can we use D to programming ESP32?

2019-07-10 Thread dangbinghoo via Digitalmars-d-learn

hi there,

Does anyone know what's D's status for ESP32?

I just getting started a few days programming with ESP32, and 
found the official esp-idf SDK even get CPP enabled by default, 
and this makes the HelloWorld app used 160KB of flash. What I 
want to talk is that ESP32 might be a powerful Embedded 
Controller for running D.

And It seems that gcc already support Xtensa arch, maybe gdc 
works with ESP32.


binghoo dang

Alias function with arguments

2019-07-10 Thread Jamie via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it possible to alias a function and its arguments, but for 
that function to only be evaluated when the alias is used? For 

alias pragma(inline, true) inline

void func(){}

Re: LDC won't find ld linker -why?

2019-07-10 Thread Johan Engelen via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 9 July 2019 at 15:25:17 UTC, Dukc wrote:
I just downloaded ldc 1.15.0 for Linux from GH releases. 
Testing it, it will make the object file out of a hello world 
application, but then complain:

collect2: fatal error: cannot find ‘ld’
compilation terminated.

Run LDC with "-v" and check what the linker command is (somewhere 
at the bottom, LDC invokes `gcc` for linking). You might see 
something like `-Wl,-fuse-ld=...` in that gcc command line. 
Perhaps that / ld.bfd is not installed and thus GCC 
complains that it cannot find it.
See e.g.


Re: Blog Post #0051: MVC IV - ComboBox with Text

2019-07-10 Thread Greatsam4sure via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 9 July 2019 at 12:08:04 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:
Today's post starts a mini series-within-a-series on dressing 
up the ComboBox using a ListStore. Essentially, it's ListStore 
basics leading up to how this type of model is used with a 

You can find it here:

Great work! I see this series of tutorial becoming a book for 
gtkd. Is it possible to get all the tutorials in a pdf file for 
offline work? Thanks in advance

"lld-link: error: could not open libcmt.lib: no such file or directory"

2019-07-10 Thread moth via Digitalmars-d-learn

hi all!

after a long while away, i thought i'd download the latest D 
release and give learning it another shot. unfortunately, it 
looks like i screwed up somewhere big time =[

it was working fine for me before [a few months ago i think], but 
now whenever i try to compile i get the message "lld-link: error: 
could not open libcmt.lib: no such file or directory". sometimes, 
depending on what i'm trying to compile, it complains it can't 
find "OLDNAMES.lib" as well.

i thought it was just that i had installed D wrong at first, but 
i've uninstalled / reinstalled a dozen times now and it's still 
not working.

could i really have deleted whatever it's looking for somehow? i 
really want to be able to program in D, but i'm at my wit's end...

please help! =[
- moth

Re: Is there any way to define an interface that can implicitly convert to Object?

2019-07-10 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 July 2019 at 08:03:30 UTC, Nathan S. wrote:

I want to be able to do things like:

bool isSame(Object a, Object b) { return a is b; }

interface SomeInterface { int whatever(); }

bool failsToCompile(SomeInterface a, SomeInterface b) { return 
isSame(a, b); }


Error: function isSame(Object a, Object b) is not callable 
using argument types (SomeInterface, SomeInterface)

Is there a way to declare an interface as explicitly not a COM 
interface or a C++ interface? Having to add "cast(Object)" 
everywhere is annoying.

Hi, not tested extensively but :

interface Foo
final Object asObject()
return cast(Object) this;

alias asObject this;

class Bar : Foo


void main(string[] args)
Foo foo = new Bar;
Object o = foo;

Is there any way to define an interface that can implicitly convert to Object?

2019-07-10 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-learn

I want to be able to do things like:

bool isSame(Object a, Object b) { return a is b; }

interface SomeInterface { int whatever(); }

bool failsToCompile(SomeInterface a, SomeInterface b) { return 
isSame(a, b); }


Error: function isSame(Object a, Object b) is not callable using 
argument types (SomeInterface, SomeInterface)

Is there a way to declare an interface as explicitly not a COM 
interface or a C++ interface? Having to add "cast(Object)" 
everywhere is annoying.