Re: Fiber based HTTP client for load testing

2020-09-30 Thread ikod via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 00:35:49 UTC, Arun wrote:
I have a REST client that can do load test of my REST services. 
It uses ikod's dlang-requests under the hood.

At the moment I use a thread pool to dispatch the runtime 
operation and send the requests to the server.

As seen, the downside is that the more threads we use the more 
memory the app consumes. Is there a way to replace the threads 
with fibers in this particular case so that instead of spawning 
1000 threads, we spawn 1000 fibers with just 1 thread?

Hello, you can use requests with vibe.d sockets. You'll get the 
idea from example:

"authors": [
"copyright": "Copyright © 2020, me",
"dependencies": {
"requests": "~>1.1.7",
"vibe-d": "~>0.9.2"
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"license": "proprietary",
"name": "t",
"subConfigurations": {
"requests": "vibed"

import vibe.core.core;
import vibe.core.log;
import requests;

static void workerFunc(string url)
logInfo("Param: %s", url);
Request rq;
rq.verbosity = 1;
auto rs=rq.get(url);
logInfo("response code: %s", rs.code);

void main()
auto urls = [";, 

foreach(url; urls)
runWorkerTask(, url);

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: dlang-requests
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

GET /image HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: dlang-requests
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< date: Thu, 01 Oct 2020 03:07:33 GMT
< content-type: image/png
< content-length: 8090
< connection: keep-alive
< server: gunicorn/19.9.0
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< access-control-allow-credentials: true
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< date: Thu, 01 Oct 2020 03:07:33 GMT
< content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< content-length: 9593
< connection: keep-alive
< server: gunicorn/19.9.0

Connect time: 210 ms, 805 μs, and 9 hnsecs
Request send time: 293 μs and 2 hnsecs
Response recv time: 205 ms, 378 μs, and 9 hnsecs

< access-control-allow-origin: *
[vibe-6(ZLjs) INF] < access-control-allow-credentials: true
response code: 200

Connect time: 210 ms, 749 μs, and 6 hnsecs
Request send time: 307 μs and 6 hnsecs
Response recv time: 205 ms and 922 μs

[vibe-3(cfzw) INF] response code: 200

Re: Fiber based HTTP client for load testing

2020-09-30 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 9/30/20 8:35 PM, Arun wrote:

As seen, the downside is that the more threads we use the more memory 
the app consumes. Is there a way to replace the threads with fibers in 
this particular case so that instead of spawning 1000 threads, we spawn 
1000 fibers with just 1 thread?

Right on the main page, it says it can work with vibe.d. So that would 
be with fibers.

How you create a fiber task for use in vibe.d I don't know. I've only 
ever used it with the web framework in mind.

"just using fibers" isn't going to make it any faster. You still need an 
event framework to yield the fibers when they are waiting on i/o.


Fiber based HTTP client for load testing

2020-09-30 Thread Arun via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a REST client that can do load test of my REST services. 
It uses ikod's dlang-requests under the hood.

At the moment I use a thread pool to dispatch the runtime 
operation and send the requests to the server.

/// Iterates over the enum members and builds a switch case 
statement at compile time.
/// If the input operation matches the case, the runtime 
dispatches the corresponding

/// task pool with it's options.
auto pool = new TaskPool(options.threadCount);
foreach (_; 0 .. options.threadCount) {
foreach (__; 0 .. options.iterationCount) {
final switch (options.operation) {
foreach (e; EnumMembers!Operation) {
case e:
pool.put(mixin("task!" ~!string ~ 


As seen, the downside is that the more threads we use the more 
memory the app consumes. Is there a way to replace the threads 
with fibers in this particular case so that instead of spawning 
1000 threads, we spawn 1000 fibers with just 1 thread?

Re: What classification should shared objects in qeued thread pools have?

2020-09-30 Thread mw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 00:13:41 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
I think that the shared in shared structs should not be 
transitive to members of the struct. The compiler should not

Once the aggregate struct data is decl-ed `shared` as a whole, it 
needs to be transitive to play safe.

The compiler (technology) is not that advanced enough to either 
prove that for a particular sub-component of a shared struct data 
is fine without protection, or the programmer's intention.

enforce this as we don't really know what the programmer will 
do inside the struct to ensure the thread safety.

If the programmer is really sure about his/her design, just 
cast() the `shared` away.

Re: What classification should shared objects in qeued thread pools have?

2020-09-30 Thread IGotD- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 00:00:06 UTC, mw wrote:

I think using `shared` is the D's encouraged way.

If there is a better way do this in D, I'd want to know it too.

I think that the shared in shared structs should not be 
transitive to members of the struct. The compiler should not 
enforce this as we don't really know what the programmer will do 
inside the struct to ensure the thread safety.

For example completely lockless algorithms can often be a 
combination of atomic operations and also non-atomic operations 
on data members.

I originally thought that DIP 1024 only applied for integer types 
alone (not inside structs). I don't really understand the 
rationale why a shared struct should all have atomic integers, it 
doesn't make any sense.

Re: What classification should shared objects in qeued thread pools have?

2020-09-30 Thread mw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 00:00:06 UTC, mw wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 20:13:47 UTC, IGotD- wrote:


I think declaring the container and item as `shared` is the D's 
encouraged way of sharing data among different threads.


then just cast the `shared` away: cast()data.


I think using `shared` is the D's encouraged way.

If there is a better way do this in D, I'd want to know it too.

BTW, this is what I learnt from my previous thread:

Re: What classification should shared objects in qeued thread pools have?

2020-09-30 Thread mw via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 20:13:47 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
This where the memory model of D starts to become confusing for 
me. By default memory allocations/deallocation are not allowed 
between threads, however setting the object to shared 
circumvents this. This seems to work as there is no more aborts 
from the D memory management. However, this has a weird side

I think declaring the container and item as `shared` is the D's 
encouraged way of sharing data among different threads.

effect. Now the compiler wants that all my integer member 
variables operates by using atomic primitives. I don't need 
this, I know that this object will be sequentially used.

then just cast the `shared` away: cast()data.

Is shared the wrong way to go here and is there another way to 
solve this?

I think using `shared` is the D's encouraged way.

If there is a better way do this in D, I'd want to know it too.

What classification should shared objects in qeued thread pools have?

2020-09-30 Thread IGotD- via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a system that heavily relies on thread pools. Typically 
this is used with items that are put on a queue and then a thread 
pool system process this queue. The thread pool can be configured 
to process the items in whatever parallel fashion it wants but 
usually it is set to one, that means no special protection for 
concurrency is needed as serialization is guaranteed. One item is 
processed at a time.

So think that one item is being processed and then put on some 
kind of dynamic data structure. During this operation allocations 
and deallocations can happen. Because we have a thread pool, 
these memory operations can happen in different threads.

This where the memory model of D starts to become confusing for 
me. By default memory allocations/deallocation are not allowed 
between threads, however setting the object to shared circumvents 
this. This seems to work as there is no more aborts from the D 
memory management. However, this has a weird side effect. Now the 
compiler wants that all my integer member variables operates by 
using atomic primitives. I don't need this, I know that this 
object will be sequentially used.

Is shared the wrong way to go here and is there another way to 
solve this?

Re: multiple ports.

2020-09-30 Thread aberba via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 12:38:10 UTC, seany wrote:
On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 12:29:06 UTC, Daniel Kozak 
Dne st 30. 9. 2020 13:25 uživatel seany via 
Digitalmars-d-learn <> 


I am trying to use this example for a iot application:

The code i use is:

ushort port   =   5504;

void main(char[][] args)

 auto router = new URLRouter;"/archive", );
 router.get("/archive", );

 auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
 settings.port = port;
 settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
 listenHTTP(settings, router);


This is fine. But now that we have ~ 100 IoT devices in the 
field, I would like to assign each a new port.

Why? I do not see any reason for that.

to separate the messages from the IoT responses quickly and 
forward them to different programs, and to have the capability 
in hand, so that when later i have an idea to exploit the 
capability, I can also do it.

What you are doing, if I understand you well, is a way of scaling 
the server to handle high amount of traffic.

If that's right, then I'm not sure how the number of PORT is the 
issue. Irrespective of the port, the server resources remains the 

And if that's the case, then you might need a load balancer (or 
use nginx or any of the options I've used in my projects). In 
that case, you run multiple versions of the server in stateless 
environments... scaled up or down on demand.

Been a long while since I wrote some vibe.d tutorials though :)

Re: Deprecation in traits

2020-09-30 Thread Ben Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 18:18:48 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 17:08:40 UTC, Frak wrote:

Hi folks,

I've this:

Deprecation: function 
`std.typecons.Nullable!long.Nullable.get_` is deprecated - 
Implicit conversion with `alias Nullable.get this` will be 
removed after 2.096. Please use `.get` explicitly.

I'm trying to find out WHERE this is generated to fix it, 
dependency included, without success.


The problem has been observed already and it is an official 
enhancement request [1].
I think it is legit because deprecation are sometimes used to 
help into refactoring, so to have the use site is a essential.


Does compiling with -v help?  I think it might at least show you 
which module the issue is coming from?

Re: Deprecation in traits

2020-09-30 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 17:08:40 UTC, Frak wrote:

Hi folks,

I've this:

Deprecation: function 
`std.typecons.Nullable!long.Nullable.get_` is deprecated - 
Implicit conversion with `alias Nullable.get this` will be 
removed after 2.096. Please use `.get` explicitly.

I'm trying to find out WHERE this is generated to fix it, 
dependency included, without success.


The problem has been observed already and it is an official 
enhancement request [1].
I think it is legit because deprecation are sometimes used to 
help into refactoring, so to have the use site is a essential.


Re: multiple ports.

2020-09-30 Thread Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 2:40 PM seany via Digitalmars-d-learn <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 12:29:06 UTC, Daniel Kozak
> wrote:
> to separate the messages from the IoT responses quickly and
> forward them to different programs, and to have the capability in
> hand, so that when later i have an idea to exploit the
> capability, I can also do it.

Ok as Adam said you can do something like this:

void main()
immutable ushort startPort = 5500;
import std.range : iota;

foreach (ushort port; iota!(ushort,ushort)(startPort, startPort + 100))
auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = port;
settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
listenHTTP(settings, );

void hello(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
import std.conv : to;

Re: Deprecation in traits

2020-09-30 Thread Frak via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 09:42:40 UTC, Stefan Koch 

On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 08:33:58 UTC, Frak wrote:
On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 18:25:03 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/29/20 1:08 PM, Frak wrote:


Because it's probably coming from a constraint, you probably 
can't figure out the exact usage. What's more annoying is 
that likely it is a spurious warning. A lot of traits "try 
something", and then alias to false or true depending on what 
works. But it's not going to make a difference in your code.

It's one of the most annoying things in the library. If you 
see this warning coming from *your* code, then you should fix 
it. But it will tell you the location if that was the case, 
not std.traits.


That's REALLY REALLY annoying! I'm spending LOT of time trying 
to figure out the exact point to fix in the code.

Any idea? dustmite?

You can give me access to the code and I can find it out for 

That's the best I have.

Thank you, but unfortunately that's not possible

Re: multiple ports.

2020-09-30 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 11:23:59 UTC, seany wrote:

auto router = new URLRouter;"/archive", );
router.get("/archive", );

auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = port;
settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
listenHTTP(settings, router);

If you loop this section it should listen to each port. This is 
just a setup loop, it wouldn't actually be wasteful once it is 

(I think, I don't really know vibe super well)

Re: multiple ports.

2020-09-30 Thread seany via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 12:29:06 UTC, Daniel Kozak 
Dne st 30. 9. 2020 13:25 uživatel seany via Digitalmars-d-learn 
<> napsal:


I am trying to use this example for a iot application:

The code i use is:

ushort port   =   5504;

void main(char[][] args)

 auto router = new URLRouter;"/archive", );
 router.get("/archive", );

 auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
 settings.port = port;
 settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
 listenHTTP(settings, router);


This is fine. But now that we have ~ 100 IoT devices in the 
field, I would like to assign each a new port.

Why? I do not see any reason for that.

to separate the messages from the IoT responses quickly and 
forward them to different programs, and to have the capability in 
hand, so that when later i have an idea to exploit the 
capability, I can also do it.

Re: multiple ports.

2020-09-30 Thread Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn
Dne st 30. 9. 2020 13:25 uživatel seany via Digitalmars-d-learn <> napsal:

> Hello
> I am trying to use this example for a iot application:
> The code i use is:
> ushort port   =   5504;
> void main(char[][] args)
> {
>  auto router = new URLRouter;
>"/archive", );
>  router.get("/archive", );
>  auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
>  settings.port = port;
>  settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
>  listenHTTP(settings, router);
>  runApplication();
> }
> This is fine. But now that we have ~ 100 IoT devices in the
> field, I would like to assign each a new port.

Why? I do not see any reason for that.


Re: Trying to create a trivial 64 bit D Lang DLL on a Windows 10 machine and cant get past linking.

2020-09-30 Thread Ferhat Kurtulmuş via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 21:22:21 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

module user;

export { int myAddSeven(int a, int b); }


it is better to use this template

You don't have a DllMain. multiple ports.

2020-09-30 Thread seany via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am trying to use this example for a iot application:

The code i use is:

ushort port   =   5504;

void main(char[][] args)

auto router = new URLRouter;"/archive", );
router.get("/archive", );

auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = port;
settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
listenHTTP(settings, router);


This is fine. But now that we have ~ 100 IoT devices in the 
field, I would like to assign each a new port. The devices should 
be communicating over HTTP as the vendor software running 
thereupon uses http.

What is the best practice to make a vibe.d server listen to 
multiple ports? Make a loop scanning each loop seems wasteful. Is 
there a function in vibe.d that can take multiple ports, and 
launch a set of threads assigned to each port?

Thank you

Re: Deprecation in traits

2020-09-30 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 08:33:58 UTC, Frak wrote:
On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 18:25:03 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/29/20 1:08 PM, Frak wrote:


Because it's probably coming from a constraint, you probably 
can't figure out the exact usage. What's more annoying is that 
likely it is a spurious warning. A lot of traits "try 
something", and then alias to false or true depending on what 
works. But it's not going to make a difference in your code.

It's one of the most annoying things in the library. If you 
see this warning coming from *your* code, then you should fix 
it. But it will tell you the location if that was the case, 
not std.traits.


That's REALLY REALLY annoying! I'm spending LOT of time trying 
to figure out the exact point to fix in the code.

Any idea? dustmite?

You can give me access to the code and I can find it out for you.
That's the best I have.

Re: Deprecation in traits

2020-09-30 Thread Frak via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 18:25:03 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/29/20 1:08 PM, Frak wrote:

Hi folks,

I've this:

Deprecation: function 
`std.typecons.Nullable!long.Nullable.get_` is deprecated - 
Implicit conversion with `alias Nullable.get this` will be 
removed after 2.096. Please use `.get` explicitly.

I'm trying to find out WHERE this is generated to fix it, 
dependency included, without success.


Because it's probably coming from a constraint, you probably 
can't figure out the exact usage. What's more annoying is that 
likely it is a spurious warning. A lot of traits "try 
something", and then alias to false or true depending on what 
works. But it's not going to make a difference in your code.

It's one of the most annoying things in the library. If you see 
this warning coming from *your* code, then you should fix it. 
But it will tell you the location if that was the case, not 


That's REALLY REALLY annoying! I'm spending LOT of time trying to 
figure out the exact point to fix in the code.

Any idea? dustmite?