Re: (Noob question) Should subclasses be defined in separate modules?

2023-01-12 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 05:17:59 UTC, thebluepandabear 

(Sorry if this is a duplicate.)

If I have the following code inside of a module:

class Obj {
private {
string name = "Hi";

class ObjDerived : Obj {


Is it best practice to define `ObjDerived` inside another 
module, since `ObjDerived` can still access the members of 
`Obj` (since `private` is only applied to modules), or does 
this go against the intended use of the language?

As a beginner, I am having an extremely tough time 
understanding why you would want to place these two classes in 
the same module or even have this intended behavior of 
`private`. I am coming from Java/Kotlin which are both strictly 
OO language and have different ways of encapsulation.

The short answer: just think of a module as a way of grouping 
related objects and functions. If it makes sense to you for 
`ObjDerived` to have access to the internals of `Obj`, then keep 
them in the same module. If it doesn't, then put it somewhere 

The long answer: there's no one-size-fits all here. For a short 
program, a script let's say, just dump everything in one module 
and be done with it. For a program you're writing for your own 
use, do whatever you feel comfortable with, even if you plan to 
open source it.

For something you're writing for others to use, like a library, 
then the first priority is to think about what the public facing 
API should look like. From that perspective, does `ObDerived` 
belong in the same module, or is it unrelated enough to go into a 
different one?

If it does fit in the same module, then that can be enough. It is 
for me. I'd stop there. But some people want to go one step 
further and ensure that `ObjDerived` can't access the internals 
of `Obj`. So in that case, you can put them in two separate 
modules and make a `package.d` file to act as the common module 
name for both. I think there are good reasons to do that, but 
most of the time it's just a matter of preference.

(Noob question) Should subclasses be defined in separate modules?

2023-01-12 Thread thebluepandabear via Digitalmars-d-learn

(Sorry if this is a duplicate.)

If I have the following code inside of a module:

class Obj {
private {
string name = "Hi";

class ObjDerived : Obj {


Is it best practice to define `ObjDerived` inside another module, 
since `ObjDerived` can still access the members of `Obj` (since 
`private` is only applied to modules), or does this go against 
the intended use of the language?

As a beginner, I am having an extremely tough time understanding 
why you would want to place these two classes in the same module 
or even have this intended behavior of `private`. I am coming 
from Java/Kotlin which are both strictly OO language and have 
different ways of encapsulation.

Re: Coding Challenges - Dlang or Generic

2023-01-12 Thread Paul via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 12 January 2023 at 20:28:26 UTC, Christian Köstlin 

For this years advent-of-code Steven Schveighoffer 
/schveiguy/adventofcode/tree/master/2022) has a complete set of 


Kind regards,

Very helpful. Thanks Christian.

Re: Coding Challenges - Dlang or Generic

2023-01-12 Thread Christian Köstlin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10.01.23 23:30, Paul wrote:

On Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 01:31:28 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 1/9/23 16:17, Paul wrote:

> coding challenges

Perhaps the following two?


Excellent.  Thanks.

For this years advent-of-code Steven Schveighoffer (
/schveiguy/adventofcode/tree/master/2022) has a complete set of dlang

Kind regards,

Re: Coding Challenges - Dlang or Generic

2023-01-12 Thread Christian Köstlin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10.01.23 23:22, monkyyy wrote:

On Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 19:10:09 UTC, Christian Köstlin wrote:

On 10.01.23 01:17, Paul wrote:
There is also with some tasks for dlang.

Kind regards,

Its all converted code; worthless

I was not aware, that the question was searching for solutions in dlang.
At least exorcism gives a skeleton for a dlang project (including
unittest) to solve the task.

Kind regards,

Re: Coding Challenges - Dlang or Generic

2023-01-12 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 01:22:33 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Here's a challenge.  Given an input year, for example, "2023", 
write a program that outputs (for the corresponding year):

Now, I wrote a nested class using range and copying from Matheus' 
code. Of course not as comprehensive as [your 
dcal]( I 
like this one and even thought of a new challenge!

void main()
  import std.stdio, std.string : cp = capitalize;
  import std.range, std.conv : to;

  with(new MyCalendar(2023, 12))
const title = dowToStr!2;
foreach(month; range.take(6))
  const mName =!string;
  year.write(" ");   // current year
  mName.cp.writefln!"%s:";   // name of the month
  title.writefln!"%-(%s %)"; // days of week
  month.writeln; // formatted days

class MyCalendar
  import std.array, std.datetime, std.conv : to;
  import std.string : capitalize;

  Range range;
  Date date;
  int year, month;

  this(int year, int month)
this.month = month;
this.year = year; = Date(year, month, 1);
this.range = new Range();

  class Range
enum empty = false;

string front()
  import std.format : fw = formattedWrite;
  auto res = appender!string;
  int day, dow = date.dayOfWeek;
  res.fw("%s", replicated(dow * 3)); // skip days

  for(day = 1; day <= date.daysInMonth; ++day)
if(++dow % 7) res.fw("%2s ", day);
else res.fw("%2s\n", day);
  if(dow % 7) res.put("\n");

void popFront()
  if(month > 12)
month = 1;
  date = Date(year, month, 1);

  auto dowToStr(size_t len = 0)()
alias E = DayOfWeek;
string[] result;
for(E x = E.min; x <= E.max; x++)
  result ~= len ?!string[0..len]
return result;


Re: Nested sibling classes

2023-01-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 1/12/23 12:05 PM, seany wrote:

How can I make it, that classes b and c can access each other, and 
create instances of each other freely? Thank you.

So to just point out something that wasn't discussed by Salih:

When you declare a field of a class with an initializer, *that 
initializer is run at compile-time*. Which means, that even if it did 
work, every instance of every b would start out with the same exact `C` 
object (not a copy, the same one).

This is different than many other languages which treat initializers as 
part of the constructor (and run when you initialize a class). In D, the 
bits are simply copied into the new memory as the default state.

For this reason you should almost *never* initialize a class reference 
in a non-static field. Consider that if you ever modified that instance 
named `C`, all new instances of `b` would have a reference to that 
modified instance!

The reason the compiler doesn't like it is because it doesn't know how 
to initialize a `c` at compile time, since it needs the context pointer 
to the outer class.

Just moving initialization into the constructor should fix the problem, 
you don't need to make them static. Now, maybe you didn't intend to have 
a nested class with a reference to the outer class, and in that case, 
you should make it static.


Re: Nested sibling classes

2023-01-12 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 January 2023 at 17:46:45 UTC, seany wrote:

Please, can you explain what role "static" plays here? Thank 
you again

Of course, there are actually 2 paragraphs of information and 
examples [here](

Non-static nested classes work by containing an extra hidden 
member (called the context pointer) that is the frame pointer 
of the enclosing function if it is nested inside a function, or 
the this reference of the enclosing class's instance if it is 
nested inside a class.

When a non-static nested class is instantiated, the context 
pointer is assigned before the class's constructor is called, 
therefore the constructor has full access to the enclosing 
variables. A non-static nested class can only be instantiated 
when the necessary context pointer information is available.


Re: Nested sibling classes

2023-01-12 Thread seany via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 January 2023 at 17:41:39 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:

On Thursday, 12 January 2023 at 17:05:04 UTC, seany wrote:

How can I make it, that classes b and c can access each other, 
and create instances of each other freely? Thank you.

Ignoring the typos you could try auto and static:

class a
{ //outer

  static class b
  { // inner 1

c C;
  this.C = new c;

  static class c
  { // inner 2
int i = 10;

int main ()
  int[21][1] test;
  test[0][20] = 19;

  assert(test[0][20] == 19);

  auto B = new a.b;
  auto C = new a.c;

  assert(B.C.i == 10);
  assert(C.i == 10);

  return 0;


Moving the "new c" within the this() function indeed solved it. 
Thank you for pointing out the typos.

Please, can you explain what role "static" plays here? Thank you 

Re: Nested sibling classes

2023-01-12 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 January 2023 at 17:05:04 UTC, seany wrote:

How can I make it, that classes b and c can access each other, 
and create instances of each other freely? Thank you.

Ignoring the typos you could try auto and static:

class a
{ //outer

  static class b
  { // inner 1

c C;
  this.C = new c;

  static class c
  { // inner 2
int i = 10;

int main ()
  int[21][1] test;
  test[0][20] = 19;

  assert(test[0][20] == 19);

  auto B = new a.b;
  auto C = new a.c;

  assert(B.C.i == 10);
  assert(C.i == 10);

  return 0;

Nested sibling classes

2023-01-12 Thread seany via Digitalmars-d-learn

Please Consider the code:

import std.stdio;

class a {


class b {

this.outer.c C = new this.outer.c();
 this() {
~this() {}


class c {
 this() {}
~this() {}
int i = 10;


int main () {

int [int][int] test;

test[0][20] = 19;

a A = new A();
a.b B = a.b();
return 0;

Compiling with dmd tells me:
`test.d(12): Error: undefined identifier `` this.outer.c `` ` (i 
used two backticks, but i can't seem tobe escaping the backtick 
character correctly in this forum)

On fish shell we have:
❯ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.101.2

Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights 
Reserved written by Walter Bright

If i remove the "this.outer" and just write, c C = new c(); then 
i have:

`test.d(12): Error: cannot construct nested class ` c ` because 
no implicit ` this ` reference to outer class ` a ` is available`

How can I make it, that classes b and c can access each other, 
and create instances of each other freely? Thank you.

Re: Mixin helper help

2023-01-12 Thread Hipreme via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 January 2023 at 08:03:34 UTC, John Chapman wrote:

I'm obviously doing something wrong, but don't quite understand.

mixin template helper() {

struct Foo {
  void opDispatch(string name)() {
import std.stdio;
mixin helper!();

void main() {

The compiler emits these errors about the mixin 

unexpected `(` in declarator
basic type expected, not `12`
found `12` when expecting `)`
no identifier for declarator `writeln(_error_)`
semicolon expected following function declaration
declaration expected, not `)`

Why does the commented code work but the mixin not? Thanks for 
any pointers.

`mixin template` cannot be used like that. The only statement it 
accepts are declaration statements: Look at

It says it must compile to a valid DeclDef, which means you can't 
put code like that.

Mixin templates are used only for declaring new variables, types 
and functions, it can't simply put call statements like that. You 
could do this by simply calling a function such as:

void helper()

I think you'll need to comment more on your problem if you wish 
specialized help

Re: Vibe.d serve files from filesystem

2023-01-12 Thread evilrat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 11 January 2023 at 18:56:47 UTC, eXodiquas wrote:

Hello everyone,

I build a web tool that allows people to upload some files. 
Those files should not be public, so I copy them into a folder 
hidden away on the filesystem. But, I want an authenticated 
user to be able to look at them. Those files are PDFs and 
mp3/4s. So my idea was to use an `iframe` with a 
`src="path/to/file"` but this is not working, because vibed 
wants to map it to a route but there is and there should be 
none. Is there a way to use iframes in this way, or do I need 
to approach this problem differently?

Thanks in advance.


You will probably need to write a custom route handler that 
handles some authentication and returns files in response to a 

Since vibe.d routes handled in order you will need to add such 
route before generic '*' route.

Take a look at this example

You can probably just write a handler like addUser for 
router.get('*', serveMyFiles) and write your own file handling 


// use this handler in router.get('*', serveMyFiles)
void serveMyFiles(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
  enforceHTTP("file" in req.form, HTTPStatus.badRequest, "No file 
  // don't just use raw input from the user, users can access 
your whole filesystem with some hackery!!



Mixin helper help

2023-01-12 Thread John Chapman via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm obviously doing something wrong, but don't quite understand.

mixin template helper() {

struct Foo {
  void opDispatch(string name)() {
import std.stdio;
mixin helper!();

void main() {

The compiler emits these errors about the mixin ("writeln(12);"):
unexpected `(` in declarator
basic type expected, not `12`
found `12` when expecting `)`
no identifier for declarator `writeln(_error_)`
semicolon expected following function declaration
declaration expected, not `)`

Why does the commented code work but the mixin not? Thanks for 
any pointers.