how to skip empty field in csvReader?

2023-06-05 Thread mw via Digitalmars-d-learn


void main()
import std.csv;
import std.stdio: write, writeln, writef, writefln;
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
string text = "Hello;65;;\nWorld;123;7.5";
struct Layout
string name;
int value;
double other;

auto records = text.csvReader!Layout(';');
Layout("Hello", 65, 2.5),
Layout("World", 123, 7.5),


There is an empty field in the 1st line: "Hello;65;;", then

std.csv.CSVException@/dlang/dmd/linux/bin64/../../src/phobos/std/csv.d(1232): Floating 
point conversion error for input "".

Is there a way to tell csvReader to skip such empty fields?

Or, is there another CSV reader library with this functionality I 
can use?


Re: How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable variables in a class?

2023-06-05 Thread Ki Rill via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 18:54:30 UTC, cc wrote:

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:
How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable 
variables in my class? Do I need to use `__traits`?

mixin template GenerateSetters() {
	static foreach (idx, field; typeof(this).tupleof) static if 
(__traits(getVisibility,field) == "private") {

void %SETTER(typeof(this.tupleof[idx]) _) {
%NAME = _;
.replace("%NAME", field.stringof)
			.replace("%SETTER", "set"~toUpper(field.stringof[0..1]) ~ 

class Rectangle {
private Color fillColor;
private Color strokeColor;
private uint strokeWidth;

this(int x, int y) {}

mixin GenerateSetters;

void main() {
auto rect = new Rectangle(0, 0);
assert(rect.strokeWidth == 4);

Thank you! That is exactly what I needed. Although another 
solution provided by Basile B. using attributes opens a door for 
other posibilities...

I don't usually use metaprogramming or code generation much, this 
is an eye-opening experience.

Re: What's dxml DOMEntity(R) type ?

2023-06-05 Thread John Xu via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 10:43:27 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş wrote:

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 10:01:01 UTC, John Xu wrote:
The parseDOM returns a DOMEntity(R) type, how do I write a 
xmlRoot as global variable?

I need its detailed type (auto / Variant doesn't work).

import dxml.dom;
?? xmlRoot;
int main() {
string xml = readText("a.xml");
auto dom = parseDOM(xml);
xmlRoot = dom.children[0];

import dxml.dom;
import std.stdio;

DOMEntity!string xmlRoot;
int main()
string xml = "";
auto dom = parseDOM(xml);
writeln(typeof(dom.children[0]).stringof); // yields 

xmlRoot = dom.children[0];
return 0;

Thanks, that's very helpful. D sometimes drives me crazy, screws 
up my brain, :-)

Re: How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable variables in a class?

2023-06-05 Thread cc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:
How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable 
variables in my class? Do I need to use `__traits`?

mixin template GenerateSetters() {
	static foreach (idx, field; typeof(this).tupleof) static if 
(__traits(getVisibility,field) == "private") {

void %SETTER(typeof(this.tupleof[idx]) _) {
%NAME = _;
.replace("%NAME", field.stringof)
			.replace("%SETTER", "set"~toUpper(field.stringof[0..1]) ~ 

class Rectangle {
private Color fillColor;
private Color strokeColor;
private uint strokeWidth;

this(int x, int y) {}

mixin GenerateSetters;

void main() {
auto rect = new Rectangle(0, 0);
assert(rect.strokeWidth == 4);

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread Ernesto Castellotti via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 18:14:31 UTC, DLearner wrote:

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 14:25:33 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Thank you for the link, can confirm that:
int foo() {


It's not so easy to deal automatically in case of multiple modules

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread DLearner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 14:25:33 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


The docs say it should work:


Thank you for the link, can confirm that:
int foo() {

   return 4;

unittest {

   assert(foo() != 4, "!= Assert triggered.");
   assert(foo() == 4, "== Assert triggered.");

extern(C) void main()
static foreach(u; __traits(getUnitTests, __traits(parent, 

run via:
dmd -betterC -unittest -i -run foo2
works as expected.

However, as a suggestion to create a consistent experience with 
'Full D',
should not the combination of '-main' and '-betterC' cause the 

and attachment of the boilerplate code
extern(C) void main()
static foreach(u; __traits(getUnitTests, __traits(parent, 

to a source file containing just the original function and it's 

Re: How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable variables in a class?

2023-06-05 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 15:13:43 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:

How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable

although I did not spent time on the setter body... I suppose 
the question was more about the metprogramming technic, and 
that you don't want a pre-mashed solution ;)

By the other solution is to use 

class Color {}

class Rectangle {
private Color fillColor;
private Color strokeColor;
private uint strokeWidth;

auto opDispatch(string member, T)(auto ref T t)
 static if (member == "setStrokeWidth") {}
else static if (member == "setStrokeColor") {}
else static if (member == "setFillColor") {}
else static assert(0, "cannot set " ~ member);
return this;

void main()
(new Rectangle)

Sure the first solution takes advantage of D features but to 
generate code that finally looks like C# or Delphi (`Set`, `Get`; 
`property`, etc.)

On top of that I tend to prefer the later solution because 
self-introspection based on `__traits` has corner issues, 
especially when typecons-like structures are used for the members 
(e.g sumtype, nullable, etc.).

Re: How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable variables in a class?

2023-06-05 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:
How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable 
variables in my class? Do I need to use `__traits`?

I need this for my 
[tiny-svg]( project to 
generate `setX` methods for all Shapes.

class Rectangle {
private immutable ...;
private Color fillColor;
private Color strokeColor;
private uint strokeWidth;

this(int x, int y) {...}


// I need this:
Rectangle setFillColor(Color color) {...}
Rectangle setStrokeColor(Color color) {...}
Rectangle setStrokeWidth(uint color) {...}

Is there a reason you can't just make these fields `public`?

D supports property accessors, so you can always go back and make 
them `private` later on if it turns out you need to. For example:

// Before
class MyClass1
public int data;

void example1(MyClass1 c)
{ = 123; // set
int n =; // get

// After
class MyClass2
private int data_;
int data() { return data; }
void data(int value) { data = value; }

void example2(MyClass2 c)
// Usage is exactly the same = 123; // set
int n =; // get

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 14:29:35 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:

On 06/06/2023 2:25 AM, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 14:16:39 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

In my book this is broken and needs to be fixed, as a user i 
don't care about under the hood things, it's a you problem, 
user should be able to unit test

The docs say it should work:

So either the docs are wrong or the implementation is bugged. 
If there's no issue yet, could you please file one?

Yes that is what I recommended earlier in the thread. But 
automatic running requires druntime.

Ah, I see now. It's working as expected then.

Re: How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable variables in a class?

2023-06-05 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 13:57:20 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:
How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable 
variables in my class? Do I need to use `__traits`?

I need this for my 
[tiny-svg]( project to 
generate `setX` methods for all Shapes.

class Rectangle {
private immutable ...;
private Color fillColor;
private Color strokeColor;
private uint strokeWidth;

this(int x, int y) {...}


// I need this:
Rectangle setFillColor(Color color) {...}
Rectangle setStrokeColor(Color color) {...}
Rectangle setStrokeWidth(uint color) {...}

new Rectangle(10, 10)

You need to put an user attribute on the fieldd then to use 
static introspection to generate the setters.

Very basically that works like that

enum Set;
class Color {}

auto generateSetters(T)()
string result;
import std.traits;
static foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, T))
alias member = __traits(getMember, T, m);
static if (hasUDA!(member, Set))
result ~= "void set" ~ m ~  "(" ~ 
typeof(member).stringof ~ "){}\n";

return result;

class Rectangle {
@Set private Color fillColor;
@Set private Color strokeColor;
@Set private uint strokeWidth;


void main()
with (new Rectangle) {


although I did not spent time on the setter body... I suppose the 
question was more about the metprogramming technic, and that you 
don't want a pre-mashed solution ;)

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 14:16:39 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

In my book this is broken and needs to be fixed, as a user i 
don't care about under the hood things, it's a you problem, 
user should be able to unit test

The docs say it should work:

So either the docs are wrong or the implementation is bugged. If 
there's no issue yet, could you please file one?

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 06/06/2023 2:25 AM, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 14:16:39 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

In my book this is broken and needs to be fixed, as a user i don't 
care about under the hood things, it's a you problem, user should be 
able to unit test

The docs say it should work:

So either the docs are wrong or the implementation is bugged. If there's 
no issue yet, could you please file one?

Yes that is what I recommended earlier in the thread. But automatic 
running requires druntime.

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 06/06/2023 2:16 AM, ryuukk_ wrote:
In my book this is broken and needs to be fixed, as a user i don't care 
about under the hood things, it's a you problem, user should be able to 
unit test

If you as the user disable key components required for the language to 
fully work, its a you problem, not a compiler developer problem.

This is true in C just as much as it is in D.

If you want to go at it alone, you have to accept the consequences of 
your actions.

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 11:41:08 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:

On 05/06/2023 3:42 PM, ryuukk_ wrote:
I don't know how all this works, but the runtime shouldn't 
know about tests, imagine if you ship a game, and the player 
can run all the unittests, that doesn't make sense

Currently that is not possible. When you turn on unittests to 
be compiled in, that runtime will automatically run them and 
then end the program.

The compiler should run the unittest, the compiler should run 
the unittest, no matter what flag the programmer is using, in 
that case: -betterC

Run what?

Until its in a binary on the target platform (which may not be 
the host), there is nothing to run.

Running using CTFE will not allow for testing for things that 
are platform dependent. Which we do plenty of.

You guys should read what you suggest to people sometimes, i 
repeat, D is not a new language, and D is not the only 
language, provide greatness to people, not dumb and broken 

It's not broken. It's working exactly how it needs to work.

You can't expect a runtime dependent feature that has no way of 
working without a runtime, to work without a runtime.

In my book this is broken and needs to be fixed, as a user i 
don't care about under the hood things, it's a you problem, user 
should be able to unit test

How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable variables in a class?

2023-06-05 Thread Ki Rill via Digitalmars-d-learn
How do I generate `setX` methods for all private mutable 
variables in my class? Do I need to use `__traits`?

I need this for my [tiny-svg]( 
project to generate `setX` methods for all Shapes.

class Rectangle {
private immutable ...;
private Color fillColor;
private Color strokeColor;
private uint strokeWidth;

this(int x, int y) {...}


// I need this:
Rectangle setFillColor(Color color) {...}
Rectangle setStrokeColor(Color color) {...}
Rectangle setStrokeWidth(uint color) {...}

new Rectangle(10, 10)

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 05/06/2023 3:42 PM, ryuukk_ wrote:
I don't know how all this works, but the runtime shouldn't know about 
tests, imagine if you ship a game, and the player can run all the 
unittests, that doesn't make sense

Currently that is not possible. When you turn on unittests to be 
compiled in, that runtime will automatically run them and then end the 

The compiler should run the unittest, the compiler should run the 
unittest, no matter what flag the programmer is using, in that case: 

Run what?

Until its in a binary on the target platform (which may not be the 
host), there is nothing to run.

Running using CTFE will not allow for testing for things that are 
platform dependent. Which we do plenty of.

You guys should read what you suggest to people sometimes, i repeat, D 
is not a new language, and D is not the only language, provide greatness 
to people, not dumb and broken stuff

It's not broken. It's working exactly how it needs to work.

You can't expect a runtime dependent feature that has no way of working 
without a runtime, to work without a runtime.

Re: What's dxml DOMEntity(R) type ?

2023-06-05 Thread Ferhat Kurtulmuş via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 10:01:01 UTC, John Xu wrote:
The parseDOM returns a DOMEntity(R) type, how do I write a 
xmlRoot as global variable?

I need its detailed type (auto / Variant doesn't work).

import dxml.dom;
?? xmlRoot;
int main() {
string xml = readText("a.xml");
auto dom = parseDOM(xml);
xmlRoot = dom.children[0];

import dxml.dom;
import std.stdio;

DOMEntity!string xmlRoot;
int main()
string xml = "";
auto dom = parseDOM(xml);
writeln(typeof(dom.children[0]).stringof); // yields 

xmlRoot = dom.children[0];
return 0;

What's dxml DOMEntity(R) type ?

2023-06-05 Thread John Xu via Digitalmars-d-learn
The parseDOM returns a DOMEntity(R) type, how do I write a 
xmlRoot as global variable?

I need its detailed type (auto / Variant doesn't work).

import dxml.dom;
?? xmlRoot;
int main() {
string xml = readText("a.xml");
auto dom = parseDOM(xml);
xmlRoot = dom.children[0];

Re: unittest under betterC

2023-06-05 Thread DLearner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 June 2023 at 03:42:20 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

I don't know how all this works, ...

For what it is worth, running _both_ the above code fragments 

dmd -main -unittest -i -run foo

(ie removing the -betterC flag)

foo.d(8): [unittest] != Assert triggered.
1/1 modules FAILED unittests

which is what was expected.