Calling convention for ASM on Linux AMD64

2018-08-17 Thread Sean O'Connor via Digitalmars-d-learn
What calling convention is used for assembly language in Linux 
Normally the parameters go in fixed order into designated 

import std.stdio;
// Linux AMD64
float* test(float *x,ulong y){
align 16;
mov RAX,RDI;

void main(){
float[] f=new float[16];
float* a=test([0],7);

If the ulong y parameter is removed from the function definition 
the pointer x goes into RDI as expected.  When y is added it all 
goes wrong. According to AMD64 the pointer should stay in RDI and 
the ulong go into RSI.

Re: Load D shared library on windows x64

2018-08-17 Thread Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 August 2018 at 20:27:05 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

Its this part that fails... always returns null

HMODULE h = cast(HMODULE) Runtime.loadLibrary(dllName);
if (h is null) {
writeln("error loading");

I there any way to see why Runtime.loadLibrary is failing? It 
just returns null on error which is not very helpful.

Re: Set optional function parameter

2018-08-17 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, August 17, 2018 2:52:53 AM MDT Andrey via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> Hello,
> In D there is a nice function:
> > auto Tuple!(int,"status",string,"output") executeShell (
> >
> >  scope const(char)[] command,
> >  const(string[string]) env = cast(const(string[string]))null,
> >  Config config = cast(Config)0,
> >  ulong maxOutput = 18446744073709551615LU,
> >  scope const(char)[] workDir = null,
> >  string shellPath = nativeShell()
> >
> >) @trusted;
> It has got 5 optional parameters. For example I want set only the
> fifth and all other leave with default values.
> If it was C/C++ then I would write:
> > executeShell("my_command", nullptr, 0, 18446744073709551615,
> > nullptr, "my/path");
> Long and boring...
> What about D? Does it support something like this:
> > executeShell("my_command", shellPath = "my/path");
> or
> > executeShell("my_command", default, default, default, default,
> > "my/path");
> I mean - can I skip some arguments and set only one that I want?
> Hm, Python, it seems to me, support this feature.

The short answer is no.

D is more like C++ or Java in this respect. Python has named arguments,
which allow you to indicate which parameter an argument goes with by name
rather than by position, thus allowing you to skip giving values for some
parameters if they have default values, whereas most C-derived languages -
including D - do not have such a feature.

Usually, it's a non-issue, because having more than one - maybe two
- default arguments is pretty rare, and having long parameter lists is
usually considered bad design. Unfortunately, executeShell is one of the few
cases in Phobos where a function has quite a few parameters, and D does not
directly provide a way to skip any parameters when providing arguments so
that you can provide a value for an argument later in the parameter list
while not providing parameters earlier in the list.

There have been some templated solutions floating around from time to time
to allow folks to implement a form of named arguments themselves, but as
I've never done anything with them, I don't know if they're designed to help
you in a situation like this or if they're designed such that the person who
writes the function can give you a way to use named arguments with that
particular function. You may find something floating around on that would help you.

However, if you're calling executeShell more than once, you could simply
create a wrapper function that only had the parameters you wanted and then
passed the full list of arguments to executeShell.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Load D shared library on windows x64

2018-08-17 Thread Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d-learn

Its this part that fails... always returns null

HMODULE h = cast(HMODULE) Runtime.loadLibrary(dllName);
if (h is null) {
writeln("error loading");

Load D shared library on windows x64

2018-08-17 Thread Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d-learn
Do shared libraries work? I am trying to load a D library into a 
D program but Runtime.loadLibrary just returns null for me and I 
am not sure what I am doing wrong.

import std.stdio;
import std.file : exists, getcwd, rename;
import core.thread;
import std.conv : to;
import core.runtime;
pragma(msg, "Dynamic Link Library");

	export extern (Windows) BOOL DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, ULONG 
ulReason, LPVOID pvReserved) {

switch (ulReason) {


return false;

return false;

g_hInst = hInstance;
return true;

pragma(mangle, "rti_start") export void rti_start(){
writeln("rti start :)");

} else {
void main(string[] args) {
uint id = 0;

while(true) {
auto name = "rti." ~!string ~ ".dll";
rename("graph.dll", name);

static void loadLib(string dllName) {
import core.runtime;
writeln("Start Dynamic Link to ", dllName, "...");
HMODULE h = cast(HMODULE) Runtime.loadLibrary(dllName);
if (h is null) {
writeln("error loading");

if (!Runtime.unloadLibrary(h))
writeln("error freeing dll");

FARPROC fp = GetProcAddress(h, "rti_start");
if (fp is null) {
writeln("error loading symbol rti_start");

auto fun = cast(void function()) fp;

Re: How to declare static compile-time assoc array inside struct?

2018-08-17 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, August 17, 2018 9:59:18 AM MDT Steven Schveighoffer via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> On 8/13/18 9:21 AM, Andrey wrote:
> > On Monday, 13 August 2018 at 11:53:06 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
> >> You must use a module constructor to initialize it.
> >
> > Tried this:
> > static this()
> `shared static this()`
> normal static this runs on every thread creation, and so cannot modify
> immutable data.

Well, it's not _supposed_ to be able to modify immutable data. It's a
long-standing bug that the compiler allows you to initialize immutable
variables in non-shared, static constructors, and if you do it, it's going
to reinitialize it in each thread, which is definitely not good, but for
whatever reason hasn't managed to be enough of a priority to get fixed.

So, unfortunately, it's currently up to the programmer to get it right, and
they won't get an error when they screw it up.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: How to declare static compile-time assoc array inside struct?

2018-08-17 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/13/18 9:21 AM, Andrey wrote:

On Monday, 13 August 2018 at 11:53:06 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

You must use a module constructor to initialize it.

Tried this:
static this()

`shared static this()`

normal static this runs on every thread creation, and so cannot modify 
immutable data.


Re: Array!bool -> Chunks -> foreach: out of bounds

2018-08-17 Thread 0xEAB via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 18:27:56 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:



Thank you for looking into this one.


Re: ?? How to subscribe to Multicast Broadcasts ??

2018-08-17 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/12/18 9:12 PM, Joe wrote:

Hello All!

I've been trying every possible combination and cannot get anything 
working. (>_<)

This is I think the closest I've got, I think the problem may be with 
the 3 argument.  I'm not sure how to join the Multicast IP membership?

(this code currently does not work - throws error:
'Unable to set socket option: An invalid argument was supplied'.)

Socket listen_socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.DGRAM, 
SocketOption.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, 1);

auto adr = getAddress("", "56000");

This is how the messages are sent (which works fine):

Socket udp_broadcast_soc = new UdpSocket();
SocketOption.BROADCAST, 1);

auto adr = getAddress("", 54000);
udp_broadcast_soc.sendTo(, adr[0]);

Please Please Please Help, I am desperate!

This needs more context. What is your platform? Have you tried doing it 
in C to see what works?

One thing that stands out so far is you are using IPV4 addresses and 
constants everywhere, yet you are using IPV6_JOIN_GROUP socket option.


Re: Phobos docs in pdf?

2018-08-17 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/17/18 12:36 AM, SeanC4s wrote:
I never program with a computer connected on-line. I need the standard 
library docs in some off-line format.

The downloaded tarball comes with the full html documentation. Just open 
it from the file. That's what I've done (I generally am online to 
program, but sometimes, like when I'm on a plane, I want to have offline 
doc access).


Re: Possible bug in associative array implementation (and/or @safe checking)

2018-08-17 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/16/18 4:45 PM, Aaron D. Trout wrote:

On Thursday, 16 August 2018 at 18:56:45 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On 8/16/18 2:32 PM, Aaron D. Trout wrote:

On Thursday, 16 August 2018 at 17:20:23 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Yes, this is the effect I would expect.

D has traditionally simply allowed slicing stack data without 
question (even in @safe code), but that will change when dip1000 is 
fully realized. It will be allowed, but only when assigning to scope 

Thanks for the quick and knowledgeable reply! I think I understand 
what's going on, but I'm surprised it is allowed in @safe code since 
the compiler doesn't allow the following, even in non-@safe code:

int[] badSlice()
 int[2] buffer;
 return buffer[];

It's because it's on the same line. This is a crude "safe" feature 
that is easily duped.

This is allowed to compile:

int[2] buffer;
auto buf = buffer[];
return buf;

But add -dip1000 to the dmd options and that fails.

I would warn you that I think dip1000 is too crude to start trying to 
apply it to your project, and may have linker errors with Phobos.

I guess the compiler just isn't (yet!) able to catch that the 
associative array is storing a slice of expired stack. I'm surprised 
that the built-in AA implementation *allows* using slices as keys in 
@safe code without copying the underlying data to the heap first. 
This is clearly dangerous, but perhaps heap-copying slices 
defensively would result in an unacceptable performance hit.

I wouldn't put too much stock in having safety in the AA. The AA is a 
very very old piece of the compiler, that pre-dates safety checks, and 
still is a bit of a kludge in terms of type and memory safety. If you 
do find any obvious bugs, it's good to report them.

This issue came up while trying to eliminate unnecessary allocation 
in my code. In my case, I could set a maximum key length at compile 
time and switch my key type to a struct wrapping a static array buffer.

In hindsight, it was silly for me to think I could eliminate 
separately allocating the keys when the key type was a variable 
length array, since the AA must store the keys. That said, a suitable 
admonition from the compiler here would have been very educational. I 
look forward to seeing the full inclusion of DIP1000!

In this case, actually, the AA does NOT store the key data, but just 
the reference to the keys. An array slice is a pointer and length, and 
the data is stored elsewhere. The static version, however, does store 
all the key data inside the AA.

That being said, you can potentially avoid more allocation with the 
keys with various tricks, such as pre-allocating all the keys and then 
using the reference.

In other words, eagerly stick the data into an array of arrays:

    auto sets =!(j => setB.filter!(i => i % j == 

and then not worry about duping them. But it all depends on your use 

Thanks again for the quick reply! I have a pretty firm grasp on what a 
slice is (pointer + offset).

pointer + length, but maybe that's what you meant.

What I had meant by the comment "the AA must 
store the keys" was that I had somehow gotten the (of course totally 
mistaken!) idea that the AA only ever needed to *examine* the key rather 
than actually storing it.

Right, the hash only gets you to a bucket, you still need the actual 
value to compare for equality.

If that were the case, a slice of 
about-to-be-expired stack would be perfectly fair game as a key. Am I 
correct that doing this *would* be an OK way to avoid unnecessary 
allocation if we knew the key already existed (as a heap allocated 
slice) in the AA and we simply wanted to modify the associated value? 

Yes, definitely! There have been a few new functions added to AAs 
recently to help with only allocating *values* when not present, but not 
a way to do the same with keys.

What you *can* do (but this involves 2 lookups) is:

int[2] buf = ...;

if (auto valptr = buf[] in aa)
   // use *valptr to get the value
   aa[buf.idup] = 0; // initial value

I don't think the storage of the key was considered when adding the new 
functions (`require` and `update`).

Thanks also for the advice about -dip1000 and the state of the built-in 
AA implementation. My code base has been changing to include more 
AA-heavy data structures, so I think that in the near future I will need 
to do some refactoring to make changing AA implementation easier.

I maybe said it more strongly than needed; AAs are generally safe, it's 
just that I'm not surprised if there are holes. It's a type that the 
compiler generally ignores a lot of rules for, and not everything is 
covered. However, in this case, it was the slicing that was unsafe, the 
AA had nothing to do with it.

Also, one last question: should this issue be reported as a new bug? My 
understanding was that @safe code should not allow obtaining references 
to expired stack 

Re: Phobos docs in pdf?

2018-08-17 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, August 17, 2018 5:19:11 AM MDT SeanC4S via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> I used CUPS to print as pdf individual pages from the standard
> library. I want to get all the basic information I need easily at
> hand.
> I used unpredictableSeed in my code.  It seems to be a property
> of something somewhere.
> I hope it is thread safe.  Who knows?  I guess I'll look at the
> source code like you say to try to understand.
> The plan is to use D as a low level programming language as much
> as possible.  In particular to maintain the ability to translate
> the code to other languages as easily as possible.
> I wonder if there is an integer bit rotate instruction in D
> somewhere? I see the dmd complier doesn't convert say  s3=(s3 <<
> 45) | (s3 >>> 19); into a rotate instruction like gcc would.
> Maybe I need to find some optimizer settings for dmd.

If really want good optimization, then use ldc. dmd does a decent job, but
ldc is much better. dmd compiles very quickly, so it's likely to be better
for development, but if you want every ounce of performance, it's a poor

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Phobos docs in pdf?

2018-08-17 Thread SeanC4S via Digitalmars-d-learn
I used CUPS to print as pdf individual pages from the standard 
library. I want to get all the basic information I need easily at 
I used unpredictableSeed in my code.  It seems to be a property 
of something somewhere.
I hope it is thread safe.  Who knows?  I guess I'll look at the 
source code like you say to try to understand.
The plan is to use D as a low level programming language as much 
as possible.  In particular to maintain the ability to translate 
the code to other languages as easily as possible.
I wonder if there is an integer bit rotate instruction in D 
somewhere? I see the dmd complier doesn't convert say  s3=(s3 << 
45) | (s3 >>> 19); into a rotate instruction like gcc would.  
Maybe I need to find some optimizer settings for dmd.

Re: getopt defaultGetoptPrinter is not safe. Is there a reason for that?

2018-08-17 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 17/08/2018 8:32 PM, Markus wrote:

On Friday, 17 August 2018 at 08:09:52 UTC, Markus wrote:

I wonder what's the reason for that?

I wonder why it's not at least @trusted. Literally, can't I trust that 

It honestly looks like a simple case of nobody has yet bothered to do it.

It should be a simple case as opening a PR and chucking @safe on the 

Set optional function parameter

2018-08-17 Thread Andrey via Digitalmars-d-learn

In D there is a nice function:

auto Tuple!(int,"status",string,"output") executeShell (
 scope const(char)[] command,
 const(string[string]) env = cast(const(string[string]))null,
 Config config = cast(Config)0,
 ulong maxOutput = 18446744073709551615LU,
 scope const(char)[] workDir = null,
 string shellPath = nativeShell()
) @trusted;

It has got 5 optional parameters. For example I want set only the 
fifth and all other leave with default values.

If it was C/C++ then I would write:
executeShell("my_command", nullptr, 0, 18446744073709551615, 
nullptr, "my/path");

Long and boring...

What about D? Does it support something like this:

executeShell("my_command", shellPath = "my/path");

executeShell("my_command", default, default, default, default, 

I mean - can I skip some arguments and set only one that I want?
Hm, Python, it seems to me, support this feature.

Re: getopt defaultGetoptPrinter is not safe. Is there a reason for that?

2018-08-17 Thread Markus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 17 August 2018 at 08:09:52 UTC, Markus wrote:

I wonder what's the reason for that?

I wonder why it's not at least @trusted. Literally, can't I trust 
that method/function?

getopt defaultGetoptPrinter is not safe. Is there a reason for that?

2018-08-17 Thread Markus via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm a big fan of @safe code. But within my first 20 program lines 
I already run into problems:
Error: @safe function D main cannot call @system function 
I wonder what's the reason for that?
