely, except when using large arrays 
dmd is taking quite a while to compile

int[1000][1000] arr;

Unfortunately currently DMD/druntime is not designed to handle 
large fixed-sized arrays well, in general (large static floating 
point or char 2D arrays are the worst case). In such cases you 
sometimes have to use a dynamic array, or sometimes a little more 
efficiently a fixed sized array of dynamic arrays. In Bugzilla 
there are two ore more bug entries that ask for speeder 
compilations or better handling of such large fixed-sized arrays.

My dmd isn't even running the program that "int[1000][1000] arr;" 
array inside the main, I think I have to increase stack size.

Maybe you have found another case where dmd or its druntime are 
not well optimized, I have filed it in Bugzilla for you:

See there for more info.


Re: clear array

2012-10-15 Thread Damian
On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 at 00:44:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 02:37:52 Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 10/16/12, Damian  wrote:
> Does D have a built-in way to clear arrays dynamic and 
> static?

arr.clear() should work too.

Use destroy, not clear. clear is now an alias for clear and 
should be going
away eventually. There were too many problems with the 
ambiguity of the name

clear, so it was renamed.

- Jonathan M Davis

destroy and clear work nicely, except when using large arrays dmd 
is taking quite a while to compile

int[1000][1000] arr;

Re: clear array

2012-10-15 Thread Damian

On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 at 00:47:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 02:33:03AM +0200, Damian wrote:
I know this is a bit of a dumb question and I have searched 
and not

found anything concrete surprisingly :/

Does D have a built-in way to clear arrays dynamic and static?
I don't want to iterate over every element and set a default 

In C++ I would just use memset, I don't know if I should be 

this for D?

What about:

import std.algorithm;
void main() {
int[] arr = [1,2,3,4];

fill(arr, 0);
writeln(arr);   // should print [0,0,0,0]



This does not handle multi-dimensional arrays

Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2012-10-15 Thread Artur Skawina
On 10/15/12 17:49, Maxim Fomin wrote:
> On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 11:01:13 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:
>> UFCS has pros and cons. I could agree that it has problems and should be 
>> removed
>> from the language completely. But if the feature is there, it should work, 
>> w/o any
>> unnecessary special cases.
> Special cases would be created by any decision, the only question is which 
> feature is discriminated - alias this, UFCS or something else (currently UFCS 
> is).
>> An overloaded operator is just another normal method; you get the same type 
>> of
>> problems when dealing with "normal" methods - eg in types having an "alias 
>> this" -
>>  an UFCS "method" must take precedence over one reachable via the alias - 
>> just like
>> in the overloaded op case. The only sane alternative would be disallowing 
>> for types with an "alias this" (which would be a severe limitation).
> You seem to be in the second camp (UFCS free function takes precedence over 
> alias this, if declared). I am not against, just to note.

Actually, I'm not really in any camp. UFCS has several obvious problems plus 
quite a few more subtle ones. Ignoring the issues does not make them go away and
-must-work arguments, that often appear here, do not really help.

Note that my above "UFCS method must take precedence" statement only describes 
required functionality; handling it like that /by default/ wouldn't probably be 
good idea, as that would make accidental method hijacking possible.
The lookup should be more like
 - T.method
 - ufcs_method(T) marked with 'override'
 - while (T = alias this) {
 - T.method
 - ufcs_method(T) marked with 'override'
 - ufcs_method(T) w/o 'override'
 - while (T = alias this)
 - ufcs_method(T) w/o 'override'
with the compiler enforcing the obvious 'override' rules for ufcs_method 
(requiring that T isn't opaque when declaring (or calling) UFCS functions is 
i don't think having 'foo(a)' and '' mean completely different things 
would work
well together with UFCS). And yes, it wouldn't completely eliminate the 
possibility of
hijacking - but you'd need three components interacting for it to happen, which 
make it much less likely to occur.

[Note i came up w/ this design while writing this email - it's not necessarily 

>> And the purpose of UFCS is?... "operator overloading methods" are /not/ 
>> special.
> The point is that when you want to define UFCS free functions like opUnary, 
> you want not only to call them like a.opUnary!"++"() but to code like ++a. 
> That is the key issue here and that makes the whole case special.
> In other words: with UFCS you have an option: to call your function as it was 
> a method of some type. And anyone has this option. The only problem is 
> namespace conflict which can be easily avoided. But you still has the option.
> With UFCS operator overloaded functions you have *two* options: to call free 
> functions as methods as usual *and* to use struct/class with many operators 
> in a manner you want. But if anyone of that type users define his set of 
> operator overloaded functions *you lose the second option* which makes the 
> proposal to allow simultaneous access to single resource pointless.

This is how UFCS works - for "normal" methods. There's no reason to handle op 
overloads or
other special methods differently. You are arguing for introducing arbitrary 
which would bring no gain (that i can see right now), but disallow useful 
Yes, there are some issues, but those are not op-overload specific, but 

> Yes, it also may happen with regular function, when you lose ability to give 
> a function some specific name you want (like "create", "foo" etc.). But in 
> case of UFCS operators you lose not only some function name ("opUnary") but 
> corresponding expression as well (++).
> This means that it makes sense to allow only one set of opUnary/opBinary/.. 
> etc. of functions (anyway, only one can define them and use with operators) 
> and the most suitable place is declaration of their type.

Well, i don't think anybody wants to /override/ existing operators - it's only 
allowing /extending/ the functionality of non-local types, by adding support 
for additional
ops and/or types. While being able to override existing methods with UFCS would 
have some
uses, allowing that would also introduce additional problems.
Anyway, if you need to modify how a type's existing ops work you can always 
sub-type - 
this is also true in the (non-virtual) method case; UFCS is basically just 
syntax sugar
(which allows you to transparently locally inject methods w/o creating a new 
downcasting and handling the (implicit) upcasts (which could be problematic 
when eg
working with (pointers-to-)structs)).


Re: clear array

2012-10-15 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 02:33:03AM +0200, Damian wrote:
> I know this is a bit of a dumb question and I have searched and not
> found anything concrete surprisingly :/
> Does D have a built-in way to clear arrays dynamic and static?
> I don't want to iterate over every element and set a default value.
> In C++ I would just use memset, I don't know if I should be using
> this for D?

What about:

import std.algorithm;
void main() {
int[] arr = [1,2,3,4];

fill(arr, 0);
writeln(arr);   // should print [0,0,0,0]



My program has no bugs! Only undocumented features...

Re: clear array

2012-10-15 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 02:37:52 Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 10/16/12, Damian  wrote:
> > Does D have a built-in way to clear arrays dynamic and static?
> clear(arr).
> arr.clear() should work too.

Use destroy, not clear. clear is now an alias for clear and should be going 
away eventually. There were too many problems with the ambiguity of the name
clear, so it was renamed.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: clear array

2012-10-15 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 at 00:33:04 UTC, Damian wrote:
In C++ I would just use memset, I don't know if I should be 
using this for D?

The direct D analog to memset is:

int[] arr;
arr[] = 0; // or whatever

You can assign a value to a whole slice in a single go. arr[] 
means return a slice of the entire array. You can also do a 
range: arr[0 .. 4] = 0;, though, of course, you don't want to go 
out of bounds then.

I believe arr[] = 0 actually compiles as memset, but however it 
is implemented, it does the same thing.

Note that this sets the content, but leaves the length the same. 
If you want to get rid of it all, you can just assign null:

arr = null;
assert(arr.length == 0);

clear array

2012-10-15 Thread Damian
I know this is a bit of a dumb question and I have searched and 

found anything concrete surprisingly :/

Does D have a built-in way to clear arrays dynamic and static?
I don't want to iterate over every element and set a default 

In C++ I would just use memset, I don't know if I should be using
this for D?

Re: how to create a local copy of shared pointer?

2012-10-15 Thread denizzzka


Re: Sorting algorithms

2012-10-15 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 15-Oct-12 23:15, Era Scarecrow wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:49:51 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 09:18:12 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
Big-O notation doesn't give you actual numbers, O(n) = O(25*n). If
you're interested in a practical method, look at TimSort and similar
ones that combine different algorithms.

  Yeah I know it's more of a generalized number of steps, but it still
gives you a good idea of sorting time. I'll give TimSort a look over.

  Currently I'm estimating this will be a variant of merge-sort.

A hybrid. I'm currently trying to get into Phobos:

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Code review: JSON unmarshaller

2012-10-15 Thread Tyler Jameson Little
I'm not sure what your goal with this marshaller is but I would 
say it's a lot harder than you think if you want to have a 
complete serialization library. A couple of things making it 
harder to create a fully working serialization library:

I'm basically trying to reproduce other JSON marshallers, like 
Go's, but using compile-time reflection. Go uses runtime 
reflection, which D notably does not support. I like the idea of 
compile-time reflection better anyway. There are a few things 
that would make it easier (like a __traits call like allMembers 
that excludes functions).

I use a lot of JSON, so a JSON marshaller/unmarshaller is going 
to save a lot of time, and make my code a lot cleaner.

* Pointers

I've done this, but haven't fully tested it. Basic pointers work.

* Array slices

I think this is handled.

* Serializing through base class references

Doesn't __traits(allMembers, T) give everything from all super 

* const/immutable fields

Hmm, not sure to handle this. These have to be set in the 
constructor, right?

* Any reference type (not really hard but it's more work)

Are you talking about aliases? What other kind of reference types 
are there in structs/classes? I'm assuming this will have more to 
do with marshalling as opposed to unmarshalling.

Have a look at for a basically fully working serialization 
library Orange:

Hmm, looks interesting. This looks like it only supports XML, 
which I don't use, but I'm sure you've already solved a lot of 
the corner cases. Thanks, I'll take a look!

Re: Code review: JSON unmarshaller

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 21:03, Tyler Jameson Little wrote:

This is my first non-trivial D code, and I'd eventually like to get this
into Phobos as part of std.json.

I haven't written the marshaller yet, but that shouldn't be too hard. I
wanted to get some feedback on whether this code is up to the quality
standards of Phobos.

I'm not sure what your goal with this marshaller is but I would say it's 
a lot harder than you think if you want to have a complete serialization 
library. A couple of things making it harder to create a fully working 
serialization library:

* Pointers
* Array slices
* Serializing through base class references
* const/immutable fields
* Any reference type (not really hard but it's more work)

Have a look at for a basically fully working serialization library Orange:

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: More automated interfacing of D with C codebases

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 19:20, CapitalLetterC wrote:

But there are all sorts of issues in that same vein, like how certain
structs get put together, what types are aliased with what, etc. That's
why I was wondering if you could handle this analogously to how C does,
with a config file that gets setup by a kind of configuration system.

I think that would be possible but I haven't seen anyone program in D 
like that.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Sorting algorithms

2012-10-15 Thread Era Scarecrow

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:49:51 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 09:18:12 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
Big-O notation doesn't give you actual numbers, O(n) = O(25*n). 
If you're interested in a practical method, look at TimSort and 
similar ones that combine different algorithms.

 Yeah I know it's more of a generalized number of steps, but it 
still gives you a good idea of sorting time. I'll give TimSort a 
look over.

 Currently I'm estimating this will be a variant of merge-sort.

Code review: JSON unmarshaller

2012-10-15 Thread Tyler Jameson Little

This is my first non-trivial D code, and I'd eventually like to 
get this into Phobos as part of std.json.

I haven't written the marshaller yet, but that shouldn't be too 
hard. I wanted to get some feedback on whether this code is up to 
the quality standards of Phobos.

I used a lot of templates, so I hope I didn't break any cardinal 
sins, especially in terms of readability. I did my best in 
grokking std.traits, but I may have missed some subtleties about 
what the templates are actually testing.

I used asserts and contracts to validate input, so the following 
would throw an AssertError:

int x = unmarshalJSON!int(`"5"`);

I wasn't sure if this is bad style, since AssertError is in 
core.exception. If this is considered bad style in D, I can 
create a JSONMarshalException and throw that instead.

Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread Kenji Hara

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 17:05:30 UTC, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:

On 2012-35-15 17:10, Namespace  wrote:

But bar([1, 2, 3]); not. The compiler does not realize that 
[1, 2, 3] means a static array in this context.
You have to write bar(cast(int[3]) [1, 2, 3]); but I think the 
compiler have to recognize this on it's own.

This is true. The problem is, as you say, that the compiler 
treats array
literals as dynamic rather than static arrays. I would argue 
this is the
correct default, but it's obviously not the default you want 

bearophile has posted about this on numerous occasions, and 
it's among

his top thousand wanted features. :p

I think this is a bug in IFTE.
Please file it into bugzilla.

Kenji Hara

Re:, BOM, and deprecation

2012-10-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Sat, 13 Oct 2012 21:53:48 -0400, Charles Hixson  

If is being deprecated, what is the correct way to deal with  
file BOMs.  This is particularly concerning utf8 files, which I  
understand to be a bit problematic, as there isn't, actually, a utf8  
BOM, merely a convention which isn't a part of a standard.  But the  
std.stdio documentation doesn't so much as mention byte order marks  

If this should wait until is released, then I could use until them, but the documentation is already warning to avoid  
using it.

When is released, it will be fully BOM-aware by default (as long as  
you use the purely D versions).  The plan from my point of view is for be be a replacement backend for std.stdio, with the C version being  
the default (as it must be for compatibility purposes).


Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:05:13PM +0200, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
> On 2012-35-15 17:10, Namespace  wrote:
> >But bar([1, 2, 3]); not. The compiler does not realize that [1, 2, 3]
> >means a static array in this context.  You have to write
> >bar(cast(int[3]) [1, 2, 3]); but I think the compiler have to
> >recognize this on it's own.
> This is true. The problem is, as you say, that the compiler treats
> array literals as dynamic rather than static arrays. I would argue
> this is the correct default, but it's obviously not the default you
> want here.
> bearophile has posted about this on numerous occasions, and it's among
> his top thousand wanted features. :p

I have to chime in here and say that I'm not particularly happy with the
way dmd currently processes array literals. I think dmd currently
doesn't take type inference far enough. If a particular array literal is
being passed to a function that expects a static array, say, then it
should be able to interpret the literal as a static array of the
matching type.

Similarly, when you have, say, a template function:

func(T)(T[] args) if (is(T==short)) { ... }

Supposing there is no other overload that accepts an integral array, the
compiler should know that when you write func([1,2,3]) the array literal
should be a short[]. Currently, it treats [1,2,3] as int[], and so fails
to match the template. Lots of ugly hacks and workarounds are necessary
to make things work correctly.

I say this is one area where things need improvement. Especially since
type inference is one of D's major selling points (what with voldemort
types, etc., that doesn't require the user to spell out a long
complicated name just to use a range function in std.range, among many
other nice perks).


Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. -- 
Napoleon Bonaparte

Re: More automated interfacing of D with C codebases

2012-10-15 Thread CapitalLetterC

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:54:51 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-10-15 13:51, CapitalLetterC wrote:
This will be my first posting here, but I've been obsessed 
with D since
before there was a D2 standard. Despite that rather long 
period of
obsession, it's only just now that I've started seriously 
using D as I
attempt to code-up some POC projects to demonstrate that the 
language is

mature enough for serious development, or at least the kind of
development we're doing, anyway.

So, that out of the way, I suppose I should apologize in 
advance for
what must amount to a pretty dumb question, since I truly 
couldn't have
been the first to think of this: with regard to interfacing D 
with C
libraries, why would we require a project like Deimos which 
ensures that
each codebase is ported, almost entirely, by hand? 
shouldn't there be some kind of autotools-like method to 
something like, which is then used via 
abstractions to
properly configure the rest of the D wrapper? Obviously, D 
doesn't have
a preprocessor, but couldn't one synthesize that with a series 
judicious version() blocks? Then, whenever someone goes to 
build the
application on their system, you'd have something to a series 
autoconf-like tests to fill in the proper sections of of and

get out a config.d suitable for their system.

I'm really sorry if there's some stupidly obvious reason this 
work and I'm just not seeing it, or if this is some n00b 
question you

get all the time.

The header files need to be ported so D can find the 
declarations of the functions and types. There are a couple of 
tools that can do most of the work, but not completely. Macros 
are specially hard to port automatically.

Actually, I understand perfectly well why the headers need to be 
ported to D code, what I was more wondering is if anybody knew of 
or had ever tried to use some kind of build system to automate 
the process to the greatest extent possible. So, for example, as 
a result of the configuration process certain features may be 
implicitly or explicitly enabled/disabled, without probing the 
individual user's configuration, you wouldn't know that, so how 
does one maximize portability, in that case? If you simply go to 
support the maximal set of features, you may wind up with a bunch 
of codepaths that go nowhere, likewise, if you choose only to 
support the minimal set of functionality, you may not wind up 
with code that's not useful to anyone, yourself included. 
Granted, I hadn't thought of the difficulty in porting things 
like macros, but I'd imagine that, in the absolute worst case, 
you could synthesize their behavior with templates.

But there are all sorts of issues in that same vein, like how 
certain structs get put together, what types are aliased with 
what, etc. That's why I was wondering if you could handle this 
analogously to how C does, with a config file that gets setup by 
a kind of configuration system.

Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread Simen Kjaeraas

On 2012-35-15 17:10, Namespace  wrote:

But bar([1, 2, 3]); not. The compiler does not realize that [1, 2, 3]  
means a static array in this context.
You have to write bar(cast(int[3]) [1, 2, 3]); but I think the compiler  
have to recognize this on it's own.

This is true. The problem is, as you say, that the compiler treats array
literals as dynamic rather than static arrays. I would argue this is the
correct default, but it's obviously not the default you want here.

bearophile has posted about this on numerous occasions, and it's among
his top thousand wanted features. :p


Re: How many std.concurrency receivers?

2012-10-15 Thread Sean Kelly
On Oct 15, 2012, at 9:35 AM, Dmitry Olshansky  wrote:
> I'm wondering if it will be possible to (sort of) intercept all common I/O 
> calls in 3rd party C libraries. Something like using our own "wrapper" on top 
> of C runtime but that leaves BSD sockets and a ton of WinAPI/Posix primitives 
> to care about.

It's possible, but I don't know that I want to inject our own behavior into 
what users think is a C system call.  I'd probably put the behavior into 
whatever networking API is added to Phobos though.  Still not sure if this 
should be opt-out or not though, or how that would work.

Re: How many std.concurrency receivers?

2012-10-15 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 15-Oct-12 05:58, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Oct 14, 2012, at 9:59 AM, Dmitry Olshansky  wrote:

On 14-Oct-12 20:19, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Oct 12, 2012, at 2:29 AM, Russel Winder  wrote:

On Thu, 2012-10-11 at 20:30 -0700, Charles Hixson wrote:

I'm not clear on what Fibers are.  From Ruby they seem to mean
co-routines, and that doesn't have much advantage.  But it also seems as


I think the emerging consensus is that threads allow for pre-emptive
scheduling whereas fibres do not. So yes as in Ruby, fibres are
collaborative co-routines. Stackless Python is similar.

Yep. If fibers were used in std.concurrency there would basically be an 
implicit yield in send and receive.

Makes me wonder how it will work with blocking I/O and the like. If all of (few 
of) threads get blocked this way that going to stall all of (thousands of) 

Ideally, IO would be nonblocking with a yield there too, at least if the 
operation would block.

I'm wondering if it will be possible to (sort of) intercept all common 
I/O calls in 3rd party C libraries. Something like using our own 
"wrapper" on top of C runtime but that leaves BSD sockets and a ton of 
WinAPI/Posix primitives to care about.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: how to create a local copy of shared pointer?

2012-10-15 Thread thedeemon

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:34:43 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

Because shared(S) and S are different types. Either declare s 
as shared too or use a cast.

Why it was made in the language? This can be a safe automatic 
conversion I think.

Theoretically compiler can work with shared and non-shared types 
very differently,  with the latter it can do all the work in 
registers without always updating the memory because it knows no 
other threads will look at this data. Shared data is much more 
volatile. So actually not only automatic but also explicit cast 
should be illegal. I don't know how much differently the compiler 
deals with these types right now though.

Currently the whole story of separating shared and local types is 
not fully thought, imho, we need some kind of 
shared-polymorphism, without it we have to use casts quite often 
and it's not a right thing to do.

Re: Sorting algorithms

2012-10-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 10/15/12 8:11 AM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Era Scarecrow  wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 09:18:12 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:

So an example area to be sorted with 16 elements would take on average
about 100 compares while theoretically you can do it in half that number.

  Correction. 16 numbers would be solved in about 49 compares while an
optimal sorting takes about 45. And for 21 numbers about 74 compares while
optimally about 63.

  These numbers don't seem that large, but at the same time they do.

Somewhat related: I once played with sorting networks and how to
generate them at compile time in D. It's in template tutorial on
Github. Here are some results:

Discarding LaTeX markup:

5324532 1.642
10   55510961.975
15   80316792.091
20   1154   23142.005
25   1538   32442.109
30   2173   35081.614
35   4075   41201.011
40   5918   52690.890
45   7479   59590.797
50   9179   64350.701

Were n is the (predetermined) number of elements in an array and a
ratio of 2.0 means sorting networks are twice faster than
std.algo.sort in this particular case.

I wanted to investigate small sorts using sorting networks for ages, but 
never got around to it. That's important for quicksort because it 
produces many small arrays that need sorting.

Could you also test for very small sizes (2 to 4) and essentially test 
for 1-increment speed up to, say, 30 elements? I assume that's where the 
major wins come. I think we could use CT-generated sorting networks for 
arrays below a specific size. The converse risk is growth of generated code.


Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2012-10-15 Thread Maxim Fomin

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 11:01:13 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:
UFCS has pros and cons. I could agree that it has problems and 
should be removed
from the language completely. But if the feature is there, it 
should work, w/o any

unnecessary special cases.

Special cases would be created by any decision, the only question 
is which feature is discriminated - alias this, UFCS or something 
else (currently UFCS is).

An overloaded operator is just another normal method; you get 
the same type of
problems when dealing with "normal" methods - eg in types 
having an "alias this" -
 an UFCS "method" must take precedence over one reachable via 
the alias - just like
in the overloaded op case. The only sane alternative would be 
disallowing UFCS
for types with an "alias this" (which would be a severe 

You seem to be in the second camp (UFCS free function takes 
precedence over alias this, if declared). I am not against, just 
to note.

And the purpose of UFCS is?... "operator overloading methods" 
are /not/ special.


The point is that when you want to define UFCS free functions 
like opUnary, you want not only to call them like 
a.opUnary!"++"() but to code like ++a. That is the key issue here 
and that makes the whole case special.

In other words: with UFCS you have an option: to call your 
function as it was a method of some type. And anyone has this 
option. The only problem is namespace conflict which can be 
easily avoided. But you still has the option.
With UFCS operator overloaded functions you have *two* options: 
to call free functions as methods as usual *and* to use 
struct/class with many operators in a manner you want. But if 
anyone of that type users define his set of operator overloaded 
functions *you lose the second option* which makes the proposal 
to allow simultaneous access to single resource pointless.

Consider this:

struct A { void foo() {} }

void bar(A a) {}

// blah, foo and bar are taken
// solution - choose other name
void baz(A a) {}

Now assume, UFCS operator overload is possible.

struct A { int i; int j; }

int opUnary(string T : "++")()
return ++i;

At some point of time the owner of somelib.d changes code (or 
anyone whom code you import define such functions):

struct A {
int i; int j;
int opUnary(string T : "++")()
return ++j;

int opUnary(string T : "++")()
return ++i;

So, you lost your option to use A in expressions and call your 
function which is the point here. You cannot invent +my_unary+ 
operator. Neither you can rebind ++ to some function other than 

Yes, it also may happen with regular function, when you lose 
ability to give a function some specific name you want (like 
"create", "foo" etc.). But in case of UFCS operators you lose not 
only some function name ("opUnary") but corresponding expression 
as well (++).

This means that it makes sense to allow only one set of 
opUnary/opBinary/.. etc. of functions (anyway, only one can 
define them and use with operators) and the most suitable place 
is declaration of their type.

Re: Sorting algorithms

2012-10-15 Thread thedeemon

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 09:18:12 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
 Been watching online lectures that's going into sorting and 
searching, and from what I'm seeing most sorting algorithms (by 
using comparison; merge sort, quicksort, etc) and even tree 
algorithms peak at O(n log n). So an example area to be sorted 
with 16 elements would take on average about 100 compares while 
theoretically you can do it in half that number.

Big-O notation doesn't give you actual numbers, O(n) = O(25*n). 
If you're interested in a practical method, look at TimSort and 
similar ones that combine different algorithms.

Re: LockingTextWriter/Reader

2012-10-15 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Friday, 12 October 2012 at 17:48:40 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
This speeds up output tremendously, but still isn't as good as 
it could be with native D code.

I see.

What platform?  On Windows, there is the whole issue of CRLF -> 
LF translation.

I tried it on Linux. CRLF was my first thought too, but I didn't 
look too much into it since I wasn't sure if was was supposed to 
work with binary files at all!

In my update to stdio (long overdue), I have support for 
reading/writing 5 forms of UTF -- UTF8, UTF16, UTF16LE, UTF32, 
UTF32LE, along with binary read/write support using native D 
buffers, and avoiding locking altogether if your object isn't 

Yeah, that might be good. (I worry about breaking existing code, 
but meh, that's a separate issue.)

Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread Namespace
But bar([1, 2, 3]); not. The compiler does not realize that [1, 
2, 3] means a static array in this context.
You have to write bar(cast(int[3]) [1, 2, 3]); but I think the 
compiler have to recognize this on it's own.

Re: how to create a local copy of shared pointer?

2012-10-15 Thread denizzzka

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:27:03 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:15:57 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

   S* s = new shared (S); // Why this is a illegal?
Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (new shared(S)) of 
type shared(S)* to S*

Because shared(S) and S are different types. Either declare s 
as shared too or use a cast.

Why it was made in the language? This can be a safe automatic 
conversion I think.

Re: how to create a local copy of shared pointer?

2012-10-15 Thread thedeemon

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:15:57 UTC, denizzzka wrote:

S* s = new shared (S); // Why this is a illegal?
Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (new shared(S)) of 
type shared(S)* to S*

Because shared(S) and S are different types. Either declare s as 
shared too or use a cast.

Re: Pegged: error I am unable to fix

2012-10-15 Thread Lubos Pintes

Of course I can. But I "evaluated" this as my failure coming from fact 
that D is new to me. So I was not sure if this is a bug in Pegged. So I 
wrote here.

Dňa 15. 10. 2012 14:01 Philippe Sigaud  wrote / napísal(a):

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Lubos Pintes  wrote:

SQValue <~ :"'" (! "'" .)* :"'"

DQValue <~ :'"' (! '"' .)* :'"'


that came from the code generated for the quote and double-quote
literals. I have trouble finding a resilient way to produce code
dealing with ", when some template arguments are strings themselves.
Even r"  " and q{  } do not work perfectly.
Anyway, I chose `  ` this time and your example now works with the
latest Git HEAD (I pushed a few minutes ago)

You can also use the predefined 'quote' and 'doublequote' (also,
'backquote' and 'backslash') rules in your own rules.

To get my attention more efficiently, could you please post any
trouble using the git issues system?


Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread Simen Kjaeraas

On 2012-23-15 16:10, Simen Kjaeraas  wrote:

On 2012-05-15 16:10, Namespace  wrote:

How can I do this?

I have this code:

And as you can see, the templated function 'receive2' take  
automatically dynamic arrays. But how can I tell the compiler, that  
this function takes (preferably) static arrays?
My little "hack" function 'receive' take the type and the number of  
elements. So the compiler know: it's a static array. But is there no  
simpler trick to do this?

Maybe something like 'void receive(T)(static T vals) {'.

Nope. That's the way to do it.

No, wait, sorry. You don't need to specify those things when calling the
function. This works:

void bar(T, size_t n)(T[n] a) {}

void main(){
int[3] a;


how to create a local copy of shared pointer?

2012-10-15 Thread denizzzka

void main()
struct S { int payload; }

S* s = new shared (S); // Why this is a illegal?

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (new shared(S)) of 
type shared(S)* to S*

Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread Namespace

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:10:43 UTC, bearophile wrote:


So there is no way that the compiler knows by himself how many 
elements are in the array?

The syntax I have suggested doesn't have the problem you fear. 
Why don't you compile and run a little test program?


I have:
But I still have to specify the number of elements and the type. 
That is what I try to avoid.

Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile


So there is no way that the compiler knows by himself how many 
elements are in the array?

The syntax I have suggested doesn't have the problem you fear. 
Why don't you compile and run a little test program?


Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread Namespace
So there is no way that the compiler knows by himself how many 
elements are in the array? something like this:

void receive(T, size_t n = vals.length)(T[n] vals) {


void receive(T)(T[vals.length] vals) {

Re: templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread Simen Kjaeraas

On 2012-05-15 16:10, Namespace  wrote:

How can I do this?

I have this code:

And as you can see, the templated function 'receive2' take automatically  
dynamic arrays. But how can I tell the compiler, that this function  
takes (preferably) static arrays?
My little "hack" function 'receive' take the type and the number of  
elements. So the compiler know: it's a static array. But is there no  
simpler trick to do this?

Maybe something like 'void receive(T)(static T vals) {'.

Nope. That's the way to do it.


templated static array

2012-10-15 Thread Namespace

How can I do this?

I have this code:

And as you can see, the templated function 'receive2' take 
automatically dynamic arrays. But how can I tell the compiler, 
that this function takes (preferably) static arrays?
My little "hack" function 'receive' take the type and the number 
of elements. So the compiler know: it's a static array. But is 
there no simpler trick to do this?

Maybe something like 'void receive(T)(static T vals) {'.

Re: More automated interfacing of D with C codebases

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 13:51, CapitalLetterC wrote:

This will be my first posting here, but I've been obsessed with D since
before there was a D2 standard. Despite that rather long period of
obsession, it's only just now that I've started seriously using D as I
attempt to code-up some POC projects to demonstrate that the language is
mature enough for serious development, or at least the kind of
development we're doing, anyway.

So, that out of the way, I suppose I should apologize in advance for
what must amount to a pretty dumb question, since I truly couldn't have
been the first to think of this: with regard to interfacing D with C
libraries, why would we require a project like Deimos which ensures that
each codebase is ported, almost entirely, by hand? Theoretically,
shouldn't there be some kind of autotools-like method to establish
something like, which is then used via abstractions to
properly configure the rest of the D wrapper? Obviously, D doesn't have
a preprocessor, but couldn't one synthesize that with a series of
judicious version() blocks? Then, whenever someone goes to build the
application on their system, you'd have something to a series of
autoconf-like tests to fill in the proper sections of of and
get out a config.d suitable for their system.

I'm really sorry if there's some stupidly obvious reason this couldn't
work and I'm just not seeing it, or if this is some n00b question you
get all the time.

The header files need to be ported so D can find the declarations of the 
functions and types. There are a couple of tools that can do most of the 
work, but not completely. Macros are specially hard to port automatically.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Sorting algorithms

2012-10-15 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Era Scarecrow  wrote:
> On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 09:18:12 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
>> So an example area to be sorted with 16 elements would take on average
>> about 100 compares while theoretically you can do it in half that number.
>  Correction. 16 numbers would be solved in about 49 compares while an
> optimal sorting takes about 45. And for 21 numbers about 74 compares while
> optimally about 63.
>  These numbers don't seem that large, but at the same time they do.

Somewhat related: I once played with sorting networks and how to
generate them at compile time in D. It's in template tutorial on
Github. Here are some results:

Discarding LaTeX markup:

5324532 1.642
10   55510961.975
15   80316792.091
20   1154   23142.005
25   1538   32442.109
30   2173   35081.614
35   4075   41201.011
40   5918   52690.890
45   7479   59590.797
50   9179   64350.701

Were n is the (predetermined) number of elements in an array and a
ratio of 2.0 means sorting networks are twice faster than
std.algo.sort in this particular case.

Re: Pegged: error I am unable to fix

2012-10-15 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Lubos Pintes  wrote:

> SQValue <~ :"'" (! "'" .)* :"'"
> DQValue <~ :'"' (! '"' .)* :'"'


that came from the code generated for the quote and double-quote
literals. I have trouble finding a resilient way to produce code
dealing with ", when some template arguments are strings themselves.
Even r"  " and q{  } do not work perfectly.
Anyway, I chose `  ` this time and your example now works with the
latest Git HEAD (I pushed a few minutes ago)

You can also use the predefined 'quote' and 'doublequote' (also,
'backquote' and 'backslash') rules in your own rules.

To get my attention more efficiently, could you please post any
trouble using the git issues system?


Re: toStringz note about keeping references

2012-10-15 Thread Kagamin
It's also possible that if a function reserves stack without 
clearing it, some old values may remain in the stack which were 
passed to other functions, so you'll have false pointers.

Re: toStringz note about keeping references

2012-10-15 Thread Kagamin
Probably a bug in GC, immutable data should be collected if not 

Re: Sorting algorithms

2012-10-15 Thread Era Scarecrow

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 09:18:12 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
So an example area to be sorted with 16 elements would take on 
average about 100 compares while theoretically you can do it in 
half that number.

 Correction. 16 numbers would be solved in about 49 compares 
while an optimal sorting takes about 45. And for 21 numbers about 
74 compares while optimally about 63.

 These numbers don't seem that large, but at the same time they 

Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2012-10-15 Thread Artur Skawina
On 10/15/12 10:17, Maxim Fomin wrote:
> On Sunday, 14 October 2012 at 19:50:54 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:
>> On 10/14/12 08:13, Maxim Fomin wrote:
>>> The only mentioned reason is to allow writing operator overloading methods 
>>> outside type scope - just because somebody (currently two people) consider 
>>> it logical to broaden UFCS usage.
>> It's more than two people... Also, it's not about "broadening UFCS usage", 
>> it's about making UFCS work properly.
> When UFCS was added to the language its purpose was to call free functions 
> pretending you are invoking methods. It does it job pretty well and actually 
> works properly. But some questions arise: how this addition interacts with 
> other parts of the language:
> - with calling through pointer (8603)
> - with template alias parameters (8692)
> - with function imports (6185)
> - with typeof operator (8661)
> - with operator overloading
> - ...
> - probably other issues which are not encountered yet.

UFCS has pros and cons. I could agree that it has problems and should be removed
from the language completely. But if the feature is there, it should work, w/o 
unnecessary special cases.

An overloaded operator is just another normal method; you get the same type of
problems when dealing with "normal" methods - eg in types having an "alias 
this" -
 an UFCS "method" must take precedence over one reachable via the alias - just 
in the overloaded op case. The only sane alternative would be disallowing UFCS
for types with an "alias this" (which would be a severe limitation).

> Each time there should be a decision to choose which language feature has 
> higher priority. That is why this is broadening UFCS usage on areas of the 
> language where it has never been before rather than making work properly in 
> existing areas of usage.
>>> This doesn't solve ay practical issue.
>> Obviously, it does. Otherwise this issue wouldn't come up repeatedly.
> Actually not - the only purpose mentioned in the thread was to place operator 
> overloading methods outside scope of declaration.

And the purpose of UFCS is?... "operator overloading methods" are /not/ special.

There have been several threads in the past where this missing functionality was
mentioned. It's how it should work, if UFCS is here to stay. If you think that
would causes problems and UFCS should instead be removed from the language then
I can understand that - UFCS /does/ have issues. But it's also useful and I'm 
yet convinced that the problems it introduces justifies killing the feature.
Nothing justifies special casing just certain combinations like op-overloading
and UFCS however, especially when it's not necessary.


Pegged: error I am unable to fix

2012-10-15 Thread Lubos Pintes

I wanted to write very simple Markup lexer, that would recognize 
HTML/XML tags, not structurally, only lexically.
DMD generates some error which I don't understand, either there is a 
problem in my grammar, or possibly a bug in Pegged:

import pegged.grammar;
import pegged.peg;
enum mp=`
Markup <- Spacing (Tag / Text)* :eoi

Text <~ (! '<' .)*

Tag <- StartTag / EndTag

StartTag <- '<' Name Attr* '>'

EndTag < "'

Attr < Name ('=' Value)?

Name <- (alpha / Alpha) (alpha / Alpha / digit / '-' / '_' / ':' / '.')*

Value <- SQValue / DQValue / CharValue

SQValue <~ :"'" (! "'" .)* :"'"

DQValue <~ :'"' (! '"' .)* :'"'

CharValue <~ (!(Spacing / '>') .)*

void main() {


Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2012-10-15 Thread Maxim Fomin

On Sunday, 14 October 2012 at 20:15:15 UTC, Tommi wrote:

On Sunday, 14 October 2012 at 07:14:25 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
If this request is approved and compiler has opUnary 
definition outside type (which suits better then alias

this) such function would hijack alias this.

Free functions cannot and must not ever hijack, i.e. modify 
existing functionality of a type. Free functions should only be 
able to add new functionality to a type. This is what currently 
happens with alias this vs free function which is accessed 
through UFCS:

This shows current behavior. The issue is future behavior of code 
like this:

struct A
   int i;
   alias i this;
int opUnary(string T)(A a) { ... }
I. i is incremented, opUnary is not called. However opUnary 
matches better to the actual type and if it were a method, it 
would be called - another special issue in the language which 
breaks usual logic. And if you declared opUnary in bar.d when 
alias this was absent in foo.d and later added - hijacking also 
occurs but now it happens from another side. Bad.

II. opUnary is called, i is not incremented. On the one hand you 
get what you wanted - you supplied opUnary and it is called. At 
least this is consistent with matching behavior. On the other 
hand, it is hijacking from position of foo. Bad.

III. Compiler issues error if you try to define some free 
functions which are similar to existing methods (code above is 
particular case) or if you declare operator overloading methods 
in the presence of alias this. This prevents from making 
confusion but if you link to some library, update code and its 
author defines new method, which is similar to your UFCS 
function, you get errors and have to rewrite code.

IV. Do nothing and leave things as they are. Presence of opUnary 
function doesn't affect operator overloading. While current UFCS 
behavior falls in the first category (newly created foo.d methods 
hijack bar's free functions) there are no such problems with 
operator overloading methods. And operator overloading requires 
methods, not just free functions. Although methods and free 
functions may be called similar in source code, they still are 
different - in runtime calling, in mangling, in requiring 
contract invocation, argument passing, etc.

Sorting algorithms

2012-10-15 Thread Era Scarecrow
 Been watching online lectures that's going into sorting and 
searching, and from what I'm seeing most sorting algorithms (by 
using comparison; merge sort, quicksort, etc) and even tree 
algorithms peak at O(n log n). So an example area to be sorted 
with 16 elements would take on average about 100 compares while 
theoretically you can do it in half that number.

 What algorithms get you closest to that optimal value? If there 
isn't any I have an idea that may just do it. Either way I'll be 
trying to implement it and see how it performs.

 I wonder what happens if I succeed and become famous... O.O

Re: Operator overloading through UFCS doesn't work

2012-10-15 Thread Maxim Fomin

On Sunday, 14 October 2012 at 19:50:54 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:

On 10/14/12 08:13, Maxim Fomin wrote:
The only mentioned reason is to allow writing operator 
overloading methods outside type scope - just because somebody 
(currently two people) consider it logical to broaden UFCS 

It's more than two people... Also, it's not about "broadening 
UFCS usage", it's about making UFCS work properly.

When UFCS was added to the language its purpose was to call free 
functions pretending you are invoking methods. It does it job 
pretty well and actually works properly. But some questions 
arise: how this addition interacts with other parts of the 

- with calling through pointer (8603)
- with template alias parameters (8692)
- with function imports (6185)
- with typeof operator (8661)
- with operator overloading
- ...
- probably other issues which are not encountered yet.

Each time there should be a decision to choose which language 
feature has higher priority. That is why this is broadening UFCS 
usage on areas of the language where it has never been before 
rather than making work properly in existing areas of usage.

This doesn't solve ay practical issue.

Obviously, it does. Otherwise this issue wouldn't come up 


Actually not - the only purpose mentioned in the thread was to 
place operator overloading methods outside scope of declaration.

Re: Do we have GC-free hash map implementation sitting somewhere?

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 08:49, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:


Is there a GC-free hash map implementation for D somewhere on the
intertubes? (Preferably in a Git repository and under a
liberal/non-viral license.)

It looks like Martin Nowak has that in his SharedRuntime branch of druntime:

Don't know if you can extract that.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: toStringz note about keeping references

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 01:56, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

However, I believe that another option is to explicitly tell  the GC not
collect a chunk of memory (glancing at core.memory, I suspect that removeRoot
is the function to use for that, but I've never done it before, so I'm not
well acquainted with the details).

It's the other way around. The GC will collect anything not reachable 
from the roots. The correct way is to use "addRoot".

/Jacob Carlborg