Re: Reflection on the book D web development.

2020-11-28 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

& Golang has Martini which is quite easy to use,

Re: Reflection on the book D web development.

2020-11-25 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

hunt-http has no documentation and does not looks usable to me.
What looks usable is kemal & the crystal language,

Re: Reflection on the book D web development.

2020-11-21 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
It's not my related to a lack of knowledge of the d-language but 
the complexity of the vibe.d framework itself.

What I understand are :
1: jade/diet .dt templates, inheritance,includes,markdown.
2: A simple form with POST method.
Then it stops.
What I find too complex:
- Sessions, session data , session variables
- Handler functions and delegates, compile-time reflection, 
prefixes, annotation.

- Authentication
- Validating user input
This can be improved by improving documentation in very small 

As comparison here a tutorial of ruby-flask which uses only small 
steps so everything can easily and completely be understood.

Something like that for vibe.d would be very interesting.

Reflection on the book D web development.

2020-11-20 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

I bought the book "D Web Development".
I understand only 20% of the book,the other 80% is way above my 
Compare, I own a book on flask development, and I understand 100% 
of it.
Which means I can use dlang for anything except QT and serious 
web development ...

Re: How to use bootstrap with vibe.d.

2020-11-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

It know it gives you nice buttons.
I suppose to use it you add the bootstrap .js and .css file links 
to the diet templates.

How to use bootstrap with vibe.d.

2020-11-04 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

In flask it is "from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap".
But what do you have to do with vibe.d ?

GtkD CRUD Application

2020-10-17 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

I've written the beginning but dont know how to end.
What is the way to add functionality for the add,edit,delete 
button ?

import gtk.Button;
import gtk.Box;
import gtk.Label;
import gtk.Entry;
import gtk.Grid;
import gtk.Main;
import gtk.MainWindow;
import gtk.Widget;
import gdk.Event: Event;
import std.array: assocArray;
import std.conv: to;
import std.format : format;
import std.range: iota, retro, drop, zip;
import std.stdio: writeln;

struct nameage {
string name;
int age;

class Row: Box {
ulong index;
this(nameage anameage,ulong index){
this.packStart((new Label(,0,0,0);
this.packStart((new Label(to!string(anameage.age))),0,0,0);
this.packStart((new Button("Edit")),0,0,0);
this.packStart((new Button("Delete")),0,0,0);


class MyWindow : MainWindow {

Box vbox;
nameage []mynameage;

void quit(){

void addclicked(){

this(int sizex,int sizey){
nameage nameage1=nameage("Alain",20);
nameage nameage2=nameage("Eddy",30);
mynameage ~= nameage1;
mynameage ~= nameage2;
super("My Locate D-lang App");
addOnDestroy(delegate void(Widget w) { quit(); } );
vbox=new Box(Orientation.VERTICAL,5);
foreach (ulong i,anameage;mynameage){
Row arow=new Row(anameage,i);
Button addbutton=new Button("Add");
addbutton.addOnClicked(delegate void(Button 


int main(string[] args){
int sizex=800;
int sizey=600;
MyWindow window=new MyWindow(sizex,sizey);;
return 0;

Re: vibe.d / experience / feedback

2020-10-14 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there an example just more functional then skeleton http 
server ?

Sending data to the server and back .

Re: vibe.d / experience / feedback

2020-10-14 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn


Re: vibe.d / experience / feedback

2020-10-14 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

One concept at a time.
This is one of the simplest examples in vibe.d.
I look for the code for the same functionality but without 
Where are the @ lines explained ?

Re: vibe.d / experience / feedback

2020-10-13 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
What is weird is that rails is THE ruby application , that flask 
is the python application, and that dlang can't have something 
like that in their standard library.

An opportunity missed.
On the other hand I don't understand the interest in Java/swing 
when there is a good working gtkd which is a good working and 
beautiful framework.

Re: Why does sum not work in static arrays?

2020-10-11 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Sidenote, sort also not works with static arrays.

Re: vibe.d / experience / feedback

2020-10-10 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
For a framework to be successful you need at least a minimum of 
sample code in public domain.

For vibe it is none existent.
I could not even find demo code doing a redirect which is the 
most basic stuff.
The number of books on a framework is also an indication of the 
success after a few years.

Compare for instance to Flask or rails.
Also a framework must concentrate on one task.
A web framework should not care about sql. Neither a GUI 

Re: How to spawn a thread within a GtkD button event handler

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
With idle (not the editor :)) , it works perfect. Thanks for your 

Re: How to spawn a thread within a GtkD button event handler

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'll try your example. Thanks.

Re: How to spawn a thread within a GtkD button event handler

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

I did not used glib.idle. Probably this is essential.

Re: How to spawn a thread within a GtkD button event handler

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

No use geany. The error occurs also when no editor is open.
I think the gtk libraries are not meant to be used in 
multithreaded way, where gtk is not knowing what is happening.

A process in background doing file things is no problem.
It is when a process in background tries to update a lot of 

Probably the internal event queue of gtk gets confused.

Re: How to spawn a thread within a GtkD button event handler

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
The idea looked good but gtk was unhave when 1000 labels where 
updated by another thread.

Re: How to spawn a thread within a GtkD button event handler

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
I created blindly a thread and this allowed to do stuff in 
But when i passed the mainwindow as argument and did some stuff 
it resulted in,

[xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue
[xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and 
XInitThreads has not been called

[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
Assertion failed: (!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost), function 
poll_for_event, file xcb_io.c, line 263.

Program exited with code -6

Re: How to spawn a thread within a GtkD button event handler

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
One thing I want to do is in an eventhandler of a button released 
event which takes minutes in duration to change the state of the 
statusbar indicating something is going on.

But the statusbar is not redrawn before the evenhandler finishes.

Better would be to start a new thread but D-spwawn-threads can 
not call member functions of the MainWindow calls so some 
plumbing with gtk is needed. This thread would coexist with the 
gtk main eventloop. The GTK docs on this look overwhelmingly 
complicated at first.

How to spawn a thread within a GtkD button event handler

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
Because when the eventhandler takes to much time the application 
is no longer responsive.
And even a simple redraw request is not performed before ending 
of the thread.

A small and short demo app would nice. Or guideline and direction.

Re: Efficient sort function allowing own test and swap function as parameter

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 October 2020 at 11:05:39 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 October 2020 at 22:18:39 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:
I have a large table consisting of two columns.One with 
words.Another with frequencies. I want to sort them 
efficiently according to the names or frequency.
For this I need an efficient sort function where I can plugin 
my proper test of order, and proper swap. Currently I do it 
using an own written bubble sort that doesn't scale well.

you can use std.range:zip with std.algorithm:sort:

import std;
void main()
string[] names = ["Bob", "Alice", "Foo", "Bar"];
int[] freq = [5, 7, 1, 6];

zip(names, freq).sort!"a[0] < b[0]"; // sort by name

zip(names, freq).sort!"a[1] < b[1]"; // sort by 


This was what I was looking for. This zip combined with sort is 

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-08 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

I found dub.json has very important info,
To name three : importPaths , libs , dependencies.
When these are right you have started for 80%.
Without nagging, when you begin you are however lost in the woods 
and it makes the impression to lose interest completely.

For ease there is : targetName, targetPath, sourcePaths.

What is also quite annoying is links to libraries which are 
E.g. sql-libraries where no code check-in has been done for 
almost ten years.

Efficient sort function allowing own test and swap function as parameter

2020-10-06 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a large table consisting of two columns.One with 
words.Another with frequencies. I want to sort them efficiently 
according to the names or frequency.
For this I need an efficient sort function where I can plugin my 
proper test of order, and proper swap. Currently I do it using an 
own written bubble sort that doesn't scale well.

Re: It is possible to substract 5 from 3 unsigned integer

2020-10-06 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

There are two subtractions possible.
A machine-one which can be architecture dependent, does not have 
the same results on all computers, and behaves like a modulus in 

A logical one. For the last one higher classes might be needed.

Re: It is possible to substract 5 from 3 unsigned integer

2020-10-06 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 6 October 2020 at 12:24:56 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

Is that the expected behavior of the programmer?
Opinions can differ. Feel free to elaborate.

E.g. length of a string unsigned long.

It is possible to substract 5 from 3 unsigned integer

2020-10-06 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is that the expected behavior of the programmer?
Opinions can differ. Feel free to elaborate.

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Use "rangify" template to get forward range from answer

Thanks, this answers the question on programmatic level.
Yet I guess something is special with the answer datatype which 
makes foreach to fail.

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 14:57:53 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

answer[0][0].as!PGtext contains good data

I found an answer.

foreach(rownumber; answer.length.iota){
auto arow=answer[rownumber];

Yet it would be nice to know why i can't iterate directly over 
answer using foreach.

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

answer[0][0].as!PGtext contains good data

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Just Connection worked.
But how do I loop over results of a select statement.
string sql=format(" SELECT * from %s ;",tablepredata);
auto answer = conn.exec(sql);
foreach(arow; answer){
Fails with,
dub ~master: building configuration "application"...
source/app.d(36,3): Error: invalid foreach aggregate answer, 
define opApply(), range primitives, or use .tupleof

/usr/local/bin/ldc2 failed with exit code 1.

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 13:30:22 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 11:35:43 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:47:45 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:34:37 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:24:26 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:


Take a look at:

Say I want to use dpq2.
Do I need to clone the git repository with "git clone ?"

No, you just dub add dpq2

With dub.json:
"dependencies": {
"dpq2": "~>1.0.17"
It worked.
Something I ask myself is how do I pass a connection from one 
function to another.

string url=format("hostaddr='' port='5432' dbname='%s' 
user='%s' password='%s'",db,user,pass);

Connection conn = new Connection(url);
auto answer = conn.exec("SELECT version()");

void myfunction(  conn)
What is the type I should use for passing conn ?

Maybe just Connection ?

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 11:35:43 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:47:45 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:34:37 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:24:26 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:


Take a look at:

Say I want to use dpq2.
Do I need to clone the git repository with "git clone ?"

No, you just dub add dpq2

With dub.json:
"dependencies": {
"dpq2": "~>1.0.17"
It worked.
Something I ask myself is how do I pass a connection from one 
function to another.

string url=format("hostaddr='' port='5432' dbname='%s' 
user='%s' password='%s'",db,user,pass);

Connection conn = new Connection(url);
auto answer = conn.exec("SELECT version()");

void myfunction(  conn)
What is the type I should use for passing conn ?

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 09:24:33 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 09:05:16 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:


You don't need to install dpq2 if you are using dub to build 
your project. Add it as a dependency to your dub.json (or 
dub.sdl if you prefer that format). When you build your 
project, dub will download the version you configured as your 
dependency and compile it along with your project.


Thanks for this clear explanation. I'll try first using the dub 
PS : Manual does not look easy with different versions in the 
/home/myhome/.dub/packages directory.

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:54:39 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 10:25 AM Alaindevos via 
Digitalmars-d-learn <> wrote:

Can I say python has pip, ruby has bundle and D has dub.
Meaning they perform the same function ?
Or am I wrong?

Yes and no. Dub is Dlang dependency solution but it is not 
installer as pip is

As I use unix the parameters for include and library are a real
I have totally no idea how to connect to a postgresql database.
Where and how do I start to connect to a postgresql database ?
I write a .d program to connect.
But then I need to include the database-connection-library.d 

Where do I place it ?
And link a database-connection. object file.
How is it installed ? There is a only a git i can clone ?
Do I need to create and edit a specific dub json config file ?
It is very unclear how to start.

Yes if you want to use any of dub packages you need to add it 
as a dependency to your dub.json (dub.sdl)

A name dependency solution is at least vage.
How do I install ,
on unix so in the code i write the .d files of that library and 
after compilation linked to the libary shared objects. For that 
shared object must be installed. How ?

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:50:53 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:47:45 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:34:37 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:24:26 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:


Take a look at:

Say I want to use dpq2.
Do I need to clone the git repository with "git clone ?"

rdmd is as expected unaware of includes and libraries needed.

rdmd --build-only test.d
test.d(3): Error: module `dpq2` is in file 'dpq2.d' which 
cannot be read

import path[0] = .
import path[1] = /usr/local/include/d
Failed: ["/usr/local/bin/ldmd2", "-v", "-o-", "test.d", "-I."]

I cloned the git repository with ,running make does nothing. 
There is no makefile.

Dub build spits out,
dub build 
Main package must not have target type "sourceLibrary". Cannot 

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:47:45 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:34:37 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:24:26 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:


Take a look at:

Say I want to use dpq2.
Do I need to clone the git repository with "git clone ?"

rdmd is as expected unaware of includes and libraries needed.

rdmd --build-only test.d
test.d(3): Error: module `dpq2` is in file 'dpq2.d' which cannot 
be read

import path[0] = .
import path[1] = /usr/local/include/d
Failed: ["/usr/local/bin/ldmd2", "-v", "-o-", "test.d", "-I."]

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:34:37 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:24:26 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:


Take a look at:

Say I want to use dpq2.
Do I need to clone the git repository with "git clone ?"

Re: question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 October 2020 at 08:24:26 UTC, Alaindevos wrote:

Can I say python has pip, ruby has bundle and D has dub.
Meaning they perform the same function ?
Or am I wrong?

As I use unix the parameters for include and library are a real 

I have totally no idea how to connect to a postgresql database.
Where and how do I start to connect to a postgresql database ?
I write a .d program to connect.
But then I need to include the database-connection-library.d 

Where do I place it ?
And link a database-connection. object file.
How is it installed ? There is a only a git i can clone ?
Do I need to create and edit a specific dub json config file ?
It is very unclear how to start.

[Cfr. in python it is just a "pip install postgres". And you're 
fine ]

Thanks for any info.

Some additional question, i struggle with.
Do i run dub make dub install on git clone ?
Or make , make install ?
Or it depends on the package provider ?
What for vibe ?
Which postgresql implementation is best for retreving query 
results record by record ?

question on dub and postgresql

2020-10-05 Thread Alaindevos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Can I say python has pip, ruby has bundle and D has dub.
Meaning they perform the same function ?
Or am I wrong?

As I use unix the parameters for include and library are a real 

I have totally no idea how to connect to a postgresql database.
Where and how do I start to connect to a postgresql database ?
I write a .d program to connect.
But then I need to include the database-connection-library.d file.
Where do I place it ?
And link a database-connection. object file.
How is it installed ? There is a only a git i can clone ?
Do I need to create and edit a specific dub json config file ?
It is very unclear how to start.

[Cfr. in python it is just a "pip install postgres". And you're 
fine ]

Thanks for any info.