Re: How to call a function from a dll created with d ?

2022-07-07 Thread Ruby The Roobster via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 2 July 2022 at 20:43:41 UTC, Vinod KC wrote:

On Saturday, 2 July 2022 at 14:32:11 UTC, apz28 wrote:

dmd -of=dimedll.dll dimedll.d dimedll.def
dmd dime.d dimedll.di

Thanks for the reply. Well, I am sorry to say that your 
suggestions resulted in failure.
First of all, when I used this command -- ` dmd -of=dimedll.dll 
dimedll.d dimedll.def` I got this error message-

`Error: unrecognized file extension dll`.
So I avoided the `-of=dimedll.dll` part.
Then I compiled it with this command - `dmd -H dimedll.d 

And I got some warnings. Here are they.
dimedll.def(2) : warning LNK4017: EXETYPE statement not 
supported for the target platform; ignored
dimedll.def(3) : warning LNK4017: SUBSYSTEM statement not 
supported for the target platform; ignored
dimedll.def(4) : warning LNK4017: CODE statement not supported 
for the target platform; ignored
dimedll.def(4) : warning LNK4017: DATA statement not supported 
for the target platform; ignored

   Creating library dimedll.lib and object dimedll.exp
I know all of them are from my `def` file. Anyways, I stepped 
forward and tried to run the main file with this dll & lib.
So I ran this command. - `dmd dime.d dimedll.di`. But I got 
this error message.

dime.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 

dime.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error: linker exited with status 1120

First issue - you're using dmd on windows.  Dmd gives me errors 
about the ModuleInfo, while LDC doesn't. [This is the LDC 
link.](  Next, change dimedll.d to the following:

module dimedll;
export void testFunc()
import std.stdio;
writeln("Lets build our own ime.");

and dime.d to the following:

import dimedll; //In case you ever write more functions for 

pragma(lib, "dimedll.lib");

void main()

Then run ```ldc2 -shared dimedll.d``` and right after that 
```ldc2 dime.d```.  If I didn't make a mistake in writing this (I 
tested it on my own system), it should output a working program 
that prints the expected output when ran.

Re: Background thread, async and GUI (dlangui)

2022-07-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/6/22 16:17, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> I would consider std.parallelism

And it looks more natural with a std.parallelism.Task:

struct Progress {
  size_t percent_;

  void set(size_t downloaded, size_t total) {
if (total != 0) {
  import core.atomic: atomicStore;

  const value = cast(size_t)(float(downloaded) / float(total) * 100);
  atomicStore(percent_, value);

  size_t get() const {
import core.atomic: atomicLoad;

return atomicLoad(percent_);

struct Request {
  string url;
  string result;
  Progress progress;

void download(Request * request) {
  import HTTP;

  auto http = HTTP(request.url);

  http.onProgress((size_t dl, size_t dln, size_t ul, size_t uln) {
  if (dl != 0) {
request.progress.set(dln, dl);
  return 0;

  http.onReceive((ubyte[] data) {
  request.result ~= (cast(char[])data);
  return data.length;


void main() {
  import std.parallelism : task;
  import std.stdio: writefln;

  auto request = Request("");
  auto downloadTask = task!download();

  foreach (i; 0 .. 10) {
writefln!"Doing work on the side (%s)"(i);
writefln!"Checking download progress: %s%%"(request.progress.get());

import core.thread;

  // Now we need the result before continuing:

  writefln!"Downloaded %s bytes:\n%s"(request.result.length, 



Re: How to call a function from a dll created with d ?

2022-07-07 Thread cc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 3 July 2022 at 09:43:20 UTC, frame wrote:

module app;
import dimedll;

import std.stdio;
import std.stdio : log = writeln;

pragma(lib, "dimedll.lib");

void main() {   
   log("Lets build our own ime");

You should be able to change contents in the DLL and run the 
executable wihtout re-compiling (the library file should be 
round ~2kB).

PS: ddemangle just waits for your input. You copy in the 
mangled symbol like `__D7dimedll12__ModuleInfoZ` and press 
enter ;-)

Does importing dimedll into app.d properly NOT link in the 
functions that are exported to the DLL?  When I tried something 
similar with dmd, I had to create a .di file containing just 
stubs, otherwise it looked like it was ignoring the DLL and 
compiling in an additional copy of each fuction.