Re: Mixin helper help

2023-01-14 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 January 2023 at 23:07:13 UTC, TheZipCreator wrote:
This is not the purpose mixin templates are meant to serve. 
They're for copying declarations into scopes (and as such only 
support declarations in them). Instead, I think what you want is

I'm trying to understand you. But I regret to say that I do not 
agree with you. You are a programmer like me,  so you don't like 
this usage?

template MyContainer(string varS = "")
  struct Var
import std.variant;

Variant[string] values; alias
values this;
@property {
  Variant opDispatch(string name)() const
return values[name];

  void opDispatch(string name, T)(T val)
values[name] = val;

  static if(varS.length > 0)
import std.format;
mixin(varS.format!"Var %s;");
  } else
Var data;

void main()
  //otherTest("test ok");/*
  mixin MyContainer!"date";
  enum Tarih { AY = 1, YIL = 2023 }

  date.month = cast(ubyte)Tarih.AY;

  assert(date["month"] != Tarih.AY); // because :
  assert(date["month"].type == typeid(ubyte));

  date.year = cast(short)Tarih.YIL;
  date.year.writeln(" in Turkish format");

  assert(date["year"] != Tarih.YIL); // because :
  assert(date["year"].type == typeid(short));

  writefln("Date: %s/%s", date.year, date.month);//*/
} /* Prints:

  1/2023 in Turkish format
  Date: 2023/1

import std.stdio;
void otherTest(string str)
  mixin MyContainer;
  data.test = str;

I'm 44 and maybe an old-fashioned person who likes macros.  But 
mixins are all kinds of beautiful yaw 

Because they can be used as easily as importing. Moreover, they 
can be personalized.


Re: Mixin helper help

2023-01-14 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 January 2023 at 18:57:21 UTC, John Chapman wrote:
I wanted to remove the double braces in my static foreach 
(needed as I declared some aliases inside but since it creates 
a scope those new variables can't be referred to outside of it).

Inside a function, you can often just use plain foreach instead 
of static foreach and simplify things. But it depends on the 
whole context.

Where the helper thing helps a lot is outside functions, where 
normal foreach and double brace are both prohibited.

Re: Coding Challenges - Dlang or Generic

2023-01-14 Thread TheZipCreator via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 00:17:18 UTC, Paul wrote:

Greetings Dlang-ers
I was wondering if anyone knew of any coding challenges 
available where the input and output are specified and its left 
to the programmer to find a solution?  Free would be nice but 
even paid services would be worth considering.  I'm taking a D 
class right now and it has little challenges in the lessons 
where much of the work is done for you, but I'm thinking of a 
site/service that is dedicated to these types of challenges 
(without doing any work for you).


while not specifically D-related, the code golf stack exchange is 
good place to find challenges (even if you're not golfing).

Re: Mixin helper help

2023-01-14 Thread TheZipCreator via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 January 2023 at 08:03:34 UTC, John Chapman wrote:

I'm obviously doing something wrong, but don't quite understand.

mixin template helper() {

struct Foo {
  void opDispatch(string name)() {
import std.stdio;
mixin helper!();

void main() {

The compiler emits these errors about the mixin 

unexpected `(` in declarator
basic type expected, not `12`
found `12` when expecting `)`
no identifier for declarator `writeln(_error_)`
semicolon expected following function declaration
declaration expected, not `)`

Why does the commented code work but the mixin not? Thanks for 
any pointers.

This is not the purpose mixin templates are meant to serve. 
They're for copying declarations into scopes (and as such only 
support declarations in them). Instead, I think what you want is

template helper() {
const char[] helper = `writeln(12);`;

struct Foo {
void opDispatch(string name)() {
import std.stdio;

void main() {

Re: Mixin helper help

2023-01-14 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 January 2023 at 02:51:56 UTC, bauss wrote:


That's a good one!

also very very good, it's clever!


Re: Mixin helper help

2023-01-14 Thread John Chapman via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 14:32:44 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:

Why not directly use the mixin template for opDispatch()?

My opDispatch generates code based on the arguments passed, 
interpolating variable names and functions based on the type. I 
wanted to remove the double braces in my static foreach (needed 
as I declared some aliases inside but since it creates a scope 
those new variables can't be referred to outside of it). I saw 
Adam's post here 
showing use of a "helper" template, and I was trying to adapt it.

I've since just dropped the double braces and removed the 
aliases. It's not as clean but works.

Re: Why does the importC example not compile?

2023-01-14 Thread Gavin Ray via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 12:46:33 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 12:33:28 UTC, kdevel wrote:
What must be added or changed in order to test every example 
which is intended to produce an executable?

Support for separate compilation / ImportC would need to be 
added to dspec_tester:

I ran into this issue too, what I discovered is that when you 
import `square`, it is importing the file `square.c` (if one 

Because you have a function called `square` in a file called 
`square`, confusingly, you want `square.square`. Hence the error 
message about trying to invoke parens `()` on a module.

If you rename the file to `my_c_funcs.c` and then you do:

import std.stdio;
import my_c_funcs;

void main()
int i = 7;
writefln("The square of %s is %s", i, my_c_funcs.square(i));

(dmd-nightly)[user@MSI source]$ dmd app.d my_c_funcs.c
(dmd-nightly)[user@MSI source]$ ./app
The square of 7 is 49