Porting from D1 to D2

2015-06-28 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a program that is almost ported from D1 to D2 but there is 
still a problem with a reference to 
object.Throwable.toString(scope void delegate(in string) sink);

With OPTLINK (32-bit):

Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
_D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv (const(void 
function(scope void delegate(const(immutable(char)[] 

With link.exe (64-bit):

vibrant_derelict.lib(exception_311_6db.obj) : error LNK2001: 
unresolved external

 symbol _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant_derelict.lib(exception_314_c30.obj) : error LNK2001: 
unresolved external

 symbol _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant_derelict.lib(exception_312_89d.obj) : error LNK2001: 
unresolved external

 symbol _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant_common2.lib(error_a0_4d3.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbo

l _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant_common2.lib(error_9e_2e1.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbo

l _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant_common2.lib(error_9f_461.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbo

l _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant_derelict.lib(exception_313_a31.obj) : error LNK2001: 
unresolved external

 symbol _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 

vibrant_common2.lib(state_eb9_2ed.obj) : error LNK2001: 
unresolved external symb

ol _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant_common2.lib(error_9d_42f.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbo

l _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
vibrant_common2.lib(error_a1_398.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbo

l _D6object9Throwable8toStringMxFMDFxAyaZvZv
83EB9\vibrant.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I don't quite get what code could be generating that reference, 
since I don't call format or toString on a Throwable.

Anyone has experience with this?

Re: std.concurrent Tid vector initialization problem

2015-06-28 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 01:02:02 UTC, Charles Hixson wrote:
I'm planning an application where a series of threads each need 
to be aware of the Tids of all the others.  The number won't be 
known at compile time, but that doesn't seem to change the 

All I've been able to come up with is a pair of loops, one to 
spawn the threads, and collect their Tids, and a second for 
each one to send its Tid to all the others.  receive doesn't 
seem to want to work with shared Tids.  My original design was 
to have a file level shared array of Tids, but receive (or 
possibly send) objected to attempts to use them.  They aren't 
known until they've been spawned, so I can't pass them as spawn 
parameters.  Etc.

This seems like a very clumsy initialization design.  Does 
anyone have a better idea?

(The rough estimate of the number of Tids is six, but that's 
likely to change from run to run.)

The most elegant solution I can think of is this:

struct Go { }

__gshared const Tid[] allTids;

void myfunc(...) {
// do the work

shared static this() {
Tid[] tids;
foreach(thread; threads)
tids ~= spawn(myfunc, ...);
*cast(const(int)[]*) allTids = tids;
foreach(tid; allTids)

I believe the cast is not even undefined behaviour, because it's 
not immutable, but I'm not sure. But the const-ness guards 
against accidental modification of `allTids` by a thread.

Alternatively, you could make `allTids` private, provide a public 
getter, and implement the threads in another module.

Or you could simply leave the global array mutable and be careful 
not to modify it.

Re: how to iterate on Array?

2015-06-28 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 27 June 2015 at 17:43:13 UTC, aki wrote:

But when I compile it by DMD 2.062 on Windows
it says:

testArray.d(5): Error: cannot infer argument types
(line 5 is at foreach(i, v; a[]) { )

2.062 is really ancient, we're about to release 2.068 soon. 
Consider upgrading, because there have been tons of bugfixes 
since your version.

On current DMD, the error message is slightly clearer:

Error: cannot infer argument types, expected 1 argument, not 2

Re: Pure delegate not quite pure?

2015-06-28 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 09:19:16 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

module main;
import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args)
auto d = foo();
writeln(d()); // prints 25

auto foo()
int x = 4;
pure int delegate() d = delegate()
return x*x;
writeln(d()); // prints 16
x = 5;
writeln(d()); // prints 25
return d;

I can see that after foo returns, then d will truly be pure as 
x will no longer be modifiable, but just before that, it seems 
d is not actually pure. Is this the intended behavior?

Here's a similar example where it's a bit clearer what's going on:

struct S
int x = 0;
int d() pure {return ++this.x;}
void main()
S s;
int delegate() pure d = s.d;
import std.stdio;
writeln(d()); /* prints 1 */
writeln(d()); /* prints 2 */
writeln(d()); /* prints 3 */

`d` isn't all that pure, right? You're seeing the concept of 
weak purity in action. In D, the attribute `pure` really just 
means doesn't access global mutable state. The function is 
still allowed to mutate any arguments it gets, including hidden 
ones. Here the method `d` has a hidden `this` parameter, and it 
can mutate data through it. With a nested function, the enclosing 
context is passed via a hidden parameter.

Properly/mathematically/strongly pure functions have additional 
requirements on top of being marked `pure`. Read more here:


Re: how to string → uint* ?

2015-06-28 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On 6/28/2015 7:08 PM, Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= schue...@gmx.net 

In addition to what anonymous said, you might want to raise a bug report
with Derelict, because the function signatures are arguable wrong,
though that depends on whether Derelict wants to provide a strict
one-to-one mapping of the C code, or one that is already somewhat
adapted to D:


alias da_sfText_setString = void function( sfText*,const( char )* );

The documentation says that this is for ANSI strings, but `char` in D is
defined to be a *UTF8* code unit. Instead, the type should be

I've been mapping D char to C char in Derelict packages for 11 years. 
It's also what's recommended on the page about interfacing to C[1]. 
Although I do understand your point, I'm curious if anyone is actually 
taking the ubyte approach these days? Or has anyone actually encountered 
a problem with the char-char mapping?

alias da_sfText_setUnicodeString = void function( sfText*,const(
sfUint32 )* );

Probably better to use `const(dchar)*` here.

Agreed. That's what I've been doing in recent additions.

[1] http://dlang.org/interfaceToC.html

Re: Replacement of std.stream

2015-06-28 Thread Baz via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 05:04:48 UTC, DlangLearner wrote:
I will convert a Java program into D. The original Java code is 
based on the class RandomeAccessFile which essentially defines 
a set of methods for read/write Int/Long/Float/String etc. The 
module std.stream seems to be a good fit for this job, but in 
its documentation, it is marked deprecated. So I'd like to know 
what is the replacement for this module. If I don't use this 
module, what is the other apporach I should use. Thanks for 

You can use std.stream. There is no candidate to replace it. Even 
if tomorrow someone comes with one, it has to be reviewed, 
accepted in std.experimental and after a while it would totally 
replace the old one.
I think it's safe to say that std.stream will exist for at least 
2 years in its current shape.

Bug or feature?

2015-06-28 Thread Jack Applegame via Digitalmars-d-learn

I don't see any reason why it should not compile.

import std.array;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;

class Foo {

void main() {
auto result = iota(3).map!(i = new immutable Foo).array();

/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/conv.d(4028): Error: cannot 
implicitly convert expression (arg) of type immutable(Foo) to 
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/conv.d(3931): Error: template 
std.conv.emplaceImpl!(immutable(Foo)).emplaceImpl!(immutable(Foo)) error instantiating
from here: emplaceRef!(immutable(Foo), Foo, immutable(Foo))
test.d(9):instantiated from here: 
array!(MapResult!(__lambda1, Result))

Pure delegate not quite pure?

2015-06-28 Thread Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d-learn

module main;
import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args)
auto d = foo();
writeln(d()); // prints 25

auto foo()
int x = 4;
pure int delegate() d = delegate()
return x*x;
writeln(d()); // prints 16
x = 5;
writeln(d()); // prints 25
return d;

I can see that after foo returns, then d will truly be pure as x 
will no longer be modifiable, but just before that, it seems d is 
not actually pure. Is this the intended behavior?

Re: how to string → uint* ?

2015-06-28 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 01:57:46 UTC, xky wrote:

hello. :-)
when i was using DerelictSFML2( 
http://code.dlang.org/packages/derelict-sfml2 ), i got this 

CSFML doc had 'setUnicodeString':

CSFML_GRAPHICS_API void sfText_setUnicodeString  ( sfText *  

  const sfUint32 *  string

*'sfUint32' same 'unsigned int'.

how to convert string → uint? i just try that, but not work.

string test = 안녕, こんにちは;
string* test_p = test;
sfUint32* uintObject = cast(sfUint32*)test_p;
sfText_setUnicodeString( , uintObject );

thanks, :)

Don't try casting just because you guess it could maybe work.

The best documentation for setUnicodeString I could find is this:
which is pretty bad.

It doesn't say if unicode is UTF8/16/32. `sfUint32` hints at 
UTF32, so I'll go with that. A D `string` is in UTF8, so you'll 
have to convert it to a `dstring` which is in UTF32 (UTF16 would 
be `wstring`). You can use std.conv.to for that:

string test = 안녕, こんにちは;
dstring test32 = test.to!dstring;

Alternatively, you can simply make `test` a dstring from the 

dstring test = 안녕, こんにちは;

The documentation also doesn't say if the string has to be 
null-terminated. Since the function doesn't take a length, I'm 
assuming that it has to be. D strings (of all varieties) are 
generally not null-terminated. String literals are, though. So if 
you're passing a hard-coded string, you're fine. But if the 
string is user input or otherwise generated at run time, you have 
to add a null character at the end. There's std.string.toStringz 
for that, but I'm afraid it's for UTF8 only. So you'd have to go 
into the details yourself. I'm continuing with `test` as above, 
which is null-terminated, because it's from a literal.

Alright, the data is properly set up (hopefully). Now we need to 
get a `const sfUint32*` out of the `dstring`. I'm assuming 
`sfUint32` is just an alias for `uint`. So we need a `const 

By convention, when a function takes a pointer and says it's a 
string, the pointer points to the first character of the string. 
`dstring` is an alias for `immutable(dchar)[]`, i.e. a dynamic 
array of `immutable dchar`s. Dynamic arrays have the `.ptr` 
property which is a pointer to the first element; exactly what we 

`test.ptr` is an `immutable(dchar)*` though, not a `const uint*`. 
`dchar` and `uint` have the same size. And any bit-pattern is 
valid for a `uint`, so `dchar`s can be reinterpreted as `uints` 
without problem. There's std.string.representation which does 
just that. Combining `representation` with `.ptr` you get an 
`immutable(uint)*` which implicitly converts to `const uint*`:

dstring test = 안녕, こんにちは;
sfText_setUnicodeString( , test.representation.ptr);

That's it.

Another gripe about the documentation, though: It also doesn't 
say if the pointer has to be persistent or not. The string data 
may be garbage collected once it goes out of scope, so I'm 
betting on the pointer not having to be persistent, here.

Re: how to string → uint* ?

2015-06-28 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn
In addition to what anonymous said, you might want to raise a bug 
report with Derelict, because the function signatures are 
arguable wrong, though that depends on whether Derelict wants to 
provide a strict one-to-one mapping of the C code, or one that is 
already somewhat adapted to D:


alias da_sfText_setString = void function( sfText*,const( char )* 

The documentation says that this is for ANSI strings, but `char` 
in D is defined to be a *UTF8* code unit. Instead, the type 
should be `const(ubyte)*`.

alias da_sfText_setUnicodeString = void function( sfText*,const( 
sfUint32 )* );

Probably better to use `const(dchar)*` here.

Re: kill and thisProcessID

2015-06-28 Thread Nordlöw

On Wednesday, 24 June 2015 at 11:58:37 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

I believe the best solution is to add a new function

Pid thisProcessPid()

to std.process and refer to this from kill(Pid). Should I do PR?

PR at https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/3448

Re: Static constructors guaranteed to run?

2015-06-28 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 27 June 2015 at 20:16:10 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 06/27/2015 11:54 AM, Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= 
schue...@gmx.net wrote:

Also are static constructors in templated types guaranteed to 
run for
every instantiation? Even if the instantiation is never 
actually used

outside of compile time code, like in an alias or in a UDA?

Definitely not. Things inside a template don't even exist if 

template is never instantiated.

(That wasn't his question.)

Ah sorry, I see. In this case I don't know the answer. There 
might even be a difference between normal CTFE code and 

Re: Pure delegate not quite pure?

2015-06-28 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 09:19:16 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

module main;
import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args)
auto d = foo();
writeln(d()); // prints 25

auto foo()
int x = 4;
pure int delegate() d = delegate()
return x*x;
writeln(d()); // prints 16
x = 5;
writeln(d()); // prints 25
return d;

I can see that after foo returns, then d will truly be pure as 
x will no longer be modifiable, but just before that, it seems 
d is not actually pure. Is this the intended behavior?

Just guessing: The context is treated as an implicit parameter of 
`d` (analogous to `this` for a struct/class). Access to `x` 
counts a access through a parameter and therefore doesn't violate 

Re: how to string → uint* ?

2015-06-28 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 10:29:48 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On 6/28/2015 7:08 PM, Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= 
schue...@gmx.net wrote:
In addition to what anonymous said, you might want to raise a 
bug report
with Derelict, because the function signatures are arguable 
though that depends on whether Derelict wants to provide a 
one-to-one mapping of the C code, or one that is already 

adapted to D:


alias da_sfText_setString = void function( sfText*,const( char 
)* );

The documentation says that this is for ANSI strings, but 
`char` in D is

defined to be a *UTF8* code unit. Instead, the type should be

I've been mapping D char to C char in Derelict packages for 11 
years. It's also what's recommended on the page about 
interfacing to C[1]. Although I do understand your point, I'm 
curious if anyone is actually taking the ubyte approach these 
days? Or has anyone actually encountered a problem with the 
char-char mapping?

Invalid UTF8 in strings currently throws on decoding, but it's 
being changed to asserts, because it's against specification and 
therefore (the consequence of) a bug somewhere in the program. 
One reason for this is to make decoding @nogc, the other is 
simply correctness: a variable having the type `char[]` should be 
a guarantee that it contains valid UTF8.

I don't know of any actual problems though, but if they happen, 
they will soon be Errors instead of Exceptions.

Re: how to string → uint* ?

2015-06-28 Thread xky via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 10:00:37 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 01:57:46 UTC, xky wrote:


Don't try casting just because you guess it could maybe work.

The best documentation for setUnicodeString I could find is 

which is pretty bad.


Thank you everybody for answered me! ^_^