Re: lambda recursion

2020-11-27 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/27/20 9:01 AM, ddcovery wrote:

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 16:40:43 UTC, ddcovery wrote:

* Can the lambda be transformed to a template (using T instead "int") 
but avoiding function/return syntax?

This is an example using function

  template qs(T){
    T[] qs( T[] items ){
  return items.length==0
    ? items
    : chain(
  qs(items[1..$].filter!(i=> i i >= items[0]).array)

I mean... transform this into a lambda expression:

     T[] qs(T)( T[] items ){
   return items.length==0
     ? items
     : chain(
   qs(items[1..$].filter!(i=> i i >= items[0]).array)

This has been done with the Y-combinator, where the lambda refers to 
itself as 'self':

There has been been other discussions on it on these forums.


Re: How to unit-test a phobos module?

2020-11-27 Thread aberba via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 04:08:33 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:
On Thursday, 26 November 2020 at 05:29:16 UTC, Mike Parker 

Tomorrow, I'll try setting up a dual boot and give it a shot 
there. (Not the dub experience  but following

Have you heard about WSL...WSL2? You don't need dual boot 
anymore. Read

Re: Automatic update system

2020-11-27 Thread aberba via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 20:00:22 UTC, aberba wrote:

On Thursday, 26 November 2020 at 12:13:59 UTC, vnr wrote:

On Linux, both Flatpak and Snap all provide suck functionality.

Such* was what I meant .

On Flatpak, it's not really a pure auto-update...but users get to 
up update from the store. Cus some folks are skeptical about 


Re: Automatic update system

2020-11-27 Thread aberba via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 26 November 2020 at 12:13:59 UTC, vnr wrote:


I have a program written in D which is open-source on GitHub.

I would appreciate it if, when I release a new version, users 
would be notified by the program and that it offers an 
automatic update, i.e. the user doesn't have to reinstall the 
whole repository himself, but that it is updated automatically.

I haven't found any packages that directly meet my needs, but 
in the meantime I imagine that I will have to use the GitHub 
API, as well as Curl to make such a system.

Do you have any resources or suggestions as to how I could 
implement this? Thank you!

Auto-updates of an installed app (.ie. if that's what you want) 
is done from the app's installation side of things... App Store 
(with a few exceptions of course). On Windows, Microsoft's new 
packaging stack supports that [1]. You can even set it up with 
your CI/CD pipelines...e.g. GitHub Actions.

On Linux, both Flatpak and Snap all provide suck functionality.


Re: Questions about D

2020-11-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/27/20 2:56 PM, Walter wrote:

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 19:46:52 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grostad wrote:

Why not? What are you looking for?

I'm looking for a general purpose which I can use everywhere

Depends on how you define "everywhere".

If you mean can it be used in all manner of purposes, yes, it can. It is 
used in video games, in web development, in command line tools, high 
performance computing, server software, etc.

If you mean can it be used on all the platforms you want to use, it 
depends on the platform. In general, if gcc or llvm supports your 
platform, you can probably get it to work. Some platforms are not as 
mature in D as others, or may require more effort.

So it's hard to definitively answer your question.


Re: Questions about D

2020-11-27 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 19:56:38 UTC, Walter wrote:
On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 19:46:52 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:

Why not? What are you looking for?

I'm looking for a general purpose which I can use everywhere

It is fairly general, but I don't think it is the best option for 
targeting 16 bit or 8 bit cpus. In that case C would probably be 

Re: Questions about D

2020-11-27 Thread Walter via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 19:46:52 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grostad 

Why not? What are you looking for?

I'm looking for a general purpose which I can use everywhere

Re: Questions about D

2020-11-27 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 19:34:41 UTC, Walter wrote:

Hi, I have some questions to ask regarding D:

1) Should I learn D ?

Why not? What are you looking for?

2) Can I cross-compile D programs?

You should be able to with ldc/gdc if you have some experience.

3) Is it a low-level language?

Lower than high, higher than low. It is if you want it to be.

4) Which type of applications is D most used in?

Good question. I would assume command line applications, batch. 
Like C++.

5) Is it fast and not bloated with useless features?

It is fast, but I think you'll find one or two useless features 
if you go looking for it.

Questions about D

2020-11-27 Thread Walter via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi, I have some questions to ask regarding D:

1) Should I learn D ?

2) Can I cross-compile D programs?

3) Is it a low-level language?

4) Which type of applications is D most used in?

5) Is it fast and not bloated with useless features?

Re: vibe.d and my first web service

2020-11-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/12/20 9:46 AM, James Blachly wrote:

On 7/18/20 8:16 AM, Andre Pany wrote:

On Saturday, 18 July 2020 at 09:10:04 UTC, Mr. Backup wrote:

 >> ...
I started the program with "dub" command and everything worked as I 
expected. Except that there were a lot "deprecation" warnings and 
long time to compile.But when I exit the service by ctrl + c and 
start again the program cannot start again with error message:


I assume you are using vibe.d 0.8.4 or older. Please check whether 
adding this to dub.json solves your problem:

​"versions": [ "VibeHighEventPriority" ]

(Restart your pc)

Vibe.d 0.9 0 will be released soon. I hope it will work out of the box 

Unfortunately the problem still occurs with Vibe.d 0.9.0

IMO **this is the single most important problem to fix** for vibe.d -- 
if the most basic of examples (indeed, supplied by dub itself) fails so 
spectacularly, the casual new user will not spend the time to find out 
why this is happening, but instead move on. The ctrl-C non-termination 
bug has existed since at least 2015 from what I can tell from the forums.


Does Sönke have a Patreon or the project an OpenCollective etc. ? I 
would be willing to support fixing of some of these bugs.

Alternatively, could we vote on whether a web framework is worthy of 
foundation support? Having an ergonomic, workable web framework is 
absolutely essential to surviving as a language in 2020 (notable 
exception being 800# gorilla incumbents C/C++).

FYI, this bug was just fixed (eventcore version 0.9.11). I tested it and 
it works.

Thanks Sönke for fixing this!


Re: lambda recursion

2020-11-27 Thread ddcovery via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 16:40:43 UTC, ddcovery wrote:

* Can the lambda be transformed to a template (using T instead 
"int") but avoiding function/return syntax?

This is an example using function

  template qs(T){
T[] qs( T[] items ){
  return items.length==0
? items
: chain(
  qs(items[1..$].filter!(i=> i i >= items[0]).array)

I mean... transform this into a lambda expression:

T[] qs(T)( T[] items ){
  return items.length==0
? items
: chain(
  qs(items[1..$].filter!(i=> i i >= items[0]).array)

lambda recursion

2020-11-27 Thread ddcovery via Digitalmars-d-learn
I want to express in D the known Haskell qsort 3 lines code (it 
is not a quick sort, but an example of how functional programming 
is expressive).

This is the "javascript" version I use as reference:

const sorted = ( [pivot, …others] ) => pivot===void 0 ? [ ] : 

  … sorted( others.filter( n=> n n>=pivot ) )

This is a possible D implementation:

void main()
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

int[] delegate(int[]) qs;

qs = (int[] items) => items.length==0 ? items :
qs(items[1..$].filter!(i=> i i >= items[0]).array)

auto result = qs([10,9,5,4,8,7,-20]);
assert( result.equal([-20,4,5,7,8,9,10]) );
writeln("Result:", result );

First problem I found is "qs" must be splitted in 2 expressions: 
declaration and assignation, because declaration is not 
"effective" until all expression is compiled (compiler says qs 
doesn't exist when compiling the lambda body) .

* Is there any way to reduce the code(using lambdas) to one 
expression only?

  int[] delegate(int[]) qs = (int[] items) => items.length==0 

  Or better

  auto qs = (int[] items) => items.length==0 ?  ...

* Can the lambda be transformed to a template (using T instead 
"int") but avoiding function/return syntax?

This is an example using function

  template qs(T){
T[] qs( T[] items ){
  return items.length==0
? items
: chain(
  qs(items[1..$].filter!(i=> i i >= items[0]).array)

* I'm trying to use "ranges" to avoid the "array" conversion.  Do 
you figure out a way to express the lambda params and return as a 
Range to avoid converting to array?

Re: How to unit-test a phobos module?

2020-11-27 Thread Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 04:08:33 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:
I think using digger in principle works and I assume the 
problems I got aren't Digger's fault, but ae's. Building DMD + 
DRuntime failed.

Sorry about this. It was caused by a breaking change in 
Druntime's build script:

I pushed a new version of Digger which includes a fix.